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An Appetite for Love

Page 23

by Elaine Young

  “Who was she that broke your heart and left you to speak nothing but curses to women? No descent living man would treat a woman with such audacity. You're nothing but a monster, a vile creep,” I snapped. Suddenly his hand flew across my face and I fell to the floor. My head was bursting and my ears ringed. “If you were one of my men I would have cut out your tongue. Never have I been so disrespected! And on my ship too!”

  I was punished immediately. The Captain had me tied up in the brink. It was dark and cold and smelled awful, like rotted meat mixed with spoiled milk. My stomach did enormous flip flops. I want to get the hell off this ship. My wish finally came true when one of the men untied me and brought me back up to deck.

  “Good news this is you're stop,” said the Captain as he grabbed my arm and pulled me off his ship. My legs were wobbly and I stumbled around a bit. The Captain all but dragged me through me the city when we reached the plain unmarked house. The Captain threw me against the side of the house and searched me for jewelry or loose change. He tossed the rope netting off me and then pulled me along. He knocked on the door once. He was greeted by a middle aged woman holding a cigarette. “Okay, Captain what do you have for me this time?” she said.

  The Captain pushed me toward her. “Pff. This poor thing? Why did you have to damage her?” said the woman grabbing my cheeks with her hand. She turned my head right then left, inspecting my face for further injuries. “This one has a sharp mouth but I suspect she'll fuck better than she runs her mouth,” he said. “I can't take in a mouthy brat, nor can I pay full price for damaged goods,” said the woman. “Listen, you'll take her because she's not coming back with me and the last person you want to piss off is me,” he spat.

  The woman pursed her lips. “Fine,” she said and pulled me into the house with amazing strength. She paid the Captain whatever price they had arranged. Then her attention was on me. “Listen, I don't know what kind of trouble you caused Captain Bretham, but if you use your sharp tongue to scare off my clients I'll cut it from your mouth and leave you on the streets for thieves and beggars,” she warned. I nodded. “I really hate selling damaged goods. I hope for your sake the captain is right. You may refer to me as Madam Virmen.”

  Her name sprung a tiny giggle from me. “You find something amusing?” she asked. “No mam.” I said still laughing inside. I was ordered to go upstairs and clean myself up. I had my first assignment that evening. I was to meet him behind the pub. I dressed the part but I had no intention of meeting anyone. When the time came I walked out in a plaid corset dress. I was in booted heels and my hair was a bun on top my head. A black cloth choker around my neck.

  We were each given a number and I was to arrive in a horse drawn carriage. When the carriage took off and I was far away from the whore house. I opened the carriage door and jumped out. The driver stopped the carriage and I took off as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran into the woods, ran as far away as I could, I ran until my lungs burned and my legs gave out. I fell to the forest floor sure that I had gotten away.


  I had been walking for what seemed like ages. At last I spotted an old ranch and ran toward it. I looked around and saw no one. Then I went to the stables and found three nice horses. I patted one and he seemed friendly enough so I unlatched the stable and quickly threw a harness on him. By the time the sun rose in the sky, I had jumped on his back and rode away.

  I didn't know where I was going, I didn't know what I was searching for. All I knew was that somehow I had stumbled upon a group of hunters carrying muskets and it was late evening. I steadily approached them. There were two men and three women. “Good evening!” I called out. I saw them lower their weapons as I approached them. “Good evening,” they called back.

  I stopped the horse just a few feet from them. I introduced myself and said, “I'm traveling alone and wonder where the next town might be,” I said. “A woman traveling alone?” questioned one of the men who had a choppy haircut. “Yes,” I said. “Oh honey, you won't find another town for at least eight miles,” he said. “I'm Marcus, this here is Spencer. (He pointed to the man next to him), and those two are Lydia, (a blonde woman who was standing on the left just behind him), and Sophia, (a red head standing on the next to Lydia on the right).”

  “Nice to meet all of you,” I greeted. “Welcome stranger,” said Lydia her voice was smooth and soft. “So you are hunters?” I asked. “We are, we hunt creatures,” said Marcus. “Creatures?” I question. “Creatures. Like werewolves, banshees, and vampires,” explained Marcus. “Okay,” I said. My eyes found their campfire and my nose had found what they were cooking. “Smells good,” I remarked. I couldn't remember the last thing I ate. “Pleasure’s ours,” said Lydia handing me a bowl of stew. Whatever meat they had used was delicious. I ate three delightful bowlfuls.

  “You were hungry,” remarked Spencer. “Yeah I don't know when my last meal was and I don't know when the next one will be,” I said. “That's true for us all,” he agreed. “That's enough resting. We need to get hunting. It's turned dark and that means the werewolves will be out. Everyone take your places,” ordered Marcus. I looked at Spencer. “It's time for fun,” he sang as he picked up his musket. My first thought was that they can't be serious, but as I watched them get into positions I realized just how serious they were.

  I crept down low with the girls. I was given a hunting knife and told to stay close. Hours passed and I was seriously starting to cramp up. I wanted to tell them how stupid this was, but then there was a rustling sound in the woods. The noise got louder and then a growling sound vibrated through the forest. The next thing I knew, we were being ambushed by very large dog-like creatures.

  I couldn't believe my eyes. Musket fire erupted and Spencer called out, “Don't let em scratch you!” I ran but a werewolf blocked my path. I sliced his stomach. Blood oozed out from the gaping wound. “Good job,” called Spencer. “Hey she's a natural,” I heard Marcus shout.

  Musket fire blazed and then there was an order to fall back. I didn't know who had given the order but we all jumped on our horses. We rode fast and hard trying to escape the werewolves. They chased us running along the ground or jumping from trees. Musket fire still rang out as we rode.

  The werewolves trailed our galloping horses until we rode up the mountain. “How come they're not following us?” I asked. “They say this mountain is where the vampire lives. The natives come here and put sacred artifacts in place. It keeps the creatures away, except for one Vampire. He eludes all warnings. We want to catch him.” Said Marcus. I didn't know what to say to that.

  As we were riding along the skies opened up and rain started to pour. “Damn it, nobody said anything about a storm,” cursed Marcus. “We'll have to take shelter,” said Sophia. The rain poured down in buckets and made it increasingly hard to see the path before us.

  Lightning and thunder struck across the sky and my horse spooked. I tried to get him controlled but he went wild and he threw me off. I got up, only to slip in the mud. I fell fast down the mountain side. “Lucy!” I heard someone shout. I screamed and flailed around aimlessly, but there was nothing to break my fall, nothing to hold on to. When I hit the ground I felt something snap.

  Thunder clashed into the sky and I laid there staring up at droplets of casualties as they came crashing down to earth. I tried sitting up. The pain was excruciating and I couldn't believe that I had survived. “Don't move, dream queen,” I heard a voice say. I froze and desperately wanted to look behind me. But my movement was thrawled by strong arms that swiftly lifted me up. Cradled into the arms of this being, he smelled delicious, sweet like honey.

  He carried me into his huge mansion and laid me on the sofa. A fire immediately roared in the hearth. The sitting area was beautiful. The sofa was black leather, the floor was rich cherry wood, the walls were painted red and gold with a splash of intricate design painted in silver. A white tiger hide was laid out on the cherry wood floor.

  As he lay me down I caught a gl
impse of his face. My dreams came flooding back. He was perfect, dreadfully handsome like I always pictured he would be. I knew by his soft dark curls, his greenish-blue eyes, and that timeless face; He was the man from my dreams. The one I could never get to. I stared into his mesmerizing eyes for the longest time, unable to breathe or think.

  He moved away from me so quickly that he was nearly a blur. “You are even more beautiful than I ever imagined,” he said. I was caught so completely off guard by his statement. His voice was beautiful, soft and warm. His words vibrated through me like a lullaby, and my heart skipped a beat.

  “I know what you can do,” he said. My mind raced back to the note I had found on my apartment door. “Are you the one who left that note on my door?” I asked. “Yes,” he confirmed without the slightest bit of guilt. “Who are you?” I asked. He introduced himself as Harcourt Winfell. He then began to explain himself. “I pulled you here. It's hard to tell you this but you're in danger. Your very existence is in danger. Every moment you spend from your own time period puts you at risk.” He started to pace as I struggled to grasp what he was saying.

  He took a seat next to me. Only then did I ask, “Risk for what?” His eyes held a look of total seriousness, then he stated bluntly, “Having your existence wiped out completely. Haven't you felt weak, forgetful, sickly?” My mouth gaped open. “How do I stop it?” I questioned. “You must learn to control your power and get yourself back to your own time.”

  “If it's such a risk for me to be here, then why did you call me here to begin with?” I asked. “To teach you, to meet you, to see your beautiful face in person,” he admitted with such lavish honesty.

  “How is it that you can teach me anything?” I questioned. “There's a story behind that.” He glared at the fire in the hearth. “Perhaps you would like to share it?” I suggested.

  “I used to be as you are. A time traveler. That was before I got bitten. I was a young chap living in London at the time. When I foolishly went time traveling, abusing my power to look for the paranormal. It was stupid but at the time I was bored and curious. I found something paranormal, well, it found me. A vampire trapped me in the alley way and sucked my blood, his efforts were distracted by a police officer and I was left to become this. Now I am oblivious to time. I can live anywhere and not be effected as you are.”

  “Sounds like a solution to me,” I said. “It is a curse!” he proclaimed. “I didn't mean to be insensitive,” I said. He reached and trailed his fingers down my cheek. “Rest now. I will explain more tomorrow and I will train you. As of now I suspect that you have only fifty-one days left. Then you will cease to exist,” he said. “How am I supposed to rest knowing that?”

  “Life can be a grim thing sometimes. Like-wise, I will have a hard time watching you sleep,” he said. “Talk to me,” I say barely above a whisper. His gentle words calm and embrace me with their soft tone. He tells me of his adventures in London, when he was a young boy. I tell him of my adventure that I happened upon while trying to find him. He gets close to me. So close we are nose to nose. My breath stops. Then he whispers, “I have loved you since the first time you dreamed of me.” I swallow hard and his lips tare into mine. I can't bring myself to stop. His lips are so warm and taste so sweet.

  His body is cold and it chills my bones, but I can't take myself away from him. Despite his coldness there is a warmth that radiates from him and I take energy from that. His kisses become hungrier, more passionate. My breasts harden and there is a tingling below. He awakens all of my senses. Then just like in all of my dreams, he is there and then he is gone. I breathe and bitter disappointment stabs at my heart. I lay on his sofa in wanting.


  The first kiss of sunshine blinded me. I was still on his sofa but I felt no pain. There was a cast on my arm. At some point he must have tended to it. I got up and found a note in that same fancy handwriting. It read:

  Tonight I shall have a wonderful dinner planned for you.

  Meet me in the dinning hall. I trust that you will spend the

  day exploring and should find it effortlessly. Have a beautiful day,

  dream queen. I can't wait till our lips meet again and your beauty

  graces my presents.

  Forever your dream thief,


  I sat the note back on the end table and smiled. He already knew me so well. I could hardly wait to have dinner with him. I walked through the mansion taking in the marvelous statues. The golds, reds, and silvers that colored the walls. The purple, blacks, and reds that made up each room. The mansion was purely a Gothic one, something straight out of the movies. Then I stumbled upon something I shouldn’t have. His room.

  I expected to find a coffin with him neatly tucked inside. Instead I found him lying in a bed. He was evenly breathing, little snores escaped from him. He was shirtless and looked so serene sleeping there. I grappled with myself. I wanted to reach out and caress his face, touch his muscular body. But I didn't want to wake him.


  Dusk had come much too soon but I was glad it had come, for now I would be dinning with this handsome creature. I had searched the other rooms and found a beautiful ball gown. It was black with gold trim and a gold circular design on the skirt. Thick straps lay at my shoulders. I found a pearl necklace to go about my neck. A pair of black leather shoes to match my attire.

  After I had dressed I returned to watch him sleep. When the sun disappeared behind the trees, he stirred. His eyes glanced up at me sitting at the edge of his bed. “You're beautiful when you sleep,” I said. “Only when I sleep?” he asked his voice still groggy. “I heard you have a fantastic dinner planned for me,” he smiled, flashing sharp white fangs. “I do,” he said stretching out and tossing off the covers. He got out of bed. Within a blink of an eye he was dressed elegantly in a beautiful suit.

  “My lady,” he said holding his arm out for me to take. I got up and put my arm through his. We walked into the spacious dining room. With its gold and red walls. The dining table was huge, made from durable mahogany. Harcourt snapped his fingers and servants brought out tons of food. There was duck, chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, and a whole assortment of things. It was like Thanksgiving without the turkey.

  Red wine was poured into a glass. I sat down and a servant handed me a napkin. “Dig in,” he said as he sipped thick red liquid from his glass. “I suppose you're just going to drink blood all night?” I asked trying not to think about it too much. He smiled and went back to drinking. “I was traveling with a group of creature hunters before I fell off that mountain side. They were looking for you. I worry that they could find us,” I confided. “Myths and legends,” he said. I stared at him. “You're not worried?” he flashed that white dazzling smile. “Not a bit. I'm a myth,” he answered.

  “How is it possible that I survived that mountain fall and only came away with a broken arm?” I questioned, changing the subject. “I broke your fall. It was storming pretty bad last night. If I hadn't been there, you'd not only be dead but it would have taken ages to find you,” he informed. “I guess I should thank you then,” I said. “The pleasure was mine.” He poured more blood into his glass from a pitcher. Soft music started to play from a violin and piano combo.

  We sat for a while, eating our own respected meals. After we had finished. The music still played. Harcourt got up and took my hand. “May I have this dance?” he asked. It was my turn to smile as I said, “Certainly good sir,” I got up and he embraced me. We began dancing slowly to the rhythm, losing ourselves to the moment where time stood still. In that one moment it was just me and him. He drew me closer, as we moved in circles with the rhythm.

  Suddenly, his mouth was on mine. He kissed me with passion, then his lips left my mouth and moved to my neck. His breath grew rapid and heavier. I felt an ache of anticipation below, my dress fell to the floor. I didn't even realize we were still dancing, until we stopped. He swooped me up effortlessly and laid me down o
n his bed.

  He slid off my chemise, his mouth took my breast. All thoughts and feelings escaped me. There was nothing in the world but me and him and endless pleasure. His mouth moved toward my naval and back up again. His hands explored every part of my body. I felt his hardness against my thigh, then without warning he drove deep inside me and my mind exploded with pleasure.

  I screamed with pleasure as he thrust inside me. His rhythm was slow and steady at first. Then became hungrier, more urgent. He thrust faster and harder. I threw my head back and screamed as I orgasmed. I heard him exhale and then he slumped down beside me. He cradled me into his arms and we stayed like that for the rest of the night.


  I woke up still cradled in his arms. The sunlight peered through the windows. I expected to hear him snoring softly, as I had the yesterday. But, to my surprise, I found him to be awake. His beautiful eyes stared at me and he whispered, “We have work to do.” I groaned not wanting to be free from his arms. He kissed me gently, then got up and returned dressed in an instant.

  He took me out to the sitting area. Moved all the furniture and said, “Okay, we're going to start with a meditation. Sit down and relax, breathe in and out.” I did as instructed. “Imagine you’re a feather, floating in the wind. Now imagine that a great wind has come and is taking you higher, higher, and higher till you reach the stars.

  Now, imagine that you are moving with the stars. You can go anywhere; to any time period you choose. Pick a time period and go there. It's that simple,” he instructed. I opened my eyes and looked at him. “You're saying time travel is as easy as choosing where you want to go and then imagining yourself there?” I asked. “Yes, that's all there is to it. Just choose and will yourself there. Practice building up your will power and you can go anywhere,” he explained.


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