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Pregnant by the Playboy Surgeon

Page 3

by Lucy Ryder

  It meant a lifetime of unnecessary pain, suffering and disability—if they survived—and it made him wonder what the hell it was all for.

  Lost in horrific memories, he scarcely heard the attending ask, “Who’s the ortho on duty? Has someone called?”

  It was only when he heard his name that he was jolted back to reality.

  “Rona said Dr. St. James is on his way.”

  Momentarily rattled by the abrupt shift from memories that were still far too fresh and vivid in his mind to the bright lights of the trauma bay, Dylan watched her frown and pull the stethoscope from around her neck.

  “Isn’t that the new guy everyone’s swooning over?” she asked absently, fitting the scope in her ears and sliding the metal disc over the boy’s chest. Without waiting for an answer, she addressed the second nurse. “Paula, we’re going to need more blood before we can get him into surgery. Set up another bag and make sure we have enough on standby. Let’s hope Hot New Guy’s not just a pretty face. The last thing this little guy needs is to grow up without an arm.”

  Taking a deep breath, Dylan shoved the memories aside and stepped into the room as she turned to the monitor.

  Removing the stethoscope, she impatiently slung it around her neck. “Dammit, where is he? Amy, call him again. We—”

  “No need,” he interrupted, his eyes already assessing the boy’s condition as he reached out and pressed his fingers against the brachial artery above the boy’s severed arm. It was slow and ragged, barely there.

  Hyper-aware of her just two feet away, he knew the instant she recognized him by her audible inhalation. His peripheral vision caught the way her body stilled and he looked up into eyes wide with shocked recognition.

  Holding her gaze, he kept his voice low and soothing. “What kind of injury do we have, Dr...? Uh... Stevens, is it?”

  “I... I...” she stuttered.

  Dylan didn’t know whether to feel pleased or insulted that she appeared so rattled. The blond nurse must have also noticed her reaction because her gaze narrowed, bouncing between them as though she sensed the abrupt tension in the room.

  “Dani?” the nurse said, not pausing in bagging the intubated child. “You okay?”

  The words clearly jolted her and she abruptly blinked, going from in control to flustered in the blink of an eye. “He’—” She frowned and firmed her soft mouth as she visibly pulled herself together. “He lost his arm an inch above the left epicondyle.”

  The nurses looked at her in surprise before sharing a significant look.

  “I can see that,” he said quietly, ignoring the silent exchange. “Did the EMTs say how it happened?”

  A flush stained her cheeks and she grimaced before sucking in a steadying breath. In the blink of an eye she was once again the cool, collected physician. “Apparently a plate glass window fell on him,” she reported briskly, with only the barest hint of a tremor.

  “Is it a crush injury?”

  “No,” she clipped out. “Fairly clean. I...uh... I had to clamp the brachial artery to raise his pressure but I’m not sure how much longer he can wait for surgery.”

  She’d made the right call. He nodded to the cooler on a nearby trolley. “What’s the condition of the arm?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to look but the EMT said it’s intact.”

  He lifted the blood-soaked compression bandage and noticed that a clamp had been applied to the end of the artery. After a quick assessment of the splintered edges of the bone, he gave a short nod as he turned to head for the door.

  “Take X-rays of both sections and bring him up as soon as he’s ready. We’ll be waiting.”

  On his way up to surgery, he punched in a number on his phone.

  “Kate,” he said, when the doctor answered on the third ring. “It’s Dylan—how soon can you get to OR?”

  “About twenty minutes to a half-hour, why?”

  “I need your needlepoint skills for a replantation.”

  The older doctor gave a low laugh. “I’m not on call, Dylan.”

  “I know,” he admitted. “But when a kid loses his arm you’re my go-to vascular. I need you on my team.”

  He heard her suck in a sharp breath. “A kid? Please don’t tell me it’s a crush injury.”

  He pressed the button to call for the elevator. “It’s not a crush injury. A sheet of plate glass lopped off his arm an inch above the elbow. There’s some damage, obviously but it should be straightforward.”

  He heard her sigh. “All right—start without me. I’m on my way.”

  While he waited for the elevator, he paged the on-call vascular surgeon, as well as a plastic surgeon. Once the elevator arrived he stepped inside, his mind already on the procedure ahead rather than the woman he’d left in the ER.

  There would be time enough later to think about his reaction to seeing her again—that one-two punch he’d taken to the chest when those startled gray eyes had locked with his. She’d looked stunned and flustered, as though she hadn’t expected to see him again. And a bit dismayed—which she hadn’t been quick enough to conceal.

  He’d felt kind of stunned himself and it wasn’t because one glance into those smoky eyes had dropped the bottom out of his gut. What the hell had that been about?

  No, he assured himself, he’d just been surprised. Surprised at finding her directing proceedings without any trace of the charming clumsiness she’d displayed at their first meeting. Yep—just surprise at finding her without even trying, he told himself.

  It couldn’t possibly be that when he’d seen her something deep inside him had stilled and said, There you are.

  Because that would be crazy when there wasn’t a hint of insanity in his family tree.

  * * *

  When the elevator doors opened, Dani and the RN pushed the gurney out and rushed it down the hallway to Surgery. She’d left Amy behind in the ER, taking care of their little patient’s distraught mother, who’d arrived just as they were getting into the elevator.

  Seeing her baby lying almost lifeless on the large, adult-sized bed had been almost too much for pregnant Christine Nolan. Dani had told Amy to give her something to calm her down before they had two patients on their hands.

  The instant they pushed the gurney through the swing doors an OR nurse grabbed the cooler. “Room Four,” she rapped out briskly. “They’re waiting.”

  They quickly maneuvered down the passage to where a scrub nurse was holding the doors open, and even as she released the gurney Dani found her gaze drawn, despite herself, to the team gathered around the wall screen, studying the X-rays she’d taken ten minutes earlier.

  Or rather her gaze was drawn inexorably toward one team member in particular.

  As though sensing her presence, he turned, his gaze locking unerringly on to her. She ignored the way her pulse leapt at the sight of him, standing head and shoulders above everyone else in the room. Already dressed in his surgical scrubs, gowned and bandanna-ed, Dr. Hot-and-Hunky looked as if he owned his universe.

  And was ready to rock hers.

  Her face burned with mortification at the memory of their last two encounters and she hoped she could keep from humiliating herself a third time. What must he be thinking? she wondered. First, that she was clumsy and blurted out whatever came into her head; and second that she’d heard that deep bedroom voice of his and everything in her had come to a screeching halt.

  She’d looked up into moss-green eyes surrounded by long, dark lashes and her mind had gone blank as a slate. And then he’d asked her about the wound and she’d replied with something so inane even a second-year med student would have blinked.

  She just hoped no one had noticed and cringed because she knew everyone had. Especially him. Oh God, she thought as a fresh wave of embarrassment crawled up the back of her neck. She’d stood there frozen as if she was
a teenager again and had found herself face to face with the hottest bad boy in school.

  Realizing she was still standing there, Dani spun away to make a quick escape. She was almost through the doors when his voice—deep and dark and sinful—reached her.

  “Dr. Stevens?”

  Tempted to ignore him, she shoved aside the primitive urge to run and turned slowly, giving herself time to school her expression. She was a thirty-year-old professional, she reminded herself. She sucked in a steadying breath, hoping he couldn’t see her inner chaos and terrified because she’d never been any good at hiding her emotions.

  She just hoped she could keep her mouth from blurting out embarrassing inanities. “Yes?”

  His gaze swept over her face to linger on her mouth and for one horrifying instant she thought he would mention their first meeting or...or even worse...ask about her unprofessional behavior in the ER.

  Actually, no. Worse would be that he somehow knew that her first impulse had been to check her hair and straighten her posture. Fortunately she’d done neither. Unfortunately she’d embarrassed herself and surprised her colleagues by staring at him as though he’d popped through a tear in the space time continuum dressed like a Roman centurion.

  Heck, even that wouldn’t have shocked her as much.

  He lifted a hand and, startled, she jerked back a couple of steps until her back hit the wall, her eyes wide. Embarrassment crawled up the back of her neck when she realized he was just scratching his jaw.

  Way to totally overreact there, Dani.

  She hastily glanced around to see if anyone had seen that clumsy panicked retreat and nearly sagged with relief when she saw that no one was paying them any attention.

  Get a damn grip, Dani.

  Concern darkened his gaze. “You okay?”

  “Of course,” she managed coolly. “Just in a hurry to...uh...” She gestured behind her. “Get back to the ER.”

  After a short pause he nodded, his eyes dropping briefly to the pulse tapping out frantic Morse code in her throat. She had to battle an overwhelming urge to cover that revealing little sign of agitation.

  “Anything I should know about the boy?”

  His deep voice, pouring over her like a benediction, should have relaxed her but instead it ratcheted her tension up a hundred notches.

  “Allergies, medical conditions, any medication that he’s on?”

  “,” she said, clearing her throat. “His name is Timothy Nolan and he’s seven years old. His mother says he’s a normal, active little boy who loves ice hockey and dinosaurs. He’s a Canucks supporter.”

  A smile lit his ruggedly handsome features, stealing her breath and sending her pulse lurching around like a drunken sailor on shore leave. When her knees gave an alarming wobble, she snapped her spine straight.

  Stop looking at his smile, she snarled silently. Handsome guys who flash million-dollar smiles can’t be trusted. So walk away, nice and calm.

  “Well, we’ll have to see that he gets to play hockey someday.”

  Relief that he wasn’t going to mention her recent lapses almost had her knees buckling again.

  That’s good, Dani. Focus on your patient and not on your queasy stomach and wobbly knees.

  “You can replant?” It could simply be the adrenaline let-down that was making her shaky and hyper-aware.

  “The X-rays look good,” he said and though she understood what he wasn’t saying, she pressed on, “So Timmy will be normal again?”

  He sent her a pained look and sighed. “I’ll give it my best shot but I’m not a miracle-worker.”

  “That’s not what I hear,” she clipped out, almost rudely and flushed when one eyebrow rose up his forehead at her snippy tone.

  But she wasn’t about to be intimidated—not like that day almost sixteen years ago when another bad boy had caught her fascinated stare and with a slow smile had propped his shoulder against her locker. Leveling her with a sleepy, knowing look, he’d drawled, “Think you can handle what I’ve got, little girl?” and roared with laughter when she’d turned tail and bolted.

  She felt exactly like that now but managed to lock her knees before they ignored the imperative from her brain to stand firm. She held his gaze a little defiantly.

  His brow wrinkled, as though her behavior surprised him.

  No more than it was surprising the hell out of her too.

  After a short pause he repeated, “We’ll do our best.”

  She gave a curt nod and had turned to go again when his voice called her softly.

  “Dr. Stevens?” He waited until her gaze met his. “Don’t believe everything you hear.”

  Dani got the feeling he was talking about more than just the hospital gossip that had him sleeping with more women than there were days in the month. And that was only since his return. Not only was she sure the rumors were grossly exaggerated but she hadn’t received any creepy vibes from him.

  Maybe not but you didn’t get any creepy vibes from Richard either, a little voice of reason reminded her. At least, not before the wedding. And look how that turned out.

  When she didn’t respond, Dr. St. James sighed and looked as if he wanted to say something more. She braced herself, ignoring the way her pulse increased.

  But then the anesthetist called his name and all he said was, “I have to go.”

  And look at that. She could feel the rush of disappointment that he hadn’t...what? Pushed her up against the wall and put his hands and mouth all over her?

  Sheesh, woman. Get a grip. This is a surgical suite. And maybe you could stop looking at his mouth and remember that you’re on sabbatical from men. Remember why you’ve given them up.

  She turned away abruptly, determined to leave with her dignity intact but yet again his voice—a rough slide of velvet against her skin—stopped her in her tracks.

  “Oh, and Dr. Stevens...?”

  Awareness skated across her and she wanted more than anything to escape.

  He waited until she looked back before drawling softly, “I’m not just a pretty face.”

  She was embarrassed that he’d heard what she’d said in the ER but pride stiffened her spine and had her lying smoothly. “I wouldn’t know.”

  She relaxed, inordinately pleased that she could be cool and professional—or at least pretend to be—beneath that intense green gaze. His hypnotic eyes held her hostage for a moment longer, then he nodded brusquely and turned away.

  Before the door swung shut behind her she could hear the steady beeping of the monitors over her thundering pulse and she said a quick prayer for little Timmy—and one for the steady hands of those he’d been placed in.

  Once in the elevator, away from prying eyes—especially intense green ones that seemed to see right through her—she sagged against the wall and locked her knees to keep from sliding to the floor. Pressing a shaky hand to her even shakier belly, she gave a ragged moan and banged her head against the side of the elevator a couple times, hoping to knock a little sense into her head.

  Oh. My. God. She couldn’t believe it. The guy she’d brushed off, then spent way too much time thinking about, was a the very same hospital where she worked. Not only that, he was the very same Dr. Hot Stuff all the female personnel—married and unmarried—were drooling over. And if that didn’t have alarm bells shrieking away in the back of her mind, nothing would.

  Not interested, she told herself firmly. She’d barely survived a relationship with one rich, handsome and hotly in demand man and she had no intention of melting for another.

  Nope. No way. No how. Absolutely no melting.

  But she’d dreamed about him, she was forced to admit. The type of dreams a girl never shared with anyone—not even her best friend. The types of dreams that made her blush just thinking about them, because she hadn’t had a sexy dream since she was a
shy, awkward teenager mooning over hot bad boys.

  She would rather step in front of a bus than have him suspect that she was like every other woman, swooning when he turned his green eyes her way, ramping up her hormones while every nerve-ending, every strand of DNA, perked up and did a Mexican wave.

  Look at me! her nipples had yelled.

  The elevator doors opened and she was hugely relieved that the hallway was empty and she could enjoy her little freak-out in private. Instead of heading for the ER, she ducked into the bathroom and barely resisted the urge to shove her entire head under the cold water tap and drown herself.

  She splashed her hot face instead and when she caught sight of her flushed cheeks and bright eyes, paused to give herself a stern lecture. No brooding over hot, sexy surgeons with green eyes, she told her reflection firmly. At least until you can behave like a mature professional.

  On second thought, she should just stay away from the entire species altogether. Besides, he had even more women throwing themselves at him than Richard Ashford-Hall III. She wasn’t ever going to be one of a crowd again. She would never put herself in a position where she had to fight for any man’s attention. It was too humiliating to discover that no matter what you did you’d just never measure up.

  Besides, she was damaged goods, wasn’t she? And no man, Richard had told her cruelly, wanted damaged goods. If she couldn’t do what she’d been put on the earth for—provide him with an heir—she was no good to anyone.


  DESPITE THE FREQUENTLY frustrating cases and long, exhausting hours, Dani loved the ER. She loved the adrenaline and the challenge of emergency medicine; of saving lives and solving puzzling symptoms before her patients were transferred to the right specialist.

  She dealt with new cases, new patients, all the time, and though it made for an exciting profession, she sometimes missed knowing what had happened to the critical patients she’d treated—missed the relationship that developed between patient and healthcare professional.


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