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Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1)

Page 12

by Quell T Fox

  Thorne comes with us, as promised. It’s starting to get dark already so I tell Briella we can’t stay for long. It’s also getting colder and she doesn’t like the cold as much as I do, so I doubt she will want to be out here for long anyway. I get her bundled up in her jacket and take her hand as we walk to the end of our yard where it meets the sand.

  “Wow, this is beautiful,” Thorne says as we reach the sand. “I didn’t realize this was here.”

  “Not many people do. A lot of the lakes around here are hidden by the trees. It’s sad but a nice surprise once you find it.”

  We spend at least a half an hour walking back and forth on the beach looking for shells. We don’t find many because Briella is out here a couple times a week taking them all. She is obsessed, to put it lightly. She has numerous boxes in her room just filled with them.

  Thorne sticks by my side most of the time, staying nice and close, his smell driving me absolutely wild the entire time.

  Thorne has to leave when we get back to the house, he has to get home to help his mother with something. I don’t plead for him to stay. It’s not that I don’t want him here, in fact it’s quite the opposite, but I’d prefer him to not be here when the guys get home. It just makes things simpler. It’s worth whatever backlash I get from them finding out.

  “At least one of your uncles doesn’t want to kill me. He teaches at school, right?” he asks as he gets into his Jeep. I walk with him outside, trying to be a proper host. When really, I just want a few minutes alone with him.

  “Don’t let his niceness fool you. He’s the smartest out of the bunch; if anyone could kill you and make it look like an accident, it’d be him. And yes, he teaches at the school so watch your back.”

  “Good to know.” He winks at me and then closes the door, starts the car and heads down the driveway. My stomach doing backflips as I watch him go.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It’s Friday night and when I find out Lina doesn’t have to babysit tonight, I force her to do something with me.

  “We haven’t done anything together in a while. We need some girl time,” I plead. My head is spinning with how confusing the guys have been. I haven’t spoken to anyone about it, so it’s eating me alive. I won’t burden Lina with it tonight, I can tell she’s been stressed too. She has been occupied with whatever is going on with her and Eddie, causing her to be distant. I miss my bestie and I want some time with her. That alone will make me feel better.

  We finally agree on seeing a movie after discussing our options.

  “What do you want to see?” I pull out my phone to check the show times. We stop at Lina’s house so she can change. She insisted on needing to change before she was seen out in public, in case we run into any fresh meat. So I guess her and Eddie are really done then. Or she’s just talking out of her ass because she’s mad.

  “Comedy, Romance, or Horror?” I’m lying on Lina’s bed, belly down, feet up in the air. She’s sitting at her vanity, running her fingers through her hair removing non-existent tangles. The girl’s hair is perfect all the time.

  “If it’s a slasher, I’m all in. I could go for some blood and guts right about now.”

  “Horror it is.” I shove my phone back into my pocket and fold my hands to rest my chin on. “You know, if you want to talk about it…”

  “I’m good, but thanks.”


  “Leona, it’s fine. I promise, I’m good. I’m not going to put my problems on you. I knew what I was getting into and chose to do it anyway. I can handle it.”

  “I just worry about you,” I add.

  “See,” she glances at me in the mirror, pointing at me with her bright pink brush. “That is what I don’t want. I don’t want you worrying about me!”

  “You know I don’t mean it like that.”

  She rolls her eyes at me in the mirror and goes back to brushing her hair. “Is this movie going to be any good?”

  We get into the car and something doesn’t feel right. I can’t quite place what it is, but I feel uneasy. I don’t dwell on it though. Tonight is supposed to be about fun and destressing. I haven’t spent time with my bestie in a while, and we both need this time away from boys and school. We drive to the movies with the radio on blast, scream singing every song that comes on the radio. It’s one of our favorite things to do and it instantly puts us both in a fantastic mood. We only lower the volume when we pull up to the theatre.

  The theatre in this town is old, just like everything else. It’s small, only holding four screens. The chairs aren’t at all comfortable and the screens have scratches. Too many kids come here for extracurricular activities, and your safest bet is to sit up front.

  But it’s cheap and it’s something to do. Around here, we don’t have a lot to choose from. Other than the mall, the theatre, and restaurants, there is nothing this time of year. During the summer we have kayaking and canoeing, but it isn’t as enjoyable when it’s cold. The carnival is only here for a few weeks out of the year and it’s already gone. I’d considered going back with Lina, but they’ve already packed up and moved on to their next location. I’m not sure I’d be as comfortable with her around so many people.

  There was something about Thorne that made me feel safe. Like he would do anything to make sure I was comfortable and okay.

  We walk together to the large glass doors, laughing and chatting the whole way. Everything feels like it used to, back when we were younger and didn’t have any worries other than getting our homework done. What I would do to go back to those days sometimes. We’re in line waiting to buy our tickets when a group of girls from our school walk in. They’re mixed between people I’ve known for years and the new kids. It is nice to see others starting to mingle together.

  Having a thing for the three hottest, new guys in school doesn’t make me feel like a traitor anymore.

  “Look, there she is,” one of them says in a hushed voice. I look around, wondering who it is she could be talking about, but no one sticks out to me. There are a lot of younger kids here, since it’s the safest thing for them to do. The older kids choose to hang out at the lakes and get drunk. These kids haven’t been exposed to that type of thing yet. I ignore the comment and go back to scrolling social media on my phone. It’s not something I do often, but when I’m standing here waiting in a long line there isn’t much else to do. Besides, Lina is on her phone too.

  “She probably thinks she’s better than us now because the new boys want a piece of her.”

  “Oh please, I’m sure she’s already given it up to all three of them. Why else would they be hanging around?” The group of them start to giggle.

  “She must have,” another one chimes in. “I’ve been in school with those boys for years. They don’t hang out with girls for nothing.”

  My face heats, my hand clenching around my phone. They’re talking about me. I look to Lina from the corner of my eye but she’s not paying attention, too caught up in angry texting who I can only assume is Eddie. We promised we wouldn’t let ourselves be bothered by anything tonight, but I can’t tell her to stop. She’s upset and she needs to let it out.

  I cool my anger and ignore the girls and the rest of the comments they’re making. I should turn around and say something, but suddenly it’s our turn to buy tickets. I ramble off the name of the movie and hand the guy my card. We don’t stop for snacks, heading straight to the theatre. I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself but I can’t get those girls out of my head. The movie starts and I can barely focus. Lina isn’t interested either, still texting someone on her phone. Before I know it, the movie is done and I can’t remember a single thing that happened.

  “Well, that was a bust,” Lina says as we’re walking out the front door. “Neither one of us were really in the mood to see a movie, were we?”

  Well, I was before I got here.

  “Guess not,” I say, not wanting to bring up what happened. It’s not something I ev
er want to talk about. We get into the car and head in the direction of my house. That uneasy feeling is resting in my chest again. I blame it on the embarrassment and anger I am still holding on to. I can’t get that one comment out of my head. They don’t hang out with girls for nothing.

  I had my suspicions, after they all asked me out on a date in the same week. But could it be true? Could they really be playing games with me? Is this like a race… to see who can get into my pants first?

  I want to say no. I don’t want to believe it. Even with Castor ignoring me and Hunter being a complete asshat… I feel like that isn’t true. And Thorne… I don’t think Thorne is capable of doing something so cruel. Is he?

  My chest aches at the thought. Maybe I’m an idiot. The signs are there, right in front of my face and I’m choosing to ignore them. If this is what they’re doing, I deserve whatever I get.

  Lina’s phone is propped up on the dash, connected to the holder. A text pops up and she glances at it to read it. I consider opening my mouth and telling her what happened. This is a lot for me to hold in. Even though I know she’d probably tell me it didn’t matter. They’re hot, just fuck them anyway. I know letting it out of me would help. Getting rid of the negative energy instead of letting it bottle inside. The car swerves the slightest and I’m pulled from my thoughts.

  “Lina? Could you, uh, pay attention to the road?” I ask, glancing in the side-view mirror. I notice a set of too bright lights behind us. We’re on a long and dark road, which is common for this area. Most of the roads are lined with trees and nothing else.

  “Sorry, girl. This asshole behind me has his high beams on.” She shouts the last part, glancing in the rear-view mirror. I settle back into the seat, nervously watching the car behind us. It is driving rather close.

  “Probably drunk kids.” I glance at the clock and it’s close to midnight. “It is Friday night.”

  She opens her mouth to answer, but the words never make it out. The car slams into us from the back, causing us to swerve into the other lane. Lina’s car spins and then comes to a complete stop. For a split second I think everything is going to be okay. I turn to face Lina, opening my mouth to ask if she is hurt, but then the real impact happens. Metal hitting metal fills the air along with squealing tires. I’m jerked to the side and my head slams into the window, a hot, searing pain stabs the side of my skull. The warm liquid dripping down my face tells me I’m still alive, until everything goes black.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wake up with an overwhelming need to open my eyes but they’re so heavy. Too heavy to open. My entire body feels like it’s full of sludge. My mouth is dry, the taste of ash on my tongue. I have no idea where I am or what’s going on. Why do I feel like this?

  I rack my brain for a few seconds, as best I can. It’s fuzzy and I’m having trouble focusing on anything. My body aches. Even something as simple as breathing hurts. Out of nowhere the memories flood in.


  A car.

  The accident.

  My throat tightens up at the foggy memory of what happened. A faint beeping catches my attention. It sounds too far away to be important, but I can still make it out. It fades into nothing as I drift back off into sleep.

  The next time I wake, I feel a little better. My eyes don’t weigh a ton and I’m able to force them open, only to be blinded by a bright light. I let out a groan, instinctively moving my arm up to shield my eyes, only I can’t move it. Something shuffles beside me, along with a loud clanking as something falls to the floor. The brightness is dulled so I open them once again, and this time I’m not assaulted by the light. I blink a few times, working to clear the fogginess from my eyes.

  “Leona?” I blink slowly, moving my head as carefully as I can towards the side where the voice is coming from. “Thank fuck you’re okay.”

  Lenny lets out a relieved sigh before reaching for my hand and taking it into his own. His hand is warm, soft, and comforting. My chest aches at his touch. It’s not something we do often. I’m not sure if it’s the situation I’m in or what, but I’m feeling overwhelmed with emotion. My eyes burning with the need to spill tears.

  I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

  The room I’m in is large. The sunlight is being kept away by the long shades and thick curtains that cover the windows. The floors and walls are just as white as the ceiling. Not one single decorative photo is in sight.

  I know where I am. There is only one place I would be after an accident so severe.

  “Don’t say anything,” Lenny says in a soothing voice. “I’ll get the nurse. Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

  He rushes out of the room, mumbling to himself about how he just told me not to move, like I could if I wanted to. My entire body feels like I was hit by a truck. Even if I could move, I wouldn’t. I rest my head back, letting it settle into the pillow. I’m becoming tired again and I’m not sure how long I can stay awake for. As tired and sore as I feel, I wonder how bad the accident really was. I don’t see any casts or bandages on my body. Other than not having the will to move, I don’t look like I’m in bad shape.

  Hit by a truck.

  I think I was hit by a truck.

  Lina? Oh my… is she okay? Where is she? I force my eyes open and take another look around the room. I move my head too quickly and I’m hit with a wave of nausea. I close my eyes and let my head fall back to the pillow. She isn’t here. As large as this room is, she isn’t in here with me. Maybe they wouldn’t allow us to share a room because we aren’t related. Or maybe her family wanted her in her own room so they wouldn’t disturb me when they were visiting. Her siblings can be rambunctious and don’t always know how to settle down, but I’m sure they would want to visit her.

  Or maybe she isn’t here at all. Maybe she didn’t get hurt as bad as me. Maybe she’s home, lying in bed or watching tv. Maybe she made up with Eddie and they’re out doing something. Or maybe she’s at school because I have no idea what day or time it is; it could be a possibility. I think of looking for my phone but decide against it. My stomach is still rolling and I don’t want to risk moving again.

  Moments later, Lenny is back with a nurse dressed in brightly colored scrubs. So bright they hurt my eyes. I let them fall shut again, as they want to do anyway.

  The nurse checks my vitals, fumbles with the machines on the side of me, and speaks to Lenny. All the while I try not to fall back to sleep, but it’s all I want to do. My body is craving sleep.

  “I have some juice for you, Miss Leona, but it’s all I can give you right now, okay?”

  I try to nod my head but I’m not sure I succeed.

  Everything hurts.

  “Once we see you’re keeping this down okay, we can try some pudding or applesauce. Open up.”

  I open my mouth as much as I can but my jaw feels like it’s stapled together. I suck down a small amount of juice which instantly rattles my stomach but soothes my throat. I shake my head when she offers more.

  “You can try to give her more, just don’t let her overdo it. Too much in her stomach right now will only make her more uncomfortable.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I mean it. You may think you’re doing her a favor, but I promise you won’t be. Sleep is what she needs most.”

  “Got it. Whatever she needs.”

  The click of the door lets me know it’s only Lenny and I in here again. My eyes are still closed and I’m fighting off the sleep, wanting to stay awake because I have so many questions, so many worries. Is Lina okay? Where is everyone else? How long have I been like this? Who hit us?

  “Baby sister,” Lenny starts in a hushed voice. His fingers run through my hair, brushing it away from my face. The gesture is so soothing and comforting, it makes me want to cry. Lenny has done a lot for me since I’ve been with him, but physical stuff is something we don’t do. And it’s my fault. It was always weird for me. I never had physical connection when I was sm
all, so I didn’t understand how it worked as I got older. I’ve seen how affectionate he is towards everyone else. Lenny is a hugger and I bet it breaks his heart to not show me that kind of affection. He has always done everything right with me. He’s always given me the space I’ve needed, but I can see now the boundaries have dropped and I can’t even say I blame him. I know he loves me; I can feel it in the way he talks to me, looks at me, and all he does for me. And I love him too. The moment I saw him, I felt a bond with him like I’ve never felt towards anyone, but the physical stuff doesn’t come easy for me.

  “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry about everything. About your life, about mom…” he takes in a shaky breath. “Not getting to you sooner. I should have gone to you the moment she told me you existed. It didn’t matter if I thought she was playing me; I should have known better. You deserve better than what you’ve been handed, Leona. You have to pull through this, you have to. I need you to be here with me. You’re the only family I have.” He lets out another shaky breath and my chest tightens at the thought of him crying. No, Lenny. Please don’t cry. “I know I have the guys and Friday…the kids, but that’s a different type of family. You’re my blood, baby sis. No one understands what it’s like to be like us. To be unwanted, thrown away like trash. You get it, I know you do.

  “Even if we don’t talk about it, I get it. I see it in the way you act, in who you are, because I was once like that too. I never told you this before, but your Uncle Maddox was the one who raised me. He’s the one who saved me from mom. If it wasn’t for him… fuck, I don’t know. I don’t even know, Leona. I just… I need you to get better, okay? I need you here with me.” A sob racks out of him and it’s hard for me to breath. Lenny is spilling his heart to me because he thinks I’m sleeping. He thinks I can’t take this emotion from him while I’m conscious and he’s right. I couldn’t look him in the face if he said these things to me while I was awake. I found a new kind of affection for Maddox that day I overheard their conversation about him raising Lenny. Seeing how hard he is on the outside, yet knowing how soft he is inside… You can’t help but love someone like him.


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