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Sanguine Spell

Page 11

by Ahava Trivedi

  “Fine,” said Ulric as Natalie and Valenthia watched our volley of words, “I’m not going to force Nat and Val but I’ll come with you. And so will the Silver Shadows – at least the ones I room with.”

  “Fine,” I said, realizing that while that would be great for when I actually went after Kellum Bathory, first I needed to see Moldark. And Ulric most certainly could not come with me to do that. “I’ll let you know when,” I added out of paranoia and walked him out of the room.

  “What’s going on with you?” asked Ulric once we were away from Natalie and Valenthia.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, feeling like his question was completely misplaced.

  “I’m worried,” he sighed, “I know you’re concerned about Valenthia but I don’t know, something seems off.”

  “No, it’s just that I’m getting restless,” I said, surprised that Ulric had picked up on my unease. When leaving Bloodline Academy, I’d assumed I’d locate Kellum Bathory, avenge my mom and be done with it. What I’d do after that, I’d never even considered. I’d assumed things wouldn’t be normal and that I’d continue to be on the run from the Dark Legion. Like my mother had been. But now I’d pulled others into it and that wasn’t something I’d thought about enough.

  “I know,” said Ulric softly. He looked deep into my eyes and his glowed amber like a beacon. We kissed and for the first time since leaving, I felt everything melt away for those brief moments. Why did it always have to be so bleak otherwise? The warmth of him was something fleeting because in my world – our world – we’d grown so used to running for our lives. That was our normal. And as I held him, a fear surfaced that I’d so far managed to stifle. I pulled away picking up that he felt it too.

  “You’re afraid I’m going to get myself killed,” I whispered.

  “No, I…” said Ulric and then slowly nodded.

  “I’m afraid you are. Or Val or Nat will. And it’ll be because of me,” I admitted.

  “We won’t,” smiled Ulric and as I watched his smile fade, I knew exactly why. His sister, Winnie. But what good could it possibly do to tell him? Maybe he’d want to go back to New Orleans to talk some sense into her? But even he had to know she was beyond redemption at this point. “You look worried again,” said Ulric.

  “No, it’s not that. I was thinking of the crazy task ahead,” I replied. Since when did I wear the entirety of my inner world on my face? Since always. But I’d thought that since my vamp side had surfaced, at least one of the perks would be a better poker face. Apparently not.

  “It’ll be okay, Kat,” he said, with a loyalty that made me ashamed of holding out on him about his sister, “we’re all in this together, right?”

  “Yeah,” I said. I decided to discuss it with Safi and feel her out. If she felt it was a positive thing to tell him, I would. I already knew what she’d say – that she couldn’t make the decision for me. Her job had been to tell me what she knew, presumably so I could tell Ulric that Winnie was alive. And evil as all hell. “Ulric?” I said, feeling my mouth instantly go dry.


  “Thanks,” I said chickening out.

  “You’re welcome but I didn’t do anything. It’ll all be okay,” he said, looking at me in a way that made me want to cry.

  “I need to tell you something,” I said taking in a long, deep breath when what I really needed was blood.

  “Sure,” said Ulric, tensing up and watching me carefully.

  “I…Safi!” I said in surprise as Safi urgently tried to get my attention from inside my head.

  “What?” asked Ulric, gripping my shoulders as the message she was trying to give me was coming through so powerfully that I felt everything spin. Before I could ask her why she was putting so much force into her communication, Safi’s panicked voice echoed in my head.

  “Superno’s in chaos!” she said. Before I knew it, I was sitting in a corner of the marble hallway, leaning against the wall as Ulric had guided me over and gently pulled me to sit down.

  “What’s happened?” I sent back to Safi.

  “Everything’s all over the place. I think my mom’s completely lost it!” she said. I could almost hear the screams and disarray taking place in the background from where she was.

  “Slow down,” I said, “are you safe?”

  “Yes, yes I’m fine. But my mom found out that Professor Frewin, as she called it colluded with your escape and reported him to the Witch’s Council immediately. He was tried by Isadora Onyx, the same Grand High Witch that you had to face.”

  “Okay?” I said, trying to piece together what it meant for Safi. For us.

  “The Grand High Witch immediately sent for the key members of the Supernatural Light Alliance. She never does that unless there’s some kind of felony involved. They tried him within two hours and…” Safi stopped.

  “And?” I asked, looking to Ulric who was staring, unblinkingly at me. “It’s Frewin,” I whispered, filling him in as best as I could.

  “What happened to him? Did the Dark Legion get to him?” asked Ulric, his face manifesting my own feelings of horror, although mine were because I knew a very different threat had taken him.

  “I’m asking her,” I replied, narrowing my eyes to focus in on Safi’s presence in my mind. “Safi, are you there? What happened to him?”

  “They deemed him an enemy of light magic and sentenced him to be sent straight to supernatural prison,” said Safi, “it’s unprecedented, especially because he’s a key member of the S.L.A., I mean he was a key member.”

  “How is that even possible?” I asked, though it had become perfectly clear that anything was possible. There were no rules. At least not for those in power who didn’t play by them.

  “What?” asked Ulric in my ear.

  “Frewin’s been thrown into supernatural prison for helping us to come here,” I mouthed back, making myself barely audible.

  “That’s bullshit!” Ulric’s voice echoed, making a couple of students walking past us, turn around on high alert. “Sorry,” Ulric apologized to them. He stood up and began pacing an uncomfortable circle in front of me, as he frustratedly scraped back his dark hair.

  “What’s going to happen now?” I asked, trying in vain to clear my mind so I could hear everything she said through the rush of my blood that made a strong whooshing sound in my ears.

  “As far as I know, any of the students they deem to also have been helping Frewin are going to be tried as well. I’m glad Ulric went with you because he’d have been the first one up,” said Safi, as I watched Ulric continue to pace. “As for the rest of the profs and students, there’s going to be some kind of magical oath we’ll have to take to pledge our allegiance to light magic.”

  “And if you’re found to be helping the enemy?” I asked.

  “Life in supe jail,” Safi replied. There was a pause from her end that felt heavy. I knew she had something else to say and she was figuring out how best to say it.

  “Just tell me,” I urged.

  “Aviar overheard our mom talking to some powerful witches and shifters in the S.L.A. The moment they can get Professor Frewin to give away exactly where you guys are, they’re going to inform Bloodline Academy.”

  “Makes sense,” I retorted, “I knew your mom wasn’t fond of me and I’m starting to realize there are multiple reasons.”

  “I thought she was biased because you’re half-vamp – not that that was okay,” Safi interrupted, “but I’m beginning to realize there’s a lot more to this. I’ve never seen my mom act like this before. Of course, her official line to everyone at Superno is that she needs to know where you are so she can redirect the vamps back because the Black Banes keep attacking us.”

  “Do they?” I asked.

  “Yes. And it’s getting worse and worse. Since Ulric’s sister has taken over, it’s like an army has sprung up overnight. Maybe there were always so many of them but she’s way better at organizing them than the previous alpha was. They’re literally trying to seal
us in.”

  “That’s because Kane didn’t really buy into what the Dark Legion wanted,” I sent back. Ulric had settled back down next to me and was eagerly waiting for me to divulge what I was getting from Safi. Kane and I hadn’t exactly seen eye to eye but he’d clearly been a darn sight better than the Winnie option. My gut told me I needed to know what was going down at Bloodline Academy, no matter how risky it was. “I really hate to defend your mom but maybe she’s doing what she’s doing because she wants to protect Superno?” I said, cringing as the words came out of my mouth.

  “She does, but the way she wants the vamps to go after you, it’s different. It’s personal. It’s pure hate,” said Safi, leaving me shaken. But I was starting to accept what the Silver Shadows had told me about my connection with Esmeralda Quartz.

  “I think I have the answer to why,” I sent back, summarizing what I’d learned about the witch part of my ancestry.

  “I believe you,” replied Safi adding in the way that only she could, “it sounds like some straight-up supernatural conspiracy shit – but I believe you.”

  “And I thought avenging my mom’s death was going to be hard before,” I said laughing deliriously as Ulric looked at me startled.

  “I think you should do what you went there to do,” said Safi, “but watch your back every step of the way. And when all hell breaks loose, I hope the world is one vicious Sanguine short.”

  We said our goodbyes and both agreed to loop each other in the second there was something new. That Pearl Quartz had turned on one of her own yet again, confirmed that in many ways the S.L.A. was as bad as the vamps of the Dark Legion. It also meant that when things kicked off if they hadn’t already, the Silver Shadows of Silverstone Academy would most likely be caught in the crossfire between the two sides.

  Chapter 11

  Thanks to the few trips that Natalie and I had made into Silver Scape, I was familiar enough with the forest to know what to expect when I ventured outside the academy, into the real world. And yet, as I snuck outside under the cover of darkness, I felt the tight squeeze of nervousness in my stomach which had taken the form of a heavy ball, pulling me downwards.

  Natalie and Valenthia were sleeping but because it was nighttime, I could tell by looking at them that the quality of their sleep wasn’t the same as it was during the day. It wasn’t as deep or restorative as it needed to be and added to that was the fact that we were all slowly starving. Or rather, they were because they’d been selfless enough to follow me to the apparent ends of the earth. I watched my friends slumbering and decided what I was about to do was for the best.

  When I returned – and as soon as day broke – we were going to go and see Principal Silverstone to warn her of what Safi had told me. Valenthia had questioned whether we could really trust the principal. The truth was that there were so many self-vested supes in high places that I had no idea. But what I’d learned through the Silver Shadows about myself and Esmeralda Quartz, told me that if anyone could be trusted, it was this werewolf pack.

  The grounds of the academy weren’t completely quiet as there were still students milling about, though in markedly lesser numbers than in the day. As I passed through the hallway, it struck me that the place was being powered by a soft glow that emanated from nowhere. Unlike during the day, the source wasn’t lights and candles, it was the moon. Even though there were no windows and it made no sense, I instinctively knew.

  I narrowly avoided being seen by Esyn and Willhelm who were standing by a big, gorgeous fountain in the middle of a huge hall that looked as palatial as a ballroom. The moonlight twinkled onto the monument which consisted of a majestic werewolf whose eyes sparkled like two big crystals, as he looked to the woman by his side. At first, I assumed it must have been Esmeralda Quartz but as I looked more carefully the figure only resembled her slightly, much less than I did. It must have been her daughter Alani Quartz and the werewolf was her mate – Luis Grey – one of the last remaining werewolves from what had been the Grey Guild. Above the couple was a beautiful luminescent globe depicting the full moon, that trickled water. It was a separate feature held in place by waves that cascaded down, carved in marble around the werewolf and the woman.

  I snuck to the corner of the room and watched Esyn who had perched herself on the edge of the circular basin that collected the water as it trickled down from the fountain. Willhelm linked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer and they began to make out. Good, while they were getting busy, I could sneak past without being noticed. I was sure that Willhelm was not on side. If he couldn’t stomach my friends, there was no reason to think he thought any better of me. I thought of conjuring up my invisibility shield but I wasn’t really sure I could at this point. Blood was always what activated my witching magic.

  Following the wall, I passed the kissing couple and almost made it out of the only exit the place had, other than the one I’d entered through. I stifled a startled scream as I bumped into someone, as my eyes had been fully on Esyn and Willhelm.

  “Its okay! It’s only me!” said Xanthe, beaming as she held her hands up in front of her to show she meant no harm.

  “Sorry, I…do you know a way out of the academy?” I said recovering.

  “Aww, look at those two!” whispered Xanthe, looking past me, “They’re the hottest couple at Silverstone Academy.”

  “Nice,” I said not turning back.

  “Of course, now that you guys are here, they’ll probably have some competition in keeping their previously unbeatable status.”

  “I’m sure they’ll hold onto it fine,” I smiled, steering Xanthe out of the ballroom, “it would be awesome if you could show me around a bit again – if you don’t mind?” We’d done a tour before but the one thing no one had shown us was the exit. Not the single-use tunnel we’d entered through but an actual exit. Obviously Valenthia had learned of how to leave the place but I couldn’t ask her without arousing her curiosity.

  “Yeah, for sure!” said Xanthe as we walked away from where Wilhelm and Esyn were. “You’re so lucky you’re dating Ulric!” said Xanthe, “I’m sorry, I hope you don’t mind me drooling all over your boyfriend!”

  “Err, no?” I said awkwardly, finding it more a question I was asking myself than an answer I was able to give.

  “So, how did you guys meet?” asked Xanthe, her emerald eyes, that were so much like Safi’s, lit up in anticipation.

  “It’s a weird story,” I said, “much like most of my life so far.”

  “Here’s the library by the way,” pointed out Xanthe as we passed a set of wooden doors. “Now I want to know even more,” she persisted, “how did you meet? Who admitted their feelings first?”

  “On my birthday, my half-Sanguine side was discovered,” I said, trying to choose my words carefully. “Someone from Bloodline Academy – sorry I mean St. Erzsebet’s, my old academy – was sent to collect me. That was Ulric.”

  “Ooh, so it was an enemies-to-lovers thing!” shrieked Xanthe as I looked around nervously, hoping Ulric wasn’t up and about.

  “Not quite,” I said, “more like, we were both misfits and could relate to each other. Anyway, how about you – are you seeing anyone?” I asked, realizing how obvious it was that I was changing the subject. From what I had to go on, she wasn’t seeing anyone.

  “Me? No, to be honest it’s hard,” sighed Xanthe, rolling her eyes.

  “Why? You’re gorgeous, you’re approachable, any guy would be lucky to have you,” I said, meaning it.

  “I’ve grown up around a lot of the guys here,” she elaborated.

  “How? I thought Rhonen was from Ireland – some of you have European accents from different countries. And you and Sibel are from the U.S. Or at least you sound like you are,” I enquired.

  “It’s true, we’re from all over,” nodded Xanthe as she pointed for us to turn left as we approached a hall that ran across both ways. “It’s been Principal Silverstone’s mission to make sure the werewolves with Silver Shad
ow ancestry study at this academy – even though her own daughter didn’t. She’s made sure to stay connected with most of the pack and for the younger werewolves who are Silver Shadows but too young to be initiated, she used to hold these, I guess you’d say they’re summer camps so we can all get to know our heritage.”

  “Oh?” I said, “did you enjoy them?”

  “I loved them! But I quickly became like a big sister to all my fellow campers because I loved goofing around. Sibel and the girls weren’t in my house, I was with some older girls. So now, I feel like the guys here are like brothers and I’m pretty sure they feel the same.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said and we both grinned.

  “Nah, it’s okay. Besides being around the guys made me realize that they weren’t really my type anyway.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll find someone – I’ll cross my fingers for more exchange students,” I said, spotting a huge door that looked like it would lead outside. “What’s over there?”

  “That is the exit. It leads outside to the edge of the forest,” replied Xanthe, “it’s the one your friend Valenthia uses too.”

  “There are others?” I asked.

  “For sure!” said Xanthe as though I’d asked an unbelievably stupid question but she didn’t elaborate further.

  “Rhonen seems nice,” I said, deciding to find out once and for all if he was available so I could tell Natalie when I got back.

  “He is. He’s the best!” announced Xanthe, “I know it sucks what happened with your friend getting banned from Silver Scape. And, I know Rhonen was the one who happened to do the test but trust me it was the best alternative.”

  “Compared to what?” I asked.

  “We have a very sacred relationship with the wood sprites. Have done for a long while going all the way back to Esmeralda’s time. They help us to keep a lot of our magical elements in existence. If Rhonen hadn’t done what he did and things would have escalated, it’s highly likely Valenthia would have been forced to leave the academy,” replied Xanthe solemnly.


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