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Murder in the Vatican

Page 50

by Lucien Gregoire

  I have taken the time to put them in historical order for a reason. Though I am reasonably certain the conclusions I have set forth are sound, I am only one mind. Yet, it may be, it will take many minds, many investigations, to carry this game to its end.

  Hopefully, the day is not far off, someone with great analytical skills, a modern day Hercule Poirot, will score the winning goal.

  Aside from stories of his young life which are my direct witness, I have said nothing here that has not been said before, either in the press or in the writings of this good man. All that is to my credit is that for the first time the full record has been brought together in one place, “Twentieth century capitalism as it was jointly embraced by the Vatican and the United States and those caught up in it.”14

  So we have walked with him, and we have talked with him, in the woods, together with Pinocchio and the Cat and the Fox and the Poodle Medoro. Yet, I feel I have said poorly what Albino Luciani could have said so much better. Still, the important thing is not that I have written, but that you have listened.

  Now, take it with you. Carry it with you to the ends of the earth. That what he dreamed of, those things he fought for, those things he willed to be, will come to be, for each of them, and for me, and for you, and for all humanity.

  I wonder? I often wonder?

  If I will still be around…when the ball goes into the net!

  George Lucien Gregoire

  I want to thank those who have taken the time to review my book on the Internet and in journals and those I have met along the way that made it possible.

  All inquiries responded to:

  George Lucien Gregoire

  University of Maryland

  38 South Paca Street, # 403

  Baltimore Maryland 21201 (1) 410 625 9741

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  1 Vatican Radio 11 Oct 78. Vatican corrected release of circumstances of John Paul I’s death

  2 Source: tombstones and cemetery records.

  3 Heart disease is a genetic impairment in which the liver cannot discharge excess cholesterol.

  4 There is confusion concerning his mother. No birth certificate exists. Baptismal certificate seems to read 1874 which supports age at death 74. Marriage certificate seems to read ‘1879’ which supports age at death ‘69.’ The confusion is between the handwritten ‘4’ and the ‘9.’

  5 A brother Federico did not survive infancy.

  6 Those seeking his sainthood are particularly denial of any compassion he had for homosexuals as they depend on the most homophobic pope in history—Benedict XVI—for his elevation.

  7 Il Gazzettino 9 Feb 70. Messaggero Mestre 9 Feb 70. The quote was subsequently published by The Times and many other world newspapers. That he used the word ‘thousands’ instead of ‘many’ demonstrates the depth he must have gone to in analyzing religion vs. science – religion vs. the truth.

  8 Film clip of JP saying this is on you-tube. Link is on homepage of

  9 Clipping is from The Evening Bulletin 29 Sep 78. The phrase appears in all newspapers of the time

  10 Messaggero Mestre 22 Jan 76

  11 Veneto Nostro 17 Sep 67

  12 Covet Action Quarterly Washington DC No. 49, summer 94

  13 La Repubblica 2 Aug 78 Luciani’s on artificial insemination.

  14 T. Frances Elliott’s review of Murder in the Vatican, The Times


  The Vatican Deception

  Shortly after John Paul’s interment in the crypt beneath St. Peter’s Basilica, began a program by the Vatican intended to create two misconceptions, 1) Albino Luciani had been, all of his life, a strict conservative—to destroy the ecclesiastical motive for murder; 2) he was on the brink of death when elected to the papacy—to support its supposition he died of natural causes.

  The conservative Luciani

  Teams of workers showed up at Belluno, Vittorio Veneto and Venice scouring through his writings, sermons and press releases destroying anything controversial he said or did. Original documents were removed and replaced with forgeries to ‘prove’ he took positions the exact opposite of what he actually stood for.

  The objective was to create a man who had spent his life on his knees and ignored the humane issues of his day; to change his image from the progressive he had been to the conservative the Vatican wants him to be remembered as.

  In 1984, David Yallop proved the case for murder.

  Under John Paul II, the Vatican reacted quickly to Yallop’s book.

  The Curia drafted a twenty-thousand word biographical brief—the equivalent of the largest chapter in this book. I call it The Vatican Deception.

  The objective was to create a man who had been on the brink of death from the time he stepped out of the womb until that fateful morning he woke up reading his papers held upright in his hands with his glasses halfway down on his nose.

  “When he was born the midwife baptized him immediately because he was so frail, she feared he would die…Within a year of his ordination, his health, never good, broke down and he was taken to the sanatorium, a very ill man, he was expected to die…He recovered, but many times more, he again and again spent many months in and out of sanatoriums and hospitals…”

  It goes on, “…After the war, he was confined for six months in a sanatorium for what was believed to be tuberculosis and turned out to be pneumonia…”

  Whereas, it is true, he had once been taken to a sanatorium, it occurred when he was twenty-three in 1935 and not in 1947. His illness had been misdiagnosed. He was released in a few days after clearing up a bout with bronchitis.

  When he became a cardinal in 1973, he was asked his secret of success? “Always on the job,” he told the reporter. “From the time I entered grade school in 1917 until I graduated from seminary in 1935, I never missed a day in class. By divine providence, my tonsils and adenoids cropped up during holiday.”

  Dozens of photos have survived showing nothing other than one of impeccable health, even those taken at the time of his ‘sanatorium’ stay in 1935. The photo on the far right was taken the day before he was found dead.

  Regardless, in an ongoing assault, The Vatican Deception speaks of Luciani as being in such fragile condition, from the beginning to the end of his days, as if each breath would be his last. One is kept in constant suspense throughout the narrative wondering if he will make it to the end of the script.

  It establishes the ‘fact’ he spent ten days in the Stella Maris Institute on the Lido a month before he was elected—a ‘fact’ which was later disclaimed by Luciani’s doctor Dr. Da Ros and by the Stella Maris Institute itself.1

  Consistent with its master plan, The Vatican Deception paints him out to be a man who spent his life on his knees talking to statues and ignoring the issues of his day. It idolizes his devout mother and ignores his atheist father. It carries its deception into his papacy cleverly editing out anything controversial he had to say.

  The Vatican Deception was published in Catholic countries in 1985 through religious orders under various titles—authors unnamed to mask its source—an anonymous priest in Italy, an anonymous monk in France, an anonymous Jesuit in Brazil, an anonymous missionary in India, an anonymous nun in the states…

  Scores of ‘biographies’ published by members of religious orders have since been sourced from this document the reason they paint him out to have been on the brink of death from the time he came out of the womb and he never did anything to help those whose everyday lives were oppressed by doctrine.

  This is what makes members of religious orders poor historians. They blot out those things that don’t fit their own fascist convictions—all major western religions preach some kinds of people are better than others. Though I do not entirely agree with their conclusions, the true historians of the Church have been men like Avro Manhattan, David Yallop and John Cornwell, who spoke the truth.

  His medical history

>   He had four minor operations—tonsils at eleven, adenoids at fifteen, gallstones at fifty-two and hemorrhoids the same year. Tonsils and adenoids were routine for children at the time. All-in-all, nothing unusual for a man of sixty-five.

  He had been hospitalized four other times.

  In 1935, he was taken to a sanatorium for what was misdiagnosed as TB and turned out to be bronchitis. He was released within a week.

  In 1945, he was confined overnight in a Belluno hospital for bronchitis.

  In 1947, he was confined for three days in the same hospital for bronchitis.

  In 1975, he spent a night in a Mestre clinic for an eye embolism. His viscosity tested as normal and the condition was corrected with mild medication.

  The bronchitis never reoccurred. After the war, he became an avid mountain climber and later a runner, which activities build a powerful respiratory system.

  We have covered them all, as he told the world the day he was installed.2

  The Vatican Deception was augmented by the Vatican collaboration with John Cornwell in 1987 and by the Lorenzi video of ‘chest pain’ after a decade of silence tempered only by his own testimony, “As a Don Orione monk, I have taken a vow of allegiance to the sitting pontiff. I do anything I am told.”3

  Today, one can add the Vatican’s production of multi-million dollar satirical documentaries depicting Albino Luciani’s lifelong struggle against death.

  When the medical community demolished the Vatican’s claim of ‘myocardial infarction,’ it rumored ‘swollen feet’ to set the stage for pulmonary embolism. Today, the official position of the Vatican is an eye embolism, three years earlier , progressed into a massive painless pulmonary embolism which he, being unaware of, allowed him to continue to hold his papers upright. The medical community’s position: an eye embolism which comes up from the carotid artery has nothing to do with a pulmonary embolism which develops in the venous system. Also, one will not find a cardiologist in the world who would testify a patient could die of a pulmonary embolism and not be aware of what was happening to them. Though no one really knows what killed the pope, the medical community tells us clearly it was nether myocardial infarction (heart), nor pulmonary embolism (lungs).

  I have always been puzzled why those who have doubt of what I have to say go to the Vatican and its tributaries and clergy to verify what I have to say. I have taken the time to provide more than five hundred direct sources for what I have to say. These are available in libraries and, to an extent, on the Internet.

  Cornwell ran into this same problem. In 1987, he was engaged by the Vatican to write A Thief in the Night to discredit Yallop’s In God’s Name.

  Many ate it up, despite Cornwell was on the Vatican ‘payroll’ so to speak.

  Ironically, a few years later, the same thing would happen to Cornwell.

  In 2000, he presented powerful evidence in his book Hitler’s Pope Pius XII knew of the plight of the Jews during the war and did nothing to help them.

  In 2005, David Dalin wrote his book The Myth of Hitler’s Pope claiming Pius had done much to help the Jews. Though Cornwell clearly had the facts, many ate it up because Dalin is a Rabbi—he is the independent ‘expert’ so to speak.

  Or could it be, somewhere along the way, David Dalin was offered a full professorship at Ave Maria University?4 He is on the Vatican payroll. Fools!

  1 Il Giornale Andrea Tornelli 27 Sep 03

  2 The Evening Bulletin 29 Sep 78

  3 A Thief in the Night John Cornwell. See film clip

  4 Ave Maria University was founded by Tom Monaghan founder of Dominos Pizza which has the most heavily homophobic reputation of any major company. Pius XII, Dalin defends, was the most homophobic of modern popes.

  Slovenia:* Albino Luciani = White Light Forgive me for the cover, theDevil made me to do it

  * Murder in the Vatican is available in foreign language, French, Spanish and Italian in 2011.

  White light Dark Night, A theological expansion of the biog included in Murder in the Vatican. Readers who have read the 2010 edition of Murder in the Vatican are advised not to buy White Light as they have already most of it. White Light has its own site

  Let’s All Get Behind the Pope includes 44 short stories in which the author recreates little known incidents in the lives of Albino Luciani and other famous people which caused them to rise up as champions of human justice—see sample story on the following page. Included are the author’s award winning short stories: The Violin Bow—the story of a student of the Peabody Conservatory of Music and a violin bow, and The Icicle That Would Not Fall—an old man sacrifices his life to save a young boy. Also included is the 110 page novella The Reincarnation of Albino Luciani also published as In Search of the Human Soul and End of Faith in which the reincarnated Luciani in the voice of ten year old boy defines the human soul—based on Luciani’s doctoral thesis, The Origin of the Human Soul… Ask for at any bookstore worldwide

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  The following is a representative story reprinted from Let’s All Get Behind the Pope: scores of little known incidents in the lives of Albino Luciani and other famous people which caused them to rise up as champions of human justice—forty-four stories in all plus the novella The Reincarnation of Albino Luciani—in the voice of a ten year old boy Albino searches for his soul.

  I Want to Learn to Count

  “Never be afraid to stand up for what is right, whether your adversary be your parent, your teacher, your peer, your politician, your preacher, your constitution, or even your God!”1

  Albino Luciani

  “One, two, three, four, five, six…?” her little brother stopped. He looked around the room as if someone had hidden the next number behind the chair, under the rug, perhaps, in the closet?

  He started up again, “One, two three, four, five, six, seven…”

  The little boy seemed lost. He tried again, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine…?” He stopped again.

  His eyes searched along the floor, glanced up to the ceiling. He found it under the dust in the corner, “…ten!” he beamed.

  Susan told her mother, “I, too, want to learn how to count!”

  Her mother laughed, “No. Girls don’t have to know how to count.”

  The blackboard had three panels. Each day one of them would change. The big one in the middle, the one reserved for the lesson of the day.

  The Pledge of Alliance was written on the one on the left, as if by this time one could not have possibly learned it by heart.

  I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United states of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

  The Ten Commandments were listed on the one on the right. As if by this time one could not have possibly learned them by heart.

  I am the one and only God, bow down and adore me.

  Thou shalt have no graven images before thee.

  Thou shalt not take my name in vain

  Thou shalt keep the sabbath

  Honor thy mother and father

  Thou shall not kill

  Thou shall not commit adultery

  Thou shalt not steal

  Thou shalt not bare false witness

  Thou shalt not desire to take from thy neighbor his property, including his house, his wife, his slaves, his ox, his ass.

  Ichabod Falwell was an old wrinkled up prune with chalk dust wedged into its fingernails. He scrubbed yesterday’s lesson off the ce
nter panel as a mixed-bag of ragged and dressed up boys and girls pushed and shoved their way boisterously into the one-room schoolhouse behind him.

  He picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the center panel,

  The Minutemen

  What those brave young lads at Concord took those first bullets for

  He rapped his stick. The chatter and clamor stuttered to an end.

  He pointed to the left panel.

  The children stood up and clasped their hearts and droned to an old flag which seemed to have fought the war itself.

  The master struck his pointer toward the panel on the right.

  They droned again, this time to the board itself. Not one of them had made it his or her responsibility to learn them by heart.

  The wrinkled up old prune spread out his arm toward the center panel. “Today we are going to talk about the Minutemen. We are going to talk about those brave young lads at Concord. What they took those first bullets for in the spring of 1775?”

  Susan raised her hand and stood up.

  The old man was disturbed, “Why didn’t you go before class?”

  She interrupted the snickers, “It’s not that. It’s something else.” She hesitated as if to gather the courage, “I want to learn to count.”

  The class broke into a frenzy. The old man laughed, “You don’t have to learn to count. You are a girl.

  “Sit down.” he ordered. She hesitated a bit and sat down.

  The old prune with chalk dust wedged into its fingernails turned to the class, “Let’s get back to the business of the day. What those brave young lads took those first bullets for in the spring of 1775?”

  Susan stood up again. This time she didn’t wait for the okay. “That’s what I’m talking about. What those brave young lads took those first bullets for in the spring of 1775?”

  “Nonsense!” The old man, frustrated by the girl’s persistence, repeated, this time at full volume, “Sit down!”

  The little girl held her ground, “You don’t understand. I have the right to learn how to count.”


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