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Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1)

Page 6

by Quell T Fox

  “Aww, really?” Eli whines, popping out his bottom lip. He actually looks adorable right now. “Can’t I persuade you to stay?” He reaches out a hand and slips it around my thigh, squeezing and trying to pull me towards him. I look down at his hand gripping my leg as I push myself to my feet. He doesn’t let go, looking up at me from his seat on the side of me.

  “Leaving so soon?” The gruff voice coming from behind startles me. I look over my shoulder and find Castor, standing alone with his hands shoved in his pockets, a smirk on his lips. His eyes dip down to where Eli and I are connected. He blinks lazily and then moves his eyes towards Eli who slowly loses his smile and lets his hand slip away.

  The tension has risen and I’m suddenly too warm, even though it’s freezing out and we aren’t anywhere near the fire.

  “Yep. I’m tired,” I respond, self-consciously tucking hair behind my ear.

  “Let me take you home.”

  My eyes widen, along with everyone else’s around me. I mean, not that this is the craziest thing to happen to me. He only asked to take me home; it’s not a marriage proposal. Maybe he’s just being nice. Granted he wasn’t very nice at lunch the other day, but on the other hand he wasn’t exactly mean either, just… indifferent

  Why do I feel like Castor is the king of indifference?

  “Uh, I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I finally say, feeling completely sober. I take a sidestep out of Eli’s reach.

  “Why not?” he asks nonchalantly, tilting his head to the side. He brings his hand up to rub his jaw, his bottom finger sliding along his lip in a sinful way.

  “Because I don’t know you.” How juvenile. I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind and it has to be something an eight-year-old would say?

  “Sure you do.” His hand drops to his side, a grin appearing on his perfect face. “I’m Castor. We go to the same school and we met the other day. You have first period with my friend, Hunter, and then Thorne has the class right after your second period. See, practically related.” I fight off the smile I feel creeping up. Completely ignoring the fact he knows those things because in order for him to know those things means they have been talking about me. And to know they’ve been talking about me…

  I peek over his shoulder, searching for Lina but she isn’t where I last saw her. I turn around and look for her car.


  “Shit,” I mumble to myself.

  “Oh, your friend? Yeah, she just left with the guy she was rubbing her ass all over.”

  Curse you, Lina!

  “You don’t have to go with him,” Eli says, his words running together. Something about his comment irritates me. Like, obviously I know that. Pretty sure I can do what I want. Thanks, though.

  “Actually, sure,” I say, turning back to Castor. “I could use a ride.”

  Chapter Eight


  The nerves strike once we hit the dark road. I got into the car and buckled myself in, all the while telling myself he is only giving me a ride home, and it isn’t a big deal. I thought of changing my mind as I walked towards his car but feeling Eli’s eyes on the back of my head only pushed me to keep going. If I die tonight, I’m coming back to haunt his ass. I felt bad Castor left his friends at the party, but he assured me Thorne would ride home with Hunter even though he looks like he won’t be able to fit in the car.

  “It’s quite humorous actually, but he’ll get over it.” His tone is dry but has a hint of mischief to it. Like he knows something but won’t say. I’ve noticed it since the first time I spoke to him. Or rather, when he spoke to me. It’s like he knows a secret and he can’t wait to share it. “So, how is this town anyway?”

  “Fine, I guess. Not much goes on. The school is good, mostly quiet.” The only way I can make myself talk is by not looking at him. I know it’s rude but if I see how hot the guy is, I’ll freeze up. Just like I did when Hunter and Thorne spoke to me. So I pretend I’m talking to an average looking guy and stare out the window, looking into darkness.

  “So I’ve noticed. A little too quiet, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know. No? I never really thought about it.” I shrug, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. I don’t feel weird being around him. It’s odd because I feel almost comfortable, but this is an unknown situation and that’s what is putting me on edge. It’s like I don’t know how to act, what to say, where to put my hands. I’m not used to being in such close proximity to such a sexy human being. I’m simultaneously nervous about talking to him, yet feel like I could be in his presence all day. My head slowly turns in his direction, not looking at him fully but wanting to get a small glimpse.

  Because I live for the torture.

  He nods his head in understanding without me saying anything more. I think he gets it.

  “Worried about the full moon?”

  What the hell?

  “Why would I worry about the full moon? Wait.” I hold up a hand. “You’re not one of those people who believes we go crazy around the full moon, are you? Cause I’m pretty sure that’s not a real thing.” I’m into astronomy, the stars and moon and all other things to do with space, but I don’t believe people go crazy under the full moon. No unless they’re a werewolf, and I’m pretty sure those aren’t real.

  He clears his throat, glancing in the rearview mirror.

  “You have no idea,” he says, reaching for the radio and turning the volume up.

  The Monster by Eminem and Rihanna gets louder as he turns the knob towards the right. I get inwardly excited but I’m too shy to show it on the outside. Eminem is by far my favorite rapper. He is easily the most talented and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. I hum along with the tune as we reach the main road.

  Castor put my address into the GPS in his phone before we took off. I’m not sure getting into the car with a stranger and giving him my address was the smartest thing to do, but if I make it home alive, I won’t have to worry about it. He won’t be getting beyond the gates. And if I don’t make it home, well then, I guess I don’t have to worry about the fact he knows where I live.

  We sit in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride. Me humming along to every song that comes on the radio and him sitting emotionless but driving perfectly, like he’s been doing it a lot longer than one or two years.

  “Got the code?” he asks as he pulls into the beginning of the driveway, idling the car as he looks towards the code box.

  “Nice try. Again, I don’t know you. And even if I did, you’re a guy and I’d rather not have blood on my hands. My uncles would tear you apart. It’s best you get out of here as fast as you can, before he smells you.”

  His head jerks back, looking offended.

  “Oh, you don’t smell bad. In fact, you smell really good. That’s the problem.” I get out of the car and duck my head back in. “He’s a vampire,” I whisper the last part and laugh, waiting for a response. When I don’t get one, I blow out a breath. “Well, good night.” I start to close the door.

  “Wait, Leona?”

  I’m shocked at how easily he says my name. The way it smoothly leaves his lips, his voice a sweet caress… it gives me goosebumps. I duck my head back in, wondering what it is he wants. “Go out with me sometime?”

  Wow. Not how I was expecting to end my night.

  “Uh, I’ll think about it?” I close the door and head to the gate quickly. I enter the code and slip through as soon as it’s open enough for me to fit. I rush around and enter it again to close it. I think of the smirk that slid over Castor’s lips as I didn’t quite turn him down but didn’t accept his proposal either, the way every other girl would have. I walk up the driveway, feeling Castor’s eyes on my back. Only when I round the curve do I hear his car take off.

  I get to the house in no time, used to taking this walk. For the longest time it was the only place outside of the house I was able to go. From the house to the gate and the gate to the house. They wouldn’t even let me venture into the woo
ds. Especially the woods to the east. Apparently, something happened over there and it’s tainted. So says Lenny, anyway. I lost interest in the woods when I heard coyotes outside. People may not be able to get in, but the animals still can, and I am all set with coming face to face with one of those.

  Not that I ever wanted to go far, it took me a while to get brave enough to even walk the yard alone. They have a lot of land here. I could easily get lost in the woods and that was a frightening thought.

  It’s earlier than I expected to be home and the lights are still on inside. I wonder how it went with Friday telling them where I was, if they even asked. One of them would have blown up my phone if that were the case, so they probably don’t know.

  I open the door and step in. I don’t even have a chance to close it before Maddox is standing in front of me. He takes a long whiff, narrowing his eyes at me. “Where have you been?” It’s innocent enough, but I sense his arrogance. Maddox feels he should know about every little thing that goes on in this house.

  “Uh, out?” I say, finally shutting the door and side stepping him, aiming for the stairs. He blocks me, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Oh yeah? I smell Clive Christian. And something… odd. Something I can’t place.”

  Clive Christian? What the hell is that?


  “Hey, Cal?” he shouts without pulling his eyes from mine. I don’t break the eye contact either, I won’t back down from him. He likes a challenge. This is how Maddox gains respect for someone. He doesn’t appreciate when people cower. He likes when people stand up to him but only in a respectful way. He’s such a pain in the ass.

  He’s also a scary looking motherfucker if you don’t know him. He’s covered in tattoos, dark hair, and bright silver eyes. Plus, he works out like every day. And you can most definitely tell. He reminds me of those Tik Tok guys who make videos at the gym. Oh, and he’s a vampire. So I’m pretty sure he could kill anyone on this planet without breaking a sweat.

  “Yes?” Callan answers from the library.

  “What would cause me to not recognize a scent?” He narrows his eyes at me. I wait patiently, knowing if I test him, it’ll only make it worse. He likes a little push, if you give too much he pushes back twice as hard. But each time, my push goes a little further. You have to be patient with Maddox.

  “That would be your old age, Mad.”

  My eyes widen and I burst into laughter. Maddox on the other hand, doesn’t find it so funny.

  “Okay, then. Well, good night!” I clap him on the shoulder and sneak around his side, rushing up the stairs and dashing into my room. I undress and hop in the shower. I know the only reason he didn’t bring up the beer was because I wasn’t drunk. If I’d come home sloshed, he’d have something to say about it. Though I’m sure there will be some kind of conversation about it tomorrow.

  But also… boy trumps beer.

  If he had missed Castor’s smell on me, there would have been a comment about the beer, but that falls to the bottom of the barrel when the male species is involved.

  I shower quickly and drop onto my large bed, pulling out my phone. I open my messages and send a text to Lina.

  Me: Thanks for leaving me behind, bitch! Hope the dick is worth it.

  Me: Love you. xoxo

  I don’t expect a response. She probably has a dick shoved halfway down her throat right now. I gag even thinking about it.

  I plug my phone in and get under the blankets. I’m sleeping before I know it.

  Chapter Nine


  Teachers waste no time jumping into the lessons, giving us as much as they can before the Holidays. They know by now most kids lose focus around this time, so they try to get it all in as soon as they can. Hunter doesn’t say anything to me in first period, not that I expect him to. Just because his friend gave me a ride home doesn’t mean we’re friends. Though he was super chatty last week and now he just isn’t. Maybe he’s having a bad day. I don’t bother trying to talk to him. In fact, I pretend he isn’t there, outside of the smile I offered when he walked in. One he didn’t return, by the way.

  After second period, I’m sure to be the first person out of class so I don’t run into Thorne again. I’m not in the mood for weird feelings today. Maybe it is because they’re all sex gods in human form, but something tells me it’s a little more than that and it’s not something I feel like dealing with on a Monday morning.

  I meet Lina to walk to our third period class together, like always. A ball of nerves has been sitting in my stomach just thinking about lunch and seeing the guys together. I’m hoping they won’t come over and talk to me again. I want this school year to go by quickly and as normal as possible. No problems, and definitely no drama.

  Honestly, none of the kids here are happy about the transfer. The jocks especially have it out for them. Being rival teams and all. No one around here takes sports too seriously, but they still have team spirit and pride. None of the football team from Braunford was sent here though. Apparently they were all sent together to Aikenwood, which is much further away. They did that purposely because they don’t have a football team.

  I don’t want to be a traitor to my school, yet at the same time, I want the boys to notice me. But I can’t and won’t make it too obvious. I don’t even like admitting it to myself. I’ve never cared about getting attention from anyone. Why now? Why them?

  “Spill,” I say the moment we get into our seats in the back of the room.

  “There’s nothing to say,” she says, pulling her stuff out of her bag.

  “Bull. You ditch me at the party and I don’t hear from you all day yesterday.” I pull my stuff from my backpack and place it on my desk. “Something happened,” I say through gritted teeth. I’m not really mad though, I just like to be dramatic sometimes. Spice things up a little.

  She sits up straight, flinging her hair over her shoulder showing off the huge, purple mark on her neck.

  “You whore!” I whisper shout, ending on a laugh. “So you’re back to his game now?”

  She shrugs, biting her bottom lip.

  “Whatever. Just don’t ignore me again. I worry about you.”

  “You’re going to give yourself wrinkles,” she says with a smile.

  “They make cream for that.”

  Class is boring. We take notes the entire time, but it’s a nice break from the lecture I got in my last class. When the bell rings, we both hop up, throw our bags over our shoulder, and head out the door towards the cafeteria. Our class isn’t far, so we get there before most students, get in line to grab our lunches and get to our table. I avoid looking around, not wanting to know who else is in here.

  Lina rambles on about Eddie and how this time things are going to be different. I don’t think it’s true, but I won’t tell her that. I listen to every word she says and nod along. It always starts this way, but they quickly get sick of each other. It’ll last for a few weeks, then it’ll end abruptly. But then it’ll start up again. This has been going on since Sophomore year and I swear they have a routine down without realizing it. Until, of course, high school ends and we move on to college. At that point I’m sure she will meet another Eddie. I only hope one day she finds someone to love and to love her in return. She’s my best friend and I want nothing more than to see her happy.

  I know when the three guys enter without seeing them. I purposely didn’t look around the room, hoping I could just ignore them. But of course my ovaries would be attracted to them like a magnet, alerting me of their presence. The entire cafeteria quiets down as they walk in, like they’re movie stars or something. It’s a nice day out and most people have chosen to sit outside, so it’s mostly empty in here. I feel them as they walk closer to me. My skin is tingling as they reach our table. They all take seats in the same spots they were in last week. Castor on my right, Thorne on his, and Hunter across from me on the side of Lina.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, avoiding eye contact with th
em. Lina is glued to her phone, a smile on her face, so I can’t expect any help from her. She’s probably sexting with Eddie. Gag. I pop another fry into my mouth and continue scrolling through my social media page absentmindedly. Why have they chosen me? I don’t want to be the chosen one. I don’t want to be the traitor. Pick someone else! Then there is the other part of me screaming her head off over wanting to reach out and run my fingers along their firm chests, one at a time. No. All of them at the same time. It’ll be like a Leona sandwich.

  “A thank you would be nice.”

  “For interrupting my lunch?” I scoff.

  “For giving you a ride.”


  He’s right.

  I never did say thank you.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I turn towards him. “Thank you for the ride.” I try to be as sincere as I can while still keeping my pride intact. I turn forward again, pretending my phone is interesting, when really I have no idea what I’m looking at. My blood is rushing through my veins like lava, my entire body is on fire with them being this close. It’s distracting.

  Hunter is busy on his phone, his eyebrows furrowed as if he’s deep in thought. Thorne is reading through a science book, studying from the looks of it. And Castor… well, he’s sitting sideways in his chair, his front facing me, with a cocky smirk across his lips. I don’t miss how his dark blue shirt clings to every curve of muscle on his body.

  “So a vampire, huh? Paranormals?”

  It’s not a secret who my family is, but no one cares. Plenty of students in this school have families who are Paranormal. Plenty of students themselves are Paranormal. I’m curious to know why they care. Their town isn’t known for being against people with powers. A few towns around here are, but theirs is not one of them. Doesn’t mean there aren’t people there who hate them, but majority rules.


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