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Cracked & Crushed

Page 16

by A. J. Downey

  “How you feel Doll?” he asked me and I blinked.

  “Warm and glowy and good,” I said with a shy smile. He smiled at me.

  “Hand me a condom?” he asked Cutter and I was vaguely disappointed I hadn’t gotten to taste him.

  I heard the plastic wrapper tear and watched as he rolled the condom down his length. There was always something just so erotic to me about that sight, about the anticipation it caused. I swallowed and captured my bottom lip between my teeth. I felt a slight pang of sadness that my first time with Reaver wouldn’t be just ours that it was a shared thing and I felt a little bad about the selfish attitude. Cutter’s voice was soft and nearly drowned out by the overhead rumble of thunder.

  “Your first time together isn’t it?” he asked in an echo of my thoughts.

  “Yeah,” Reaver said, positioning himself between my thighs.

  “Then if you don’t mind I’m going to sit out for a bit and just watch you two. I’d appreciate it if you would take the time to make love to her good. Something incredibly hot about watching two people love each other rather than just fuck.” I looked over at him startled and he backed away from us, laying down on his side, head propped in his hand like before.

  “Thank you.” I murmured and he winked at me.

  “Hayden Baby, look at me,” Reaver said and I looked up from where I lay on my back, up the long length of his torso. My eyes skipping from the swollen condom covered head of his cock bobbing long and full between us. Skating across the throwing knife tattoos on the insides of his hips, over the cobblestones of his abs. He had a beautifully done life-like gray scale image of the Sacred Heart’s MC logo on his right pectoral taking up most of the flat expanse there. It was a match for the one I’d seen on Trigger last summer. They’d gotten them together.

  My eyes roamed hungrily up over the sharp jut of his collarbones and up the sweep of his throat, his Adams apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed. His lips were neither smiling nor downturned, just lush and still as my gaze traveled ever upwards, stopping at his eyes which were so full of desire and heat, I gasped from their intensity. I’d never had any man look at me with such naked longing and desire before in my life. The look in his blue eyes had me reaching for him and he came to me gratefully, his lips soft against my own as I cradled him against me.

  We kissed, taking time and care in the exploration of each other’s mouths. The fingers of my left hand curled in the softness of the short hair in the back of his head as I pressed his mouth to mine. My right hand smoothing down the warm skin of his back, riding up and over the ridges of scar tissue which were slick beneath my hand. I gripped his ass with my right hand and urged him to take me, my legs wending around his lean hips in invitation.

  He groaned into my mouth and propped himself on one arm rather than two as he held his full weight off of me. He gripped himself between us and slicked the head of his cock through my folds, just flirting with the notion of entering me for several passes until I cried out into his mouth. I felt him smile against my lips and he broke the kiss drawing back so he could look me in the eyes.

  “I want you to look at me Baby,” he said when I made a small mewling sound of protest. “Look at me when I make love to you,” he said and it was the most beautiful most perfect thing I had ever heard, and then he made it even more perfect by pressing himself inside of me. I arched into him as he filled me slowly, my eyes growing hooded but never leaving his. His expression was so somber, so careful and I realized he worried about hurting me.

  Reaver was so long, impossibly long, I had never felt anything like it. It was as if he glided into me forever and he filled me out so well, finally his body met mine and he was fully seated inside of me and I panted from it. Oh my God he fit me so well, as if his body were made for mine. As if we were two halves of the same whole and it were the most natural thing in the world.

  The feel of our bodies melding together was the most beautiful thing I had ever felt and I was so overcome by such deep emotion at our coupling, at the expression of love, devotion and tenderness in his eyes that I felt tears come into my own. As my eyes welled and the hot tears spilled down my temples Reaver smiled the most beautiful beatific smile I had ever seen. My smile. His smile that I realized would only ever be for me.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it Baby. Cry for me,” he said and pressed his lips to mine and he began to move.

  I wrapped my arms around him and clung to him as he rocked into my body with the gentle swaying of the boat. Our breath came in unison, gasping, moaning as he probed for and found that sweet spot with his thrusting. I cried out and spasmed around him and he bowed his head touching his forehead to my own.

  “You’re so fucking pretty when you cry,” he grunted and captured my lips and tongue in a punishing kiss that left me gasping and wanting more. One of his hands trailed down my body, grasping my thigh and pulling my leg higher up along his flank. I cried out as he found that slightly deeper angle. His eyes slipped shut and he turned his head to the side giving himself over to the sensation of riding me, buried deep inside of me, being one with me and it was one of the most heart rending beautiful things I had ever seen in my life just how completely he loved me.

  I squeezed down tighter around him and pulled myself tighter against him and moaned my pleasure to the deepening night and the boat’s small cabin. The sound very nearly swallowed by the pulsing rain.

  With every push of his hips, I felt full and fuller, the warm glowing pulse of orgasm growing with each thrust. I cried out and gasped for air, the sound high and breathy.

  “Oh God Reaver I’m going to come again!” I cried in a high little voice and his eyes flashed with victory and his lips curved in triumph. He pinned me with his gaze and he growled, his face barely an inch from my own.

  “Come for me Baby, let it go. I wanna feel you,” he said and his words were the final push I needed, right over the cliff, right over the edge and then I was plummeting, falling, arching across the sky like a shooting star before finally crashing back down to earth, back into my body only to find I’d been writhing safe and sound beneath my lover’s body all along. Warm and safe in the hard muscled cage of his arms.

  Reaver’s teeth were set in a stinging arch low, just beyond where my shoulder met my neck and I realized that we’d come apart only to be remade together. I’d never come with someone before, I didn’t think it was possible, I mean really, it had ever only been one or the other of us, never both at the same time… things just didn’t work that way in the really real world did they?

  Reaver brought his face up to where I could see him, his blue eyes glazed and languid with pleasure. He gave me a loving, satisfied and lazy smile and we kissed. I could feel my body pulse around his in time with my heartbeat and it felt so relaxed and just so damned good.

  “That was probably the deepest most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen two people share,” Cutter said, his voice tinged with awe. I startled, I’d forgotten completely that he was there. Reaver and I turned our heads, Reaver’s smile sexy, satiated and triumphant. I flung out my hand and Cutter caught it around my wrist, cradling the back of my hand in the palm of his. He smiled, his brown eyes warm and full of heat and he laid a gentle kiss in the center of my palm.

  “That an invitation L’il Bit?” he asked and I smiled, still drugged with the pleasure Reaver had given me, but why not? Cutter deserved to feel this good too.

  Reaver reached down between us to secure the condom but he needn’t worry. I was on birth control, got a shot every three months. He slipped from inside me and I shuddered with little aftershocks.

  Cutter swung open a cupboard to reveal a trashcan and Reaver climbed over my prone body. He and Cutter moved around each other and Cutter snugged himself up against me, Reaver behind him. I blinked and lay still, floating on cloud nine. Reaver handed Cutter a condom and the man looked over his shoulder and grinned.

  “Thanks,” he said and turned those warm chocolate caramel brown eyes on me.

  “You up for it?” he asked me softly and I smiled serenely, both touched and pleased that he would ask.

  “Take down your hair?” I asked softly and he smiled and pulled out his ponytail, his hair falling like a curtain around his face.

  “Better?” he asked and I nodded combing my fingers through the thick strands. Whereas Reaver’s hair was sable soft like a bunny rabbit’s fur, Cutter’s hair was warm and thick and silky, almost like a living being of its own. He bent his head to kiss me and the silky strands tickled across my body when he did it. I buried my fingers in it and held it away from our faces as we kissed. He knelt at my hip, awkwardly over me to kiss me as he ripped open the condom with deft fingers.

  My pussy still vaguely pulsed and tingled from Reaver and I found myself blushing hotly that I would allow another man to enter me so soon, one right after the other. I decided strongly to not think about it. To just let go of all the societal preaching on normal versus the obscene and to just revel in my sexuality. I pulled Cutter’s mouth tightly against my own and kissed him harder with my determination to fly in the face of what was proper and to just cut loose and enjoy being irreverent and hedonistic. Cutter chuckled against my mouth and pulled back, his eyes smiling.

  “A little eager are we?” he asked, and I nodded and let him believe that was what it was. I caught the smile on Reaver’s face as he lay the way Cutter had moments before, head propped on his hand, watching us and his smile and the sparkle in his eyes told me that at least he knew exactly what my feelings had been. He winked at me behind Cutter’s back and gave me a slight chin lift and his odd sort of blessing on the situation put me at ease.

  Cutter got between my thighs and suckled one of my nipples into his mouth. I arched, blood zinging through my body like it had suddenly turned to soda pop. Sweet and sticky and fizzy from my breast, sweeping down and out through my fingers and toes. My pussy twitched deep inside and caused me to moan a little with the pleasurable little throb.

  Cutter fixed his eyes on mine and backed off my breast, his tongue flicking out, teasing the nipple, the air slightly cooler on my damp flesh than his mouth had been. Lightning flashed and cut across his wicked teasing grin as he straightened.

  “Going to be hard pressed to top your man Sweetheart,” he said wrapping his arms around my thighs. He dragged me across the bed bodily, bringing my vagina closer to his straining condom covered cock.

  “I’m still gonna try though,” he said and he entered me with one strong sure thrust. I arched and raked nails down his forearms, his strong sure hands gripping my hips. He lifted my ass off the bed and settled it on top of his muscular thighs. This was going to be different.

  I gripped his arms as he started in with these wicked short thrusts, barely withdrawing before surging forward, his body meeting mine with these sharp little reports of flesh meeting flesh. I gasped as he adjusted angle a few times and yowled with pleasure when he found that fucking sweet spot deep inside me. He gave a savage grin of triumph and looked down on me. It was intense and almost overwhelming so soon after the earth shattering orgasm beneath Reaver. I reached out and Reaver grasped my hand, grounding me. Holding it as if we were about to arm wrestle.

  Cutter smiled and thrust harder and I felt that warm glowing weight begin to grow in my lower belly. I cried out in evenly spaced rhythm with his thrusts and he closed his eyes and turned his head the way some people do when they are listening to the sweetest music they have ever heard.

  “Oh yeah! I love that sound,” he said, voice low and rough with passion, He slid his fingers across the dip in my pelvis and buried his thumb in the top of my sex. He rubbed small intense circles with it over my clit and I howled as everything coiled tight and tighter and grew more intense. Reaver’s hand squeezed my own in reassurance as Cutter mercilessly teased me to a fever pitch both inside and out. I was close, so close.

  “I’m close!” I cried and he bent over me and crushed his mouth to mine and I exploded around him, screaming my release into his hot mouth. He swallowed my screams, rolling them around his mouth like candy first and before I knew what was happening we were rolling and suddenly I was on top of him, his arm behind my lower back keeping me crushed to his chest, his other arm cradling my upper back, his hand pressed to the back of my head to hold my mouth to his.

  He said something to Reaver but me in my orgasm induced fog, I couldn’t make sense of it. Cutter continued rocking his hips, his penis thrusting tight and hard up into my wetness, he was bottoming out, bumping my cervix in that half pleasure half pain sensation that given enough time at it could go either way.

  I felt the bed shift, or was it just the boat? Reaver’s hands cupped my hips and smoothed up and down my back. I startled at the unexpected touch and Cutters arms tightened around me, holding me. I eased into the embrace and his thrusts slowed down, becoming almost lazy.

  “You got it?” he asked and I heard Reaver say “Yeah,” before he spread the cheeks of my ass. I jerked and Reaver’s hands smoothed up and down my back. Cutter stopped thrusting all together and simply held me.

  “Do you trust me, Baby?” Reaver asked gently and I relaxed. Of course I trusted him.

  “I need to hear you say it Hayden,” he said voice low and intense and nearly swallowed by the storm.

  “I trust you,” I said and something cold spilled down the crack of my ass. I yipped and jerked.

  “Cold!” I cried and Cutter laughed.

  “Did some awesome things around my cock when you did that brother,” he said and Reaver chuckled. I went very stiff and very still against Cutter at the first gentle probing touch of Reaver’s fingers against my asshole.

  “Relax Baby,” Cutter breathed against my hair. I did my best, trying to relax my muscle groups one by one.

  “Deep breath, Doll…” Reaver said and I took in a deep breath. I yipped as he forced one of his fingers inside of me to the second knuckle. I felt my vagina spasm around Cutter’s invading cock and it felt delicious, my back broke out in a wave of tingling shivers. This was okay, this wasn’t so bad… Reaver worked the loan finger back and forth, working the lubricant in and out of me.

  “Push out Doll, I’m going to add another finger,” he said and the delicious sensations were so that I didn’t argue, I did what he told me. I had never done this before and I was a little sad that I’d never gotten to experiment with it because so far, this felt incredibly good and not just because it was considered naughty or forbidden.

  Reaver added another finger to my ass and I wriggled, and pushed out like he’d said, and doing so alleviated some of the sudden discomfort. My anus burned slightly from the unfamiliar stretching. He added more lubricant and the cool slick feel eased things too. I rested my head against Cutter’s chest and listened to the thud of his heart. He held me close and still, tight against him.

  “Oh yeah…” he said and took several quick breaths, I felt so relaxed and languid, Iike I couldn’t move even if I wanted to.

  “She’s coming man, I feel it around me…” he sucked in a long breath and kissed the top of my head.

  I felt so wet and slick where Cutter rested inside of me. I closed my eyes and relaxed into him, the sensations Reaver wrought from his probing fingers relaxing me, immersing me into a river of pleasure where I felt like I could just float forever. I don’t know how long he teased my anus, five minutes? Ten? But suddenly it stretched even more, almost to the point of pain.

  “Relax Doll, easy, relax push out, come on Baby do it for me…” Reaver’s voice was slow and patient and soothing and I did what he said and the unpleasant sensation eased and nothing but a pure shining pleasure was left behind.

  “Good girl, good…” he said and it didn’t sound condescending at all, if anything he sounded both relieved and pleased.

  “K man, go easy,” he told Cutter and Cutter began to move inside of me once more and oh my God… I’d never felt so full or so amazing in my life, like I was flying or like I was completely ethereal, like my bones and m
uscles and skin no longer held me together in physical form I moaned and realized Reaver was inside of me too, that both men were fully seated in my body and taking turns thrusting into me and it was the most incredible sensation I had ever felt in my life!

  They held me on that shining edge of the fall and kept me there, where it felt so, so, good until I could no longer form coherent thought. It felt powerful and wonderful to listen to their heavy breathing and muttered curses of ecstasy. I was so wet and slick and ready for them and I never wanted this to end. I kissed Cutter soundly and felt Reaver’s hands on my hips, smoothing over my ass.

  “God you’re so fucking tight, you’re so perfect,” I heard one of them moan and it thrilled me to no end.

  “Hang on man,” I heard one say and by the vibration of it through my chest it was Cutter. I felt him delve a hand between us, down the front of our bodies until he found that sensitive bundle of nerves.

  “I’m getting close,” he told Reaver and Reaver said, “I’m not but go ahead.”

  I closed my eyes and Cutter teased my clit a little more which was easier said than done. I felt like a raging inferno had taken up residence low in my body, building in intensity. I felt like I was filling with light, slowly, steadily, the quicksilver of orgasm nearly upon me. I could hear a high sweet voice crying out over and over with each deep seated thrust and before it fully came to me that the voice was mine the light flared out through every nerve ending in my body and my whole world exploded until all that was left of me was this fine shining, burning thing. I was a creature forged from purest grace and the gentle, loving patience of the two men sharing my body.

  I came back to myself slowly, limp with satisfaction, cradled lovingly against one man while Reaver continued to work himself in and out of my ass. Cutter had withdrawn from my body, so I didn’t feel as full, which wasn’t either good or bad just a different sensation. Reaver slowed and added more lubricant and picked up pace again.

  It still felt so incredibly fucking good that I didn’t care. I wanted him to come. I wanted him to feel as good as I did. I heard him give a hoarse cry and his thrusting faltered for a second. Cutter’s hands smoothed up and down my body in these firm caresses, touching every bit of exposed skin that he could reach. Reaver worked himself in and out of my body and with a final cry lost any sort of rhythm or synchronicity, bucking wildly against me once, twice before stilling completely.


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