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Pregnant by the Playboy Surgeon

Page 13

by Lucy Ryder

  Dylan didn’t realize he’d taken another step until his mother’s hand closed around his fist. “No fighting, darling,” she murmured in his ear. “Even if I’d be cheering you on from the sidelines.”

  The words and the supportive squeeze settled him, and he stepped up behind Dani with amazing casualness to slide his palm up her back. She jolted at his touch, a quiver racing through her tense body.

  Deliberately ignoring the other man, he dipped his head when she looked up. He caught a brief impression of her eyes as he touched his mouth to hers. Her lips quivered and he sank into the kiss as though they didn’t have an audience.

  “Sorry I took so long,” he said, when he finally lifted his head. “The bar’s busy.”

  He was pleased to see his very public display of affection had wild color replacing her pale distress. He took his time to look around at the group watching them with varying expressions—Ashton-Hall showed shock mixed with fury at having his prey snatched away, the lawyer’s date was looking wide-eyed at the simmering undercurrents, and Maddie... Well, she’d never looked more gleefully triumphant.

  “You know Dr. St. James, don’t you?” Maddie said, so sweetly that Dylan felt his blood sugar rise. “He’s the leading reconstruction orthopedic surgeon at St. Mary’s. Oh, yes—and I’m sure you know his father: Ruben James, CEO and owner of—”

  “Ashton-Hall,” Dylan interrupted with a curt nod, his hand sliding down Dani’s trembling arm to link with her fingers. He lifted their clasped hands to brush his lips across her icy-cold knuckles, his hard eyes taking in the way the other man’s narrowed gaze took in the intimate gesture.

  Her fingers jerked convulsively in his.

  “Well, well...” Ashton-Hall drawled softly, his golden good looks hardening into something unpleasant. “My dear, lovely wife...ex-wife,” he corrected, with a patently false smile of apology in Maddie’s direction, “has managed to land herself a bigger, fatter, juicier fish after all.” He turned to Dylan. “My...uh...congratulations.”

  His voice suggested otherwise as he flicked her a contemptuous glance and Dylan bit back a snarl, because beneath the contempt was an unhealthy possessiveness that made his skin crawl.

  “I wonder what he would say if he knew about what a disappointment you were in...” He paused for dramatic effect, his ice-blue eyes gleaming with malice at the sound of Dani’s abruptly indrawn breath, audible in the tense silence.

  “I suggest you stop right there,” Dylan warned softly.

  “In our marriage.” He blinked at Dylan, as though surprised. “What did you think I was going to say?”

  “Nothing I’d want to hear from a man who likes to hit women,” he said smoothly, and felt a savage satisfaction when the man’s unnatural tan reddened, then paled.

  “How did you—? She told you that?”

  “No,” Dylan drawled smoothly, despite the fury sweeping through him. “You just did.”

  Ashton-Hall’s hands curled into fists and his mouth twisted into something ugly as his gaze zeroed in on Dani. Dylan felt her stiffen beside him, as though she was bracing herself.

  Then Richard suddenly laughed, all suave urbanity that invited everyone to see the irony of the situation. His eyebrows rose arrogantly. “Maybe,” he said to Dylan, “when you’re done slumming with the Ice Princess we can compare notes.”

  Dylan heard his mother’s outraged inhalation through a red mist, and before he could think he’d drawn back his arm and punched Ashton-Hall in his smug, sneering face.

  The crunch of the man’s nose beneath his fist was the most satisfying moment of Dylan’s life, dulling the pain radiating up his arm.

  * * *

  The shocked gasps of the people around them snapped Dani out of her misery. Ignoring the man lying on the hotel foyer floor, she grabbed Dylan’s arm and held on as he took another step forward. Fury blasted from him like a nuclear explosion, the force of it vibrating through the steely muscles beneath her hand.

  “Dylan.” Her horrified gaze took in the attention they were attracting. “Stop! It doesn’t matter.”

  He was breathing hard, his green eyes a blaze of fury in his stony face. “Doesn’t matter?” he snarled, taking another step toward Richard. “He was the one—” He inhaled sharply and practically ground his next words into pieces as he stared at the other man, menace pumping off him in great billowing clouds. “I’m going to kill him.”

  Her face flamed with mortification, and quick tears blurred her vision because she would give anything—anything—for him not to know. “Dylan, please,” she urged, her voice low and urgent. “Let it go. It doesn’t matter.”

  “He put his hands on you in anger,” he snarled, his jaw practically popping with fury. “Of course it matters.”

  “No. It doesn’t,” she argued gently. “Not anymore. Because he doesn’t matter.”

  She closed her hands over his clenched fist, hoping to dispel the violence pounding through him and caught the wince he couldn’t quite prevent. Frowning, she looked down at his hand and sucked in a shocked breath when she saw the damaged, swelling knuckles.

  “Look what you’ve done to your hand. How can you—?”

  He caught her shaking fingers and waited until her distraught gaze met his. “It was worth it.”

  “I hope you still think so when I sue the pants off you,” the man on the floor snarled, drawing everyone’s attention. They’d all but forgotten him. Flushing with embarrassed fury at the curious stares they were receiving, he lurched to his feet and spat out. “I’ll sue you until even your grandchildren are paying through the nose. I’ll ruin you. I’ll—”

  “Oh, be quiet, Richard,” snapped Dani, suddenly furious with both of them for causing a scene with their masculine posturing. “You’re an ass.”

  She shoved at Dylan while her ex-husband mopped the blood from his nose with a pristine handkerchief.

  “And as for you—” She probed his hand gently. “You need ice and maybe a lobotomy.”

  Black spots hovered at the edge of her vision and she sucked in a shaky breath to dispel the odd dizziness and shaky stomach.

  “He’ll do it,” she said in urgent undertones. “I know he will. It’s happened before.”

  “Let him try,” Dylan said, unconcerned, wrapping his free hand around her neck and nudging her chin up with his thumb. His expression was concerned as he studied her face. “You’re pale.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, the feel of his warm skin and steady pulse beneath her fingers stabilizing her. “I’m fine. Which is more than I can say for your hand. Let me get you some ice.”

  “This is all very sweet and sickening,” Richard snarled furiously. “But what about me? He broke my nose.”

  “You should thank him,” Maddie snorted unsympathetically. “It’ll give your face character. Something the rest of you lacks.”

  Richard ignored her. “Expect to hear from me next week,” he said.

  He stepped close in a move Dani recognized from her marriage. It was one that had never failed to make her knees quake.

  He smirked at her instinctive retreat before she ordered her feet to stop. “It’s going to be fun watching you squirm.”

  Dani ignored the threat. “Try it and I’ll expose you and your sleazy club,” she said softly.

  Richard froze, his eyes narrowing. “What club?” he lied smoothly, grimacing with distaste as blood continued to flow from his nose.

  “Your little swingers’—”

  “You wouldn’t,” he interrupted, with an unconcerned scoff that couldn’t quite mask the panic in his eyes as he sent a quick glance around to see if anyone had heard.

  It was in that moment she realized that he was nothing but a spoilt bully who used his family’s legal reputation as a tool to intimidate and scare. Standing up to him suddenly seemed like the most natural thing in th
e world. Because he couldn’t hurt her. Not anymore.

  “You’re forgetting the non-disclosure agreement,” he reminded her coolly as he straightened his tie and brushed off his jacket.

  “If you recall,” she reminded him quietly, refusing to be cowed, “I declined to sign it.”

  Conscious of her trembling knees, she turned away. But his hand shot out, his grip cruel as he yanked her against him.

  “And you,” he warned silkily, “might recall what happened then.”

  Dylan’s fingers immediately clamped down on Richard’s wrist and with a girlish squeak he loosened his grip immediately.

  Dani stilled, a frown pulling at her brows as she resisted Dylan’s efforts to pull her away. “What are you talking about?”

  His gaze turned malicious. “That drunk driver who drove you off the road?” His lips curled into a hard, cruel smile as he mouthed, That was me, before sauntering off.

  Oblivious to warm hands settling on her arms, Dani felt the words rushing over her like a swarm of bees. They pierced her skin, leaving their poison to tear through her fragile armor, leaving her with a sick certainty that dispelled any doubts she might have had about that night.

  The blood drained abruptly from her head and her knees sagged. She heard Maddie’s startled yelp even as Dylan caught her against himself.

  “Dani!” he rasped, his deep voice laced with a concern that battered at her, tightening her chest until she couldn’t breathe.

  Her heart swelled, desperate to pump blood to her numbed limbs. Her ears buzzed and her fingers tingled as the ballroom receded. Unaware of the wounded moan rising up her throat, Dani pressed a shaking hand to her breastbone, hoping to keep her pounding heart from exploding through her ribs. Keep it from leaving a gaping hole in her chest.

  She sucked in a tortured breath. She had to get away. She had to—

  Nausea burned her throat like acid, and with a desperate cry she shoved herself free, lurching away from him as she frantically searched for the nearest exit. She felt Dylan’s hand on her arm, heard him say...something. But she slapped a hand over her mouth, snatched up her long skirt and ran toward the ladies’ restroom.

  She heard Dylan’s stunned curse as the door swung shut behind her, barely making it into an open stall before her stomach emptied violently. Collapsing to the floor, Dani hung over the toilet as her stomach continued to heave, as though to dispel the awful truth swamping her.

  Richard... Richard was responsible for the accident that had taken her baby and left her uterus scarred. A sob caught in her throat.

  Through the roaring in her ears she vaguely heard voices behind her—a woman’s voice urgently calling, “Dani! Dani, where are you?” But she couldn’t, couldn’t respond. She was too busy retching, devastated by the knowledge that the man who’d once promised to love and protect her had—

  She was barely aware that she was sobbing, her chest heaving as she, prayed...the floor would open and swallow her whole.

  Then frantic hands were reaching for her. Hands that shook as Maddie murmured brokenly, “I had a feeling this would happen one day. This city isn’t big enough that you can avoid him forever.”

  “Richard...” Dani rasped, grabbing Maddie’s arm in a shaky grip.

  “Yeah, he’s a colossal ass—what’s new?” her friend snapped, gently wiping Dani’s mouth even as someone else pressed a cold cloth to her burning forehead.

  Eyes huge and dark with shock, Dani whispered, “It was him.”

  “Yeah, I wish he’d drop dead too... Wait!” Maddie frowned, her eyes confused as she crouched at Dani’s side. “What was him?”

  “He... He...” Dani swallowed past the burning ball of glass shards in her throat. “That night... He was the drunk driver.”

  For a moment Maddie stared at her uncomprehendingly, then she sucked in a shocked breath. “Are you saying...?” Her eyes widened. “That’s crazy! He wouldn’t—He—Dani, that’s insane.”

  A sob rose in Dani’s throat as she gave a jerky nod. “He told me...just now,” she said, feeling the shock of it swamp her. “It was him that night—he caused the accident.” She shivered, recalling it. “He was so f-furious with me for embarrassing him in front of his friends. But I didn’t think he could—could he?” She sucked in a shaky breath and felt the walls closing in on her. “C-could he really be capable of th—that?”

  A snarl of fury burst from her friend’s lips as she lurched to her feet. “I’m going to kill him,” she vowed, looking murderous. “I’m going to make him wish he’d never been born. I’m going to—”

  “Maddie, darling.” A low, soothing voice interrupted from somewhere close. “Can you put a hold on those bloodthirsty plans long enough to get Dani out of here?”

  Maddie blinked rapidly before sucking in a steadying breath. They were attracting unwanted attention. “Oh, right...” she said, bending to wrap an arm around Dani and pull her to her feet.

  But Dani’s legs weren’t working properly and she swayed dizzily, the blood draining from her head as prickly heat washed over her. She gave a low moan and thrust out a hand to grab the doorframe but the floor dipped and rolled and the walls melted away.

  Then firm, warm fingers closed around hers and she blinked up into concerned green eyes that even in her shocked state reminded her of Dylan’s. Green eyes set in the beautiful face of an older woman.

  “Come on, darling,” she said, gently but firmly pulling Dani from the cubicle. “We left Dylan outside, and if I know my son he’ll come barging in here if we don’t walk out in under a minute.”

  Dani’s eyes widened and she gasped. “You’re Dylan’s—?”

  “Mother,” the older woman finished.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered. She sucked in a fortifying breath and managed to get out, “ saw all that?”

  Her words sounded tinny to her own ears, and even as she saw compassion filling those green eyes a great wave of prickling heat swamped her.

  With a mortified moan, she slid to the floor.


  DANI SURFACED TO find herself lying on something soft. Somewhere close, people spoke in hushed tones. She strained her ears but couldn’t make out anything other than suppressed fury and concern.

  For a couple of beats she wondered why there were people in her bedroom and tried to turn over, to block out the noise but a soft hand held her still as a cold cloth was pressed against her forehead.

  Brow wrinkling in confusion, she reached up to swipe at the annoyance but warm fingers trapped hers.

  “It’s all right, Dani,” a gentle, feminine voice soothed. “Take it easy. I can call you Dani, can’t I?” The low voice quivered with amusement. “Anyone who can turn my son into an avenging pugilist one minute and a panicked wreck the next is someone I’d very much like to meet.”

  Something brushed her cheek.

  “Come on, sweetheart, open your eyes before he calls an ambulance.”

  Memory returned with the speed of a freight train and she lurched upward, her eyes flying open to see—Oh God—Dylan’s mother, her green eyes filled with maternal concern and curiosity. A few feet away Dylan paced, his body vibrating with fury as Maddie spoke in urgent undertones.

  Panic rose up to blot out everything, because she knew—just knew—what Maddie was telling Dylan. All the sordid details of her marriage.

  Her stomach roiled in greasy protest. “Nooo!” she moaned, trying to scramble off the sofa, as though she could physically stop the words from emerging.

  Seeing the direction of her panicked gaze, Dylan’s mother caught her, calling out, “Children!” in a firm voice that children everywhere recognized and instantly obeyed. “You’re upsetting Dani.”

  As one, they spun around. Within two strides Dylan was at her side, one large hand engulfing hers as he dropped down beside her. Intense green eyes s
wept over her, cataloging her condition.

  “You’re looking a little better,” he rasped, his fingers lacing convulsively through hers. His dark gaze caught and held hers as though he could see through to her soul. “How do you feel?”

  “F-fine,” she stammered, trying to disengage her hand from his and put a little distance between them. She needed to leave before she made a bigger spectacle of herself than she already had. And in front of his mother!

  His fingers tightened. “You’re lying.”

  She froze and blinked her surprise, her gaze flying to his mother, who was watching them with wide, curious eyes and a strange little smile on her face.

  “What a terrible thing to say,” she accused in a low voice, pulling unsuccessfully at her hand. “And let go—you’re embarrassing me.”

  “And you’re making me look bad in front of my mother and Maddie.” He lifted his free hand to cup her chin but Dani grabbed it, wincing at the sight of his bruised, swollen knuckles.

  “Why haven’t you iced this?”

  “I had other things on my mind,” he growled. “Like you fainting in the women’s restroom.”

  He shoved impatient fingers through his hair. Dani was shocked at the pallor beneath his skin and the perceptible tremor in his fingers.

  “You have no idea how I felt when I saw you passed out on the floor.”

  She rolled her eyes and distracted herself by taking his hand and gently probing his injury. An injury sustained on her behalf.

  “It’s probably just a little virus, that’s all,” she assured him, looking up to see Maddie and Dylan’s mother watching them with wide, fascinated eyes. Because she was angry with Maddie, for spilling her secrets, she said coolly, “Dylan needs an ice pack.”

  Maddie’s gaze narrowed at the silent rebuke but didn’t look too disturbed when she gave a nod and left the room.

  “Don’t blame Maddie. She was just trying to help—” Dylan began.

  He was cut off when Dani hissed, “Help? How can airing my disaster of a marriage be helping?”


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