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Thea Stilton and the Legend of the Fire Flowers (Thea Stilton Graphic Novels Book 15)

Page 4

by Thea Stilton

  The Thea Sisters said good-bye to Melika



  out of the office.

  “So,” murmured Violet thoughtfully as

  they took the elevator down, “if there’s

  something suspicious going on,

  we’ll find the data at the observatory, right?

  That seems to be where all the news about

  the volcano comes from.”

  “That’s definitely where we need to go!”

  Paulina replied.

  Outside the building, the mouselets were

  looking for a taxi when they noticed a

  police car parked nearby. It seemed to be

  waiting for them. Leaning against the

  doors were the two police officers who had

  asked Nahele to leave when the mouselets


  THICKENS. . . .

  had first arrived at the resort.

  The two officers watched them for

  a moment. Finally, one squeaked, “Aren’t you

  here for the hula competition? Isn’t it a bit

  late to be out and about?”

  The other one nodded. “He’s right. It would

  probably be best if you were safe and

  sound back at the resort.”

  It’s the two police officers again! Their behavior seems

  more suspicious than ever. . . .

  The Thea Sisters looked at one another in

  surprise: That sounded more like a threat

  than a piece of friendly advice!

  Violet squeezed Paulina's and Pam’s paws.

  “They’re right,” she agreed loudly. “Let’s

  go, mouselets!”

  As they were leaving, she whispered to

  her friends, “I think it’s better to not attract

  attention from those two. I have a sneaking

  suspicion they aren’t police officers at all!”

  “Yeah,” Pam whispered back. “The fact

  that they took the trouble to come all

  the way here looking for us just confirms

  something fishy is going on.”

  Colette, Nicky, Pam, Paulina, and Violet

  returned to the resort. As they were passing

  through the lobby, they noticed Sammy

  Sharkfur squeaking on his cell phone.

  Quiet as mice, the Thea Sisters hid behind

  an ENORMOUSE plant and started

  eavesdropping on his conversation.

  “No, they haven’t come back yet, but I want

  you to keep an eye on them from now on,

  understand?! Those five rodents are nosier

  than an aardvark at an anthill! They are

  asking too many



  The plot thickens! Why did the two police officers (if

  they really are police officers) follow the Thea Sisters?

  And what is Sammy Sharkfur hiding?

  here, and I don’t like it.”

  The mouselets looked at one

  another in surprise. Was

  Sammy Sharkfur talking about them?!

  Sammy concluded the conversation with

  an angry gesture. Then he strode down

  the hallway that led to the Thea Sisters’ suite.

  “He was obviously talking about us!”

  declared Colette as soon as they were sure

  they were alone.

  “We need to be very careful from

  now on,” said Pam.

  “Agreed,” said Nicky, yawning. “Now let’s

  hit the hay. We have a busy day tomorrow.

  Just thinking about dancing the modern

  choreography contest is making me

  stress more than Santa Paws on Christmouse



  The next day was dedicated to all of the

  individual performances and the group

  performances with modern choreography.

  For this stage of the competition, Colette had

  outdone herself. She had designed

  eye-catching costumes with a gorgeous

  red-and-white design.

  The Thea Sisters were worried about

  wrinkling their delicate costumes on the bus

  ride, so they decided to bring them to the

  stadium and get changed there. They dressed

  in their usual clothes and carefully folded

  Colette’s designs inside their backpacks.

  “Everyone ready?” Nicky asked. Her

  friends nodded. “Then let’s roll!”

  The five mouselets scurried downstairs

  PSSST . . . PSSST . . .

  to meet the other contestants in the lobby.

  They joined Apikalia’s group and began

  chatting away.

  Zoe noticed the Thea Sisters at once. She

  elbowed Ruby to get her attention.

  “Pssst . . . pssst . . .” she whispered.

  “What is it?!”f


  Ruby, adjusting

  her dress with one paw.

  Zoe pointed to the Thea Sisters. “Look,

  they have their costumes in their backpacks.”

  Ruby glanced over at the Thea Sisters.

  Then she looked back at Zoe as if she were

  mold on a cheese slice. She was getting more

  and more IRRITATED. “So? Do

  you really have to update me on their every

  move?” she answered



  Zoe shook her snout and leaned in close to

  her friend’s ear. “Well, imagine what

  would happen if one of them were to lose

  her backpack. All five mouselets would

  probably have to back out of the competition!

  Then it’d be ‘bye-bye second place, aloha

  first place’ for us!”

  Finally, Ruby understood what Zoe was

  getting at. An unpleasant smile spread

  across her snout. “Zoe! Have I ever told you

  that I absolutely adore it when you’re

  smarter than I am?”

  Zoe smiled, too. Her plan was a go!

  The bus arrived right on time.

  Nicky found a seat next to Renani, and they

  immediately started talking about

  the previous afternoon’s surfing. The drive

  passed quickly.

  At the stadium, the stage had been adorned



  with hundreds of orchids. Everyone oohed

  and AAHED over the gorgeous flowers.

  As she was admiring the



  Colette felt someone bump into her. She

  almost lost her balance and had to stumble

  to stay on her paws. She assumed it was an

  accident till she felt a tug on her back.

  Colette whirled around in surprise.

  Behind her stood Alicia, who was blushing

  bright red. “S-so sorry, Colette! Someone

  pushed me!” she mumbled.

  Colette was squeakless for a second, but

  then she smiled kindly. “No worries, it

  was just an accident.”

  Alicia turned to Zoe, and the two ran


  Ruby and Connie were waiting for them.

  They giggled as they watched their

  friends approach.

  “Did you get it?” Ruby whispered.

  “Of course! It was easier than taking

  cheese from a mouseling. I put it in my bag,”

  Zoe replied triumphantly.

  The other mouselets high-fived her.

  “I just


  I could see the look on their

  snouts when t
hey realize it’s gone!” snickered


  In the meantime, Colette had returned to

  her friends without suspecting anything was

  amiss. The individual competitions had

  begun, so the Thea Sisters hurried into the

  changing rooms to dress for their performance.

  As soon as she opened her backpack,

  Colette let out a cheese-curdling shriek.


  “Good Gouda, Colette, you’re going to give

  me a heart attack!” said Pamela. “What

  in the name of cheddar is going on?”

  But Colette didn’t answer. She was busy

  thinking, retracing her steps, trying to figure

  out when it could have happened. Suddenly,

  she exploded, “What a down and dirty



  “What? What did you say?” asked Nicky.

  Colette showed them her pink backpack: It

  was empty! “I was tricked! Alicia bumped

  into me — at first I thought it was just an

  accident, but now I’m pretty sure she did it

  on purpose so she could steal my costume!

  Without it, we can’t participate in the


  The mouselets were as frozen as fish



  “You mean . . . your costume is gone?”

  asked Paulina in shock.

  “This is a cat-astrophe!” cried Violet.

  “This whole thing smells fishier than day-

  old tuna! We can’t just do nothing and let

  them win!” spluttered Nicky. She turned and


  out the door.

  She was rushing down the corridor when

  she ran into Renani, whose eyes


  when he saw her. But he quickly turned

  serious when she exclaimed, “Renani, I need

  your help! We need to find Colette’s costume

  right away — someone stole it!”

  Renani was just as indignant about the

  as the Thea Sisters. “I know just what

  to do,” he said confidently. “You and your

  friends go backstage and wait for your turn.

  I’ll take care of the costume!” he

  assured her.

  Nicky scampered back to the changing

  room and told her friends Renani would help

  them. A few minutes later, as they were

  nervously waiting in the wings (there

  were only two groups before them!), Renani

  hurried over to join them. He had a satisfied

  expression on his snout. In his paws was

  Colette’s costume!

  Nicky hugged him. “How did you manage

  to find it?” she asked incredulously.

  “Simple!” he replied with a

  wink. “I used the same

  strategy they used

  to take it from Colette!”

  Colette, Pam, Paulina,

  and Violet all clapped

  their paws.

  “Thank you, Renani!” said Nicky.

  “You are a true pal!”

  The recovery of Colette’s costume gave the

  Thea Sisters an extra jolt of energy. They had

  a stellar performance and jumped to the

  head of the charts. Now they were even with

  Apikalia’s team, whose good sportsmanship

  put the Ruby Crew to shame.

  “You were great! Compliments to Colette

  on her marvemouse costumes!” Apikalia

  congratulated them.

  “Thanks!” Colette responded.

  Then she whispered to

  Violet, “We squeaked in

  by a whisker! Another

  moment and we’d have

  missed our chance to



  While everyone else returned to the hotel,

  the mouselets asked Renani if he’d accompany

  them to the observatory. Renani readily


  Nicky had told him their professor’s

  suspicions about the volcano, and

  Renani immediately offered to help the

  mouselets clear up the situation.

  “We can go in my car,” he suggested. “It’s

  big enough to take us all, and it’s the fastest

  way to get to the national park.

  That’s where the observatory is located.”

  The group scrambled into the SUV, and

  Renani got behind the wheel. The ratlet

  drove carefully, playing tour guide as they

  sped along. “The observatory was created to

  deal with the risks of the two active volcanoes

  in Hawaii: Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The park

  is actually a active reserve —” Renani















  Hawaii Volcanoes National Park covers a vast

  area on the island of Hawaii. The park

  extends from the sea all the way to the

  tops of Mauna Loa and Kilauea. Many

  protected animal and plant species live

  there — so many that the park was declared

  a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987.

  The park also includes the Ka’u Desert,

  a region of unusual lava formations.

  stopped abruptly and looked in his rearview

  mirror. “UH-OH! We’ve got company,


  The Thea Sisters turned around

  and saw a dark car



  them. It looked like it wanted to run them

  off the road! Unfortunately, the car’s windows

  were tinted, so they couldn’t


  who was


  “Something tells me that our fake-police

  friends are in that car,” Violet said.

  Nicky had an idea. She turned toward

  Renani. “Do you think you can lose them?”

  “Of course!” he answered, grinning.

  “I took a class in race-car driving! Actually,

  Nicky, I think you would’ve loved the




  . “Umm, fascinating

  as that sounds, I’m not sure this is the time

  to start comparing notes about MOUSCAR!”

  Renani understood. He nodded and shifted

  the car into a faster gear. The pursuers

  tried to keep up. They gained ground on the

  SUV for a while, but Renani twisted the

  wheel this way and that, changing direction

  so suddenly that he was finally able to shake


  “Yee-haw!” he cried, looking in his

  rearview mirror. There was no sign of the

  other car. “I think we did it! Let’s take this

  little shortcut I know. They’ll never

  look for us there.”

  The SUV bumped along a dirt road. After

  another minute, the mouselets spotted

  the observatory.


  The Thea Sisters were out of breath by the

  time the SUV pulled up to the observatory.

  Now that they were being tailed, the

  mouselets were really anxious to figure out

  what was going on. They needed to learn

  why the most important research center

  in the area had not gathered the same data as

  Professor Van Kraken and his team.

  As they scurried into the observatory, the

  were met by a group of

  young researchers. They seemed eager to

  help, but when Paulina asked them about the

  possibility of an


  , the researchers

  shook their snouts vehemently.

  “No Way is Mauna Loa about to erupt,”

  one responded. “We monitor the activity for


  Mauna Loa and Kilauea twenty-four hours a

  day. Our instruments are absolutely

  trustworthy. There hasn’t been a single sign

  of an eruption. You really don’t need to


  Yet the Thea Sisters didn’t feel any better.

  They knew something wasn’t right. . . but


  “Ah, good morning, Professor!” exclaimed


  one of the researchers suddenly.

  A tall, thin rodent had appeared in

  the doorway. The researcher turned

  to the mouselets. “Let me introduce

  to you the scientist in charge

  of the observatory, Professor

  George Crusterson.”

  The Thea Sisters shook the

  professor’s paw. Then they said

  their good-byes. They had run out of


  As they were crossing the parking

  lot, it finally hit Violet. She slapped

  her snout. “Just a sec . . . by my

  cheese, I think I’ve got it!”

  Do you recognize the head of the observatory? No?

  Well, then turn back to page 33 and take a look at

  the rodent talking to Sammy Sharkfur the night of the

  welcome party!

  Renani looked at Violet quizzically. “What

  do you mean?” he asked. “The scientists

  at the observatory all seemed very nice to

  me. Even their boss was nice!”

  Violet shook her snout. “Their


  is the whole point! We already saw Professor

  Crusterson! He was talking to Sammy

  Sharkfur the other night, and he kept looking



  . Do you remember,



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