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Cracked & Crushed

Page 26

by A. J. Downey

  “Do you trust me, Doll?” I asked her and she nodded carefully eyeing me with suspicion, I grinned my wicked evil grin and she gasped but it was too late. She’d nodded so let the games begin! I spun her and shoved her up hard against the sink counter. Fucking perfect, it caught her right at the hips and she bent forward slightly, her delicate ass pushed back into my hardening cock.

  “In the bathroom!?” she exclaimed green gaze wide in the mirror where she stared at my reflection.

  “Put your hands on the glass and don’t move ‘em,” I ordered sternly. I gave her a swat on her jeans covered ass when she didn’t comply right away and she yipped indignant and placed her palms flat on the glass. She wore jeans and chaps and damn, it made her look fine. I’d had to buy her kids sized chaps she was so small but hell it had worked. I pressed a hand flat between her shoulder blades on her new vest. We’d had to buy them for the girls since we were running with the Suicide Kings and the Kraken. We didn’t want to take any chances. Hayden’s read ‘Property of Reaver’ and I liked that, I liked that a lot, no, more than a lot. I fucking loved seeing it on her.

  She bent over the counter and I reached in front of her and unsnapped and zipped her jeans. They fit her like a second skin and so it took some work peeling them down over the perfection of her ass. I took the scrap of black lace that passed for her fucking panties down with them and she closed her eyes and moaned. She was wet. Her cunt glistening in the dim light of the bathroom which was mostly done in mochas and brick reds. I smiled inside that I would think in those terms.

  Before Hayden I would have been like any other dude and said ‘red’ or ‘brown’ but the fancy ass differentiation of colors was important to her and her career and somehow it had happened that I had started thinking in broader terms when it came to them too. I kept her pinned to the counter with my body and kneaded her ass a little and smiled at the pure perfection of it.

  “What are you going to do?” she gasped and I shot a stern look into the reflection of her eyes which widened and got wider still when I said,

  “I’m going to do whatever the fuck I wanna do. You’re my Doll,” which is the name patch that was sewn to the front of her vest. ‘Doll.’

  I pulled out a packet of lube from my coat pocket and tore it open at the corner with my teeth. She gasped and squirmed when I let it drip onto her tight little asshole and I grinned. She was stuck fast between me and the counter and was going nowhere.

  “Reaver!” she cried quietly when I worked a finger in and out of her there.

  “Relax, Babe. Push out,” I ordered. She squirmed but when she realized I wasn’t going to relent, she did as I told her and submitted to my probing fingers so beautifully. I smiled and praised her as she stilled.

  “That’s my girl. Almost there,” I said and pulled the anal plug from my other pocket. She couldn’t see it, I kept it too low for that. A blush painted across her nose and cheeks and she looked a serious conflicting combination of both embarrassed and aroused. I moved my fingers and pressed the plug to her ass and she yelped.

  “Easy, Doll,” I soothed and pressed it in. She made a noise like it was too much just as the plug crested it’s widest part and slipped into place. I smiled. It was only slightly smaller around than my dick and I so planned on going there when we got to our room at the lake. I hadn’t taken Hayden’s ass since Florida and it had been one of the sweetest fucking rides then, I wanted that experience again. I pulled up her panties and pants and she gasped.

  “You seriously can’t expect me to ride behind you like this!” she cried and I gave her a withering look.

  “I can. I do, and you will,” I told her and buttoned and zipped her up. Her eyes glistened with embarrassed tears and the blush that had been a dusting of pink before suddenly intensified to near neon intensity.

  “I think I hate you,” she whispered but she was zipping up and buttoning her jeans. Someone tried to come in the locked bathroom door and I called out.

  “Occupado!” I washed my hands in the sink while Hayden glared at me mutinously.

  “I can’t believe you,” She said and her eyes glistened with angry tears, holy hell that was hot and it made me smile which made her cross her arms.

  “Don’t look at me in that tone of voice, Doll,” I said ripping off some paper towels to dry my hands, “Ain’t nobody out there have to know what you got going on down there but us,” I winked at her.

  “How do you expect me to ride behind you like this!?” I winked at her, and went up to her, she tipped her head back to look up at me and I let my fingers slide along her lovely throat, my thumbs caressed the underside of her jaw and she sighed out, a little calmer, which made my smile bigger.

  “You trust me don’t you Baby?” I asked her and she nodded, eyes closed. “Then come on. Let’s go.” She went in front of me, her gait just a little bit off at first but then she squared her shoulders in determination and slipped on her sunglasses and plastering an award winning smile on her face unlocked the door and went out. I followed my hands possessively on her narrow shoulders, a surge of pride tickling the center of my chest from the inside out. Sunshine and Irish stood together between Dray and Trig’s bikes, their conversation dying on their lips as they shot Hayden questioning looks.

  Hayden waved at them and turned to look at me. She shot me the dirtiest most pissed off look I’d ever seen and I laughed which only made her flip me the bird which only made me laugh harder. Dragon got astride his bike, my cousin Shelly was riding with him. I frowned at her. She had refused a ‘Property’ vest on one of her self-destructive downward spirals again. When I’d tried to argue with her about it she’d turned on me.

  “What do you care? I’m the Sacred Heart’s pet slut, Reaver. I’m cool with it, now put on your fucking big boy pants and deal with it,” and she’d turned on her heel and walked away. I’d blinked stupidly after her and demanded loudly, “What crawled up your ass and died!?” she’d shot me the middle finger over her shoulder but her eyes had drifted to Loyal. Ah. Maybe it wasn’t me then.

  I got astride Baby and Hayden got on quickly behind me, a little more intrepidly than she ever had before and I smiled a secret smile I was sure she couldn’t see as we put on our helmets. I slid on my wraparounds with the ice blue lenses and fired up with the rest of my brothers and oh my god the look on Hayden’s face was fucking priceless as the bike thrummed to life beneath her little bottom.

  “Still hate me!?” I asked and she smacked me on the shoulder in reply. I revved the engine and sent some vibrations through the plug in her ass and her face paled. She closed her eyes and a blush swept up her pretty pixie features and I told her. “You better hold on!” her arms snapped around my waist and I pulled out into my place in the line. For the first twenty minutes she squirmed behind me and I couldn’t stop laughing. Finally she settled down but about five or so minutes out she started squirming again.

  “You all right!?” I called over the wind and thrum of engines.

  “This is starting to get really uncomfortable!” she called back after a minute or two.

  “It’s right there!” I pointed at the sign for the lodge and Dragon turned off, “We’ll get you square in a minute or two!” I shouted but she was leaning up straight, like a Meerkat her attention rapt on a flag on the back of a bike in a line of them up ahead.

  “Reaver is that the Kraken!?” she called suddenly excited.

  “Surprise!” I called and she squealed with excitement, her discomfort momentarily forgotten. I pulled the bike to a stop as the line started to back into places and Cutter turned around, phone pressed to his ear. He grinned when he saw us and I kept us balanced when Hayden launched herself off the bike. She ran up to Cutter with an excited yell and he dropped his phone, opened up his arms and caught her.

  “Hey! Li’l Bit!” he crowed spinning her around. She laughed.

  “I didn’t know you were coming!” she cried, “Reaver didn’t tell me!”

  “If I told you it wouldn’t
be a fucking surprise!” I called after her, backing Baby into place. She stuck her tongue out at me.

  “Does this mean I’m forgiven?” I asked.


  “Why’s he need forgiving?” Cutter asked.

  “Reaver’s being mean to me,” Hayden sulked.

  “Oh, how so?” Cutter asked. She tugged on his cut and he leaned down so she could whisper in his ear. His eyes shone and he burst out laughing.

  “Fuck! You’re being mean too!” she cried and pouted so pretty. I went up to them and took her into my arms.

  “Aw, Doll, you suffer so beautifully,” I murmured and kissed her and she kissed me back. I was forgiven all right. Her kiss would like to set me on fire. Someone cleared their throat and I turned to see Dragon, Dray, Irish, Trig and Sunshine standing close all of them watching me, Cutter and my Doll.

  “Shit. Yeah. Cutter here is the Prez for the Kraken, this here is Dragon, Sacred Heart’s President, Dray, our VP… Irish is his girl. Then this here is my best friend Trig who’s our Sergeant at Arms and his Sunshine girl,” I made the introductions and hands were shaken all the way around.

  “Thanks for having us.” Cutter grinned. Hayden was tucked under my arm, she had an arm curved low behind my back up under my cut, her other hand fisted in the front of my tee shirt.

  “Let’s all get settled and we can do formal introductions at the Cabin,” Dragon grunted, “Reaver explain how this works?” he asked Cutter.

  “Yeah, somethin’ about Presidents stayin’ in the cabin with your cabinet, the rest of my cabinet having rooms at the lodge, sounds good to me. I’m game.” Cutter slung a pack up onto his shoulder.

  “Trigger’s my head of security, he’ll get your boys and their ol’ ladies settled in the lodge. Reaver…” Dragon started, I grinned.

  “Come on, Doll and me are happy to get you settled,” I said clasping hands with Cutter. Ashton was murmuring with Hayden at my side and I shook her a bit to get her attention her green eyes snapped up to mine.

  “Ready?” I asked her and she smiled with a touch of grateful.

  “Absolutely,” she said. I slung my saddlebags over my shoulder and we three traipsed down to the cabin. I took Cutter to his room.

  “Dump your shit,” I said with a wink and he did. Hayden looked up at me questioningly. I bent near her ear and whispered. “You up for a round with the both of us?” Dawning realization shone free of her expression. Cutter was looking from one to the other of us with a raised eyebrow. Hayden scraped her bottom lip between her teeth. Finally she smiled her impish trouble making smile.

  “What happens at lake run…” she started.

  “Stays at lake run,” I affirmed and she laughed.

  “Where’s our room?”

  We spent a good few hours at it and it was solid fun times. Formal meet and greet couldn’t happen until the Suicide Kings arrived. They apparently had some club business to attend to that would make them late so we had some time to kill. We didn’t waste any. As soon as we were in my room I started to strip her while Cutter claimed her mouth in a fierce kiss.

  “Fucking hell! Shut the damned door before you get…” Dray snarled but then stopped and watched for a second. “Didn’t know you had it in you girl. Good on yah!” the door slammed shut and we all heard him exclaim ‘Ow!’ before a decidedly strong Irish accent started chewing him a new one. Cutter pulled his mouth from Hayden’s and laughed.

  Hayden’s shirt and bra were off, the fullness of her breasts weighting my hands when the door swung open again and Trigger’s deep voice started to ask,

  “Reave, Sunshine wanted to know… Whoops! Shit. Sorry!” the door shut and it was Hayden’s turn to laugh.

  “What?” Cutter asked.

  “Ashton was with him she gave me two thumbs up, didn’t you see it?” she asked.

  “Mmm mmm. I have the most perfect pair of tits in front of me, kissin’ this girl with the most vivid green eyes... I only got eyes for you right now Baby,” He’d said and it made me smile. We took my Doll every which way from Sunday after that. All of us cuddled, her sandwiched between us while we came down from our high. There was a pounding at the door. About time someone fucking knocked.

  “Yeah!?” I called out.

  “You fuckin’ decent?” Trig called out.

  “Has it ever mattered before!?” I called back and the door opened and he and Ashton scooted in. I took one look at her and said, “Not like you weren’t doing the same thing like five seconds ago,” I recognized her freshly fucked look anywhere. Trig snorted and Ashton giggled. Hayden blushed and held the sheet to her chest.

  “So you’re Cutter,” Ashton said in her quiet ethereal voice and looked the Kraken’s leader over.

  “I’m Cutter,” He affirmed and gave her a sweep of his eyes right back. Ashton wore one of those flowy Hawaiian patterned sarong things like a dress, white with bright white and yellow flowers set against bunches of green leaves. She had another of them in her hands and smiled at Hayden.

  “He don’t bite unless you ask nicely,” I teased her and Ashton came forward and sat on the bed by my hip. She and Hayden laughed over the awkward and she held out the sarong to her best friend.

  “It’s hot out there, thought you could use this,” Hayden took it with a smile and said a murmured thanks.

  “Might want to get out here. Suicide Kings just showed up,” Trig’s mouth quirked up at the corner. He was gettin’ Cutter’s measure.

  “You one of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children?” Trig asked and I looked up from trying to untangle myself from the sheet.

  “Yeah I thought I told you, Cutter here is a Marine too. Cutter, Trigger, Trigger, Cutter…” I freed myself from the sheet and pulled a pair of white basketball shorts out of my saddle bag and pulled them on. I held up an itsy bitsy jade green bikini and Hayden nodded. I flung it over to her like a rubber band and Ashton laughed. Trigger and Cutter were trading info on units and battalions or some shit like they were trading baseball cards. Oohing and ahhing over locations I’d never even heard of, don’t even ask me where they were on a map.

  “Shit yeah I spent time in Kandahar Province!” Cutter said and got up, pulling on his clothes.

  “We pounded some of the same sand over there for sure,” Trig said and his look wasn’t entirely happy, the ghosts of memory sinking their teeth into some soft bit of his brain. Sunshine went over to him and wrapped her slender arms around his waist and he smiled down at her… the clouds chased away.

  I held the sheet for Hayden so she would stop struggling to pull on the bathing suit underneath it using only one hand and she shot me a grateful smile. Despite her bold and adventurous nature, my Baby Doll was still modest as hell. I guess just because she could do it with two guys didn’t mean she was comfortable being naked in front of just anybody. I know Ash had seen her change so that meant it was Trig makin’ her uncomfortable. I caught her exchanging a look with Ashton and something passed between them. Chicks, man. I’d probably understand ‘em about the time Hell froze over. For real. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

  I shrugged into my cut once Hayden got up. She tied the wrap around her trim waist and looked like some kind of goddess. I had to suck in a breath. That swimsuit of hers, the color, did some strange things to her eyes, making them stand out in high relief. She shrugged her feet into some white flip flops and tossed mine down on the floor near my feet for me to do the same. Cutter was dressed and we were ready to go. Well, except for one thing.

  “You girls might want to put on your cuts. We don’t want any misunderstandings,” I said and Ashton looked to Trigger. He nodded and she scooted off to their room to change. Hayden slipped hers on without a word over her bikini top and I smiled. I loved that she trusted me so much. She was right, it meant as much if not more than love to trust someone so implicitly. She looked up at me through her lashes and I bent to kiss her. Cutter smiled at us both.

  We went out to the lakeshore, the Sacred Hearts red, white a
nd blue mingling with Kraken orange and brown and Suicide Kings yellow, white and red. There was a small stage erected near the dock and Dragon was up on it, Dray beside him, Cutter and his VP, I think his name was Marlin were up there and Sparks and his VP Griz were making their way up. I kissed my Doll’s temple and dropped her with the other Old Ladies from our crew. Irish smiled knowingly at her and bumped shoulders with her. I went up to stand with the rest of my club’s cabinet, drawing up even with Doc and Trig.

  “Welcome to the Sacred Heart’s annual summer lake run!” Dragon boomed out over the crowd. There were shouts and cheers and whistles.

  “Eat, drink have a good fucking time! Only rules are the rules we all live by anyways. RESPECT! Always. And don’t touch what ain’t yours!” he scanned every face in the crowd with his smoldering dark gaze then shouted, “Have a good fucking time!” The crowd went nuts, he shook hands with Sparks then Cutter and spoke with them briefly and all the P’s and VP’s went up to the cabin. I gave a short wave to Hayden and fell into step by Trigger in our President’s and guest’s wake.

  “Sparks look a little twitchy to you?” Trigger asked out of the side of his mouth.

  “Doesn’t look happy. Wonder if it had something to do with why his crew was held up.”

  The Suicide Kings were supposed to ride out with us but the night before the ride Sparks had phoned Dragon and asked if it would be cool if they came down later on a kind of club business that had to be handled on their end. Of course, being the generous hosts we were, what the fuck were we going to say? ‘No, piss off, you ride with us or you don’t come’? Pssht!


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