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Paranormal Dating Agency: Dragon Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 24)

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by Julia Mills

  Patting their joined hands with his free one, the Guardsman continued as if on autopilot, his tone taking on an eerie, almost lost quality while his eyes stared forward as if the visions in his head played over and over on a scene before him.

  “After we paid our respects and released their souls into the Heavens, I went to work, searching for their killer. Since there was no trace of anyone being at the farm who shouldn’t have been, I was at a loss. Who could’ve done this? My family had no enemies. Had never side a cross word to anyone.”

  “It took me nearly a year of looking, searching and following dead end leads before I finally heard someone gossiping in a dark corner of a back alley pub about some dragon turning on his people.”

  Shaking her head and wiping away her tears, Savannah couldn’t hide her shock. It went against everything she’d ever heard of Hayes’ kin. The dragons were not only the most fierce, but also known as the most loyal of all shifters. To think one would betray his own people took the idea of betrayal to a whole new level.

  Hayes started again, his voice now stronger, angrier. “I listened for a name, a color, anything to tell me who the traitor was and just as the bastards who had been laughing about the death of my family got up to leave, the old hyena shifter laughed, ‘Yeah, that asshole Abraham better watch out. Those dragons will descale his black and blue hide like a trout if they ever find out what he did.’”

  “I couldn’t believe my ears. Abraham, the only black and blue dragon ever born, was one of my dad’s oldest friends. He was always at the farm, helping out and weaseling an invite to dinner because he’d never found his mate and was a horrible cook.”

  Her dragon’s head fell forward, his voice was little more than a whisper as he said, “But then I remembered the look Abraham had given my dad when he thought he wasn’t looking. When it happened, I chalked it up to being tired, but in that moment in that dive bar, I realized what it really was, pure, unadulterated jealousy. That bastard, who had his feet under our dinner table, been there when each of us was born, had even helped my dad in the fields, was so consumed by envy at what my father had that he killed my entire family.”

  “What did you do?”

  Turning towards her, taking both her hands in his, Hayes looked right into Savannah’s eyes and promised, “I hunted him down and took his head. Just like we’re gonna do with Simon.”

  Pulling her hands from his, the Queen wrapped her arms around her mate’s shoulders, holding him tight as she whispered, “I am so very sorry you had to go through all of that. Know that I am here, whatever you need, always.”

  Leaning back, Hayes smiled sweetly and in a tone so full of love it once again brought tears to her eyes said, “I love you, Savannah, from here to eternity and beyond, always and forever.”

  Kissing her dragon until they were both breathless, the lioness broke from their embrace and after catching her breath winked, “And one more thing before I take you home and feed you.”

  “Yes? What would that be?” Holding up his hand, Hayes teased, “Wait! Don’t tell me. I got this.” He grinned, “You want to ravish my body?”

  “No, silly dragon, that comes later, remember?”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” he chuckled. “Then what?”

  “I’m glad it’s not me you’re after.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “Because man oh man, you’re one scary dragon when you’re pissed off.”

  Standing up and pulling her along with him, Hayes raised a single eyebrow and with a grumbly rumble promised, “You ain’t seen nothing yet, my love.”

  Chapter Ten

  There was absolutely nothing better than having Savannah in his home, even with the looming threat of rescuing her sister hanging over their heads. Hayes couldn’t help but be happy that if they had to go through something so terrible, they were in the whole bloody mess together. He’d made a promise to his mate and he damn sure intended to keep it. In just a few short hours, when the sun set, the lions and dragons would be fighting side-by-side to bring down the bastard who dared to hurt his Queen and her family.

  He could feel the tension and fear eating away at Savannah. Her eyes were glued to the large windows at the back of the house, waiting for the darkness to come. He’d tried to distract her, had even cooked the only thing he knew for certain he was good at – steak and eggs. Finally, sitting on the couch, Hayes pulled her into his arms and said the one thing he knew for certain would calm her fraying nerves, “Tell me about Makayla. I want to know everything.”

  Waiting in silence, listening as his mate gathered her thoughts, Hayes felt the relief roll through her as she started to describe her baby sister. “Mack has always been the kindest, funniest, most giving one of us all.”

  She chuckled, “I remember the day mom and dad said I was gonna have another little brother or sister. I had just turned sixteen and a pain in the ass. I sulked for days, complaining about having another sibling to look after, knowing that he or she would be spoiled rotten from the moment he or she popped into the world.”

  “After about four months, the day came. The Royal Hall was all aflutter with the excitement of yet another heir coming into the world. I had heard Uncle Jack and Dad talking about how great it would be to have a boy. That if this child was male, the other Prides would finally stop making preparations to take over the Leonidas Pride in the event of my father’s death.”

  As she turned in his arms, Hayes could see a myriad of emotions in the depths of Savannah’s beautiful eyes as she smiled and continued, her voice filled with love, “But then Makayla came into the world. No screaming or crying, just a happy little coo and a twinkle in her eyes.”

  “It was love at first sight.” She began shaking her head. “Now, don’t get me wrong, I love all my sisters with all my heart, but Makayla was different…special. I knew it the moment I laid eyes on her, she was the best parts of all of us. Ya’ know what I mean?”

  “I sure do,” Hayes nodded with a grin while gently massaging some of the knots out of Savannah’s shoulder.

  Nodding, his mate went on, “Everyone who came to see her felt better, happier, full of life, and all from simply being in her presence. As she grew, it was obvious Mack was a true Empath, with abilities far greater than anyone had ever seen.”

  “Dad said we needed to keep her powers a secret, then he was killed when she had just turned two and the responsibility of raising her fell to me. I was just barely eighteen with the duties of a queen along with the obligations of being both mother and father to my four sisters. To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. Uncle Jack took on the role of diplomat while Leopold stepped up from First Beta to Head of Security and Defense and we had nannies, but I still tried to always be there for dinner and bedtime.”

  “Time seemed to fly by, soon Mack was a teenager with immense abilities and no way to channel them. Thankfully, Sierra, a strong Beta female who had served as Household Manager for at least three generations recognized Mack’s need and took her under her wing.”

  “It was kismet. Makayla took to baking like a cat to a tree. Everything she made was fantastic.” Savannah’s smile grew. “And the longer she did it, the better she got. I guess she’d been doing it about a year when I realized every time I ate one of her wonderful creations, I felt better, lighter, happier.”

  Savannah beamed with excitement as she continued. “She was unknowingly baking her extraordinary power right into her sweet treats.”

  “That is awesome, hun,” Hayes encouraged Savannah to go on.

  “It really was, but of course, it also made it harder to keep her secret. That’s why I’ve waited until now to let her start her shop. I had to be sure she could control her abilities, but I’m afraid word got out.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know for sure. It’s just a feeling here,” she laid her hand over the snap of her jeans. “Like a furball in the pit of my stomach. Simon took Mack for more reasons than just to hurt me. If he’d wanted that, he would
have killed her in her bed and left the body for me to find.”

  Jumping up off the couch, she slammed her fists to her hips and growled, “That fucking jaguar somehow knows about her powers and wants to exploit them. It’s just further evidence of a traitor among us.”

  She began pacing. “But who? Who would do this? Only the people I trust the most in the world know our family secrets.” Savannah stopped, spun around and speared Hayes with a look of defiance and betrayal. “People who have been around for at least a hundred and fifty years. Why would they betray us now?”

  Standing, Hayes crossed the living room, stopping in front of his mate. “Because they think they can. They think you are vulnerable or distracted and that you will do whatever it takes to get Mack back, even if it means giving up your throne.” Reaching for her hand, he held tight, adding, “But, oh baby, do we have a surprise for them.”

  Bending at the waist, he looked her in the eye and with all the conviction in his heart and soul promised, “We will get your sister back and rid the world of that fucking jaguar and everyone loyal to him, of that you rest assured.”

  “Ya’ know,” his lovely mate reached up and cupped his cheek, sending the explosive electricity of their connection shooting through his body. “I have no doubt you are the man for the job.”

  “What?!” Hayes roared, as a sudden knock at the door shattered their beautiful moment.

  Stomping down the foyer, he slipped his finger through the hole where the knob used to be, threw the door back and glared at Wiley as the jerk snickered, “Hate to interrupt, but Rian called us all to the Great Hall and since you have the mental blocks of steel, I was sent to get you.”

  “Hey, Wiley,” Savannah greeted Hayes’ friend. “We’ll be right there.”

  “Yeah,” Hayes grumbled. “What she said.”

  Laughing out loud, Wiley pushed past the couple and took a seat in Hayes’ favorite recliner. “Maddox and Kayne said to wait.”

  Hayes growled as Savannah chuckled, “Just let us put some shoes on and we’ll be ready to go.”

  Once again Hayes’ only reply was, “Yeah. What she said.” Then using the unique mental connection he shared with Wiley, the Guardsman added, “Just wait til you find your mate. Paybacks are a bitch.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Watching the dragons in action was amazing. The entire group had met with their leader, Rian, who by all accounts was a straight shooter with an amazingly strategic mind. He’d agreed wholeheartedly with Hayes’ plan and expressed how happy he was to be working with the lions, despite the situation.

  Savannah was shocked when he personally came and found her after the briefing to assure her his Clan would do everything they could to bring her sister home safely. “I have all the faith in the world in my men,” the tall dark-haired Dragon Leader stated. “I’ve seen them at their best and their worst and these guys never cease to amaze me.” He shook her hand. “I am pleased to have you as part of our Clan. Hayes is one of the best. I wish you both all the happiness in the world.”

  “Thank you so much,” Savannah smiled. “I think I’ll keep him.” As the two chuckled in unison, she added, “And congratulations on your mating. I can’t wait to meet your Audrey.”

  “Thank you. She is just as excited to meet you. I’m sorry she’s not here, she and my younger brother Rory and his mate, Claire have gone to the Phoenix’s mountain on business.”

  “Please send them my regards.” Savannah was just saying as Hayes appeared out of nowhere and with a twinkle in his eyes and a barely contained grin warned Rian, “Hey, you may be the boss, but this is my girl. Hands off.”

  Chuckling and shaking his head, the Dragon Leader held up his hands in surrender and laughed, “No worries. I know the rules.” He shook Hayes’ outstretched hand and ordered, “Now, go give ‘em hell and get our girl back.”

  It was amazing to Savannah how open and welcoming everyone was not only to her but also to her family whom they hadn’t even met. She’d always been told the dragons were unlike any other shifters ever made and had thought it was all a bunch of hype. But now, seeing it with her own eyes and it was such a reassuring experience.

  Patting her waist where he held her close, Hayes kissed the top of Savannah’s head while quietly asking, “How you doin’? Need anything?”

  “No, I’m good.” Savannah shivered from the sparks of their attraction skating up her arm, making her heart beat faster and her body warm as her dragon moved his arm from her waist and slid his fingers between hers, giving a little tug.

  Following the others out of the Great Hall, the Queen looked up at the starry sky and for the millionth time tried calling out to her sister. “Hold on, Mack. I promise, we’re coming for you.”

  When no answer came back, Savannah held back her tears and focused on where Hayes was leading her. Glancing at the huge pasture before her, she asked, “What are we doing out here?”

  “Oh, just wait and see.” Hayes spun her towards him, giving her a hard, fast kiss before pulling away and winking, “Stay right there and be sure to keep your eyes on me.”

  Watching her mate walking away, unable to keep from smiling at his cocky swagger and the thought that he was hers for all of eternity, Savannah suddenly felt magic in the air. The longer she watched, the stronger the magic became, lightly touching her bare arms, hands and face like a plethora of butterfly kisses.

  Then, in the blink of an eye, the men standing in the meadow miraculously turned into beautifully majestic dragons, each with their own unique sparkling scales and gorgeous wings. Shining gold, brilliant brown, along with every hue of blue known to man gave a spectacular vision into the magic of the Universe. However, it was the dragon with navy blue scales overlaid with golden flecks, glittering like stardust in the moonlight who caught her eye. Struggling to take him all in, her eyes bounced from the golden horns atop his head and down his spine, to the glistening gold decorating the underside of his wings, to the huge dark talons jutting from the ends of all four of his paws.

  “You are magnificent,” she breathed into Hayes’ mind.

  “Thanks, mo chroí. You aren’t so bad yourself. Now, get on over here and climb aboard.”

  Jogging towards her mate, Savannah watched closely as he lowered his massive body to the ground, leaning slightly towards her and instructing, “Use my paw, knee and wing like stairs to climb onto my neck.”

  Doing as she was told, shocked that the skin between the spines of his wings felt like silk and the underside of his scales were so smooth, Savannah got onto her dragon’s back, holding onto the horn at the base of his neck like she would the saddle on a horse. Once she was settled, she chuckled as Hayes snickered, “Hold on, mo ghrá. Put your seats and trays in their upright position, cause we are ready to take off.”

  Not wanting to miss a minute of the coolest thing she’d ever seen, the Queen held on and looked straight ahead, marveling at the way the dragons took off one at a time with no more than a few steps and a single flap of their mighty wings. When it was their turn, Savannah admitted to herself, if no one else, that her excitement was mixed with a healthy dose of fear. Had her father been there, he would’ve been saying, “Savannah, my girl, lions climb dreams, they do not fly.”

  To which she would quickly reply with a huge smile, “Maybe, but I’m riding a dragon, dad, my very own legendary dragon.”

  Holding her breath as Hayes’ massive dragon took exactly three steps and flapped his wings, she smiled so much her cheeks hurt. Feeling the air rushing over her skin and blowing through her hair was exhilarating. Within seconds they were just under the clouds, flying amongst the stars as their exaggerated shadows shown across the landscape below.

  “This is simply amazing, Hayes,” she beamed. “I know we’re about to be in a fight for our lives, but I just can’t help feeling like I could conquer the world from up here.”

  “And conquer we shall,” came her mate’s grumbly reply.

  In no time at all, they were landing
at the peak of the ridge about five hundred yards from the home of the jaguars. Waiting until Hayes laid his huge underbelly on the ground and tipped to the side, Savannah got down the same way she had climbed aboard.

  “Head over to where the others are. I’ll put the big guy away and be right there.” She could feel the smile in Hayes’ voice as she jogged backward, wanting to watch every moment of her mate’s transformation back to a man.

  “Fancy moves,” her mate chuckled, running to catch up with her.

  Together, they walked up to the crowd of Guardsmen where Hayes asked her, “Can you check with Leopold to make sure the lions are in place?”

  “Sure,” Savannah quickly answered.

  “Hey, Leo, everything good to go?” She inquired telepathically.

  “The lions are in place on both sides,” came his quick reply.

  “Great job. Thank you,” she responded before telling Hayes, “Leo and the lions are ready and waiting.”

  “Good,” he nodded then turning towards his brethren instructed, “The lions are good to go. Take your positions. Wait to transform until I give the signal.”

  “You got it, Chief,” Kayne winked.

  “I can’t believe I’m taking orders from a whelp,” Maddox grumbled with a smile.

  “We’ll be waiting,” Noah and Wiley nodded in unison as everyone else chimed in while walking to their assigned spot on the ridge.

  Waiting was the hardest part. For the better part of an hour, Savannah tried hard not to bite her nails or pull her hair out as the crescent moon slowly made its way to the other side of the Jaguar Pride, casting the shadows they needed to take the bastards by surprise.

  When the time finally came, Savannah was ready for the feel of the magic filling the air and as she climbed back onto Hayes’ dragon’s back, both woman and lion were more than ready for battle.

  “Give your lions the call. Tell them to move out,” Hayes instructed.


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