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Twisted Forever

Page 22

by Danielle James

  “What’s wrong? Talk to me.” He kissed my forehead, then my lips but I turned away.

  “Mason isn’t Alexander’s son,” I sniffled. At this, Xavier’s eyes brightened.

  “Is he mine?”

  “No,” I snapped more harshly than I’d meant to.

  “Manny,” he sighed. “Shit.” He shook his head and paced around for a few seconds. “He did the same shit to Alexander that I thought he did to me, didn’t he?” He’d hit the nail right on the fucking head.


  “But everyone thought I was crazy when I thought he did that shit with Chloe. Manny is fucking evil man.”

  “Alexander found out and that’s how I got the cut on my face.” At first Xavier was chewing it all over and taking it pretty well until he heard that.

  “What the fuck do you mean that’s how you got the cut on your face?” His face contorted into a murderous scowl. “Did he hit you!”

  “He was mad.” I stammered trying to calm his rage. “He thought I was lying to him and I can’t really blame him. That’s why I didn’t lose it when he hit me.”

  “Fuck that shit!” He roared. His hands turned into fists and he pounded them against the wall with a boom.

  “Cole handled it. Just calm down, Xavier.”

  “What the fuck did Cole do? Shoot him?” I got quiet and nodded. “He shot him?” He ran a hand over his face. “At least he’s good for something.” Xavier grabbed my hair and brought my face close to his. “Camilla, I don’t care what’s going on if you ever need me, call. You’re the mother of my child and I’d kill for you.”

  “I know. Everything is okay now. Shit will start to settle down soon. Honestly I need a damn vacation”

  “Shit, who you telling?” He hugged me again, kissing the top of my head. “I’m so sorry that shit happened to you baby. You’re gonna be okay though. Alexander on the other hand,” he shrugged. “He must have been out of his fucking mind. You literally have a team of motherfuckers ready to kill for you.”

  “Like I said: he was mad. He was hurting. I’m not excusing it but I understand.” I sucked in a breath. “Emmanuel wants me and the kids to move in with him.”

  “When is this supposed to be happening?” He frowned.

  “Now. He’s getting ready to put my house up.”

  “It’s in your name.”

  “Like that matters.” I chuckled ignoring the pain in my face. “I’m gonna go by there and get some stuff later.”

  “You need help? I can come by.”

  “No, it’s okay I know you’ve had the kids all weekend you need some quiet time,” I smiled.

  “Yeah, shit. Those two,” he yawned.

  “Not easy is it?” I smirked up at him.

  “Fuck no. Hat’s off to you, Camilla.” I talked with Xavier until Emmanuel got back with the kids who had ice cream drips all over their damn faces. I washed them up while Emmanuel and Xavier talked quietly.

  Xavier left after he hugged and kissed the kids and Chloe started crying, trying to attach herself to his leg. Emmanuel got her to calm down by singing to her and promising her TV time.

  “Okay, I’ve secured the kids. Are you doing okay?” His arm snaked around my waist and Emmanuel kissed my lips.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Your face looks better.” He told me with a smile.

  “Thank goodness. Besides looking rough, it hurts.” I gingerly touched the side of my face and pouted. “I need to go by the house and get some things. Do you wanna pack the kids up and go with me or do you wanna stay here while I go?”

  “Or I could go and you could stay here.” He pressed his lips against my neck.

  “No, you no go.” Chloe stood with her tiny hands planted on her hips and a frown on her face. “No, Manny.”

  “I can’t go?” He laughed looking down at this child that came up to his knee.

  “No!” She squeaked, trying to hold in her laughter.

  “Okay, Mommy will go and come right back, okay?” I told her. She eyed me for a moment then nodded and grabbed Emmanuel’s pinky.

  “Cole is coming by, he can go with you to help you carry stuff.” Emmanuel said before Chloe pulled him out of the room. Right on cue, Cole walked in with a medium sized gray box in his hand.

  “What’s up baby?” He grinned at me and placed the box in my hands. I looked down at it with a frown. On the top were the words MIAMI TACTICAL in gold foil letters. “Got you something.”

  “I see. Is this a damn gun?”

  “Yup.” He was grinning from ear to ear as he kissed my cheek. “I’m not about to be the only one shooting people. Manny already knows what’s up. He knows I got it for you.” He popped the top off of the box and nestled inside was a gleaming black gun.

  “Desert Eagle.” He took it out of the box and plopped it in my hand. The weight of it made my hand fall to my side.

  “Cole, I’m not a gun person.”

  “Well, you’re going to be. I’m gonna teach you how to shoot and if anyone even looks at you or the kids wrong, shoot first and ask questions later. Okay? After that shit with Alexander I don’t ever want this gun away from you.” The concern painted on his face tugged at me and I hugged him tight.

  “What’s that for?” He chuckled, rubbing my sides and holding on to my hips. No matter how taken I was, I had to admit that Cole would always be close to me. Something about his physical touch comforted me, even if there was no sex.

  “You’re always thinking about me. You’re always there for me. You’re really my best friend.”

  “You know I love your crazy ass. You’re the only person I feel like myself around since losing Grandpa.” His eyes grew sad.

  “I know.” I looked down at the gun and ran my fingers over the barrel.

  “So yeah, nothing can happen to you. I’m gonna make sure of that.”

  “Okay, I’ll learn to shoot,” I sighed.

  “You’re goddamn right you will.”

  I grabbed my purse and slipped the gun inside. Cole pulled out a slip of paper and put it in my hand. “Keep that too. It’s your license to carry.”

  “I never applied,” I frowned.

  “Manny applied for you.” He informed me. I rolled my eyes and fought the urge to yell at his crazy ass. I tugged on Cole’s hand and he smiled, following behind me. “Wait, where the fuck are we going?”

  “You just follow me without knowing shit huh?” I laughed loudly.

  “Shit, I was looking at your ass. I’ll follow that anywhere.”

  “Cole,” I warned with a point. He shrugged and got in the passenger’s seat.

  “You and Manny really back together? Like yall good?”

  “I think so.” I sighed softly. It felt so good sleeping beside him for the weekend that I honestly couldn’t wait until the kids and I was moved in. It would feel so much better knowing I would have someone coming home every day and not leaving me every chance they got.

  “You think so?” He asked, eyeing me. I knew what that look meant. I’d be lying if I said my pussy didn’t throb looking at his eyes and seeing that carnal lust behind them.

  “What happened to us behaving?” I quizzed.

  “I told you I was looking at your ass.” He laughed, but I could hear the seriousness.

  “My ass had you reconsidering some things?”


  “Behave, Cole.”

  “I am. I am. Next time we go somewhere put on a shirt that covers all that.”

  “I can be butt ass naked and you should be able to behave,” I told him.

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think I am but my restraint isn’t that strong. You walk around me naked and…” He adjusted his dick and I swallowed back hard.

  “And what?” I teased. He tugged my hair and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

  “And you’re gonna have my dick inside of you.” He let me go and I started the car.

  “You know what? Let me leave you alone before we both get in t
rouble.” I grinned.

  “Yeah, we’re good right now let’s keep it that way.”

  I drove to what used to be my house and used the time to really mull things over. Mason was Emmanuel’s son. What the actual fuck? I couldn’t ignore the fact that I felt betrayed by Emmanuel and we’d have to deal with that but a part of me was happy too. The flip-flop of emotions I was going through was exhausting to say the least.

  When I pulled up to the house Alexander’s car was sitting in the driveway. I had to brace myself to see him after everything last night. I was horrified when he slapped me. I’d never been hit that hard before. I saw stars for a few seconds before crashing into the wall. Even thinking about it had me about to cry.

  If it weren’t for Cole shooting him like he did I wasn’t sure Alexander would have stopped hitting me. The look in his eyes was foreign to me. It was a look I never wanted to see again. He hated me in that moment and I couldn’t blame him. From the outside I knew what it looked like.

  Even though we were over, I never wanted him to think I was that conniving. I would never keep a secret like that from him willingly. I replayed the back of his hand crashing down on my face and hot tears stung my eyes.

  “Camilla, you okay?” Cole’s voice pulled me out of the horrible memory. I nodded quickly and swiped the tears away. “Come on, I got you. Nothing is going to happen to you as long as I’m here.” He got out and opened the door for me. I believed him. He was someone I trusted with my life now. The same way I trusted Emmanuel and Xavier.

  When I walked through the door my foot kicked against suitcases. Alexander must have just thrown his shit down. A closer look at the bags let me know they couldn’t have been Alexander’s bags though. They were purple and orange and other colors that Alexander would never have used.

  “Who’s shit is that?” Cole frowned as we walked in. I shrugged my shoulders and walked in further. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a woman in my kitchen standing at the stove. Long black hair hung down her back in loose waves and she wore a silk robe, which meant she had to have slept here.

  “Anais?” Cole whispered almost to himself. I knew he was right that instant.

  “Baby, what kind of tea do you want?” I heard her call into the bedroom.

  “Green is fine, Anais. Thanks babe.”

  Cole wrapped his fingers around my bicep and pulled me close to him. We were still unnoticed because for whatever reason Anais didn’t hear the beeping of the front door.

  “You have my full permission to fuck her up. Black out. All that shit.” He rubbed my shoulder then let my arm go. All I could hear was them calling each other baby though. In my house. She was in my fucking house making him tea. She was the reason he left me.

  My heart thundered in my chest and each step I took towards the kitchen made me angrier. I was hoping that by some stretch of the imagination it was a mirage or something. That it wasn’t real and I was hallucinating.

  It was real though. And I was about to beat her fucking ass.

  By the time I reached the kitchen, she’d finally heard me but it was too late. Her hair was already snatched up in my fist. I slammed her face against the sink making a hollow noise each time her head hit.

  “Camilla!” Alexander ran out with his arm in a sling and no shirt on. I heard Cole’s gun click as he aimed it.

  “Let them fight or I’m taking your other shoulder out. You know how long I’ve been wanting someone to beat this bitch’s ass? Let them fight.”

  I shoved Anais to give her a chance to get her bearings. She coughed and gripped the counter before she spit blood into the sink. Tiny clinks sounded as she spit out tooth fragments.

  “You crazy bitch!” Anais shouted and lunged at me. She grabbed my hair and tried to slam me against the wall but her mistake was not having on shoes. I crushed her toes with my shoes making her drop my hair.

  Big fucking mistake.

  My vision blurred and I started to see black creeping in. This time, instead of fighting the black out, I welcomed it. I could feel my fists swinging and connecting over and over making crunching noises.

  I grabbed for hair and dragged. I didn’t know where I was dragging her. I barely remembered feeling her bodyweight in my hand. My vision cleared enough for me to see a framed picture of Alexander and I on the mantel. I’d dragged her into the living room.

  I could hear her cries and I could hear Alexander screaming at me to stop. I could also hear Cole telling Alexander to shut the fuck up. My hand grabbed the heavy crystal frame and I saw blood dripping from my knuckles.

  “Camilla, no!” Alexander shouted he wouldn’t move though because Cole had him at gunpoint. I brought the frame down on Anais’ face and her cries stopped. Instead of stopping because I’d done enough, I stopped to pull her hair back so Alexander could see her bloody, face.

  “You still wanna fuck her now, Alexander?” A crooked smile pulled my lips up. I let her head fall to the carpet with a thud.

  “You killed her!” He screamed hysterically.

  “Good,” I snapped. I walked over to him and Cole lowered the gun. I held up my hands and clenched my fingers, then stretched them out examining my shredded flesh. I’d been here before.

  Anais gasped and coughed on the floor and I glanced over my shoulder. “I should finish her off.” I grumbled before looking at Alexander. I made a fist and hit him as hard as I could in his wounded shoulder. He stumbled backward and shouted curse words at me.

  “You had a part in ruining us too, Alexander! All because you wanted to fuck this bitch!”

  “Did you have to do that though? That’s uncalled for! You bashed her face in Camilla!”

  “Would you rather I shoot her?” I took the gun from Cole and he shoved his hands in his pockets. My hands were torn up pretty bad but I didn’t care. I couldn’t feel anything but heartache.

  “Put the gun down.” He commanded.

  “Why? Maybe I should just shoot your ass. I wanted to marry you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You left me to fuck her though.” I wiped my running nose with my arm and then trained the gun on Alexander. “I gave up Emmanuel for you. I was so good to you but you still hurt me. You left me every month to go see this bitch!” I cracked her across the back of the head with the butt of Cole’s gun and Alexander cringed at the sound the impact made.

  “Was I not good enough for you?” I sobbed. I really wanted to know. “Why did you only love me when I was broken?”

  “I…I don’t know. I’m sorry, Camilla. You were good to me.” I nodded tearfully in response.

  “I was. I did everything you asked me to. I shut Xavier out, I shut Emmanuel out, and I only focused on you. It still wasn’t enough though.” I looked down at the blood seeping into the cream colored carpet and marveled at it for a moment.

  “Camilla…” Alexander called quietly. “It was my fault we didn’t work.”

  “I know. I just don’t get it. You wanted me so bad. You helped me so much and you just left me.” I took my foot and pressed it into the back of Anais’ head listening to the squish. She whimpered and I was amazed she wasn’t dead yet. The bitch was resilient after all those years of getting beat by Malcolm.

  “Please stop, Camilla. We can get Anais some help, she’s still alive.” Alexander begged. I laughed and swung the butt of the gun across his face this time.

  “You’re still worried about her! You just don’t fucking learn!”

  “Fuck!” He moaned, holding his face. “Camilla I’m just worried about her as a person, shit!”

  “Fuck her! She took you away from me! Do you have any idea how much I loved you?” My throat burned from the screaming. Tears blurred my vision and I thought about swinging on him again.

  “I love you too!” He shouted back. “I love you still. Even after Mason. I love you.” He repeated it over and over until I was bawling.

  “We’re done, Alexander. I can never be with you after this. You made a home with her. You left our home to make one
with her. If she’s alive after this you can have her and I hope she cheats on you and breaks your goddamn heart. I hope she fucks you up inside.” My mind flashed to how broken up he was over Alex and it all made fucking sense to me in that moment.

  “You know what?” I sniffled and wiped my nose again. “I hope you find another bitch and go off to make another home only to come back and find Anais’ body on the floor. Dead. From an OD. Just like you probably did to Alex.” I tilted my head to the side at the twisted expression on his face.

  “That’s what happened isn’t it? You left her. You probably knew she was depressed and you still fucking left her!”

  “No…” His voice shook.

  “You thought offering to marry her would help ease the fact that you had someone else. Almost exactly like you did me. It didn’t help, did it Alexander?”

  “Stop,” he begged.

  “One day you’d left her one too many fucking times and she realized she’d rather die than to feel the pain of you choosing someone else over her when she was supposed to make you happy.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Camilla!” He roared and lunged at me again, his good hand stuck in the air in mid-strike. He lowered it slowly and pushed past me to go to Anais.

  I looked at Cole and he had a stunned expression on his face.

  “Camilla, let’s go.” He said tugging at my arm. “Come on.” I followed him out in a daze. I don’t remember much because all I could see was how happy Alexander had made me and how he’d fucked it all up with Anais. If it hadn’t been for her I would have tried to work through knowing Mason wasn’t his. We could have worked through it together.

  But fuck Alexander. Fuck him. Fuck Anais. Fuck the entire horrible situation. I was exhausted with it all. I knew where I was wanted. I knew where I belonged. I knew where I wouldn’t get cheated on.


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “So since your hands are fucked up does that mean you can’t fight back?” Christina asked with a sly grin as she eyed me. My hands had been bandaged and I couldn’t remove the dressing for 48 hours. I looked like a motherfucking mummy.


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