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Dark Destiny

Page 8

by Thomas Grave

  The Elder continued on with a few more names, each time more pronounced and with proud conviction. Finally, he finished with, This is who you arrrrrre. . .

  The last word coming out in a whisper.

  “I can’t do this,” the Reaper replied.

  The Book remained silent.

  The Reaper was quiet for a second as well. “Jared is my best friend. I’ve already lost somebody. I—I can’t lose anyone else. Not again.”

  With a long, suffering sigh, the Elder spoke. It’s the circle of life, Reaper. This human has paid his toll. Now, it is time for you to collect.

  “No,” the Reaper told him firmly.

  I see that you have been human too long. You seem to have developed . . . feelings, the Elder said distastefully.

  “I don’t know how to be any clearer. I am not ‘reaping’ my best friend.”

  Reaper . . . er, Sebastian, is it? Listen to me. Let me explain. When the toll is paid, a pact is made. That pact states that someone will pass. There is no changing this fact. You do have the power to save this boy, but if you choose to do so, that toll will automatically be passed on to someone close to him.

  He knew instantly. “Hope.”

  Her life will be forfeited. Can this boy live with the guilt of losing his sister when it should have been him?

  “I cannot lose her either—”

  At that point, the pact will jump again. And it could be anyone. No one is safe. Not even your mother.


  Make your choice, Reaper. Will it be Jared? If not him, then his sister? If not her, then—

  “Quiet.” He cut the Elder off so he could think.

  Rufus stared at Jared with cold, hard eyes. The look on this kid’s face told him everything he needed to know. He had seen hard times. Rufus understood the sort of life he’d probably had all too well. In time, he knew he’d be able to break this kid. At first, Jared would make a decent street soldier. He could take him in, teach him more about how cruel this world was, and teach him how to survive. He would mold him into the perfect weapon of crime. He could see this boy quickly rising through the ranks, dispatching Rufus’ particular kind of justice, doing his will. Eventually, Rufus would retire with the life he always wanted, and be satisfied with this kid taking over. He could finally allow himself to be happy.

  But that would take way too much work.

  “Kill him,” he said nonchalantly as he walked away.

  The answer was simple. Jared was his best friend, but his mom . . . was his mom. There had to be a way out of this situation.

  It is almost time, the Elder pushed.

  There had to be a way. Maybe it was possible to save all three, but something inside him told him that was unlikely. If he saved all three, would that pact jump again or be stuck on his mom? Would he be signing his mother’s contract with death? Was that the lesson here? If he didn’t do his job, others close to him would suffer?

  Resigned to his new fate, he sighed. “What do I have to do?”

  Currently, our power level is extremely low, the Elder told him. You can feel the power in your hands. Because of this, you will have to slam your hands together. Eventually, you will be able to enter Purgatorium with a snap of the fingers, a whisper or even a thought.

  In the alley, the mood shifted. No more waiting. Jared leapt forward, attacking Rufus. In response, all of the gang members charged and swarmed Jared. There was so much activity in the pile of men. Kicking, punching, shoving, biting. Jared was definitely fighting, but Sebastian wasn’t sure he was winning. He couldn’t be. He was hopelessly outnumbered.

  The Reaper’s heartbeat quickened. He held his breath, waiting to see what would happen next. An electric and living power filled him, focused within the flesh of his hands, and slithered under his skin, almost burning him with the ache to be released. The sensation was as if he stood in a warm, dark ocean with the tide pulling at him, begging for him to let go.

  This power, this living force was his to command, his to wield as he saw fit. He balled his hands into fists as he concentrated. The skin tightened around his knuckles. The power dimmed, a great beast lying down to rest, yet ready to respond to his call.

  He breathed in deeply, then out. On the second breath out he slammed his hands together in front of him, calling up the force within and sending a powerful shockwave through the air. The air hazed as Purgatorium ripples expanded from his hands. The sound of tidal waters slapped the air as time stopped.

  The gang members, still piled on top of Jared, froze in place.

  The first time he had seen this place was in Mr. Thompson’s class, but now it felt more real, more alive. The mood was gloomy, like a withered, ancient oil painting of a nightmare brought to life. In some parts of the canvas, the colors were bleached, darkened or faded. In others, they were vibrant and alive. Still, in spite of its horror, the Reaper felt deep inside of him that he was . . . home.

  Monday, 9:14 pm (Purgatorium)

  Crumbling buildings with busted windows lined the twisted, broken street. Dust and acrid smoke filled the dark night, seeping from manhole covers and sewer grates. Electric poles lay broken in the streets like fallen trees and shattered streetlights. The lights that weren’t broken blinked and flickered. The only real source of lighting came from bonfires blazing in rusting barrels in the alleyway corners, as well as from a slowly burning, rusted-out truck. The flames cast an eerie orange glow over the decrepit place, and the smell of ash littered the air.

  It was a dark, mirror image of the alley, only more sinister, but to the Reaper, it felt familiar and comfortable. The creepy ambiance came to him naturally. A true city of the dead. The Reaper detected the incipient danger of the world as he crept forward. Broken glass crunched under his leather boots from the shattered streetlights.

  “What exactly is this place?”

  This is Purgatorium. Most humans have shortened the name to ‘Purgatory.’ It can be two things: the place of purification or a place of temporary punishment.

  “It’s weird, this place feels like home.”

  This was once your domain.

  “My domain? You mean, I lived here?”

  Lived? In a manner of speaking.

  “Okay,” he replied. “And what do you mean, ‘place of purification or temporary punishment?’”

  The Elder cleared its throat before proceeding. After someone dies, there are three places they can go:

  1. If they were good in nature, they will go into the light.

  2. If they were pure evil with no hope for redemption, they go to the place of true evil and are never heard of again.

  3. Purgatorium. This is where you are now. Once a Soul has left its human body, it will travel here. It will have two options:

  a. It can reflect on past mistakes, accepting them and itself and move forward into the light.

  b. Or, it stays here, forever torturing itself over failures in its life. Often there is no salvation for these Souls. Eventually they destroy themselves or become something darker.

  “But Elder, deaths happens all the time all over the world. It would be impossible for me to be at all of those locations at the same time, right?”

  You do not have to be. Your job is only to guide certain Souls into the Light. To protect them from others who will try to stop them.

  The hairs on the back of Sebastian’s neck stood up as chills rushed down his body. He caught a glimpse of something slithering along the walls. It moved quickly. There one moment, then gone like an animated oil puddle.

  The Elder continued speaking. Most Souls simply transition over to Purgatorium where they will wait until they can work out their issues and move onto the next step . . . whatever that might be.

  “Did you see that?” Sebastian asked.

  Ah, yes. Stalkers. Those are the ‘something darker’ I was speaking of. These creatures or Souls are some of the inhabitants of Purgatorium. Stalkers will usually try to harm new Souls destined for the Light.

“Some?” Sebastian asked. “People live here?”

  There’s that word again . . .

  Out of the corner of Sebastian’s eye, shadows danced. The back wall, which was completely illuminated in the real world, was now covered in darkness. It had an uneasy presence to it, calling out to him, asking him to step toward it. He adjusted his vision and saw them. Many pairs of glowing eyes appeared along the walls. Some blinked. Others hissed and growled. He squinted his eyes, venturing farther into the shadows. And then he saw them. They were black skinned creatures with long talons for fingers, each one as sharp as a razor, and no lips with jagged teeth.

  You needn’t worry. Deep inside, they fear and respect the power of Death. However, if you were not here, things might turn out differently.

  “How so?”

  Most likely, with this many, they would have torn him apart in an attempt to get at the Light.

  “What about Jared? Will he be okay?”

  You know, of course, that Jared can be something of a trouble maker. If he’d been killed at another time in his life, at a time when he wasn’t quite so sure of his Soul, well, he might have found himself in Purgatorium until he sorted himself out, or even worse. As it is, the Light will be here for him shortly.

  Sebastian nodded.

  All of the gang members faded away, leaving only Jared visible. Frozen in time, he fought for his life as his body hung suspended in air. His fists were curled tightly with one arm stretched out in front of him. His face was contorted, perhaps in pain, perhaps in determination. The Reaper moved toward him.

  Disappointment wouldn’t begin to describe the way Sebastian felt.

  Touch his shoulder, the Elder instructed.

  As he did, the Power flowed through him. A second later, Jared fell, landing hard on his back.

  “What the—?” Jared stammered. A few feet in front of him, a bright tunnel of light shone down from the sky. It lit up a small part of the alley, igniting white mist that swirled and crept around them.

  The Light called out to him. His fingers tingled as a wave of warmth came into him giving the rest of his body chills. Even though it was inches from him, its glow warm and loving. Harmony and bliss washed through him. His own aura began glowing white.

  Truth filled him.

  A perfect afterlife awaited him, forgiveness for the things he had done, for the people he had hurt. A low whisper called out to him, a voice that sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it. One that brought love. It called out to him again and his eyes glistened in wonder. A wondrous smile stretched across Jared’s face.

  He reached out for it.

  The Reaper stood directly behind Jared. He couldn’t let this happen. Not yet. Not without getting some answers first.

  In a flash, the Reaper grabbed Jared by the neck and slammed him into the wall thirty-five feet behind them. Jared’s head bounced off the brick wall.

  “What is this?” Jared screamed.

  “I always knew you were damaged, beating up bullies. I just never thought it would go this far.” The Reaper’s dark voice echoed, booming off the alley walls. Sebastian noticed that his voice sounded older, slightly deeper and had more of a dark edge to it.

  “I don’t—Huh?!”

  “Picking a fight with a whole gang! Are you stuck on stupid?”

  Jared winced. “What!?”

  Reaper, I sense your anger. This is not good with your power being so low, the Elder informed him.

  The Reaper tossed Jared down on the ground. To his surprise, Jared landed so hard he bounced a half inch back up in the air before landing with a sickening thud.

  Jared arched his back. “Oouuuch.”

  “Did your brain decide, today of all days, to have a major malfunction?” the Reaper asked, the top of his body arched, stalking forward like a wild animal after its prey, his thick heavy cloak flapping wildly like a black flag in a wind storm.

  Jared stood up, hands balled into fists. “Look, freak! I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m not going out like this, alright.”

  A moment of unnerving silence passed between them. Finally, the Reaper stood straight and pulled back his cowl to reveal himself.

  “Sebastian! What? Why are you dressed like that?”

  “What were you thinking?” Sebastian demanded.

  “Wait, what?” Jared squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing his face.

  “This! Jared, look!” Sebastian said, pointing to the tunnel of Light. “See that? This is all you, man. You did this!”

  “What? Huh?” Jared scratched the back of his head. “I—I don’t know what any of this is!”

  “You’re dead, Jared!”

  Jared’s expression was like a puppy lost in the woods. “Huh? What?”

  “Oh, my God,” Sebastian said quickly to himself. He reached for his forehead and let his hand drag down the side of his face. He took a deep breath and spoke with more calm, each word coming out clear and articulate. “Because of your actions today, you are now dead.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes, dammit! Can you at least tell me what caused you to start a fight with a whole freaking gang? You owe me that at least.”

  “What makes you think I owe you anything?”

  “Because, I’m going to be the one who has to tell your sister you are dead!”

  Jared swallowed and turned away.

  “How does something like this even happen?” Sebastian asked.

  Jared exhaled. “I don’t know, man. To be honest, when I found out Sara was dead, I—” He stopped talking and shot a look to Sebastian, guilt stuck on his face.

  “Sara?” Sebastian found his himself asking with caution. He took a step toward Jared. “What about her?”

  Jared didn’t reply. Instead, he took a step back.

  Was it true? Sebastian thought. Was Hope right about Jared having feelings for Sara? Couldn’t be. Not Jared. But the look on his face. It said it all.

  “You loved her, didn’t you?” Sebastian asked.

  Silence fell. The only thing heard soon after was the faint sound of water lapping.

  Reaper, you need to contain your emotions, the Elder said. You are losing your grip.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Jared glared at him. “What a stupid question.”

  Sebastian, listen to me. In thirty seconds, the female known as Hope Ryan, age 17, will enter this alley. If she does that, her pact will be created. The gang will see her as a witness. She will die.

  Sebastian’s voice broke. “No.”

  “What?” Jared asked, concerned.

  “Your sister,” Sebastian told him. “She’s on her way here.”

  Jared’s expression shifted from concerned to shocked in a matter of seconds. “What? How did she even know how to find me? The only way would . . .” He checked his hand. “My phone.”

  Jared turned around and searched the spot where he had been standing. A ghostly version of his phone lay on the ground. It was still back in the Real World, but it cast a ghostly shadow here.

  Sebastian . . .

  The tone of voice the Elder used. It was the same mechanical tone he had used to announce Jared’s death. He knew what was coming. Sebastian commanded, “Wait.”

  Hope Ryan—

  “Just, give me a second to think—”

  The Elder continued, Age 17, Time of—

  “Stop!” Sebastian shouted . . . and lost control.

  The area was flooded with one final Purgatorium bright blue shockwave, so large it engulfed Jared completely. He brought his arms up to protect himself from the explosion. It passed through him and faded away, taking him with it. The world repaired itself as the living world transitioned back.

  “JARED!” Sebastian screamed, watching his friend be consumed by the ripple, fading away with it.

  Monday, 9:17 pm

  The gang members piled in a single location, on top of what should have been Jared, kicking and pushing and shoving.

  Then. . .

sp; BOOM.

  An explosion shot upward. The gang members flew through the air like a mushroom cloud of human bodies. Gang members crashed into everything, everywhere. Sickening thuds from bodies hitting buildings, fire escapes, windows and walls came from all directions. At ground zero, the Reaper rose, like a demon rising out of hell.

  No pact created, the Elder complimented. By taking out the gang, they will not see your female friend; therefore, she will not die.

  “What about Jared?” he asked, wondering if he had blown his first official job as Death. “Tell me he’s not lost in some sort of ghostly limbo.”

  He is lost to Purgatorium.

  “What does that mean? What about his chance at the Light?”

  Softly, the Elder spoke, By yanking him away from the Light in combination with losing control of your power, you have robbed him of that opportunity. He will now exist as a resident of Purgatorium.

  The Reaper slammed his eyes shut while his lips pressed together into a thin line. “I’ll fix this.”

  At least your friend, Hope, is safe.

  The Elder was right. And with her being on her way here, he needed to act fast. Jared’s phone lay upside down on the dirty pavement. He dropped to one knee, picked it up with his gloved hand, and held the power button to turn it off. It vibrated once, a brief shudder, before going dead.

  He stood and surveyed the area. Unconscious bodies lay everywhere. Some hung off the fire escapes while others dangled off the tops of the roofs, and some draped out of busted windows.

  “Geez,” he said. There was no way he could let Hope see this alley. There would be too many questions he couldn’t answer. He was closer to Hope than almost anyone, but this was too much. Even for her.

  And how he was dressed was another issue.

  He stared down at his gloved hands, wondering how quickly he could strip them off, along with the rest of his robes. He felt a flutter in the air as they and his robes burst into a black mist before fading away, leaving him back in his jeans, shirt and jacket.


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