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Crowned (Girls of Wonder Lane Book 2)

Page 21

by Christina Coryell

  Glancing between Regina and Kelsey, Harley’s forehead wrinkled slightly. “Actually, I have a date, so…”

  “Oh.” Kelsey looked a smidge dejected, and Harley instantly felt a twinge of guilt. “Well, it was nice of you to drop by on your way to your date, anyway.”

  “Yeah, I was in the neighborhood because I have to pick him up,” Harley added. “Maybe after, though? I’ll be back around later.”

  “Sure.” Kelsey followed Ryan with her eyes as he reached for his coat and shoved one arm into the sleeve. “Where are you going?”

  “My girlfriend’s here to pick me up,” he said simply. “She has a sweet BMW, and she’s really hot.” Stepping up behind Harley, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Is he playing a joke on me?” Kelsey directed her words to Harley, who leaned her head back against Ryan’s shoulder.

  “No, he’s not kidding,” Harley assured her. “I am really hot.” Adding a wink for good measure, she retrieved her keys from her pocket. “You driving?”

  “Absolutely.” Plucking the keys from her hand, he straightened his coat as he took a step back. “I’ll try to have her home in time to watch your movie, Kels.”

  “Have a good time!” Regina called as they stepped out the door.

  Ryan crossed to the car quickly, pulling open the passenger door and blocking Harley’s path.

  “I can’t believe you think you’re hot,” he whispered.

  “I can’t believe you called me your girlfriend. That’s pretty presumptuous on your part.”

  “So sorry,” he stated, allowing a smile to spread across his face. “After last night, I just assumed—”

  “That I wouldn’t be dating other people? That I want to be in a committed relationship? That there’s no other person I’d rather be with right now?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Squeezing between him and the car, she placed her hand on his shoulder and pressed a feather-soft kiss to his neck.

  “You were right. And I don’t care what you call me, as long as you do.”

  Christmas music rang out overhead as Harley strolled through the mall with her hand firmly clasped in Ryan’s, staring at the storefronts. The scenery exuded a winter wonderland, albeit rather dingy and fake-looking, but she hardly noticed as she glanced at the man beside her.

  A strange sensation filled her chest, tingly and exciting, and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling as she glanced away. She had never been so enamored with anyone in her life, and the thought was both thrilling and terrifying. For the moment, she decided to focus on thrilling, since she could feel the flesh of his fingers warm against her own.

  “Have you done any Christmas shopping yet?” he questioned, interrupting her thoughts.

  “No, but I never do, really. Unless you count shopping for myself.”

  “Which you do a lot.” He cast a sideways glance in her direction, and she squeezed his hand harder.

  “Only on Wednesdays, and not recently. I’m guessing you haven’t done any shopping?”

  “Been too busy. Anyway, I’ve had a lot on my mind, and I wasn’t really in the mood.”

  “Are you in the mood today?”

  “For what?” he asked mischievously. “I would probably consider it a lot more tedious if I wasn’t with you.”

  “I’m glad I could make your day less tedious, then.”

  Ryan paused at the entrance to a coffee shop, taking a deep breath. “That smells great. Maybe we should just stay here.”

  “We could, but you’ll never get your shopping done.” Pulling on his hand, she coerced him back into motion.

  “Harley Laine? Is that you?”

  Stopping in her tracks, Harley twisted her neck to see who had addressed her, and found her eyes locked on Denton Price. His gaze roamed over her from head to toe, and he never bothered to wipe the surprise from his expression.

  “Wow, it is you. You look different, and…shorter.”

  Ryan pulled his fingers away from hers, and she nervously wiped her palms on her jeans. “I’m sure it’s because I’m not wearing heels,” she said. “Ryan, have you ever met Denton?”

  “No, I’ve not had the pleasure,” Ryan stated hesitantly, extending his hand. Denton reluctantly took it while looking at Harley questioningly.

  “Nice to meet you,” Denton finally added, dragging his eyes back to Ryan. “I take it you’re the guy she’s sort of seeing?”

  “I don’t know how one would go about ‘sort of’ seeing another person, but I guess you’d have to take that one up with her.”

  Harley’s nervousness ratcheted up a notch as she glanced at a passerby who was eyeing them curiously. “So, are you Christmas shopping, too?”

  “Yeah, trying to anyway.” Denton drew his eyes to Ryan again, sizing him up. “I’m sorry, you’re just not Harley’s usual fare—not to be rude. Merely an observation.”

  “O-kay,” Ryan answered slowly. “I have no idea what to do with that.”

  “He’s right,” Harley stated, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m pretty sure Ryan already knows that.” Stepping closer to Ryan, she wrapped her arm around his waist and looked up at his profile. “This guy is so selfless and poetic and truly amazing, and I’m really lucky that he’s willing to date me. I’m proud to be the girl on his arm.”

  Ryan dropped his head and grinned as he protectively circled Harley’s shoulders, resting his fingertips against her arm.

  “Well, if you’ve got Harley in your corner like that, you must be a good guy.” Denton reached out to pat Ryan on the shoulder. “Take care of this girl. I need her for the witty banter.”

  “Good to meet you,” Ryan stated as Denton walked away. He turned to Harley, resting his eyes on hers as a lazy half-smile formed on his face.

  “Shopping?” she suggested, feeling rather self-conscious.

  “You really meant that, didn’t you?” Removing his arm from her shoulders, he took her hand as another shopper bumped him, forcing him closer.

  “We’re going to be trampled.” She knew she needed to move, but the blue of his eyes seemed brighter than normal, and she didn’t want to look away. With a resigned sigh, he continued walking.

  “So you really don’t have any shopping to do?” He lifted his eyes back to the retail displays.

  “No. The truth is, my parents never really celebrated Christmas this way, so it’s kind of foreign to me.”

  “When you say ‘this way’ you mean…”

  “Gifts, mostly.”

  Pausing at a candle shop, Ryan stepped inside.

  “You like smells, don’t you?” Harley added. “First the coffee shop, now the candles.”

  “Yes, ma’am. You do too, though—at least you seem to like my cologne. Or were you being sarcastic earlier?”

  “Trust me, you smell amazing.”

  Grabbing a candle, Ryan held it behind his back and lifted his eyebrows. “A game, perhaps? Close your eyes and tell me what you smell.”

  She glanced around to make certain no one was watching before she did as he asked, gently closing her eyes. Within seconds one aroma was overwhelming all the others, and she inhaled as she tried to place it.

  “Apples and brown sugar?” she guessed.

  “Nice, apple pie. Okay, wait for the next one.”

  Continuing to hold her eyes closed, she tried to block out the sounds of the other shoppers as she waited. A fresh floral scent greeted her, and she smiled.

  “Lilacs. I adore lilacs. There are lilac bushes behind my house, did you know that? No, of course you didn’t know that. Sorry.”

  “Maybe you can show them to me in the spring,” he stated quietly. “How about this one?”

  Having her eyes closed was beginning to make her feel strange, since she couldn’t glance around to be certain there were no prying eyes.

  “Some sort of citrus? Orange, maybe?”

  “Orange and vanilla,” he corrected. “How about now?”

  She waited, eyes sti
ll closed, taking in the scent of Ryan as he stood before her, presumably choosing another fragrance. A smile crossed her face, and she couldn’t stop herself.

  “Yummy boyfriend? I smell yummy boyfriend.”

  His lips gently touched hers, and she drew her eyelashes upwards as she caught his eye, continuing to gaze at him as her stomach fluttered. Rather than say anything, she stepped toward him and placed her cheek against his t-shirt as he wrapped his arms around her. The rhythm of his heartbeat tapped against her skin, and she melted into his warmth.

  “I sort of feel like I’m living someone else’s life,” he muttered. “What are you doing with me, gorgeous?”

  Leaning back, she looked up at his face. “You just feel…right.”

  “I will definitely take that,” he told her with a grin. “Come on, we’re never going to get any shopping done with you looking at me like that.” Sliding his fingers through hers, he walked back into the throng of people, merging into the flow of foot traffic. “So, no gifts? Tell me what Christmas was like growing up.”

  “We had a tree,” she began thoughtfully, wrinkling her brow. “Dad would cut one. Sometimes they were big and full, and other times they were scrawny as all get out. We had two strands of lights, because one wasn’t enough and three were too many. That’s what my dad used to say. Mom and I usually spent one Saturday stringing popcorn, and we would cut out snowflakes from the back of my school papers. Those were our decorations.”

  “Sounds almost normal.” Releasing Harley’s hand, Ryan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “What else?”

  “Christmas Eve they would read the Bible aloud, and then they would let me fall asleep on the couch staring at the lights on the tree.”

  “You slept on the couch?” Ryan glanced down at her, concern crossing his features. “Did you ever catch Santa in the act?”

  “No worries, Santa didn’t come to my house. On Christmas morning, we would make pancakes, stick candles in them, and sing happy birthday to Jesus. Then we would read our annual Christmas message from Mayowa.”


  “The Nigerian girl that my parents…you know. ‘Thank you Davidson family for the wonderful gifts you bestow upon me. God blessed me with your generosity.’ Blah, blah, blah. Then it was time for my present.”

  “One present,” he clarified.

  “Yes, one present. Usually chocolate. One time it was a caramel apple. Oh, and one year they gave me a notepad. That was stellar, and I was really excited. I can’t believe how naïve and idiotic I was as a kid.” Harley halted to look at the contents of a jewelry counter. “Ryan, look at this! Tell me it’s not absolutely perfect for Kelsey.”

  He obligingly glanced into the display, seeing a gold necklace surrounded by letter tiles of all varieties.

  “It looks like a Scrabble board,” he agreed.

  “Right? It just fits her so well!”

  Ryan glanced first at the price tag, and then at Harley. “I can’t afford that.”

  “Neither can I,” she answered sheepishly. “Sorry, let’s keep moving. What was Christmas like in your house, since I’ve bored you to death with my memories?”

  “Good,” he answered simply. “We had a fake tree covered in millions of lights, and all sorts of decorations. Christmas Eve we’d go to a candlelight service at church, and then we’d rush home to set out the cookies and milk for Santa. We definitely didn’t sleep on the couch.” He paused and glanced down at Harley before continuing. “Then, basically, we’d wake up and find our presents from Santa, along with a few from our parents. It was simple and good, that I can remember.”

  “What kind of presents did you get?”

  “Umm…no apples. Let’s see…drum set one year. Usually some sort of cool toy when I was a kid. As I got older, electronics. Last year was pretty subdued because finances were tight. I guess this year will be, too. Although I’ve got to say, things are looking a little brighter since we had that medical fund set up at the bank. I should apologize to you about that again.”

  “No, you shouldn’t, and don’t give me credit for it, either. It really wasn’t me; it was the station. They got tired of people calling.”

  “Well, to tell the truth, I don’t even want any presents this year.”

  “Why is that?”

  Hugging her tighter, he smiled to himself. “I already have what I really wanted.”

  C hapter Twenty

  Saturday afternoon, Harley rolled down Wonder Lane, unable to wipe the smile off her face. Spending the day with Ryan had been a sheer delight, and afterward they watched Home Alone with Kelsey. In the middle of the movie, Ryan received a phone call about working an unexpected evening shift on the ambulance, and he reluctantly left with promises to see Harley in the morning. When Kelsey drifted to sleep at the end of the movie, Harley kissed her on the forehead and slipped out, pausing only to say goodbye to Sam.

  As she rounded the final bend toward her home, she noticed a ladder against the house closest to hers, with a gentleman atop the roof making some repairs. Slowing to a stop, she glanced at the woman standing in the front yard, watching a little girl ride a tricycle in circles on the driveway.

  “You live here?” she called as she opened the door, and the young woman turned at the sound of her voice. She looked to be roughly the same age as Harley, with dark hair that hung from a ponytail at the back of her head.

  “Yes, I live here.” She gave Harley a wary glance and then jerked her eyes back to her daughter in a protective fashion.

  “I’m your neighbor,” Harley quickly stated. “That’s my house, at the end of the street. Harley Laine.”

  “The news lady?” she asked, giving Harley a dubious once-over. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize you. Alexis Jennings, and this is my daughter, Bailey.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Her eyes darted back to the guy on the roof. “Having repairs made?”

  “Just a little leak—nothing major.”


  Alexis wasn’t the most forthcoming person she had ever met, and for whatever reason, Harley was feeling awkward with the conversation.

  “I’m actually needing a little work done on my house, too. Is he reputable?”


  Giving her neighbor a curious glance, she directed her eyes back to the roofline. “The guy up there fixing your leak.”

  “Oh, yeah, I guess. He’s Bailey’s dad, so…”

  “I’m sorry,” Harley blurted. “I didn’t realize he was your husband.”

  “He is definitely not my husband,” she assured Harley, employing a stone-faced expression.

  “Sorry again,” Harley told her, mentally chiding herself. The man began his way down the ladder, and she wished she could make herself vanish without being rude.

  “This is my neighbor, Harley Laine,” Alexis said loudly. “She needs some repairs on her house.”

  “Hey!” Whatever hesitance Alexis imparted, this guy more than made up for with his pleasant smile. “Nice to meet you. I’ve done my share of pretty much everything you can imagine construction-wise, so I’m your guy. Oh, Jake McAuliffe.” He extended his hand, and Harley took it with a smile.

  “Jake,” she repeated, noticing the warmth of his hand in hers. This guy was definitely easy on the eyes, but his touch didn’t light a fire in her the way Ryan’s did.

  “So, what is it that needs fixing?”

  “A ton of things, really, but for now I’ve just got a couple holes in the wall that I need repaired. To be honest, I don’t know much about that kind of thing, but could I have my boyfriend talk to you?”

  Jake blinked a couple times before he answered, as though he were thinking it over, before he gave her a rather cocky smirk. “Sure, have your boyfriend call me. That’s fine. You want my number?”

  She nodded, and he stepped over to a red truck with Tennessee plates, pulling open the passenger’s side door. Within a few seconds, he was headed back with a business card for a place cal
led River Rock Bed and Breakfast. Flipping it over, he showed her where he had scrawled his number on the back.

  “Call me sometime,” he stated with a slightly crooked grin that showcased a dimple in his left cheek. “Or have your boyfriend call me, if you want.”

  “Thanks.” She tapped the card against her hand before turning and strolling back to her car.

  “Nice wheels!” Jake called after her. She acknowledged him with a wave of her hand, opening the door and sliding inside.

  She could have been wrong, but Jake seemed to be just a friendly, neighborly type until she mentioned the boyfriend, and then his demeanor went up a notch to flirtatious. Was she imagining that? So strange.

  And obviously there was a story there with Alexis and her animosity toward him…intriguing.

  Walking up the steps to her house, Harley was glad she couldn’t see any other homes from her vantage point. Popping open the door, she paused in the foyer as she slipped off her coat, remembering Ryan’s appearance the night before. When he had confronted her about the condition of her house as they stood upstairs…

  His impassioned state crossed her mind, and she felt the heat creeping into her face. He had been rightly annoyed with her, but when his eyes flashed as he stood upstairs and asked her if she knew what she wanted, she had known immediately that it was him.

  Once she really thought about it, she realized it had been there all along. She’d seen it in the way he fiercely fought for his sister by working constantly. He’d expressed it by marking his body every time he wavered. And when he kissed her at Tiny’s the night before… Well, Ryan Temple didn’t do things halfway. He had passion, and that was exciting.

  Pulling out her phone, Harley pressed the button and waited as it rang, taking a deep breath.

  “Hey girl,” Annie answered. “I’m just closing here. What’s up?”

  Dropping to the floor, Harley sat cross-legged in the foyer, staring at the wall.

  “I’m in love with Ryan.”

  “You cracked, didn’t you?” Harley could almost imagine Annie shaking those curls. “I knew you would open up to him first. You calling me to hurt my feelings now?”


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