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A Touch of Magick: Spells, Seduction and Secrets, Book 1

Page 13

by N. J. Walters

  Chapter Ten

  Rhiannon awoke the next morning with her head pounding and her stomach aching. She lay in bed and fought the urge to just turn, pull the covers over her head and not bother to get out of bed. She felt like she had a hangover. The problem with that was she hadn’t had so much as a sip of the wine Ryland had brought with him last night.

  Ryland. Just the mere mention of his name made her heart hurt. She’d indulged in a bout of tears after he’d left. The tears had eventually dried up, leaving her with a huge empty hole in her heart. She absently rubbed her chest, wondering how Ryland was feeling this morning.

  Was he confused? Angry? Hurt?

  Sighing, she pushed herself up in bed and squinted at the clock. It was just shy of six o’clock. She’d managed to get about three hours sleep. Propping herself against the headboard, she grabbed her spare pillow and hugged it to her chest. It smelled like Ryland. Spicy and male.

  Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them back. She wouldn’t cry. She was done with that. It wasn’t Ryland’s fault he couldn’t seem to accept what she was. Not many could. Especially when it was sprung on them in such a dramatic fashion.

  She curled her knees into her chest and rested her head on the pillow she was holding. It was still hard to believe Ryland had released her magick. No matter what her sister might have read in their Grammy’s library, Rhiannon knew it had taken more than sex to release her pent-up magick. It had taken love as well.

  Ryland Stone was stubborn, pragmatic and practical. And she loved him. She’d laugh if it weren’t so tragic. She was a witch and he was vehemently opposed to the idea such a thing even existed. There had to be something in his life, in his past, that had hardened his ideas on the subject. She’d found him to be open-minded about most things when they’d talked over dinner.

  Or maybe it was just her. Maybe he didn’t feel any of the deeper emotions that had taken her by storm. He’d told her he only wanted a physical relationship. Nothing deeper. She couldn’t say he hadn’t been honest with her.

  Only she wanted more, had felt more than simply the sexual attraction that sizzled whenever they were in the same room together. Deep in her bones, Rhiannon knew Ryland was special and that he could be a very important part of her life if he’d only let himself.

  Abigail trotted into the bedroom and gracefully leapt onto the bed. She meowed and butted her head against Rhiannon’s knee. “It’s not his fault,” she told the cat.

  Abigail stared at her owner, her green eyes unblinking.

  “It’s not,” she repeated. “All he wanted was a date and some hot sex. He wasn’t expecting to be the catalyst to unleashing a witch’s magick.” She really believed that, but it didn’t keep her from wishing things were different.

  Sighing, she tossed the pillow away and stared blindly around her room. In a few short hours, he’d invaded her home as surely as if he’d lived there for years. She could see him everywhere.

  By the side of the bed was where he’d stripped off his clothing. In the center of the room was where he’d stood when he’d dismissed the truth of her magick. She glanced at her bed and looked away. Memories of Ryland would forever wrap themselves around her when she went to bed.

  Maybe she needed a new mattress. Perhaps some paint and new drapes. At the very least, she had to change the sheets. The scent of sex and man was driving her crazy. One minute she was comforted by it, the next it almost brought her to tears.

  Her life had spun out of control in the last two days. She’d cast a spell that had actually worked, had the most amazing sex with a man who she’d just met and unleashed her magick.

  For once in her life, her magick took a backseat to her feelings for a man. She couldn’t stop thinking about Ryland, reliving every moment of their time together, wondering if she could have said or done anything differently. And thinking about it so much was beginning to drive her crazy.

  Shaking her head, she rubbed behind Abigail’s ears. “Time to get up.” Thankfully, she didn’t have to work today. There was no way she wanted to face the eagle-eyed Ada Briars or have to deal with customers. No, today was all about her. She was going to indulge herself in a long, hot bath. Then she was going to change the sheets and start a load of laundry before cooking herself a pancake breakfast.

  The thought of food made her stomach turn. She swallowed hard. “You can do this,” she told herself. Abigail blinked in agreement. “It hurts, but you’ve been hurt before.” And she had. Only it had never cut quite this deep before.

  She tossed the covers aside and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the phone. She supposed she should call Gwen before her sister called her. As if on cue, the phone rang. Giving into the inevitable, Rhiannon reached for the phone.

  “Good morning, Gwen.”

  “It happened, didn’t it? I could feel it last night. So did Momma and Grammy. They made me wait until this morning before I called.” Excitement tinged her sister’s voice and she laughed. “Your magick was released. It was sex, wasn’t it? I was right, wasn’t I? Who is he?”

  Rhiannon spoke when her sister paused to take a breath. “Yes, it happened.” A flutter of excitement welled up inside her. “You were right. Sex with the right man did release it.” What had happened with Ryland had been amazing and scary and exhilarating.

  “Rhi?” She could hear the concern in her sister’s voice now and it made tears well up in her eyes.

  Rhiannon had to know the truth. “Tell me you didn’t cast a spell.”

  “I didn’t cast a spell.” She could hear the sincerity in Gwen’s voice. “Honestly, I might joke about it, but you know I’d never do anything like that without your permission.”

  Rhiannon’s grip on the receiver loosened. Okay, if her sister hadn’t cast a spell, then it was the one she and her friends had cast that had drawn Ryland. Now that she’d done her best to reverse it, things should return to normal.

  Right, she thought, shaking her head. Her life would never be the same again.

  Her sister paused. “Why don’t you sound happier?”

  She bit her bottom lip and sniffed. She would not cry. This was a happy time for her and her family. She’d waited for this moment her entire life, despairing of it ever happening.


  “I’m fine, Gwen. Just sad.”

  “It’s the guy, isn’t it?”

  She gave a watery laugh. “You could say that. Oh, Gwen, we lit every single candle in the room. The thing is, he’s the most pragmatic man I’ve ever met. Something like magick has no place in his belief system or his life.”

  “Screw him.” Gwen’s voice was fierce now. “If he can’t accept you for the wonderful woman you are then he doesn’t deserve you.”

  “It’s not his fault, Gwen,” she said softly. And it wasn’t. He was a product of his upbringing, just as she was. Maybe when he had time to think about it, he’d open himself up to the possibility that what she’d told him was true and not just the delusions of a crazy woman.

  He’d said they weren’t done yet. Maybe he truly meant that. And maybe she was grasping at straws. “Not every man is as open as Gavin.” Gavin was Gwen’s adoring husband. He’d had no trouble accepting the fact that she was a witch. Maybe it was because of his gypsy heritage. Either way, he adored and accepted Gwen. His love for her was palpable.

  She didn’t begrudge her sister and brother-in-law their happiness. She just wanted the same thing for herself.

  “Maybe,” Gwen conceded. Rhiannon could hear a male voice in the background. “Gavin says to give him time.”

  There wasn’t anything else she could do. The ball was firmly in Ryland’s court. She’d told him he was free and he was. If he wanted to have anything more to do with her, he’d have to come to her.

  “Are you okay?” The concern in her sister’s voice warmed her. “I can jump on a plane and fly out there if you need me. I’ll bring Gavin and he can beat up the guy who hurt you. What’s his name anyway?”

“Ryland. His name is Ryland Stone. And no, you don’t need to come out here. And as much as I appreciate the offer, Gavin doesn’t need to beat him up for me.” She couldn’t help but smile. Gavin would do just that if he felt it was necessary. It was good to be loved. “It will take a while, but I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. But in the meantime, celebrate your magick. It’s finally free. Use it. Experiment with it. If you have any problems, call any of us, day or night.”

  “I will,” she promised. “Love you both.” She hung up when her sister said goodbye.

  Abigail was sitting at the end of the bed watching. “I guess you want breakfast.” The cat regally inclined her head.

  “Just let me get these sheets off the bed. I can start a load of laundry, get your breakfast and start a pot of coffee before I get a bath.” It was then it hit her. The dishes from last night’s dinner were still on the table. The pots were still in the sink. Groaning, she pushed off the bed, grabbed a corner of the sheet and yanked. She couldn’t wait to soak in a hot tub of water.

  An hour later, she was leaning back against the rim of the tub, letting the hot water soothe her stiff muscles. The smell of lavender perfumed the air as steam rose from the water. The handful of homemade lavender salts was doing a good job of relaxing her.

  The bed was remade, the window open to air out any lingering smells from last night. The dishes were in the dishwasher, the table and counters cleaned. A large pot of coffee was brewing and Abigail was fed.

  Closing her eyes, Rhiannon replayed everything they’d both said and done last night. Well, not quite everything. She tried not to think of the incredible sex they had or the blistering orgasms he’d given her.

  Her nipples tightened and her core clenched. She moaned and buried her face in her hands. This had to stop. She could barely think about the man without becoming hot and bothered. What would she do when she came face-to-face with him in town? With her luck, it would happen all the time now even though they’d managed to live in the same town for a year without meeting.

  Grabbing her loofah sponge, she poured a generous dollop of liquid body wash onto it and started to scrub. The rough sponge left her skin tingling. She avoided her breasts and between her thighs, opting to use a soft washcloth instead. It was still torture.

  Knowing that staying in the tub longer wasn’t going to help her relax, she pulled the plug and climbed out. She dried herself off and wrapped the towel around her before padding into her bedroom. Today was definitely about comfort.

  With that in mind, she pulled her oldest pair of jeans out of the closet and dropped them on the end of the bed. The denim was faded, almost white, around the pockets and at the knees. She dropped the towel and pulled on a pair of plain white cotton panties before sliding on the jeans. They were as comfortable as a pair of old sweats, but they made her feel better. Sexier.

  She started to put on a bra, but the brush of the fabric against her peaked nipples was too much to bear. Shoving it back into the lingerie drawer, she thought about her options and settled on a soft cotton cardigan in a violet-blue color that matched her eyes.

  The phone rang just as she was leaving the bedroom. Her heart leapt and her breath caught in her throat. She thought about letting her answering machine pick it up. But maybe it was Ryland. He’d said he’d call.

  It rang again and she pounced on it. “Hello?” Her voice was breathless. Expectant.


  Disappointment filled her as she recognized Esther’s voice. “Good morning.”

  “You okay? I woke up with you on my mind.”

  Did she really want her friend to know what had happened last night? Maybe. At the very least, she needed to warn both her and Maggie about the possible ramifications of their magickal spell. There was no longer any doubt in Rhiannon’s mind that it had worked. And well.

  “Are you working this morning?”

  “No. I’m on the afternoon shift. Why?”

  “How do you feel about pancakes and bacon?”

  Esther laughed. “Personally, I love them. My thighs, on the other hand, not so much.”

  “Your thighs will forgive you this one time. I’m going to call Maggie and see if she’s free this morning.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in a bit. And, Rhiannon, you didn’t answer my question.”

  “I will when you get here.”

  “Good enough. See you in a bit.”

  Esther hung up and Rhiannon quickly dialed Maggie’s number. It rang four times before a groggy Maggie answered. “’Lo.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you.” Rhiannon glanced at the clock and winced when she realized it was just after half past seven. Esther was a morning person, but Maggie wasn’t, not by any stretch of the imagination.

  “What’s up?” Maggie asked before she let out a huge yawn. “Sorry ’bout that.”

  “Esther is coming over for pancakes and I was wondering if you wanted to join us.”

  “Sure.” Fabric rustled in the background. Rhiannon could easily picture Maggie rubbing her eyes and shoving her mass of hair out of her face. “Wait.” Her friend’s voice was sharper. “Did something happen? Are you okay?”

  “Something did happen, but I’m fine. I’ll tell you everything when you get here.”

  Maggie sighed and yawned again. “Okay. I need a shower and a hit of caffeine before I get in my car. Be there in about forty.”

  The line went dead and Rhiannon replaced the receiver. Ryland might not be able to handle what she was, but she had good friends who loved her. To be fair, they’d known her for almost a year before she’d sprung her secret on them. Ryland had known her all of two days.

  She raked her fingers through her short hair. Nothing she could change about it now. What was done was done. She had company coming and pancake batter to mix and bacon to fry.

  “Okay, spill.” Maggie finished her last bite of pancake and pushed back her plate.

  By silent agreement, they’d kept the conversation light as they’d each plowed through a stack of pancakes and a mound of bacon. Well, Maggie and Esther had plowed through it, but she’d mostly picked. Nothing like man trouble to make you lose your appetite.

  Rhiannon shoved her still-full plate aside and took a sip of coffee, letting the caffeine slide through her system. “Ryland came over to dinner last night.” She placed her mug back on the table and fiddled with the handle.

  “And?” Esther prompted.

  “I told him I was a witch,” she blurted.

  “I take it that didn’t go over so well.” Maggie’s obvious sympathy made Rhiannon’s cheeks burn with humiliation.

  “No. It didn’t go over so well. He didn’t believe me. For a minute or two, I thought he might just call for the men in the white coats.” It still hurt her to think about it. “He thinks I’m crazy.”

  “I’m so sorry, honey.” Esther reached out and covered Rhiannon’s hand, squeezing it gently. “I know that had to be hard, but better to find out how he really felt about it before you slept with him than after the fact. Right?”

  Rhiannon glanced away from her friend. Staring out the dining room window, she could see the patio stone in the center of the garden where they’d cast their spell and let loose the candle magick.

  She could sense her friends’ growing unease. “You didn’t sleep with him, did you?” She could hear the disbelief in Esther’s voice.

  “She slept with him.” There was no question in Maggie’s voice.

  Sighing, Rhiannon turned back to her friends. “Yes.”

  “How the heck did that happen after you told him you were a witch and he freaked out?”

  How could she explain the intense physical attraction between her and Ryland to her friends? “It just did.” Her skin tingled just thinking about the man. “The attraction between us is…” She shrugged. “Anyway, we had sex.”

  “What was it like?” Leave it to Maggie to get down to the nitty-gritty.

  The corners of her mouth turned upward. �
��It was incredible.” Both women were staring at her with rapt expressions on their faces. “I didn’t know sex could be that good.” Her nipples tightened in agreement. Rhiannon was glad her sweater hid the fact she wasn’t wearing a bra or she’d be telegraphing her arousal in front of her friends.

  Esther picked up her napkin and waved it in front of her, fanning rapidly. “You should see the look on your face. You’ve got it bad.”

  That brought her crashing back down to Earth with a thud. “Doesn’t matter.”

  “It didn’t end well?” Maggie asked.

  “Depends on what you consider ending well.” Rhiannon could still feel the flood of her intense orgasm, the rising tide of her magick bursting forth, the weight of Ryland’s body covering hers.

  Rubbing a hand over her forehead, she took a deep breath and continued. “I, um, I lit all the candles in the room when I orgasmed.”

  Neither woman said anything. Esther’s forehead wrinkled as she frowned. Maggie tilted her head to one side as she absorbed what Rhiannon had just told them.

  Suddenly, Esther smiled. “Your magick.”

  “It broke free.” Maggie jumped up and grabbed Rhiannon by the shoulders, pulling her out of her chair. “You did it.” She hugged her friend. “You set your magick free.”

  Esther joined them and the three women laughed and hugged. Rhiannon closed her eyes and once again gave thanks for her amazing friends. Maggie was the first to pull away. “Can you do it? I mean, I know you don’t do parlor tricks and stuff, but can you light a candle for us?”

  Rhiannon could see the genuine interest in both women’s faces. She had unleashed her magick, but wasn’t certain about her control. She had to start sometime. And there was no time like the present.

  “Okay. I can do that.” They all took their chairs again and Rhiannon concentrated on the candle sitting in the center of the table. Unlike the red votive that had started this mess, this candle was a cheerful orange. Festive.


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