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Twisted Forever

Page 3

by Danielle James

  “Even if he’s not, what he is doing is pushing you away. You just gave birth to his son five months ago and he’s never home?” I was starting to get pissed off thinking about it. I was glad he wasn’t in front of me because I probably would have put my hands on him.

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s me?” She made me a plate and set a glass of juice on the island. I couldn’t help remembering the night I came home and lost my shit when I thought she was cheating on me with Alexander. Because of that error in judgment I was now a visitor in my own home.

  “Nah, It’s not you Camilla.” Her food was still amazing, just like every other part of her. I looked at her legs as she walked back and forth worrying over Alexander and tried to stop imagining how good it felt pushing those legs back last night.

  “You don’t think so? If he’s not cheating then it has to be me.” She reasoned with a shrug. I hated seeing her insecure like this. Camilla was a lot of things but insecure wasn’t one of them. I finished the last of my food and put the plate in the sink.

  “He’s fucking Anais, Camilla,” I blurted. There was no sugar-coated way to say it. What other reason would he have for flying to Montana all the time and leaving his fiancé and baby? I wondered if Manny knew too?

  “You really think so?” Tears started falling and I pulled her in for a hug. “Why does this shit always happen to me?” She sniffled against me. Alexander must have watched her go through this exact thing with me, now here I was comforting her over him.

  “You already know the signs. Didn’t I put you through this enough?” I asked half-jokingly. She shrugged and looked up at me with watery eyes.

  “At least you always told me the truth though,” she said.

  “Yeah, I guess I have something going for myself besides being a stupid asshole for letting you go.” We stared into each other’s eyes for a while before her phone pulled her away from me.

  “Hey Alexander.” She rolled her eyes and gestured to the phone making me chuckle out loud, not trying to hide my presence. I felt like it was still my house anyway.

  “Oh, Mason is sleeping. He woke up early to eat so I fed him and he’s been knocked out ever since. Uh huh…Chloe’s sleep too.” Camilla pulled the phone away from her ear just in time for me to hear the Facetime chime. Alexander’s face filled the screen with a grimace.

  “Why is Chloe still there? I thought Xavier was coming to get her?” He quizzed. Camilla shrugged and chewed on her bottom lip nervously. I was tired of watching already so I plucked the phone from her hand and smiled into the camera.

  “What’s up, doc?”

  “You’re picking Chlo up now?” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s seven thirty in the morning.”

  “Oh I know. I came by to pick her up last night and ended up staying over. Didn’t think Camilla needed to be here alone again.” The smile fell from my face and Alexander glared hard at me.

  “Camilla,” he called angrily. She took the phone from my hands but not before it accidently slipped and showed I was shirtless.

  “Yes?” She snapped.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Xavier stayed the night.” She was no longer nervous. Her shoulders mellowed out and her lips were relaxed and flushed from her chewing on them.

  “What the hell for?” Alexander barked.

  “Why do you think?” Her brow was raised in a challenge. “You know it’s a shame you can’t just come talk to me about it since you’re all the way in fucking Montana Alexander!” He groaned and rolled his eyes as if this wasn’t the first time this argument had crept up. It was the first time I was in the equation though.

  “So you’re cheating on me with Xavier now?”

  “Nobody said that but if that’s what you wanna think then fine.” She shrugged a shoulder and looked at the screen, her entire beautiful face filled it so I walked over to her and kissed her back. She fought a smile and listened to Alexander go on a tirade.

  Slowly I pushed her towards the bedroom and when she lay on her back, fussing back and forth with Alexander I started playing with her pretty pussy. At one point she glared at me over the phone and I just grinned back. I slid my fingers up and down her wet slit, pushing into her entrance. A gasp escaped her and she shook her head in the camera.

  “Look Alexander, I don’t have…time for this.” Her speech halted once I locked my lips around her clit.

  “Well we need to talk and I’m going to be busy later so now is the best time.”

  “Alex…ander…I gotta go the kids are…up.” She ended the call and tossed the phone off the bed. That’s when I started devouring her. “Oh my god.” She whined, rubbing the top of my head.

  “Fuck him.” I growled in between lapping at her wetness. “I want this pussy back in my life.”

  “Okay!” She moaned.

  “I want you back in my life, Camilla.” I put pressure on her most sensitive throbbing part and she screamed out.

  “Okay Xavier. Okay!”

  I continued to taste her delicious, wet pussy that was mixed with both of our flavors until she flooded my entire face. Once I knew she came I slapped my thick cock against her listening to the noise it made. Camilla flinched and whined every time until I finally plunged inside of her.

  I didn’t feel like romancing her right then. I wanted her to know that no matter what; her pussy would always belong to me. I could always get to her if I wanted to. I pinned her feet to the headboard and gave her every inch of my dick until she screamed my name and tried to claw my skin off. I didn’t care about coming inside of her; I didn’t care if she gave me another beautiful child. Camilla felt so damn good in that moment.

  “This is my house.” I grunted in between thrusts.

  “Yes, Xavier!”

  I looked down to see her creamy wetness sliding up and down my dick, that shit looked so sexy. I stopped mid-stroke to taste her pussy again. She was writhing and wiggling to get away from me but I held her down and tongue fucked her again before sticking my dick back inside of her.

  When we came together I’d lost count of how many orgasms Camilla had. I do know that by the time she came the last time, she knocked out right after. Snoring and everything. She rolled over on her stomach with her round ass in the air and I couldn’t help but grab the motherfucker. She let out a moan in her sleep and I just covered her up and fought from taking a bite of her softness.

  I checked on Chloe and she was finally stirring in her sleep. Mason was still out cold. He was such a good baby; Chloe’s busy body ass was always nosy at that age. Not Mason though, he relaxed all the time like he wasn’t in a rush. Where Chloe was hyper and vocal, Mason was calm and collected…already.

  Even when he did wake up, he didn’t cry he looked around, probably for Camilla. When he didn’t spot her, he grunted for a few seconds and sat up.

  “What’s up Mason?” I smiled at him and he babbled. “You want mommy? She’s sleeping.” I flashed back to how loud Camilla was screaming and marveled that neither of the kids woke up.

  When I heard the front door beeping in sequences, I picked Mason up and sent Chloe to her room. I knew Alexander hadn’t hopped on a plane that fucking fast.

  “What’s going on, pretty boy? I see you got your used-to-be-celibate ass caught up.” Manny laughed and pulled Mason from my arms, peppering him with kisses. “Hey Mase. What’s up man? Where’s mommy?” Mason giggled and grabbed at Manny’s face repeatedly until he gave up more kisses. Watching Manny and Mason reminded me of Chloe and I when she was that age. Damn, I wouldn’t mind putting another baby in Camilla.

  “Manny!” Chloe bounced out of her room and hopped on to Manny, gave him a kiss then crawled over to my arms. “Manny, Daddy’s home!” She chirped. Manny glanced at me and shook his head.

  “I see, baby girl.”

  “Yeah, daddy’s home,” I smirked.

  “Where’s Cami?”

  “Sleep.” I tilted my chin back down the hall and Manny nodded slowly.

u don’t listen do you boy?” Manny shook his head at me again and I did the only thing I could do…shrug. “Well, shit at least you took the pressure off of me. Let her chase your ass around for a little while.”

  “I’m cool with it.” I told him.

  “I bet you are. Look Cole is out there on the phone he should be in shortly. I don’t come over here anymore without backup,” he chuckled.

  “Okay, I see why.” I thought about how quickly I fell right back between Camilla’s legs. “Oh, and your brother Facetimed Camilla and went off because I was in here.” I told him.

  Mason laid his head down on Manny’s chest and started drifting off to sleep again. Those two looked so much alike it was eerie. Family genes are strong as hell.

  “Jesus Christ,” he grumbled. “Let me guess, you weren’t very quiet in the background?”

  “You know me well,” I smirked. “Man…” I glanced around looking for Chloe; she was in Camilla’s room trying to wake her up. “Fuck Alexander. He keeps screwing up.”

  “Screwing up like you did?”

  I took the jab he threw like a man and nodded my head. Yeah I’d fucked up the same way with Camilla, but looking at it from another perspective this time around had me seeing all my mistakes. I should have never fucked around on her once we decided to be monogamous. That girl loved me so much she was willing to put Manny on the back burner but I fucked it all up. I knew I could never get it back but having access to her was good enough for me.

  “Emmanuel?” Camilla’s voice was groggy but I could tell she was smiling before I even turned to look at her. Manny always had to steal my fucking shine. Shit. “Hey!” She stood in front of him but I could feel her wanting to launch into his arms. The sting of anger burned as it crept into my chest.

  You’d think I’d be used to this little dynamic by now, right?


  I’d just fucked the shit out of Camilla no less than five times in a row since last night and what does she do as soon as she even glances at Manny? Falls all over her goddamn self like my dick wasn’t just buried in her moments ago. I wasn’t jealous of much but the way Manny had Camilla always eating out of his palm was one of the few things that ate me up. At least I had one thing over him with Camilla and that was Chloe. No matter how quick Camilla jumped to when Manny was around, I was the one she had a child with.

  “I just came by to check on my munchkins.” Manny now had both kids in his arms. Chloe was stroking her brother’s soft curls being careful not to wake him. The boy slept like a rock though.

  “Well I’m glad you came by.” Camilla sighed. “The shower is dripping again. You would have known that if you came over last night like I asked you to.”

  “Watch it, Cami.” Manny warned with that familiar hint of control in his tone. Camilla straightened up like she always does. It made me wonder why the fuck any man would try to fight for space with Manny in her life? Shit, I had it made in the shade and I fucked it up. She really stopped fucking with him just for me but I just had to go get cocky.

  “I’ll look at it later.”

  “What’s up yall?” Cole walked in with his usual scowl. It was only erased when he saw Camilla. I thought she smiled when she saw Manny but the goofy grin painted on her face now was no comparison.

  In seconds she was wrapped around him and he was lifting her off the ground in the longest, most intimate, plutonic hug I’d ever fucking seen. I’ve never hugged a woman like that if I wasn’t putting my dick in her. I watched her hook her legs around him and bury her face in his neck. He said something to her and she giggled, setting her feet back on the floor finally. He playfully shoved her and she returned the gesture.

  I glanced at Manny to see if he was catching this shit. He wasn’t. He was so involved with rocking Mason and staring at him that he barely noticed Cole and Camilla dry humping in the middle of the floor.

  The two friends exchanged more quiet words together causing her to giggle. She pushed him and he actually laughed. I’d never seen the man crack a smile until Camilla came along.

  “What’s going on Xavier?” Cole regarded me briefly then dragged his eyes back to Camilla. His face wore an expression I couldn’t place but evidently Camilla could. Cole pointed to the back and she marched down the hall pouting. He followed her, the entire time scrolling on his phone.

  What the hell was going on there? I heard the bedroom door close and I felt heat rise to the surface of my skin.

  “Manny what the fuck is going on?” I slapped his shoulder and he finally pried his eyes from a sleeping Mason who was still in his arms.

  “What do you mean? Where’d Cami go?”

  “Exactly. You missed all of that, huh? Cole came in here and she lost her shit like she hadn’t seen him in years. Then they went in the bedroom.”

  “Oh…” Manny shrugged and sat in the living room, laying Mason on his chest as he flipped through the channels. His hand unconsciously stroked the baby’s hair while he watched the screen. Clearly I was the only one that thought shit between Camilla and Cole was out of place.

  “Oh? That’s it? You’re not gonna go all ape shit over how he just mind controlled her into the bedroom?”

  “Are you?” He laughed.

  “Should I?”

  “Nah. Cole and Camilla are best friends.”

  “He’s fucking her,” I blurted.

  “He’s not. He has a woman. Chill out Xavier. Don’t get all clingy because she gave you some pussy.”

  “I’m not clingy. Did you see the way she hopped on him when he came in? She doesn’t even do that with you.” I pointed out, hoping to get him to see what I was seeing.

  “Exactly. We all know who Camilla really belongs to. If she hugged him like that in front of me then you shouldn’t be worried. She damn near rubbed up against me right after you got finished fucking her, I’m sure. So trust me, it’s plutonic.” He looked at me and then went back to the TV.

  I ignored him and went to the bedroom ready to break their little session all up. I paused at the closed door first, listening. I could hear Camilla’s voice, low and pouty.

  “I know Cole but what am I supposed to do?”

  Cole’s voice was too deep and quiet for me to make out exactly what he was saying to her but he sounded like he was reprimanding her. I turned the knob and pushed the door open. Camilla didn’t even bother to move off Cole’s lap. She just looked at me like I was interrupting.

  “What’s up, Xavier?” She frowned.

  “I should be asking you.” I looked over at Cole and he chuckled, standing up. He was a little taller than me but he was skinnier than I was. I could probably knock his ass out if I had to.

  “You’re good Xavier. Trust me.” He pressed a kiss to Camilla’s forehead and walked out of the bedroom passing me without another word. Camilla’s eyes followed him until he was gone.

  “Camilla, what the fuck?” I blurted, pulling a shirt on over my head.

  “What? You think I’m fucking Cole?” Her voice lingered on his name a little too long for me.

  “If you’re not, then you want to and he definitely wants to.”

  “Yo, I can still hear even though I’m not in there.” Cole’s voice boomed from the living room.

  “Sorry, Cole.” Camilla chimed with a smile. “Xavier, chill out.” She whispered and closed the door.

  “Man, whatever Camilla. You’re not going to tell me you haven’t let Cole do…something.” I eyed her body and was suddenly aware of the fact that she wasn’t wearing much while she was wrapping herself around Cole. She was only in an over sized shirt and a pair of stretchy boy shorts that hugged her ass the same way Cole’s hand was when she jumped on him.

  “Put on some damn clothes,” I barked.

  “I have on clothes,” She frowned. “More clothes than I did before you fucked me in the kitchen earlier.” She purred and my dick twitched at her proximity. I pulled her into me and pushed my hand possessively up her shirt, pinching her nipple. “Xavier, not
while Emmanuel and Cole are our there.”

  “Camilla stop playing with me.” I backed her against the wall and kissed her.

  “Xavier…” She pushed away and glared at me. “Stop.”

  I didn’t want to risk pissing her off so I backed down and decided to just hang out instead of causing a scene like I wanted to. If I had my way, I’d fuck her right against the bedroom door so Cole could hear who was really running shit with Camilla.

  When we went back into the living room, Cole was relaxing on the couch while Chloe played at his feet and Manny was still holding Mason. Camilla sat right next to Cole just like I figured she’d do. I watched their dynamic trying to understand how the fuck she could be so close to him without fucking him. I knew Camilla and she never acted like this platonically.

  Cole tossed his arm around her without breaking eye contact from his phone. “Are you texting Noelle?” She asked

  “Mind your business.” He grumbled with a smirk. I didn’t like their interactions they were too fucking close. She never acted like this with Laurel.

  “Uh huh. You better be behaving. I’ll snitch.”

  “I bet you will.”

  Mason stirred in his sleep and before Camilla could even budge, Manny was up heating a bottle. “Thanks, Emmanuel,” Camilla grinned. She seemed like she was in heaven having Manny, Cole and me in the house.

  I was trying my best to keep it cool but watching her giggle and talk with Cole had me heated, I can’t lie.


  Chapter Four


  After Chloe started getting restless, Emmanuel decided he’d get the kids dressed and take them with him to the office for a few hours. That left me with Cole and Xavier, which I was fine with but Xavier’s jealous ass kept eyeing Cole and I like we were about to fuck on the couch or something. Cole was attractive, okay Cole was fine as fuck…who am I kidding? We weren’t currently having sex though.

  We just clicked.

  I’d never clicked with a man the way I did with Cole. He was like the big brother I never had. A big brother I wasn’t actually related to. I was always excited to see him and we always hugged elaborately. Clearly Xavier didn’t care for it though.


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