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The South Beach Diet Super Charged

Page 10

by Joseph Signorile PhD

  Fight cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale, are chock-full of cancer-fighting phytochemicals, including indoles and isothiocyanates. Consumption of these foods has long been associated with lower rates of breast cancer. More recently, a 2007 study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that people who ate the highest level of isothiocyanates daily had much lower rates of bladder cancer than those who did not.

  These are just a few examples of the nutritional power of phytonutrients. Needless to say, there have been many attempts to isolate a particular phytonutrient from a food source and put it in supplement form. In fact, you’ll find store shelves full of supplements claiming to have harnessed the healing power of foods. The fact is, the studies on supplements have not yet yielded the same kind of positive health results as the studies of food. That’s probably because when you remove a particular nutrient from a food, you also lose its potentially beneficial interactions with the food’s other nutrients. My advice is that if you want to benefit from nature’s pharmacy, you need to eat whole foods as nature made them.

  Bread Can Be Your Friend

  Many people new to the South Beach Diet, especially those who have been on high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets, are often taken aback when, beginning on Phase 2, they learn that they are allowed to eat bread, cereal, and pasta—and not just on special occasions but every day. They wonder how they can continue to lose weight and also eat these carbohydrates, which they erroneously believe are responsible for this country’s obesity epidemic, not to mention our epidemics of diabetes and heart disease.

  I can’t say it often enough: All carbohydrates are not the same. The overly processed refined starches and sugary processed foods that have been stripped of their fiber content are guilty as charged. These are the true culprits in the promotion of prediabetes, diabetes, and obesity. But whole grains are an entirely different story. There’s a world of difference between whole and refined grains. Whole grains are composed of the entire seed of the plant—the bran, germ, and endosperm. Refining typically removes the bran and germ, which contain B vitamins and other nutrients as well as fiber. It leaves the endosperm, which is mostly starch, and it’s the starch that converts rapidly into sugar during digestion.

  When most people think of grains, they think of wheat, but whole grains include oats, barley, rice, quinoa, spelt, and rye. If you’ve been denying yourself a slice of bread or a serving of rice or cereal, you can stop doing so if you choose the whole-grain versions, which are actually very good for you. In fact, when it comes to your health, whole grains can:

  Fight diabetes and heart disease. Recent studies show that eating whole grains can actually lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In May 2007, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reported that eating 29 grams of fiber daily in the form of grain products resulted in a 27 percent lower risk of developing diabetes than did eating roughly half that amount. Researchers noted that it wasn’t only the fiber that appeared to be protective but also magnesium, a mineral found in whole grains.

  In June 2007, another study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that eating whole grains can help prevent artery-clogging atherosclerosis. In the study, researchers measured the thickness of the carotid arteries of 1,178 men and women. This measurement is called intimal medial thickness and is a good predictor of heart attack and stroke. The people who ate the most whole grains had the best results on this test.

  In the period since the USDA updated its Food Pyramid to emphasize whole grains, many new whole-grain products have appeared on supermarket shelves. There are now some wonderful whole-wheat pastas, whole-grain cereals, and breads that really taste great and are loaded with nutrients, including plenty of fiber. But if consumers don’t buy them, you can’t blame food manufacturers for not continuing to offer them. In fact, food manufacturers prefer to refine grains for two reasons: First, refining grains extends their shelf life; second, according to the producers, consumers are thought to prefer the smooth texture of refined flours over the texture of whole grains. I urge you to prove them wrong.

  Remember, when you buy whole-grain pastas, breads, and other products, be sure the label says “100% whole wheat” or “whole grain,” and look for breads that contain 3 grams or more of fiber per slice.

  Got Enough Milk?

  Is it the calcium and vitamin D that make low-fat dairy foods a good choice? Or is it both of these nutrients and something else? Although the scientific community doesn’t have the answer yet, there is mounting evidence that something in dairy foods protects the heart and fights cancer. So drink your milk and eat your yogurt to:

  Lower blood pressure and prevent prediabetes. Several studies have shown a direct link between consumption of dairy products and a reduced risk of high blood pressure. And a 2007 study conducted at the University Hospital of Wales suggested that dairy products may do much more than that—they may also help prevent prediabetes, also known as metabolic syndrome. Researchers followed 2,375 men ages 45 to 59 for 20 years as part of a long-term health study known as the Caerphilly Prospective Study (CAPS). Those who consumed the most dairy products were less likely to suffer from metabolic syndrome. The researchers did not distinguish between low-fat and high-fat dairy foods, but as a cardiologist, I definitely do. We know that saturated fat, which is found in fatty meats, poultry skin, and full-fat dairy foods, is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. And even though this particular study showed positive results for any kind of dairy, I don’t advise people to use full-fat products. Furthermore, there is no need to. Thanks to a broad selection of reduced-fat cheeses and fat-free and low-fat milk and yogurt, it’s just as easy to buy these healthier products as it is to purchase full-fat versions. One of my new favorites, and one we include in a number of recipes in this book, is nonfat Greek yogurt, which is thicker than regular yogurt. Honestly, to me it tastes like full-fat sour cream.

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  Ellen P., age 48: I Never Feel Like I’m Denying Myself

  Five years ago I provided a testimonial for Dr. Agatston’s first book. Now I’m thrilled that I can offer an update because I’ve kept off the 20 pounds I lost 5 years ago for my daughter’s bat mitzvah. I no longer think of South Beach as a diet; I think of it as a lifestyle. I feel like I’m eating normally all the time, and I am. Living this lifestyle for all this time has been great for me. You don’t have to count calories or weigh your food, and you can eat what you like, not what someone tells you to eat. I have friends who are on different diets, and they have to eat exactly what they’re given every week—I could never do that. I like being able to plan my own meals and cook fresh food. If you follow the South Beach Diet lifestyle, you don’t walk around hungry. I eat shrimp, lobster, and steak, but now I eat it with a big salad and lots of vegetables.

  I’ve stayed on the diet because I like the way I look and I like the way I feel. The funny thing is, I used to be such a dessert person. I’d go out to lunch with friends and be the only one ordering the molten chocolate cake. Now I order fresh berries, and I’m perfectly happy. I never feel like I’m denying myself, and I still eat a decadent dessert on occasion.

  Another thing that’s helped me keep the weight off is water. Drinking water has become a way of life for me—no more sodas or sugary drinks. You’d be surprised by how many calories you save by just drinking water. I also snack a lot. I always liked to munch on something crunchy, and I still do. But instead of chips, I eat raw vegetables with dip. It’s very satisfying.

  Today, when I cook for my family, I follow the principles of the South Beach Diet. I have two teenage daughters. They really like eating this way, and they do it because they want to. They love salads and prefer to snack on mozzarella sticks and fruit, just like I do. If we go to a family party together, I notice they head straight for the crudités and dip, not the junk.

  My kids are prou
d of me. They say that their friends tell them, “Your mom looks so young and slim, like you guys.” It makes me feel good because I’m going through a divorce and starting to date again. I’m amazed by how many guys are asking me out.

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  Fight breast cancer. As I sit writing this chapter, a newly released French study of more than 3,600 women has shown a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer among women with the highest dairy intake. This is consistent with US studies that found that premenopausal women who consume higher amounts of calcium and vitamin D appear to have a lower risk of breast cancer.

  The “Good” Fats

  I wish I could think of another word for fat. Despite all the recent studies confirming that certain types of fat found in fish, nuts, and vegetable oils are essential for health, some of my patients are still skeptical when I tell them that fat can be good. In fact, good fats have been shown to:

  Improve triglycerides, lower cholesterol, and protect against diabetes. Let’s start with nuts, which have gotten a bad rap for years. I am a great proponent of eating nuts in moderation. While they are high in fat, it’s good monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat. In fact, the amount of fat varies from nut to nut, with chestnuts having the least and macadamias the most (although 70 percent of the fat in macadamias is monounsaturated). Consider walnuts, which are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acid that has been shown to help keep triglycerides, the bad fat associated with prediabetes, under control. Not only do walnuts help lower triglycerides, but the mono- and polyunsaturated fats they contain also help lower blood cholesterol when these nuts are substituted for saturated fat in the diet. Whenever I recommend nuts to South Beach dieters, I do add a word of caution: Because they’re high in calories and it’s easy to eat more than a handful, you need to be careful about how many you consume during the weight-loss phases of the diet, and even when you’re on Phase 3. (See “Phase 1 Foods to Enjoy” Section for specific advice.)

  Decrease heart attack risk. Good fats can be great for your heart, especially the omega-3 fatty acids found in cold-water fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines and also in walnuts, flaxseed, and some vegetable oils. One of the first and most impressive trials to show this was the Lyon Diet Heart Study, reported in 1994. It tested the effect of the Mediterranean diet on 605 patients who had already suffered a heart attack. Those on the diet were told to eat more omega-3-rich oils from both plant and animal sources, especially in the form of a canola oil spread. The results were pretty amazing: The dieters had a 73 percent decrease in recurrent heart attacks and other heart-related problems. What really struck me, though, was that this was a far better result than we were getting at the time with our medications. Interestingly, the diet did this without significantly altering the patients’ cholesterol values.

  Today, as part of the South Beach Diet, I encourage people to eat fish several times a week, and with good reason. The overwhelming majority of studies have reported that fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of heart attack and sudden death. In addition, a high-dose omega-3-rich fish-oil supplement is particularly useful in patients with very high triglyceride levels. (If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, however, be sure to consult your physician about which fish may be high in mercury or other contaminants and whether you can take an omega-3 supplement.)

  Beat inflammation. Fish oil also appears to protect against inflammation. A 2005 study published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology reported that fish eaters have lower blood levels of inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and TNF-alpha, which are linked not only to heart disease but also to rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, and other diseases caused or aggravated by inflammation.

  In fact, the FDA was so impressed with the heart-healthy effects of omega-3 fatty acids that in 2004, the agency issued a ruling that allowed food manufacturers to make the following claim on labels: “Supportive but not conclusive research shows that the consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.”

  As I’ve noted earlier, EPA (ecosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are most widely found in abundance in fatty cold-water fish. Consumers may find information on the amount of EPA and DHA on food packaging or through other labeling, including shelf labels, signs, posters, or brochures displayed in close proximity to the fish.

  Improve smarts and mood. Omega-3 fats are not just important for maintaining heart health. As it happens, DHA is found in the brain in high concentrations, which could explain why fish have earned a reputation for being brain food.

  Omega-3s also appear to play a positive role in mood and other brain functions. It’s been shown that people who don’t get enough omega-3 fats in their diet are at greater risk of depression, dementia, and learning problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which can affect adults as well as children. So if you want to be happy, healthy, and wise, keep eating these good fats, and try to get your kids to eat fish on a regular basis as well.

  As you’ll soon discover, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and good fats—just some of the foods we recommend on the South Beach Diet—are a veritable food pharmacy! Because you’re eating a diet that is abundant in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other key nutrients, you’ll keep your body running at optimal levels while you lose and then maintain your weight. Not only will you look and feel terrific, but you’ll be avoiding many of the chronic diseases so prevalent today.


  A Generation Overfed and Undernourished

  There is a health crisis in America today, and it involves our children’s deteriorating nutrition and lack of exercise. The number of severely overweight children in this country has tripled since 1980. Today, roughly one in three American children or adolescents is overweight or obese, and the proportion approaches one in two in certain minority groups. How did we reach this crisis situation?

  While we have always identified malnutrition with starving Third World children (and it still is a major health concern in many underdeveloped nations), we’ve never thought of our own children as having this problem. And yet, in America today, our children, while clearly overfed, are often undernourished.

  In the past, undernutrition and malnutrition were considered the result of a lack of calories, and that usually meant not getting enough healthy nutrients, either. As recently as the start of World War II, many of our young army recruits were found to be too thin. They were undernourished, the government realized, and needed to be fattened up. To prevent the problem from recurring, the federal government created guidelines for minimum caloric intake in school lunch programs. Ironically, the problem today is the opposite of what it was back then—our children are consuming way too many calories at school and elsewhere.

  So if our kids are getting all those calories, how can they be malnourished? Just as our hunter-gather ancestors had a sweet tooth that led them to gather sweet fruits and vegetables (which also happened to be full of antioxidants and fiber), our children have a major sweet tooth. The problem is, they’re satisfying it with highly processed starchy and sugary fast foods devoid of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.

  Over the past decade, we have learned that there are literally thousands of antioxidants and other micronutrients found in the healthy foods that kids are not eating, and we now know that these nutrients are essential to our health. Ten years ago, we thought we might be able to give children and adults vitamin pills to make up for poor food choices, but so far studies have shown that this doesn’t work. For now we must get our vitamins and other nutrients from whole foods.

  A Generation at Risk

  The future does not bode well for our overweight, undernourished youngsters. A child who is overweight during adolescence stands a 70 percent chance of being overweight as an adult and an 80 percent chance of being overweight if his or her mom or dad is. In my cardiol
ogy practice, I’m already seeing heart problems in young adults who grew up eating fast food and sitting in front of the TV, and large studies back this up. In the famous and ongoing Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study (CARDIA Study), for example, investigators initially measured cardiac risk factors in young adults ages 18 to 30 (this was in 1985). They included waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratios as indirect measures of the amount of belly fat a person had. Fifteen years later, the researchers performed CAT scans of the subjects’ hearts to detect the presence of plaque in the coronary arteries, a sign of developing heart disease. They found that the presence of abdominal obesity, which had been determined 15 years earlier, was a predictor of future heart disease.

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  Bianca R., age 24: A Family Affair

  My life has been transformed by the South Beach Diet. In 2003, I weighed more than 250 pounds. I am only 5-foot-3, and I wore a size 22/24! I’d tried lots of diets, and none of them worked for me. I was always a chubby kid, and I resigned myself to being a fat adult. Throughout high school and college, I kept putting on more weight, and I convinced myself that I could be fat and happy. One day, I saw a picture of myself standing next to my father, and I was shocked. I didn’t recognize the woman in the photo—surely, I couldn’t be that big. I was bigger than my 6-foot-tall father, and he wasn’t skinny! That’s when I woke up and realized that I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t comfortable with my body, and I wanted to change.


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