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Mahabharata: Volume 4

Page 65

by Debroy, Bibek

  14 Arjuna is now addressing Uluka.

  15 Bhishma’s.

  16 Bhishma.

  17 Bhima.

  1 Dhrishtadyumna.

  2 Ratha means chariot, as well as charioteer. As a charioteer, a ratha is a warrior. A maharatha is in general a mighty warrior. More specifically, a maharatha is skilled in the use of all weapons and can take on ten thousand warriors single-handedly. An atiratha is an unrivalled warrior, whose valour is unlimited, greater than a maharatha.

  3 Varshneya Yuyudhana is Satyaki and Saindhava is Jayadratha.

  4 Kripa.

  5 Abhimanyu.

  6 Kartikeya, the general of the gods.

  7 Vyuhas are battle formations or arrays for the troops and these had different structures.

  8 We have translated this as servants, but there is a nuance of the servants being paid. An alternative translation is thus of soldiers who are paid and those who are not paid, the mercenaries and the non-mercenaries respectively.

  9 Shalya was Madri’s sister and Madri was the mother of Nakula and Sahadeva.

  10 Somadatta’s son, Bhurishrava. Bhurishrava’s father was Somadatta.

  11 Jayadratha.

  12 The word used is tata.

  13 In the course of the Pandava conquest, Sahadeva defeated Nila.

  14 The word used is tata.

  15 Arjuna defeated them.

  16 Makaras, mythical creatures.

  17 The word used is tata.

  18 The word used is tata.

  19 As kings.

  20 Arjuna.

  21 Meaning Drona, or Bhaaradvaja, Bharadvaja’s son.

  22 Yama’s.

  23 Because Bhima killed several rakshasas.

  24 Indra is the chastiser of Paka and Indra was Bhagadatta’s friend, while Arjuna was Indra’s son.

  25 Karna studied under Parashurama under the false pretence of being a brahmana. When he was discovered, Parashurama cursed him that he would not be able to remember the weapons at the time of battle.

  26 Parashurama. The story will be told in Section 60.

  27 Presumably meaning Bhishma and Karna. But it could also mean Bhishma and Drona.

  28 The word used is tata.

  29 In the earlier state of affairs, Shikhandi was a woman. The story will be recounted in Section 60.

  30 The wielder of the pinaka, Shiva.

  31 Dhrishtaketu’s sister was Karenumati and she was married to Nakula.

  32 The word used is tata.

  33 Kunti was raised by Kuntibhoja. Purujit is Kuntibhoja’s son and is thus, Bhima’s maternal uncle.

  34 Indra.

  35 Ghatotkacha.

  36 The word used is tata.


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