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Guardian Stone 1: Stone Genesis

Page 28

by Don Koch

  "General Montoya, I am General Artus Brondin, the commander of the Arber Defense forces. We noted the disappearance of the Gar Fleet that was coming our way and wondered what had happened. This is good news indeed. We had thought that the Antoran population had been destroyed. Your vessel is impressively large and well shielded. Our scans are revealing nothing."

  "General Brondin, we of course knew that you were attempting scans and we would have been surprised if you had not. We must leave now for Gar otherwise we would invite you aboard for a tour. We are operating on a pretty tight schedule and must leave immediately. I would hope that the next time we are in the area we might extend an offer of a tour. Also please note that the planet Gar has been placed in quarantine until we can determine that our rehabilitation efforts have been effective."

  Brondin said, "I understand and appreciate and thank you for your delivery of this news."

  "You are welcome. We will leave you now." Shortly thereafter Division 10 left for Gar cloaked. A report and recording of the entire visit was sent to the rest of the fleet.

  ### Station One in Gar Orbit – March 29 – C Day 211 ###

  Division 10 was the last to arrive at Gar. Scans made by various strings of stations did not pick up any further Gar activity elsewhere. Hank instructed that all Gar Fleet 2 officers and crew were to be assembled on Station 1 at the RM22-20 military deck in Sector 1. Once there, they were to form up by ship. Hank wanted to address them and disclose their new roles. Hank started off his address with, "Officers and crew of the invasion fleet under Commander Lord Dranz, greetings. You are about to be delivered to your home world and there have been developments you need to know about. The first is that every Gar fleet and outpost has been captured and is about to be returned to Gar. For a period of time you will be barred from space. That will be a hard Griffor to swallow." Some laughter was heard as a Griffor was a large animal and a favorite food of the Gar. The first development is that High Ruler Sadex has been deposed and awaits trial for crimes against his people, and the people of Cler, Antor, Glarin, Linan, Earth, Fullus, and Arber. The same trials await his advisors and some of his family. Those not convicted will be relegated to life in exile without the amenities they have been taking for granted. They may have to live as you have lived for a time." More laughter.

  "Your new Monarch is High Ruler Lord Dranz, your former commander." This time Hank understood the expression of joy that ensued. He allowed the reaction to go on for five minutes before he raised his hand to quiet the gathering. "I take it that bit of news is not what you expected and that you appear to be happy with his ascension to the throne." More laughter. "I hope you realize what this means for each of you. More work." Again there was more laughter. "Many of you will want to return to civilian life and many of you will because your numbers are great. In the meantime High Ruler Dranz will need your help. He expects to be more visible than past High Rulers. This means that he will be a target for every disaffected crazy Gar out there. Those of you who stay with him will have your hands full to assure that his rule is enabled. This responsibility will be yours. Are you up to the task?" A loud roar erupted from the ranks. "I take that as a YES." Another loud roar was heard.

  "In a short while you will be transported down to the Imperial Palace. You will be wearing the uniform of the Imperial Guard. You should wear it with pride because you have served well and will continue to do so. Many of you do not know the reason why we have been in conflict until recently. The reason is so mundane as to be unbelievable." He went on to explain the genesis for the conflict and the resultant impact on Gar's neighbors. "We did our best to bring this to a halt without unnecessarily spilling your blood. We believe that you should have the opportunity to repair the missteps of your former Monarch. This starts now. High Ruler Dranz has agreed to a constitution that places certain limitations on his powers and places them in the hands of the Gar people. The people will elect representatives among you to develop the laws that govern you. With this right comes great responsibility. I, for one, believe that you are capable of this undertaking. I hope that you prove me correct so that we can welcome you back among the stars in commerce rather than invasion." Another cheer arose from the gathered crews.

  "In the buildings in back of you are your new uniforms. In a few minutes, I will ask you to go and change into them. When you are delivered to the Imperial Palace, you will be facing the other invasion fleets and outposts that are being returned this day. You will be armed with your unlocked Taju and with stun rifles. Those you face will be unarmed except for their Taju and that will also be unlocked. Your old uniforms and personal effects have already been placed in your assigned quarters. Former enemies and now I hope new friends, good luck to each of you and Godspeed. Ship commanders, please dismiss your crews."

  "Barana, Please transport me to Dranz."


  Hank greeted Dranz on the lodge deck and said, "Well Lord Dranz, today you make a huge leap. My best wishes go with you. I am sorry to leave the problem of the former High Ruler in your hands but I do not think your people would take kindly my issuance of justice."

  "No General Stone, this must, for many reasons, be my task. Not the least is that we wish to return to the stars one day. Perhaps one day I could be one of your explorers. I do look forward to the task at hand. By the way your handling of my crew was well done. I think they are beginning to like you. That is high praise for a conqueror although I now look on you as a friend with a most difficult task almost completed. Henry, my people are not quite the bloodthirsty monsters that many believe we are. I am thankful for the restraint you have exercised throughout this campaign. I am very thankful for the opportunity to start things down a more favorable path. I will not disappoint you."

  Hank said, "Some time ago, I made a gift to a former enemy who was recently made leader of a country that we were at odds with. I felt that he was the best person for that job but I was worried that his life was in such jeopardy that he might not live long enough to make a difference. I am now offering you the same gift. Essentially it is a protective shield that will prevent injury from many sources including swords, bullets, explosions and a long list of other items people everywhere use to kill. The armor is invisible and is activated when it detects a threat. It comes with a condition. The condition is that if you abuse the powers granted to you, the shield will dissolve. The warning that has occurred will be minimal. When the armor operates, there will be a slight glow around your whole person. Other than that no one will realize the protection is there until it is actually doing its job. You will need to be more visible than past Monarchs. I think you will find this useful. It will not change your personality, demeanor or thinking. Will you accept this gift?"

  "Thank you and yes I do accept. I had thought I had agreed to a much shorter life span but this may enable something longer. How is it applied?"

  "Just hold out your hand." As he did, Hank poured the contents of the vial slowly into his hand and explained. "These are smart nanites. A similar construct to the symbiotes your people have used but these do not affect the person wearing it. You will not even sense its presence. It will take about 15 minutes to start providing protection and about a half day to reach full strength. When it is used you will become hungry because it is drawing on your body's energy reserves. Just eat something high in calories and you will adjust quickly. It is that simple." He went on, "How does the coronation take place on your world?"

  "It is rather simple really. I merely ascend the throne, put the crown on my head and declare that I am Monarch. If the crown accepts me, then I am Monarch. If it does not, then I will be terminated on the spot. I expect no problems. I think that my crews are now in place so it is time for me to begin. My five companions will be my witnesses. Thank you again Henry."

  "Thank you Lord Dranz and by the way that constitution you wrote was masterful."

  "Thanks to a lot of help from Prince Kar."

  "He told you then?"

"No, but I guessed and he confirmed. I owe him a debt of gratitude."

  "It is time for me to go down and address the citizens of Gar." With that he was transported down to the stage in front of the Imperial Palace where a very large crowd had gathered. The members of Fleet 2 were in their positions and looked sharp and alert. The crews from other fleets and outposts were next group facing the Palace with other citizens in back of them. On his arrival at the stage, he stated in perfect Gar, "My name is General Henry Stone. I am the Commanding General of the Antoran Fleet that you see in your skies. I personally am from the planet Earth, some 3,400 light years from here. Until today, we were your enemy. We have captured all of your fleets and outposts everywhere in a period of one month and have done so without spilling so much as a drop of your blood or ours for that matter. This all started because a single human made an unfortunate remark and High Ruler Sadex took offense at the words. For this he essentially destroyed two civilizations decimated a third and caused another to flee in order to continue its existence. How many times have any of you who were irritated or upset by the words of another, thought it sufficient to seek bodily harm or death to the offending party. Multiply that by all of the deaths brought about by your monarch and his advisors. This must stop here, now, today. That Monarch will be tried for his deeds against those whose deaths he has caused. Those deeds have caused us to capture all of your people off-planet and return them here until you have learned to live with other living beings and to confine you here until that is accomplished."

  "There are those of my kind that would argue that we should merely drop a few planet-busters on you and forget that you ever existed. I do not wish to do that. It would make me the very kind of genocidal maniac that was your former Monarch. I will not go there. I believe that many of you would not wish to go there if our roles were reversed. I am prepared to lock you up here and throw away the key. That also I do not wish to do. I have seen in your race persons who are of high honor and who respect the rights of others to live. I have to believe that many of you are of this ilk. Today you have a new high ruler who I believe to be just the sort of person of whom I speak. He was my adversary, but even then I saw strength of character and honesty that leads me to believe you should have a second chance. If after a reasonable time, and I do mean years and not centuries, we can assure that you are ready for space again, we will determine how that can be accomplished. Your action during the last 500 years has led other peoples to a justifiable distrust. Are you capable as a people of discarding an invasion and genocidal mentality for one of trade and prosperity? Are you willing to take a pledge on your Taju that the evil that has been done at the order of your former monarch is no longer your way?" A huge roar of YES went up from the crowd that surprised Hank, so he said, "Very well, all of you who so wish either here or in your homes or other gathering places, draw your Taju. As far as he could see, there were raised swords in the air. He went on and said, "Now pledge on your Taju that you will no longer support genocide for frivolous reasons unless your existence is threatened." A murmur from the crowd told him that they had so pledged. "Pledge that your dealings with each other and with other races will be supported by strength of character, honesty, honor and fairness." This time a strong murmur arose from the crowd as they accepted the second part of the pledge. "Now, please, very carefully so as not to slice and dice your neighbor, return your Taju to its scabbard." This brought considerable laughter to the crowd. "That is all I have to say, I hope to soon welcome your return to space but that will be up to you. I believe your High Ruler wishes to address you." He was then transported back to the station.

  High Ruler Dranz walked out on to a high balcony backed by his five advisors and wearing the crown of Gar. He said, "People of Gar, we have one item of business to conduct. My advisors and I have reviewed the charges and evidence against former High Ruler Sadex and his advisors. The following advisors have insufficient guilt to require their termination. Their Taju will be broken in half and they may continue to wear it. They are to be sent to the farthest parts of the planet. They may never again hold a position of authority. Each case will be reviewed every 10 years for possible revision. When you have your broken Taju in hand, you will be transported to your new living space. Any treasure you have accumulated becomes the property of the crown except for a pension sufficient to meet your needs at the level at which you will be living." He then read the list of names of persons affected and it included all but three members of the royal family.

  He went on, "Former High Ruler Sadex and the 7 remaining advisors, two of whom were in the royal line of succession have been found guilty and the penalty is death. This choice will be offered to you. The first is to now draw your Taju and ritually execute the verdict. If you select this option a second will be offered to guide your hand and you will be buried with your Taju. The second option is that Taju will be melted down and the resulting droplets will be scattered across the depths of our oceans and the throats of our volcanoes. You will then be placed in a cell and no food will be provided. When you die, your body will be delivered to the volcano on Traitors Island. Please choose now." All elected the immediate route and all elected seconds. The event was over in seconds. King Dranz then said, "In the coming days there will be many changes. Not the least of these is how to establish a society that the Antorans and others will allow back in space. We must prove ourselves. I will be providing mechanisms for feedback and how to accomplish this. If you have ideas, you may provide them to us. Instructions on how this will be accomplished will be forthcoming shortly." He then turned around and reentered the Palace muttering, "just when I need to talk to Henry and he is not here."

  Dranz heard Hanks voice saying, " but your Majesty, I am here. Would you like me to come down to talk."

  "Yes, please." Hank appeared a second after the exchange.

  "What can I do for you."

  Dranz said, "The immensity of all this came home to me when the executions were underway. I know that you said that I could do this but all of a sudden the job just grew. I guess I am in a bit of a panic."

  "Let us sit for a few minutes so I can give you an idea of the resources that will be here and available to you. Excuse me, Gloriana, would you ask General Tanaka to join us please." A moment later General Tanaka appeared. "Your highness, this is General Goro Tanaka who is commander of Division 5. That Division consists of 5 stations that will remain here for the next six months. Station 5 is similar in structure to the one you have been on and it is the Command ship for Division 5. The other four stations are smaller but still huge by any standards. Every six months a new Division will rotate in and the last Division will rotate out to go back home. In the next day or so all the rest of the ships will be gone. The reason for a Division here is threefold. The first is for your protection. There are a lot of people out there who are very much upset about what the Gar has done, so you need a defense. That defense is us. The second reason for their being here is one that I have been very upfront about and that is to monitor Gar activity and progress. The third is to provide you with the resource I promised."

  "This Division is more than capable of performing all three functions. In addition they will not be visible. Only you and your selected advisors will know we are here. Part of the gift I gave you earlier today includes a communication component. If you want to talk to General Tanaka you need only to think his name and he will respond if available. The better course is to use the component to contact Gloriana and she will put you in touch with the one that can help you. Gloriana is smarter than all of us put together so generally you will be able to get a direct answer from her. She can also reach me even if I am on Earth. While none of us will take orders we will help when we can. This also includes humanitarian aid in the event of a major disaster. Our role is to prevent conflicts in space. When we reach the point where we agree that you can reenter space a device will remain in orbit to allow you continued contact. Understand that Gloriana is going to have a different perspectiv
e than you might have but she will try to help. Our AI's also learn from such exchanges. Everything we have discussed is in her memory so she has a continually updated perspective from which to provide assistance."

  "I did want you to meet General Tanaka in person because he needs to understand your needs as well and we humans do like face to face meetings." Hank said with a smile.

  Dranz said with an indication of laughter, "All too well do I know this human trait."

  Hank chuckled and said, "If additional questions arise try Gloriana first. Gloriana are you there?"

  Gloriana replied, < yes I am General Stone.>

  "Good, I wanted His Majesty to hear what you sound like mentally. Remember Your Majesty, you need only think the desire for conversation and Gloriana will hear and understand. You will be in contact with Gloriana as frequently as you determine is needed. This can be a great advantage if the person you are verbally talking with does not realize you are having a mental discussion. They will likely think about how deep in thought the High Ruler appears to be. Does this help with the trepidations you were having? You will not be alone."

  "It does indeed. And I apologize for taking your time like this. By the way, that was an interesting thing you did with the pledge on the Taju today, it was exceptionally effective. I can see that I have much to learn from you. Thank you once again."

  "I hope when I come to visit in a year we can begin to have you in space again."

  "Do you think it is possible that soon?"

  "It may be baby steps but I think it is possible. As a practical matter, the increase in population due to the return of all your people places a burden on the resources of your planet. We recognize that you will need to access the resources of other planets in your system so, initially, something will be worked out in that light. That can be the building block we will work on. Well, your majesty, I will be remaining in orbit for another week so if you need to talk to me directly, I will be available."


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