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Claimed by my Professor (Class is in Session Book 5)

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by Remi Grey

"I don't wanna talk," I said quietly. Whether he would take this aggressively or not, I didn’t know. I just said the first thing on my mind and went with it. I glanced up at him and waited for a reaction. I didn’t want to talk.

  I lowered the folder as I took a step closer to him that seemed to close the small space before us. His smell made my body shudder as I placed my hand on his chest, feeling as it rose and fell. Steady. It felt safe. I looked up again at his eyes for confirmation, although I still wasn't sure what this was or what we could be. I just knew that I didn’t want to talk.

  I let the folder drop onto the chair next to me and leaned into him. When our lips connected, it felt like a breath of fresh air after drowning for so long. He wrapped his hands around my waist as I kept my hands over his chest, feeling for him. He was here, holding me. And even though my head made up a million ways that he’d disappoint me, my heart just wanted to be still. It wanted to believe that he’d be there forever.

  His tongue swiped the inside of my mouth just as he embraced me harder. I was already getting wet without him needing to travel his hand between my thighs as we kissed, stroking it softly, but it helped even more. I was out of breath as I returned the kisses. As I sucked on his bottom lip, I could feel his erection growing against my thigh.

  I let my hand inch down his chest and under his slacks after a quick adjustment of his belt, making it easy to slip into. My hands wrapped around his dick instinctively. I moved my hand up and down, stimulating him to the point where he moaned.

  Hearing him moan made me even more wet. I could feel the cum dripping down my thighs. I kissed his neck as I stroked him even faster. I then let my lips replace my hand on his dick as I went down on him, letting his pants drop to the floor. I sucked on him, allowing my tongue swivel around the tip of his dick before I took it all in. His moaning came out even louder as I deep throated him. After giving him intense pleasure with my mouth, I rose up and kissed him long and hard.

  The ocean below my waist wasn’t going to let me think clearly at all, but a knock at the door helped me get there. I pulled away sharply, realizing what I was doing and took a step back. We both attempted to straighten up as the figure behind the door waited.

  “One second,” Dexter shot out.

  I picked up my folder, reestablishing my student image in his eyes but preparing to leave as soon as the door was opened. He shot me a look. You good?

  I nodded. I’m good.

  He hesitated for a beat and then nodded and opened the door. “Henry,” he beamed. “Michelle, this is our chair here at the mathematics department,” he added with a nervous laugh.

  "Hello Henry," I responded nervously, hoping he didn't hear the events that were taking place in Dexter's office.

  “Michelle,” Dexter said to me when he saw me trying to slip out. I glanced back at him. “I will see you…”

  “In class. Next week,” I clarified. “Unless…” I turned to Henry. “How would I go about changing my session? Is that still possible?” Both Henry and Dexter’s eyes widened. “Not that Professor Abbot isn’t a great Calculus instructor. I just think that I would be more successful with someone else. You understand, right?”

  “Of course,” Henry said, anxiously shifting his eyes to Dexter. “If you go down the hall, there’s a woman who can help you with that.”


  “Just down here to your right,” he added gesturing.

  “Ah, thank you,” I said with a smile.

  “Tell her the chair approves,” he beamed with a hearty chuckle. I returned the gesture, catching Dexter’s eye as I did so only to see a mixture of confusion and disappointment.

  “I will. Thank you so much for your help,” I said, addressing Dexter. "But, I will no longer be needing it." I smiled at him.

  It wasn’t that I wanted to leave him like this or that it made me particularly happy to abandon him, but it was what I needed to do. Without being in his class, there would no longer be any temptation for either of us.

  Chapter 8


  I was waking up groggily from my bed when I heard a knock on my door. “Dex, open up, man. I’m hungry.” I tossed and turned until I finally got up and walked to the door. A quick peek out the peephole showed Will with his head hung, tapping his feet.

  I pulled it open. “Don’t know what you’re gonna eat. My fridge is empty.”

  "I meant, let’s go get food. Anna’s a vegan, an overall holistic eater whatever that means and is super picky about where we eat because of my cholesterol.” He put air quotes around the word, arising a crooked smile from me. “You’re the only guy I can eat crazy with. So, put some pants on.”

  I looked down at the shorts I had slept in and even further down to the one sock on my foot. I must’ve looked a mess. With a quick nod, I invited him in and agreed to throw on some clothes for breakfast.

  We drove to the nearest spot after I was ready and settled into a booth together. I ordered some pancakes and eggs, feeling grateful that Will had stopped by at all after my stomach growled at the thought of my meal. “So, what’s been going on with you?” Will asked as we both idly sipped on the drinks we had ordered. For me, coffee and for him orange juice.

  “Nothing much,” I replied without much thought.

  Whenever someone asked how you were or what’s been going on, they never really meant it. It was more of a filler until we could get into other updates that didn’t actually matter. But Will made a face and shook his head.

  “No, what’s been going on with you?” he clarified, adjusting his tone to reflect his sincerity.

  I furrowed my eyebrows and took a sip of my coffee. “Um, work. I don’t know what to tell you,” I said with a dry laugh. “What’s been going on with you?”

  “Wedding stuff,” he replied with a shrug. “I feel like I needed to just get out for a bit, you know?”

  I shook my head. “Right, you don’t have to deal with the whole being-attached-to-someone-for-the-rest-of-your-life thing.” We both laughed, but I noticed his eyes shifted, and lips drooped a little.

  “You love her, Will,” I assured.

  “I know. She’s the love of my life. It’s just really weird. In a few days, I’m going to be a husband. Not just a boyfriend. Not a fiancé. This shit is forever.” I chuckled and nodded in agreement. “I’m so excited.” With the anxiety reflecting in his tone, I didn’t expect this. “I get to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love. Forever is scary, yes, but it’s also exciting.”

  A smile pulled at his lips. I could tell he was thinking about her. Suddenly, I started thinking about Michelle and wondering if I could really achieve it with her. I doubted myself for a second.

  “So,” Will began. “What’s been going on with you, Dex?”

  I bit down on my lip, thinking genuinely about his question and then gave in. “I think I’m falling in love,” I confessed. His expression softened as he listened patiently. “And every time she pushes me away, it makes me want her more. But at the same time, it feels like she'll always be pushing me away, and I don't know why."

  Will nodded understandingly.

  “She keeps me on my toes, but she also frustrates me. Every time I think we're getting somewhere…" I shook my head, thinking about it. “I just don’t know what to do, Will.”

  “She might be scared, too. Trust me, love can make you feel that way,” he explained. “Maybe come at her from a different angle. Girls are really into that talking thing. I’m sure she wants to talk to you, but she just doesn’t trust you. So, find a way to get her to, then she'll tell you everything, and you can move on from there."

  “That’s actually not terrible advice,” I remarked with a smile. “Who are you?”

  “What can I say? I’m a different man now,” Will pointed out with a laugh.

  As we ate, I thought about how I’d get Michelle to trust me. Then, I had a perfect idea.

  Chapter 9


  Pizza and drinks. T
his was just what I needed. Jordan was beside me on the couch, setting up the movie as I thought back on the events with Dexter in his office from earlier. I could still taste him on my lips. "Ah!" Jordan's voice brought me back to reality. “Here we go.”

  She poured her and me a drink before settling into the couch with a slice of pizza in her hand. “This movie is about a girl who lies to her best friend about her love life. I think you’ll really like it.” She raised an eyebrow at me, playfully teasing me about how quiet I had been all day after Dexter and my ‘meeting.’

  Silence was the only solution in my mind considering if I said anything, she’d see through my lies. How was I going to say that I accidentally hooked up with the guy I had been trying not to like? How was I going to say that I was falling in love with him?

  “Maybe we should choose a different movie then. Something light,” I said with a smile.

  “Michelle!” she exclaimed.

  “What? What?” I said, having too much fun.

  “You had sex with him!” she said, flying to a conclusion.

  “I didn’t.” I shot back. “We only kissed.” My sudden confession surprised even myself.

  “Aha, so there is a him! I knew you didn’t have sex. But lo and behold the truth finally came to light,” she said. Damn, of course, she was attempting to trick me into telling the truth about what happened. “And I bet, you didn’t just stop at kissing, huh?”

  I started to turn beet red. “Well, erm…”

  “I’ve heard enough,” she said with a sigh. She paused the movie that was beginning and sat up. “What’s been going on with you? You’ve been acting so weird for the longest time. Ever since the night of…” She paused, prompting me to hold my breath anxiously. “The club. It's that guy, isn't it? The one you danced with. Michelle, why are you being so secretive about some guy you met at the club? We always talk to each other about these kinds of things. What’s so different?”

  “He’s my professor,” I confessed.

  Her eyes widened. “You hooked up with your professor?”

  I sighed. “This is why I didn’t want to tell you—”

  “Wait, I said it wrong. You hooked up with your professor?” she questioned eagerly. “Which one?”

  I hesitated then said, “Dexter. Dexter Abbot.”

  “I don’t know him. Show me a pic."

  I pulled out my phone and showed her one. "Ooh," she said, pulling the phone in even closer to her face. “I approve!” she beamed, looking up at me. “So, what’s the problem? Is he married?”


  “Has kids?”


  “So, what?”

  “I think I love him,” I said softly. It was the scariest thought of all. "He's sweet, and he's passionate, but sometimes I worry that he’ll be just like Cole.”

  I nodded, turning away from her.

  “Michelle,” she said, pulling my shoulders toward her so I could look her face to face. “This guy you’re into… he’s not him. He’s not Cole.”

  “You mean he’s not going to lie,” I said. “And he’s not going to cheat. He’s not going to lead me on. He’s not going to hurt me.” I could feel my entire spirit falling as I reflected on the pain I felt because of Cole. “I never thought Cole would do any of this. He was sweet, he loved me.”

  “But he lied,” Jordan clarified, a fact that stole the words from my tongue. “He wanted to love you, but he couldn’t do it right. What he did wasn’t love. Love isn’t lying or cheating or hurting the person you claim to want to spend the rest of your life with. Love is respect and patience. It’s something Cole never gave you.” I hung my head at the thought, prompting her to place her hand on mine for support.

  “It’s not something you have to run away from, Michelle.” I took a breath and looked up at her. "Sometimes, you have to trust it."

  Chapter 10


  “I know you pulled out of the class but was wanting to talk to you soon. I need to talk to you. Call me back,” I finished the voicemail and set down my phone on the desk. The message wasn’t enough. It was too vague. She wouldn’t answer. I thought that everything had been going fine. She met up with me at the coffee shop, we kissed, we agreed to a date… But then she transferred out of my class.

  Sitting in my office was making me anxious for her reply. Was she even going to reply? It wasn’t like she was sitting by her phone like I was.

  After a few minutes of contemplating what I should do next, I decided to turn off my phone notifications as I graded papers. Toward the end of my office hours, I got antsy and looked through my phone. Nothing. At least nothing from her. I sighed as I looked down at the winding stack of papers.

  How did you show someone you could be trusted? Less fluff, more of me. I just needed her to email me or call me or text me...something, so that I could find a way to get her to see me. Then to show her how I was different from whoever had hurt her.

  There was a buzz on my phone. I glanced at it excitedly.

  Will. I frowned. What time are you gonna be back home?

  I sighed and sat back in my chair. Heading there now. What’s up? I shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up, defeated. I had given her two hours, and now that it was two pm, I figured it'd be best for me to get home.

  With my bag over my shoulder, I headed toward the door and prepared to shut off the light. I held my hand over the light as the knock on the door grabbed my attention. Office hours are over, I wanted to say, knowing I’d give whoever was at my door a few moments of my time regardless. I pulled open the door. “Hi,” I started. My mouth dropped when I saw the figure standing in front of me.

  “Michelle…” I said.

  She looked up at me with those same big, brown eyes that could make me melt and pushed her way past me. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

  "Yeah," she said, pausing a few feet away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why she was here but equally content. I shut the door behind me but stayed posted near it. “It’s just--the way the message sounded, I figured I’d stop by to talk in person.”

  “Oh…” She had gotten it. The fact that she showed up in person rather than contacting me with her phone made me want to smile.

  “You seemed really serious,” she said with a soft laugh.

  She was playing it off, but it still meant something that she was here now. “Why did you transfer?” I watched her face fall after I asked.

  “I transferred because of us,” she admitted. “Because the idea that I’m falling for you soon is crazy to me.” She raised her hands up and shook her head before turning away. “Am I crazy?”

  I moved from the door and set down my bag, approaching her. “You’re not crazy…” A soft touch on her upper arm relaxed her enough for her to turn around. “I’m falling for you too.”

  Pain struck her face, and she shook her head again. “But I just can’t--”

  "You can," I said, replying to the concern that had been stuck in her head. I just can’t fall in love again.

  “Because when you give it a chance, you’d be surprised what can happen.” She looked up at me, hopeful. I thought about Will’s words (Find a way to get her to trust you, then she'll tell you everything, and you can move on from there) and my own (Less fluff, more of me.)

  “I’ve never been in love. It just didn’t make sense to me. Math--that made sense to me. It’s one answer that could never be changed no matter how much time went by. While love is just...foreign. But that’s also the reason why I know I love you.” I realized that I hadn’t said this before. Her face shifted as she realized it, too. “I love you,” I said again. “I don’t say this to get a response out of you, but to let you know where I stand, Michelle.”

  I opened my mouth to say something else, but she leaned in and kissed me softly. “I love you, too,” she said after she pulled away.

  Chapter 11


  “I love you, too.”

; The words felt real as soon as I spoke them. For once, I didn’t feel afraid of the idea of being in love with him, I was excited. I leaned into him again and took his lips into mine. Like at the club, he took me into his arms and held me. And like at the club, I felt safe and secure. His crisp aroma radiating from his chest made me fall deeper into him and want him even more.

  He swiped his tongue over mine and kissed me long and hard, driving up my pussy deeper into submission. I moaned as I returned the gesture. His hands traveled down my body and explored the parts I had hidden for so long. I let him in, welcoming his touch as he moved his hands down and slid down my pants.


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