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Possessed By You (Overworld Underground Book 1)

Page 15

by John Corwin

  The same Vietnamese woman who'd taken my order the last time I'd been here approached, pen and order pad in hand. Her eyes seemed to bug a little when taking in Tyler. I also noticed the eyes of other women in the restaurant resting on his handsome face. Again, I felt as though I were reliving a day from the past. The reactions of the women had been so similar when Thomas and I had eaten here, except in that case the attentions of all those women made no sense to me whatsoever. Thomas was—had been—charismatic before turning back into Mr. Hyde. But he was nothing special to look at.

  Tyler was phenomenal.

  He took—or pretended to take—no notice of the female attention and gave me a smile that made my stomach clench with pleasure and apprehension. "The number thirteen looks good."

  "Yes," I said, my voice trembling. "It does." Again, the presence of the past intruded on me. I checked the date on my phone to be sure I wasn't caught in some bizarre time loop. "Might I have mine without onions?" No sense in ruining things with awful breath.

  "Are you okay?" He reached across the small table and touched my hand. "You seem nervous."

  A thrill of electricity seemed to run from his hand to mine. I jerked back, my breathing suddenly heavy. This was too strange! I took a long draw of water, and managed a feeble smile. "I'm fine. It's just been a crazy day, what with me being fired and all."

  He chuckled. "You're a strong person to keep soldiering on. But if you'd like to take off the rest of the day—"

  "No, no." I sucked more water through my straw. "Really, Mr. Rock, I'm fine."

  "Call me Tyler, Miss Glass."

  "As you wish." I felt the only polite thing to do would tell him to call me Emily, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wasn't sure I wanted to be on a first-name basis with this man. He was so far out of my league it wasn't even funny. And my fawning over him would only lead to pain and further disillusionment on my part, though I already knew for certain he probably toyed with women for enjoyment when he grew bored of spending his money.

  Now you're just being mean!

  "Why don't you tell me about your experience with OnTech so far, Miss Glass?" He leaned back and crossed his arms. I heard the woman sitting to our right release a little sigh.

  My gaze flicked her way, and I noticed the annoyed look the woman's male companion gave her. I turned back to Tyler who seemed oblivious to the unfolding drama, and shrugged. "Well, I suppose it's been interesting. But I don't do much besides make coffee and run errands. Oh, and I sometimes help Kevin make sales presentations, although that has changed somewhat since Mr. Jones reverted to his old personality."

  A grin broke the serious set of Tyler's mouth. "Old personality?"

  A little laugh burst from my mouth as I realized how preposterous that statement sounded. "Perhaps Kevin could give a better account of the story."

  "Oh, no, Miss Glass. You started it, now I want to hear everything."

  A warm flush crept into my cheeks, and I pressed my lips together to stop from smiling. It really was no laughing matter. Thomas had been so amazing before his reversion to the little troll that was Mr. Jones. He'd seemed bigger than life. Electric. My eyes locked onto Tyler's hand, remembering his touch.

  "Well," I said, "supposedly, he went on vacation and came back very different from his old self. From what I knew of him, I would agree. He went from being a very interesting and kind man to a complete and utter jackass."

  Tyler leaned forward, his eyes seeming to darken in color. "How well did you know him before he changed back?"

  A nervous flutter passed through my belly, and I felt myself shrink away from his intense gaze. "Not very well," I lied.

  "Are you certain about that? I need to know, Miss Glass. His job may depend on it."

  My stomach tensed. I didn't much care for Mr. Jones. True, he'd fired me for little cause, and seemed to be an uncaring lout. But I'd feel guilty if I were responsible for Tyler firing him. "I—I spilled coffee on him," I said. "And we had lunch once."

  Tyler laughed. "You have a way with coffee, don't you, Miss Glass?"

  "Yes, I suppose I do."

  Our soups arrived and I felt relieved as Tyler shifted his attention to filling his bowl with bean sprouts and a frightening amount of hot sauce. He took a pair of chopsticks in one hand, a soup spoon in the other, and pulled a bunch of noodles from the broth, piling them onto the spoon before filling it with broth and stuffing it all into his mouth. He somehow managed not to spill a drop on his lovely shirt.

  I stared at him for a moment. He ate with gusto and no concern about appearances. Now he most definitely reminded me of the old Thomas. After shaking off this strange feeling, I turned to my soup. I picked out the meat, avoiding the noodles. Considering my dietary crimes of the past couple of weeks, I needed to avoid unnecessary carbs.

  "Tell me about this lunch you had with Mr. Jones," Tyler said a moment later, pausing to dab his face with a napkin even though it didn't look messy.

  I stuffed a piece of beef in my mouth, and followed it up with the forbidden noodles. Smiled, and pointed at my mouth. Unfortunately, I'd look quite the fool if I kept stuffing my face in order to avoid the subject. At least it gave me time to think. How much did I want to tell this man? Surely there were other employees who knew I'd lunched with Thomas. Even with Sandra gone, there were too many prying eyes in that place to get away with a lie.

  Supposing Tyler interviewed other employees, they would tell him and I'd be busted. So, at least some of the truth was in order. He'd likely think me a little whore though. And what if he thought my issues with Mr. Jones were due to some illicit affair? My face heated up at the mere thought. I was stuck between two very hard places. If I lied and he found out, he would certainly think the worst.

  "Miss Glass, I promise I won't think any less of you, no matter what you have to say on the matter." Tyler touched the top of my hand, his intense eyes meeting mine.

  Again, a tiny shock seemed to pass from his hand to mine. This time, I didn't jerk back, but slowly withdrew my hand and gripped my cup for another drink of water. "He and I had lunch a few times. I thought we were becoming friends."

  Tyler didn't seem the least bit surprised. "And then he changed?"

  "Yes. Claims he was in an accident and hit his head, and that he remembers nothing from the past three months or so since his vacation."

  "Strange." Tyler took in another mouthful of noodles.

  "It was very queer." I waited for him to make a snap judgment about the relationship. There were all sorts of indecent conclusions he could draw—that Mr. Jones had tried to make it more than friendship, I'd rebuked him, and then things had become nasty. Or that he and I had done the deed, and when he was finished with me, had turned into Mr. Hyde.

  Tyler shrugged. "It's amazing what a bump on the head will do to someone. Maybe he can be redeemed."

  "Redeemed?" It sounded a lot like something my father would say, what with his religious view of life. "I thought another bump on the head might do it."

  Tyler snorted with laughter, just as he took a drink of water, somehow managing to not spray it all out of his mouth, and then let out a choking cough.

  "Are you okay?"

  His face turning red from either laughter or lack of oxygen, he pressed a napkin to his mouth, until he stopped coughing. His eyes looking into mine. "Em—Miss Glass, you make me laugh."

  The compliment sent a little wave of warmth flushing down my chest and into my stomach. I crossed my legs, pressing them tight together.

  Oh dear.

  This man would be impossible to work with on a daily basis. A part of me was glad he wouldn't be there for everyday operations. If I had to look into those green eyes on a regular basis, and feel the intensity of that gaze, it would undo me slowly but surely. Men were not to be trusted, especially not this one.

  "I'm going to give you another job, Miss Glass," Tyler said. "I want you to be my assistant while I reorganize the company. You have a strength of character about you th
at runs deep."

  "What?" I bolted up from my chair like a startled deer. "You want me to what?"

  He gave me a calm look, and smiled. "Please have a seat before people think we're having a lovers' spat."

  I dropped into my seat. "I—I can't be your assistant. I'm not that strong. You don't even know me, sir."

  He folded his arms, and pursed his lips for a moment, then said, "You told me off earlier, and didn't bat an eyelash. True, you sometimes act a little girlish and immature, but for the most part, you carry yourself well."

  "Girlish?" I said, feeling my eyes flare in anger. "You think I'm bloody girlish? Well, if you think by making me your personal assistant, I'll be sweet and girlish, you're sadly mistaken, Mr. Rock. It just seems like another ploy to make me—" I clamped my mouth shut and looked down at the table before verbally lashing myself out of a job.

  "A ploy to make you do what, Miss Glass?" He didn't sound the least bit angry. If anything, he sounded amused. "Please, I want to know."

  I shook my head. "I just don't think it would be a good idea."

  "I want to know why, Miss Glass." He leaned forward.

  I met his eyes. The next few words would likely land me back in unemployment for the second time in a day, but there was no way I could work with side-by-side with this man. He was too tempting. Too gorgeous. Too everything. Men could not be trusted. They only played with what amused them before moving on to something new.

  Never again.

  I would not fall prey to that. I would not let him undo me.

  "Because, Mr. Rock, you are the kind of man who uses women and throws them away. I will not be your sexual conquest."

  Chapter 18

  I wiped my mouth and stood. "I'm sorry for being so blunt, but it's the truth. I truly am grateful for the second chance. But I can't put myself in that position."

  He sat there, a slightly stunned look on his face as I turned and walked away.

  My stomach clenched tight. What had I done? What sort of idiot was I to turn down such an offer? It was the right decision. It had to be. I would not deal with the pain and shame such a situation would drag me through.

  I'd just opened the door to go outside when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned and saw Tyler, his face set with seriousness, as opposed to the amusement he normally wore.

  "Why are you leaving?" he asked.

  "Because after what I just told you, I don't expect you'll want me to stick around."

  "I already told you I value your honesty."

  I laughed. "You mean my sharp tongue?"

  "Look, if I do anything to make you uncomfortable, you can tell me. I think it'll be great experience for you, learning how to restructure a company and make it more efficient. You won't be a secretary, you'll be an assistant."

  Somehow, his tone of voice made me feel the difference he saw in the two positions. He sounded so bloody reasonable and so not evil. I was going to regret it. I just knew it.

  "I'd like a raise," I said. The measly salary I was making now wouldn't cut it.

  "I'll triple your pay for starters, and if you impress me, I'll raise it more."

  It all sounded so good, even if tripling my pay wouldn't be that much extra money. "What would my duties be?"

  His body seemed to relax at my tacit agreement. "Kevin and Jack are in charge of revamping their respective departments. You would coordinate between the two, and answer to them. They would answer to me."

  "Oh." I felt a bit surprised. His original statement hinted at me reporting to and assisting him. I felt both disappointed and relieved, through truth be told, I felt more of the former than the latter.

  "You'll be in good hands with those two. They've worked at the company for a while and know how things work." He regarded me for a moment. "Any other questions?"

  "What will become of Mr. Jones?"

  "I'll offer him and Mr. Hinkle staff positions in the new departments. But they won't be executives anymore."

  "They won't be happy about that."

  He shrugged. "They're assholes."

  I laughed. "Not precisely a business term."

  "It's a perfect business term." He motioned me toward the door. His bodyguard held it open as we passed through. "I want you to take the rest of the day off."

  "After everything you just did?" I said. "But there's so much to be done. What if Jack and Kevin need my help today?"

  "This isn't a test, Miss Glass." He walked beside me, his intense eyes looking into mine. "You've been through trial by fire today. Fired, hired back, told the new boss off, and then been promoted. It's a lot for anyone to take in. I want you fresh and ready to go tomorrow." He took my hand in his, placing the other hand over it in a comforting gesture.

  It felt like so much more. Goosebumps ran up my arm, and my breath hitched in my throat. I heard his sharp intake of air as well. He dropped my hand and backed away a step. Shook his head as if clearing the cobwebs.

  "I'll have Joe drive you." He hooked a thumb at his bodyguard.

  "What was that?" I said, my knees doing their very best to betray me again.

  "What was what?" He resumed walking down the sidewalk, staring straight ahead.

  "Whenever you—" I shut my mouth. No time for me to be a foolish girl. "Never mind. Thank you for the rest of the day off. I'll go home and catch up on my reality shows."

  He burst into laughter, shaking his head and giving me a sideways look of amusement. "How I missed that."

  "Missed what?"

  He cleared his throat. "Having a good laugh. Business can be so boring at times."

  "Not to mention gut wrenching," I said in a droll voice. "And burdensome and tiresome."

  We reached the office building. Joe the bodyguard-slash-driver went into the parking deck and returned a moment later with a black BMW sport-utility vehicle. He got out and held open the rear door for me.

  "I'd prefer to sit in the front, if you don't mind."

  "Not at all, Miss Glass." He held the passenger door open for me, and I climbed inside.

  "Until tomorrow, Miss Glass," Tyler said.

  I smiled as Joe closed the door. I'll see you in my dreams. I could dream about him, couldn't I? About his hands touching mine. About that electric feeling when he touched me. Heat blossomed in my stomach. I crossed my legs and tried not to think about Tyler. I closed my eyes, and saw those green eyes smiling back at me.

  This man is going to be trouble.

  "Where are we going, Miss Glass?"

  I jerked from my trance, and gave Joe directions. He put the vehicle in motion, pulling into traffic. It was all I could do not to think of Tyler as we drove the few short blocks back to my place. What was it about that man that seemed so familiar? Had I seen him on the news before? Am I going mental?

  "Here we are, ma'am," Joe said a few minutes later. He wasn't the most talkative person ever, but then again, I supposed he wasn't a taxi driver either. He worked for a powerful man, and those people had to keep their mouths shut. Joe opened the door for me.

  "Thank you, Joe."

  He held open the door to the building for me. "My pleasure. Have a pleasant evening."

  I watched as he pulled away. What a surreal day! My eyes caught on a familiar form standing on the sidewalk and I realized it might get even stranger. I almost ignored the beckoning glance from George Walker, but curiosity won the moment. I'd tried to stun him but he hadn't retaliated or actually tried to hurt me in any way, which probably meant he wasn't a threat. Stephen, however, was most definitely another matter. With the last attack from him still weighing on my mind, it might be best to get George and company to help me.

  I stepped outside and walked the half block to where he stood. "You're persistent."

  He grinned. "I have to be. It's in my job title."

  "Director of Persistence?"

  "Something like that." He folded his arms and gave me a once-over. "Have you thought about our last conversation?"

  "Thought about it?" I laughed. "My
life has been a mess ever since your government friends chased down Thomas and brainwashed him."

  "Once again, that was not my agency." He retained an affable smile, but there was something steely beneath it. "I'd like to offer you a position with us."

  I shook my head. "Not interested. For one thing, I wouldn't want to work with dangerous diseases. For another, I just received a promotion at work today."

  "You have a gift—"

  I stepped closer to him. "You never explained how you knew about my intuition."

  "It was obvious from the way you spoke about your encounter with Stephen and from the way you react to my presence." He tilted his head slightly. "What do you sense about me?"

  This was all so very odd. I felt stupid for even speaking to him about it. They were just feelings, really, nothing special.

  "You can tell me, Miss Glass."

  I sighed. "Fine. I sometimes envision a burning white orb when you're near. Your ID shocked me as well, as if it was electrically charged."

  "Impressive." He held out a hand. "Does anything change if you touch me?"

  I was quite uneasy about touching him, but did so anyway. The moment I did, I felt a raw crackling heat. The outline of a human form with a sizzling white core flashed into my head. I snatched back my finger. "What the bloody hell is going on?" I shook off the strange sensations. "I must be losing my mind."

  "What did you see?"

  I shook my head. "You'll have me committed if I say."

  "Absolutely not." He folded his arms. "Please, tell me what you saw."

  "Some sort of energy, like a white star at your center." I backed away a step, certain he'd restrain me and have me wrapped in a straight-jacket.

  "You're actually quite sane." George gave me a reassuring smile. "You're simply very empathic. You can see more to people than their outward appearance."

  "Or perhaps my tea was laced with narcotics this morning." A slight headache formed in my forehead. "I don't know what's going on with me."


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