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Guardian Stone 1: Stone Genesis

Page 12

by Don Koch

  Fador looked over at Hank and nodded. Hank said, "I have been wanting to use this phrase for some time Barana, Please make it so." *grin*

  Fifteen minutes later they had about 79,000 telepaths identified. Hank asked that they all be sent to Station 1 and that would make the testing of the remainder a bit easier. Station 1 would not be sent any more new persons to test for that time and the tests would be run by again bringing all the stations to a location where they could be jointly tested. It would also make the training of these talents easier since they would be on one station.

  "Well this has been one of our more productive afternoons and the day is still young. Sam, would you mind if I invited Joe and June up here for dinner? I haven't seen him for a bit and I have a little project I think he might enjoy."

  "Henry P. Stone," she said with a tone of mock irritation but with a smile, "are you reading my mind again, I was about to suggest the same. I would like to see them too. Barana, would you please see if they are available to join us and tell them it is informal. I hope you will be with us too, you liven up the conversation."


  Sam said, "that must be strange, two conversations at once."


  "I have one more piece of business to discuss, but first Fador, would you please join us this evening for dinner with Joe and June Carson, I think you will enjoy it."

  "I would be happy to join you, I too enjoy the General and his delightful wife."

  Hank went on, "Yesterday, I had a long talk with Josh Adams and to say he was miserable was an understatement. He told me that he is just not quite ready for the position he is in and asked that he be placed second to Joe Carson. He told me that everyday he is with Joe he picks up something new and he wants that learning process to continue. He feels that can best be done if he is subordinate to Joe. He wants to be a part of this and likes working with me. He likes the rest of the crew here on Station One. I told him that it was not my intent to make him miserable or not feel up to standard. I told him that I would accept that explanation and honor his desire because I want him to feel right about the contribution he has made and is making. He admitted that he felt he might be ready for this level in a few years and that by that time we would need to have two positions at that level, but not yet. I told him that I have utmost respect in what he has accomplished and in a few years I expected him to be ready for just what he was proposing. He looked like I had lifted a ten-ton weight off his back. This evening I intend to tell Joe what is going on and move him up to number 2 and Josh to number 3. I will personally brief Bill Wall. I apologized to him for rushing him into a position that he feels he was not quite ready for but was convinced that he would be in the near future. I asked him to let me know when he feels he is ready to step back up. I am convinced that when the time comes he will be ready."

  ### Later that evening ###

  Joe and June Carson arrived about 15 minutes early and June was carrying a large plate of home made ginger snap cookies. As Sam let them in she commented, "Good Lord, you two look like you have found the fountain of youth."

  June replied, "You know we have, and its incredible. This is really a second time around for me and I can't thank you enough for what you and Hank have done for us. Joe is livelier than ever and is thriving on it. I am involved in loads of things and am getting a better feel for where I can fit in." As she was saying that Hank came into the room, shook hands with Joe and hugged June.

  "Its hard to believe how great you both look now compared to seven weeks ago. Can't express how happy I am for you both. Somebody waved their magic wand over you two and presto!"

  "That was you and we are forever thankful. By the way, what did you do to Josh, he was at work today looking like a new person. That young man has a load of talent and I am happy to be working with him. He was looking a bit morose these past few weeks and I was worried for him."

  "That is one of the things I wanted to chat with you about this evening. Sam and June, would you excuse us for a few minutes, we are going out on the balcony for a little chat."

  Sam said kiddingly, "Hmpf, men and their secrets, wouldn't you know."

  June said, "Well I suppose they have to have some fun."

  "Come on, you know its not like that. We can sit here at the counter and you can hear everything we say."

  Sam grinned, "I was just pulling your chain, go ahead out on the balcony, June and I want to bring each other up to date and compare notes."

  June added, "Go out on the balcony and have your chat, you will let us know if it is anything we need to know."

  Hank and Joe went out to the balcony and sat in the easy chairs there. Joe said, "can't get over this place, it's pretty amazing."

  Hank agreed and said, "Yes, and the mountains are a really nice touch. I've been trying to find more time to go roaming in those hills. I am told there are some pretty amazing hiking and biking trails there. Anyway, I glad you brought up the thing with Josh. I really like Josh and feel that he is capable of great things, unfortunately I pushed him into that position before he was mentally ready for it. He has performed well and up to expectations but he does not believe that himself. He asked to be relieved of the number 2 spot and be replaced by you. He also said that he would like to work for you. He essentially said he would like a bit more seasoning. So I told him ok. In a few more years we are going to need equal positions at that level and I expect he will be ready when that time comes. I am hoping that you will accept this revision that places you as my exec and Josh as number 3. With your experience and tutelage I do not think it will take him long to gain the confidence to go with the rank. I am not babying him but I suspect that the jump from Colonel to Full General was beyond what he was mentally prepared for. What do you say, Number 2?"

  "Of course I'll do it, I am not overly ambitious, and I didn't see this coming, but I think you are wise to allow him the adjustment time he needs. I will treat him as an equal because he does have the skills. He will come to see that. I just hope that I have the skill you need in that position."

  "Joe, on that point, I have no reservations. In addition to your USMC experience, I notice you have been taking full advantage of the stations learning machines. You are probably the smartest General in this sector of space. No reservations at all. One of the more interesting things about this lash-up is that we do not have or need a budget. There are no constraints on getting the support other than finding the appropriate talent and mindset. If we need more ships, we ask for them and we will get them. Anything you need we will do our best to help you find and obtain. Appropriate talent is a bit more difficult. In fact I have a little project for you and Joan that we will talk about after dinner. Ah I see Fador has arrived and with a beautiful lady on arm. We had better go in and be sociable. After you my friend."

  He and Joe greeted Fador who introduced his guest, "I am pleased to introduce my daughter Lasa-Dor, who is visiting from Tau Ceti. Lasa is in charge of the station and warship refinements that are done at Tau Ceti. I have wanted her to meet each of you so she can see the kinds of leaders we have preparing our defenses. Barana who is with us has met Lasa previously. I thought this would be a good opportunity so now you all have to be on your best behavior."

  Lasa looked at her father with a surprised look and then to Hank when he replied, "no we don't," and Joe, June and Sam started laughing.

  She was momentarily startled and then a smile slowly formed as she replied, "So father, I think I now see why you think so highly of this man, his sense of humor is a mirror of your own."

  "Someone has to laugh at his jokes." At which Sam sputtered while trying to sip a glass of wine.

  "Not fair, you guys set this up."

  The three men responded in unison, "No we didn't."

/>   Barana added, bringing about another round of laughter.

  Thus began an interesting evening.

  Sam announced that all the food on the table was grown or bred on Station except for the salt and that came from Earth. After dinner they all helped with the clean up and then retired to easy chairs and couches in the Great Room to chat. Hank said, "this has been a particularly, I should say a spectacularly, productive day. Yesterday Josh asked to be relieved of his duties as Executive Officer, the number 2 slot in our Command Structure, and that the position be given to Joe. Josh wants to be moved to a number three position below Joe so he can gain more seasoning. I happen to think that Josh is a fine officer and has more than lived up to expectations but this was obviously affecting him so I agreed. Joe has agreed to switch places with Josh and provide the seasoning opportunities Josh has requested."

  "Today Sam resolved a problem that has been bothering me for some time. Long story, short, using her suggestion, we were able to identify 79,000 telepaths in the crowd that has come up to the station in the past few days. I have had them all transferred to Station One so we can deal with that issue here. Fador, we are going to need a like number of your telepaths here to assist in their processing and training if at all possible. No doubt, there will be more as this program continues. We are still developing some ideas on how to utilize those talents in the coming days." He then went on to explain the research they had been conducting and the surprising progress to date. "I just have a feeling that we are going to need them in view of the developments we are seeing from that research"

  "Now for the very welcome development that came out of todays efforts. It turns out that all of you are telepaths, latent or active. Yes Joe and June, you too. At this point, we do not know how strong but we can test that in short order and refine what you have. We can show you how to utilize it and to shield against unwarranted intrusion. One of the advantages that you have probably noticed in the past is that you could always detect when someone was lying to you. You just knew. That is because the liar was transmitting on a slightly different wavelength than that he or she uses to tell the truth. That is a very nice tool to have at your disposal. You can train that with a few more nights in the machine. Barana or Fador can talk to you if you have any trouble adjusting your shields or using your skills. Fador has folks good at providing that kind of assistance including a husband and wife team, Han-Far and Gan-Sel. Josh and Rose have it and so do Bill and Joann. It looks like I have been picking people for the Fleet Command who are talented this way. Now I want to be sure that this talent does not become an impediment and the training should take care of that."

  "Joe and June, I have a little assignment for you that you might just enjoy. How well do you two know retired Admiral Dresser, Admiral Hawk and General Dawson and their wives?"

  Joe responded, "very well, in fact we used to play a round of golf with them every other week or so and frequently socialized with them. Why do I get the feeling you knew this already?"

  "Yep he's definitely telepathic. Joe, it is probably because I do know. I probably should have suspected that you had this talent the night you came aboard and thought it had something to do with something nasty coming this way. One of the things we sorely need is good commanders for our stations and for our Warship wings. We are having no trouble finding officers for our warships squadrons but a wing is ten thousand ships and that is a different ball of wax. Do you think those retired gentlemen would fit the bill?"

  Joe replied, "You know, I had not really thought of that because of their age, they are all over 65 and reasonably healthy. But now that you mention it, and knowing what this station has done for June and I, those three are prime candidates. In fact I can think of a few more including a few foreign Admirals and Generals that would fit the bill. There is also General Isaac David in Jerusalem. Yes indeed."

  "I understand that Admiral Dresser played a gag on you a few years ago that is still the talk of the course. How would you like to return the favor? said Hank with a smile.

  "In that Company, I would love to but have not really thought about following it up. I figured that I would just grin and bear it but if you have something in mind, I am interested."

  "The whole idea behind this is to give you the opportunity to recruit the lot of them without revealing anything until to the right moment which would be when he realizes he has been had. He won't see June until after the gag because her appearance would be a giveaway. June are you willing to go along with this and work on the wives, I think you will enjoy it"

  She nodded agreement, as did Joe. Hank then proceeded to relate how the plan would work.

  Chapter 16: A Round of Golf

  Quantico, Virginia –

  November 1 – C Day 63

  Joe met with the three retired officers at the club house of the Medal of Honor Golf Course at Quantico about 3 miles from Joe and June's House. Vice Admiral Paul Dresser USN Ret, Vice Admiral John Hawk USN Ret. and Lt. General Richard Dawson USMC Ret. were all starting to show their years a bit, but their wits and competitive nature was still alive. They were all taken aback with Joe's appearance and vigor. The banter went back and forth while they waited for their tee time. They chatted about their time in service and finally one of them recalled the prank that Paul had played on Joe some years before. It was a good story so he did not mind being the point of humor. Besides, he thought, payback is on its way. It was not unusual for this group to place a small wager as they made their way through the course. Joe rarely came out ahead on this practice. As they approached the first tee, Joe said, "I've got a fiver that says this one will be within a foot of the pin."

  Dresser said, "In your dreams, you're on." Joe hit his ball and it went straight to the green while the others would need at least another shot to get to the green. When they finally all arrived at the green, they saw Joe's ball was about 3 inches from the hole. Dresser said, "Nice shot, you've been practicing. That's a gimmie, I'll give you that."

  "No, last time I played was with you yard birds before June got sick, haven't touched a club since."

  On the next hole Dresser said, "I suppose that you would not like to lose that fiver you took from me with some really outrageous claim this time."

  "Well I suppose I could, I'm warmed up now. Lets see this hole is 520 yards. What say within 12 inches of the pin in 2 strokes. Is that outrageous enough for a ten spot?

  Dresser said with a grin, "You couldn't resist pushing the envelope. You do that and I'll give you twenty. You have never done better than five strokes on this hole."

  When it was Joes turn to tee up, He powered the ball straight down the fairway for 390 yards with his ball stopping in clear sight of the pole and flag 90 degrees to the right of where the ball had landed. Dresser almost dropped his club and said, "You are using regulation equipment aren't you."

  "Of course, I wouldn't cheat you."

  Joe made a near perfect shot to the green. He allowed the others to approach the hole first and there was Joe's ball again sitting six inches from the cup. His caddy said, "Great Cucamonga" in disbelief. Dresser was flabbergasted. Hawk and Dawson looked at each other as if to say what is going on. Joe was humming the Marine Corp hymn. Dresser said "here is the twenty."

  "What challenge would you like to pose this time?"

  Dresser said, "The next hole is 'only' 275 yards, you can surely hit a hole in one at that piffling a distance."

  "Ok, how many would you like?

  Startled, Dresser said, "what?"

  "How many holes in one would you like, one, two, three. That is all the balls I brought with me today."

  "Give me three, your luck can't be that good."

  Joe handed Dresser three golf balls and tees and said, I'll even let you set the tees. Dresser looked at Joe as if he was a stranger and said, "Ok this is getting spooky, where did you say we met the first time."

  Joe started laughing and said, "Paul, you think I'm a rin
ger, not the real me. Well OK, you asked the embarrassing question so the answer is we met when I was rescuing you from…"

  At that point Dresser realized he had made a serious mistake with his choice of test and quickly said, "wait, wait, wait, wait, don't say it. It is you, damn it is you."

  "Relax Paul, relax, I won't say it. Let me take these three shots and then the four of us and our caddies can wander over to the picnic area for an explanation." Joe stepped up to the first tee and took his swing and drive. Before the first ball hit the green, he was hitting the second ball. Likewise before the second ball was down he was hitting the third. He then said while his caddy was picking up his bag, "Gentlemen, shall we go see what we shall see." When they arrived at the hole, his caddy looked in and said to the other caddies, "three, they are all in the cup."

  Joe said to the caddies, "I think we are done playing but if you four lads would care to join us, you too can hear the explanation. Your tip today will be quite large. Would one of you go pick up some soda pops and chips for all of us including caddies and we will wait for you before we start." He handed one of the caddies a fifty-dollar bill and he ran off to get the drinks. They signaled the next group to play through and headed for the picnic area. They located a table with no one around and waited for the other caddy to rejoin the group. Meanwhile Joe returned the wagers and said that he had an advantage that they did not know so it was not an even contest.


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