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Guardian Stone 1: Stone Genesis

Page 26

by Don Koch

  "Division 12 is to proceed to Antor 1, Division 15 to Glarin, Division 17 to Cler, and Division 18 to Fullus. Once there you are to find and neutralize any Gar found and provide what aid you can to any survivors there. You are to capture any Gar vessel encountered and place in stasis any Gar citizen found. All weapons and missiles are to be destroyed. If there are survivors, determine what are their needs and if able, provide same."

  "Well folks. This is endgame time. You have all trained and worked hard to be at this point. Avoid needless bloodshed but if you have to pull the trigger, do so. Our goal is to isolate this race and protect others from its machinations. Whether they are salvageable or not remains to be seen. If we all do our jobs this will be a safer section of the galaxy in which to live. We embark in two days. Godspeed."

  Chapter 34: Operation Endgame

  Station 1 Departing Earth Orbit –

  February 23 – C Day 177

  The Command Staff was meeting as the departure of the Antoran Fleet began. Hank had already briefed the world leaders and they all understood what was at stake. They also understood the contingency plan in case of catastrophic failure.

  "Thanks Barana, now the fun begins. I'm not as nervous about this as I thought I would be. Everyone is really ready for this. Before we uncloak and announce our presence, I want to be sure that all of the weapons systems of the Gar Fleet are incapacitated. This is not a time to start getting careless. This will also mean that this operation has an opportunity to be bloodless. We will have 4 type 1 stations and 14 type 2 stations involved in this part of the exercise. That gives us 360,000 warships. A full launch would be a bit excessive. For that matter, what I have in mind is also a bit excessive but the troops deserve to be in on this. We will launch a patrol of ships for each Gar ship out there and clean them up as quickly as we can. Each patrol will have boarding parties to mop up the ships. We will want a careful scan to be sure that there are no booby traps or jury-rigged self-destruct attempts that can be made, before we board any ship. Once we do that, we clean this up quickly and move on to the next operation. Josh how is the operation looking from the planners viewpoint?"

  "Actually, I keep looking for what I may have missed but can come up with nothing. I am feeling pretty good about the whole exercise in spite on the number of set pieces we are maneuvering with. All assignments have been made. Warships, crews and boarding parties are ready to go. Make that anxious to go. They are excited. All have been told that we wish to make this a bloodless exercise. We believe this can be done but all have been advised that none of our lives are to be jeopardized by this desire. The stun devices they are using will knock out an elephant for a week. We intend to test the stunner on an isolated ship before we go in with a full boarding of the ships. We have crews ready for the clean up of each ship. Warships will tractor the empty Gar ships to the core of Station 149 and from there back to Tau Ceti. All boarding parties will be fully armored and have the full combat enhancements. We could essentially take these crews with out weapons, just hand to hand but that could be risky and there is no need to offer that kind of approach to a race that thinks so little of the life of others. I believe we are at our prime right now. We are ready. What really floors me is that we are at this state of affairs in less that a year since you were recruited. Congratulations."

  "Thanks Josh, but this has been a team effort with everyone pulling together. Joe, anything to add?"

  "Not really, readiness is where we would want it to be. The plan looks good to me. We continue to run simulations with everything we can think of that our people might face. Barana has thrown in a few twists to keep them on their toes. They are ready."

  "General Vassim, how are your people doing."

  "I have to say that I was worried how well our peoples would do in working together. I need not have been concerned. It is as if this has always been the way. The fit is very good. The camaraderie was unexpected and is genuine. There are many of our people who wish to stay with their human friends after this business is accomplished. True friendships have taken hold. As a fighting force they complement each other. It is amazing to watch them in action during simulations, it is almost as if they are hearing each other's thoughts, they work so well together. This has been a most gratifying experience. More than a few have asked if they might jointly share the world of Janice so they can remain together if not on a station. I can say that I would not want to be an opponent facing a combined Human/Glarin Marine Force."

  Joe interjected, "He is correct General Stone. Those combined units are as good and better than any like force I have seen. Very special."

  Hank said, "There is no reason not to consider joint colonization if that is what is wanted. I think it's a great idea, in fact that can be extended to the other four colony worlds. Joann, you said you would like to add a few thoughts. Joann as many of you know is a Doctor of Psychology and has been expending quite an effort on the psychology of the Gar, Joann."

  "Thanks, Hank. I have been studying the recordings of your encounter with the Gar called Dranz. I have noticed that he is trying to avoid talking to you in a manner that would suggest to his troops that he is fearful of you. It is clear that his encounters with you were totally alien to his expectations. I believe he thinks you are not human. He indeed fears you. For this reason I have suggested to you that you might not want to put him in stasis with others of his kind but rather utilize him as a resource. I think it would help if he saw something of what our enhanced troops are capable of doing. We will not suggest that this is any different than the general population. This could well lead to his opening up about his society. I am a bit troubled by a society that would send so many of its people to fight and kill for a perceived slight so far in the past. Something here just does not fit and I still have not pinpointed what. It is almost as if they are symbiote affected. I believe that there may be an opportunity to shift this view."

  "I have noted his references to the ruler of his people. I was surprised to learn that he is related to the royal family. My impression is the current ruler is insane and no one has an idea of how to deal with the situation. It may be that isolation of their royal house may have the seed for a resolution of the dilemma they pose. What would happen if the royal family was removed from the scene, such as exiled and not permitted to reproduce or contact its former subjects. I think they would have to rethink what that would mean. From study of the recordings extracted from the Gar vessels, it is clear that their high ruler directly orders their genocidal tendencies. What happens if this high ruler is no longer there? What would happen if someone like Dranz were to replace him? This all leads to some interesting speculation. I think it is worth exploring. The others that I suggested be withheld from stasis would give us a measuring rod of how others of his kind might react to him. These are options worth exploring."

  "I agree and have set some wheels in motion. We have set up quarters for Dranz at a small lodge in the habitat. It is large enough to house the six of them comfortably. Their every word will be recorded and analyzed. Perhaps that can provide some useful insights. One thing we have learned is that to the Gar, their sword is their soul. To separate the two is to destroy them. Do not take their swords from them. They can take them into stasis with them. Rather, we will lock each sword so it cannot be drawn from its scabbard. Only we can unloc
k their sword. Note that they are as quick with those things as a samurai with his sword, so use caution until it is locked. Does anyone else have anything to add to the picture. Ok then, in two days we are going to be pretty busy so make sure you are well rested when we arrive in position. In the meantime lets test the Gar we have already captured to see if there is any evidence of symbiote infection. If there is, we will really have to have a hard look at what is behind this "

  Later when Hank and Sam were alone in their quarters, Hank said, "Sam, what is the first thing you want to do when the operation is all over?"

  "If it is still summer, then maybe a week or two at that lodge of yours and if it is later, maybe a week or two in Tahiti or a slow tour of the solar system. I would just like to spend some time with you as a tourist. Maybe a few days somewhere really public if Barana can fix us up with some convincing disguises. Doesn't really matter as long as it is away from business for a few weeks and we can be together."

  He said, "That definitely sounds like a plan. But I am not sure that we will be finished with this before September. We will definitely get away for a bit. We do have a few places to choose from. Who'da thunk it?"

  "Say what?"

  "Who would have thought we would be planning a two or three week getaway that included options like Alaska, Tahiti or the Solar System. Amazing. But to change the subject, I hope we can come up with options for the Gar that does not include wiping them out. I so do not want to do that in spite of how evil they have been and how hair-raising they are to look at. They look so predatory. I hope we can find some redeeming graces in them."

  "If they are there, I am confident you will find and exploit them."

  Two days later, the 18 ships comprising Divisions 1, 2, 6 and 9 were in position. All Gar ships had been located and each bracketed by a squadron of warships, on signal all Gar ships were ejected from FTL and the FTL and weapons capacitors destroyed. Hank, Sam, Gambel and Hanser again entered into rapport and appeared as solid figures on the bridge of the flag ship before Dranz. Hank said, "Lord Dranz, today your vessel along with the rest of those in your fleet will be boarded by our Marines. If you surrender, our Marines have been instructed to allow your crews to retain their Taju (swords) provided they do not attempt to draw them and allow our Marines to lock them so they cannot be drawn. We have at each vessel an overwhelming force ready to board. Each Gar will then be transported to a ship that contains a sufficient number of stasis units to house every member of this fleet. Each will then be returned to Gar with Taju intact. Once on Gar, the locks will be removed. None of your remaining weapons can touch the Marines in their armor. How do you respond?"

  Dranz looked truly shocked and replied, "Human, do you understand what you have just offered the Gar in this fleet?"

  "I believe we have just offered your crews the ability to retain their souls."

  "I do not understand how you know this about my people but you have also offered an honorable defeat condition that we can and do accept. It has been clear to me for some time that we could not prevail against you and your forces but I could not determine how we could avoid terminal conflict. When you are ready, I will pass this order to the rest of my fleet."

  "Lord Dranz, please proceed." Hank then explained to Dranz what to expect. He also pointed out that special quarters had been arranged for him and five of his officers aboard Station One. It was pointed out that three other Gar fleets were being approached with the same intent. All would be returned to Gar until such time as they were pacified. Hank asked Dranz to designate the officers he wanted to accompany him. He assured Dranz that there would be no torture or recriminations other than Gar would be quarantined. He also explained that the Gar Fleet of ships would no longer be Gar property. "We will allow your crews 30 minutes to gather the personal effects they would like to take with them. Once they have their personal effects they are to gather in formation on the flight deck of their vessel and await transport. Your crews will not be mistreated. Is that acceptable?"

  Dranz agreed and Hank indicated that communications with all his ships had been activated, both voice and visual. "Attention, all ships of the fleet, this is Commander Lord Dranz. I have just tendered surrender of all persons and equipment comprising this fleet to General Henry Stone of the Antoran Fleet Marines who has offered terms we can honorably accept. General Stone has offered to allow each of us to retain Taju, however each blade must be locked in its scabbard while aboard an Antoran vessel. Each of you will also be permitted to take a backpack or duffel with personal effects that will also be locked so that nothing may be removed from them while we are their guests. You will be transported to an Antoran ship containing a sufficient number of stasis units to house the entire fleet. When you arrive on that ship, you will immediately proceed to the stasis unit designated for you and stow personal effects where indicated. There is no pain, dishonor or displeasure associated with these stasis units. It will be like a sleep cycle. We are being returned to Gar. We will be placed on the parade ground adjacent to the Imperial Palace. Our foodstuffs will be delivered with us. General Stone assures me that he will not permit the High Ruler to destroy us out of hand. From what I have seen, he is quite capable of delivering on this promise. He has also indicated that while there will be no Antoran reprisals against members of this fleet, the same will not be true for the High Ruler. He will be deposed. For verification of this order, use code 43fak7karb, acknowledge." Within minutes all ships had acknowledged the order of surrender.

  Hank gave the order for the Warships to uncloak. Thirty minutes later all Gar were in formations on their ship's flight deck. The Marines boarded and an orderly transport of Gar crew to the stasis units on Station 143 began. The personnel transfer took 2 hours. The removal of Gar foodstuffs and transfer to Station 1 was completed in another 4 hours. All ships were then collected and stored in Station 149 for delivery to Tau Ceti. The entire operation was completed and the Stations were underway within 24 hours of arrival. Divisions 6 and 9 were underway to reinforce the Linan operation. Division 2 was underway to support Division 15 at Glarin if needed. Division 1 was underway to support Division 12 at Antor 1. Hank had also sent out a general broadcast relating to the significance of the Gar Taju (sword) since it was effectively what had resulted in Gar capitulation.

  ### March 5 – C Day 188 ###

  Ten days later Station 1 arrived at Antor 1 to find that Division 12 had already captured Ten Gar Warships and 3 mining vessels. The ships were all placed in the core of Station 172 while the Gar prisoners joined the other Gar in stasis on Station 143. Division 12 was then sent to support Division 18 at Fullus with Station 172 accompanying Division 1 to Cler. Cler had 20 warships that were captured with little effort. Ships and personnel were treated the same as in previous encounters. At Fullus 10 warships were captured and similarly treated. Scans were done looking back in the general direction of Earth and nothing was found.

  ### March 8 – C Day 190 ###

  Following the Cler and Fullus operations, Divisions 17 and 18 were sent to participate in the Gar Blockade while Divisions 1 and 12 continued on to the Linan system. This was the system that Hank was particularly concerned about. The Antoran Fleet there had systematically destroyed weapons and FTL capacitors leaving the Gar Fleet in considerable disarray. They had not yet determined that they were under attack. The destruction codes for the symbiotes had been sent and the Linan were for the most part going into hiding. All missiles and communications had been disabled. There had been liberal use of the T Raptor teams using the invisibility mode to further stir the situation. The commander on scene felt it best to transport the Linan population to several stations after decontamination. The Gar was faced with a rapidly disappearing Linan population with no explainable reason for the disappearances. The number of stations present made it possible to conduct the "Linan Disappearing Act" fairly quickly. When the operation was finished, there were 178 million Linan on the stations, thus leaving the Antoran Fleet to complete its activity
against the Gar. It was explained to the Linan that the Gar would be totally removed from the planet and space at which point they would have their planet back. All would then be returned to Linan.

  The Gar and Linan data systems were raided for information and intelligence. The Gar databases at Linan were a gold mine of information. Clearly the Gar High Ruler was the drive behind the Gar invasions and methods. During the review of this data it was discovered that Gar Fleet 4 was not an invasion fleet but rather a force to support a small colony on the destination world called Saram. That world had no indigenous population and the Gar presence there is small. It was apparently to be a backup support area for invasion of the Gar Fleet 5 destination World, a human occupied world called Arber. This fact changed the mission for Divisions 4 and 7 assigned to Gar Fleet 4 who now also had a planet to clean up. Those Divisions were expected to arrive on station the following day and indicated that no reinforcements were needed. They felt they had more than sufficient resources to deal with Gar Fleet 4 and the planet. When they were done there they would continue on to the Gar Fleet 5 destination planet to let them know what was happening.

  Barana's testing of the Gar prisoners in stasis revealed that about 25% of the Gar held, were infected by a Gar specific symbiote. This was not expected and the search for data to identify its source was underway. The symbiotes in this case had been resident for a long time and were causing unusual behavior. All Gar Symbiotes were destroyed. Dranz and his officers were not infected.


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