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Guardian Stone 1: Stone Genesis

Page 9

by Don Koch

  The crops also provide for oxygen generation along with the plants, trees and grasses growing in the Habitat Sectors. The number of decks required for food production and processing varies by the population of the station.

  Transportation within the Station

  The station's primary longitudinal transportation system is located between RM25 and RM26, and between RM15 and RM16. Both of these corridors run the full length of every station. An additional transportation corridor is located between RM5 and RM6, however this corridor does not enter the ship recovery deck at either end of the station.. Each of the partition walls between sectors also contains transportation corridors. These all consist of numerous tubes in which personnel carriers with various capacities operate. The carriers can carry up to four, ten, twenty or 50 persons and can be called to any call point in the station. They are quiet and quick. For longer distance trips, there were a number of high-speed lines and routing connections that assure any destination in the station can be reached in less than 30 minutes. Generally, a carrier arrives at the pickup point within a minute of summons. For short distances, there are also fixed walkways and moving walkways available but these are generally above "ground," i.e. above the transportation corridors and in the open. These are also available on the various flight decks. In addition there are cycling/exercise paths throughout the habitat area. For more urgent and instantaneous travel, the station AI operates a teleport system that is FTL. It is not practicable to use that that system for everyone when the station has a large population.


  Gravity throughout the station is artificial and is generally maintained at 1G. It has been found that this tends to avoid health issues that arise in a lesser gravity over time. There are sections where a lesser gravity is maintained such as the shipyards at the core, certain manufacturing facilities adjacent to the core and the material storage areas. Variable gravity settings are used in some of the military training areas for training purposes.

  Air Supply

  People living in space are always concerned about the maintenance of a breathable atmosphere. On the stations, direct access to the station is through airlocks in the core area and through the flight deck hatches. The latter are very large because they have to admit large vessels. Antorans have very advanced shielding capabilities that can effectively contain an atmosphere even where a large door is open to vacuum. Inhabitants wear a subcutaneous implant that is their space suit. This can be operated manually or automatically. When the implant senses an air pressure drop, it immediately "shields" the wearer with a field that is effectively a "spacesuit" but does not have the appearance of same such as we are used to. The shield can be opaque from the neck down in case the individual was naked when the shield was activated. The shield also acts as insulation for the radiation, cold or heat in space. The same device is utilized to alert the instantaneous transport system when an individual has suffered a life-threatening event.

  External shielding is always in operation and is based on projected force fields. These can be varied to permit a vessel or person egress or admittance. Except for the direct openings to space there are no large airlocks to contend with. Everything is force field based. Air does not escape, it is contained.


  Every person on the station is provided with self-replicating nanites that effectively eliminate bacterial and viral diseases and disorders. These nanites also perform injury repair to maintain the body at optimal functionality. This same technology is utilized to repair station structures and to eliminate pests, blights, disease, etc. that might find its way on board. It is also found extensively in the farm and food processing areas. It is also utilized to purify the water supply and recycle water and waste.

  Exodus Conversion

  The Antorans realized that their plan to man their ships with sufficient numbers of trained military personnel and effectively meet the Glarin invasion might not mature in time to meet the threat. As a contingency, they determined to convert all of their stations to Exodus Class stations. The Exodus Class conversion is found in the habitat areas.

  The dwelling unit structure as previously noted is one mile wide with the actual dwelling units facing the mountains in the habitat. The 80 feet closest to the sector wall also has a framework similar to that of the dwelling portion of the structure with similar unit separation and count. However instead of a 60' by 112' space containing a dwelling, it is a 60' by 80' bay containing 80 stasis units. There are 4 rows stasis units that are 4'W by 3'H by 10'L with a personal storage unit under the stasis unit that measures 4'W by 4'H by 10'L. There is a 6' corridor at the wall of each bay with an 8 ' wall down the middle. The result is that each station is capable of sustaining a large number of transportees in stasis. The Type 1A can sustain 8.76 billion individuals in stasis; the Type 1B can sustain 5.84 billion individuals in stasis; and, the Type 2 can sustain 1.84 billion individuals in stasis, more than sufficient units than needed for any planet population protected by the Antoran fleet. This capability is also expected to be used to aid in the event of solar catastrophe such as a nove scale event.

  Chapter 12: A Bigger Demonstration

  Station 1 in Earth Orbit –

  October 17 – C Day 48

  The recruiting had been going well if slowly. Hank and Sam were sitting in their quarters that adjoined that of Hanks parents and grandparents with a thirty-foot section between the two units removed. Hanks family had joined them and they were discussing developments. He told them that he had authorized two Type 2 stations to move in for detailed scans. Those scans should start arriving the next day or so. Fador had just joined them and they talked for a bit about the proposal to deal with any criminal activity by station inhabitants.

  Fador was just about to describe the proposed court system when Barana interrupted with

  "Fador," said Hank, "all those people are not going to die this way. This is really irritating. I know we are not supposed to interfere or take sides but other lives are at stake as well. Barana, take all of the missiles that have been launched, those being prepared to launch and every stinking nuclear warhead on the planet and evenly distribute those devices about the surface of Mercury. Put every blasted one of them on Mercury. While we are at it, transport all chemical and biological WMD's right next to the nukes. Then melt the aggressor facilities that made these things. Do it slowly enough to allow anyone in those facilities to escape harm. Do the same for their launch sites. That should get their attention. Please do that now."


  Fador said, "I like it as well."

  "Thanks for that support, both of you, but there is more. Next, tell the head of every nation on this blue marble that in ten days they will be transported to a neutral meeting site and we will tell them where their missiles are located. If they wish to retrieve them, they are free to try. They are to stand down from the brink. Tell them that if they do not, they will start losing military hardware. Make sure that the news media gets the full story, in fact, let's have press representation at the meeting. Make sure the press knows that they are to listen and report. Those reporting inaccurately or applying inappropriate spin or bias will not be invited back. Tell them that all national borders are frozen as of one hour before the missile launch and that no power is to violate those borders. Let them know that non-compliance with these conditions will result in severe consequences. At that meeting we will tell them what is coming and
what we intend to do about it. Also tell them that there will be a live feed of that entire event to every radio station, television station, satellite, newspaper, computer, etc. This one is not going to be hidden by the politicians. Barana is there a way you can put broadcast receivers about the planet in those locations that do not have the technology to otherwise hear the message?"


  "Can those devices be made to transmit as well?"


  "Well you know I have been grappling with the concern of raiding Earth for those people who have the military skills we need. As it happens, those same persons are those who tend to be movers and shakers on Earth. We need those people just to get the manpower we need to meet the upcoming challenge. Well there are millions if not billions of people down there who do not have the education or even the opportunity to be part of what we are attempting. They do not even have the technology to learn of it. But what if we view this event that has been dropped in our lap as just the thing to provide that opportunity. These folks are not necessarily stupid, just untrained, forgotten and ignored. I do not wish to maintain that kind of repressive status quo. This is a chance they may wish to take. As many of those folks that want to come, assuming they can get through some level of screening, including their families should have that chance. We can upgrade their health, give them the equivalent of at least a high school education, and the opportunity to be part of the station. Put them on a different path than that to which they have been relegated. Some will want to stay on station and help, others would welcome the opportunity to colonize and some will want to return to change conditions on Earth. If Earth does not appreciate them, we do. We will need to provide help to overcome culture shock but we can do that. We can prepare something that lets them know what we are collectively facing and how they can play a part in addressing that threat through participation as well as vastly improve their lot. I suspect there would be many to seize such an opportunity."

  Fador said, "Well Barana, your selection has again confirmed the wisdom of your choice. This is an excellent idea but the screening will be difficult. I think we should utilize this idea and I would add to it that if someone does not meet the screening criteria they still get the education component and the upgraded health. I would go one step further and suggest that the devices be placed even in those places where reasonable and even advanced technology is available. This gives everyone an opportunity to communicate back to a station without fear that their government will prevent it."


  Hank chimed in, "I agree on all points so far and I think we have a solution for Barana's concern. Currently we have three Type 1B Stations and 5 Type 2 Stations in use at Tau Ceti working on upgrading weapons systems. We have seven Type 2 Stations on exploration missions. I would suggest posting 2 Type 2 Stations at each of our populated systems, namely Saark whose people are still in their Iron age, Frote, Gella and Blint who are each are at a comparable stage of development as Earth, and Nintam who is somewhat ahead of the others. We also have two Type 2's doing scans on the Glarin group B. This gives us 16 additional Type 1B's and 56 Type 2's available for temporary duty to deal with processing recruitment. Fact is, that is probably overkill. I would intend to uncloak two of Type 1's over each continent as visible evidence of our existence. The rest remain in cloaked mode. I want to shake them up but not scare them into inaction. This should give us enough capacity to deal with the entire population of the planet in a very short time. Most of what we need to do can be accomplished in about ten days per person. We could consider the whole planet in about a month. So it is doable. It will mean getting all the training units ready, but I understand that every dwelling unit has six such units. Once we see what the response is like, we can adjust to the need. If both of you have no objections, that is how we will proceed."


  "And me as well," offered Fador and the others.

  "Now I need to brief the rest of the command advisors about what is going on. Would you make arrangements for our meeting, please."


  Thirty minutes later, Hank started their meeting with an update on what had transpired in the past hour including his actions. The shock in the room was palpable. Josh expressed the general tenor of the group with "Good Lord, what were they thinking."

  Hank outlined his response and action he proposed to take. "I do not like what has happened nor do I like the fact that we have to act with such a heavy hand. But this event may well be a blessing in disguise. They have effectively exposed our hand, certainly without intention to do so. Due to the nature of the event, we had to act in a manner that will be to them, downright magical. Ten days ought to have them all in a stew. We also made sure the whole thing was very public. It should prevent the politicians from providing a spin different than what we want."

  "The leaders are going to be set further off their pace when we do not show up with limousines but rather are unceremoniously transported as they are, at the appointed hour. No escort, no accompaniment, just the leader. No arms will be allowed. The image I wish to portray is that of a parent scolding a naughty child. I then intend to dismiss the leaders of the two nations who started this. They can watch what happens next from their television sets."

  "Incidentally we now have on station 40 former Marines or their equivalent from six different countries thanks to the efforts of Josh and Bill. I am not sure how they managed that many in the little time they had to accomplish it. All have enlisted in the Antoran Marines and will be the honor guard for the meeting. They will be wearing light battle armor that can be animated by Barana. Barana will orchestrate their entrance in a manner that will make the best drum and bugle corps, look like they just graduated from kindergarten, a little show of precision that should be impressive and make these folks wonder what they stepped into. They will be wearing Antoran Marine insignia and rank tabs. Each Marine will be armed with a paralysis rod. The rod looks like a misshaped pole that is about 3½' long. I do not expect to use them but the show needs to be convincing. Bill and Josh, thanks for having the foresight to put this together so soon. Looks like they will have something they can tell their kids about."

  "I am going to propose that Har-Ten come to the podium to introduce Fador. The Marines will act as an honor guard for Fador so they will appear one by one in one-second intervals. After they are in position Fador will arrive on stage. Fador will make a statement of welcome and express his feelings about the WMD's. Then Fador will introduce me. I will then provide these leaders with a thorough briefing on the Glarin invasion. I considered providing a graphic view of what is coming but there will be children watching. Instead we will provide these leaders with several copies of the archived materials on Glarin invasions of Cler and Fullus before they arrived at Antor. I will tell them what is expected of them in terms of cooperation. I will tell them that starting at that point in time, we will be recruiting to build a force to meet this invasion. If any nation attempts to block or deter our efforts they abrogate any call on us for defense. While that threat will be stated, I have no intent to carry through with it. But I will put them in a very unpopular position with their constituency and continue to recruit anyway. The Antorans will be meeting the initial brunt of the initial influx of persons responding to our recruiting efforts. Those of you working on that are going to be pretty busy this week helping the other stations getting their programs ready. This is a good time to fine-tune the components of the screening. You have already been working on that so hopefully we can handle the load. They do not need to know about the non-aggressive nature of our hosts, and let's k
eep it that way."

  "If you need help, ask for it. Try to be specific as to the kind of help you want and need. We have a huge resource in the Antorans. Let them help you."

  "The recruits coming are not just military, some will be colonists, and some will have other interests but want to go into space. Earth is going to need some of them when they realize that the disenfranchised have a genuine contribution to make. Hopefully this is the kick start this planet needs to get with the program."

  "Now, do any of my actions today create any insurmountable challenges with the assignments you have been working on, other than timing. I really appreciate that you are all taking the bull by the horns and keeping me out of trouble. I will try to get with each of you privately to make sure we cover all that needs attention."

  "Sam, Fador and I are going to stay here a few minutes longer. We have something to discuss."

  After the others had left, Hank started with, "Barana we need you in this discussion as well. At the rate things are going, you might have to fire up another computer core before long."


  "Fador, Sam, we have not talked about this for a while but now our 'hidden' talent will have to go to work. We need more telepaths and right now, Barana, Sam and I are the only ones on station actively trying to find them with our recruits and we are not close to enough. These are people who can aid in the screening of who gets to stay on board. Sam and I have blocked a few applicants because they were pretty bad people who were doing a pretty good job of hiding what they were. Now it is really going to get tricky. I have also been getting one of those weird feelings, intuitions that I am learning not to ignore. I think that we will have new roles for that talent in short order but I do not know yet what that will be."


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