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Luna: the predator of revenge

Page 12

by Rasi K

  “Fine, only if you help me get ready.”, she said teasing.

  After two hours of getting ready, they were finally good to go. Noah and Kira had not been notified about Caroline’s presence yet. Mathew and Gabriel were taken into town by the three men, to get them change of clothes, seeing Matthew had none.

  According to their plan, Melaine, Tahliya, Orion, Richard and Daniel would be present in the gathering before the ceremony started. When the ceremony is about to start, the trio would enter.

  The trio waited for the right moment to enter while watching the pack members gather around.

  When Orion stepped forward to speak they took it as their cue to make their entry. None of the pack members were surprised to see Caroline but the same couldn’t be said about the two men. They were shocked at the new presence in their pack. Nonetheless, they observed them in silence.

  Unlike the pack members, Noah was shocked to see Caroline. He didn’t even acknowledge the others. He had to stop himself from hanging open his mouth in shock.

  The ceremony soon started.

  “I, Orion Jones, Alpha of Red Moon pack, rightfully pass my position as the alpha to my son, Noah Jones.”

  “I, Noah Jones, son of Orion Jones, accept the position as the Alpha of Red Moon pack and will act up to the rank.”

  It was the same as the last time, except this time everyone was happy about it and there was no vampire clan to break in.

  After Melaine did the same ritual with Kira, Noah and Kira were announced as the Alpha and Luna of Red Moon pack officially. Once the ceremony ended, the family along with Noah and Kira gathered and were having some family time.

  “Can I talk you for a moment alone?”

  Chapter 50

  Alpha Visits

  With the help of Gabriel, we had gathered the few pack members from back then, one month ago. The pack had been officially reestablished after two weeks since the ceremony in Red Moon pack.

  That night after the ceremony, Kira and I had more like a heart-to-heart talk. She thanked me for convincing her and making her give him a chance. She told that they were not yet to the stage of loving each other but they were trying. She also told that he was changing for good. She mentioned about how he had told her that he didn’t want anything to do with her pack lands. We talked happily for a while until we were joined by Tah. She hugged me and sat next to me. A look of envy passed through Kira’s eyes but she covered it up immediately. If she was nothing like before, I could vouch that we will be great friends. Tah started ranting about how Daniel was being overprotective of her and wouldn’t leave her out of his sight. Kira pitched in from time to time from her encounters with Noah. I was envious of them, but I didn’t want them to know that. If they had a happy life, that was more than enough for me. But I didn’t seem to have done a great job at hiding, seeing that Kira seemed to have sensed my mood drop as she nudged Tah with a pointed look towards me. She immediately changed the topic towards me, asking how the pack works were going. I welcomed the topic change happily. We definitely will hit off as great friends.

  The next day, it was time for me to leave. All through the night, Noah and I didn’t exactly talk with each other except for the occasional nods acknowledging the other, whenever our eyes met. I had to console a crying Tah and a sad Kira before finally leaving. Unlike last time, both Daniel and Noah were there to send me off.

  During the grand ceremony of announcing the Harath pack officially rolling, along with re-declaring grandpa as the alpha, everyone was present there. The few old members along with a few other new members, who were originally rogues, howled happily at that. Mother was happy to see the pack again. Similar to grandpa, she was immensely pleasured, when she saw that their house had been retained of their designs from earlier.

  Since then, there had been many alphas visiting, wanting to meet grandpa, who had been a strong and good alpha of his time, back then.

  One such person was Alpha Rude. I mean his name is Jude, but rude suits him better. He was one of those, who exercised their powers till they died. He was around the age of grandpa, if not more. All along his visit, he made people run errands for him and complained about one thing or the other. One time, he had the audacity to even pinpoint at grandpa telling that he was not a good alpha, seeing he failed his people all those years back. My eyes turned red and my nails were piercing in my palms. Grandpa shot me a look telling me to control myself. I had to leave the room for a few minutes to control Liza and my vampire side. When I returned back, he blamed me on my recklessness to have chosen pack members in rogues. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him off, by telling him that I knew how to choose people, as I can tell when someone lies. But I controlled myself. I knew better than to disclose myself to the world. After outstaying his visit, he finally returned back to his pack. Alpha Rude was a man of green.

  Another one was Zachary from Serene Pack. He didn’t stay long. He just came to say his greetings to grandpa. He discussed about pack matters before leaving with a quick goodbye to me.

  Almost every one of the alphas had come by to pay a visit or judge the pack, like alpha rude, except for one.

  The Parish pack alpha neither visited nor did he send his greetings.

  Chapter 51

  Parish Pack

  Gabriel had been posted as grandpa’s beta, seeing he was his third in command earlier. Grandpa had seemingly gotten busier after the alpha visits, answering letters asking for alliance and other pack matters.

  I went to meet grandpa and of course, it was Gabriel who answered me. I could no longer have bonding time with grandpa.

  Since Gabriel answered me, I thought I might as well take him up on the task.

  “Gabriel, can we talk for a moment?”, I asked.

  He nodded and called up for one of the guards to guard the alpha office before following me.

  I took him to my office. I did my researches and the works grandpa that assigned me with, in there.

  Once I settled behind my desk and he, in front of me, I asked him the thing that had been bothering me for some time.

  “Have you heard about the Parish Pack?”, I asked wanting to take it slow.

  He nodded asking me to continue.

  “Did the alpha ever come to meet grandpa? Or send in greetings?”, I asked even though I knew the answer to it.

  “No”, this time he answered seemingly letting out his confusion along, “Why are asking these?”

  “I am just being curious.”, I paused before continuing, “Could you tell me about this pack?”

  He hesitated before nodding.

  He got comfortable before starting.

  “This pack started around the time when our pack had become well-known. At first, no one gave a thought about it. It wasn’t until a few years later that other packs took notice of it. The pack led in all the fights they had to face. It also won a few fights in the annual pack gathering during those times. The pack started gaining attention and power. The alpha was a kind man too. After few years the alpha title was taken over by the alpha’s brother, due to his death and as his son had gone missing. No one talked about it thereafter. It was around five-six years ago, that the pack became the hot topic again. The alpha title had been taken over by a young lad, who was suspected to be the lost child. Unlike the previous alpha, the current one treated them properly, is what a few members of the pack had told. All the alphas wanted to meet the new alpha but none of them were permitted inside the pack grounds, much less meet him. The alpha kept himself in the dark. If there was any pack matters that needed to be done outside the pack, then it was his beta that represented him. By now everyone is used to his antics except a few, like you. No one talks about that pack anymore. But how did you come to know about this pack?”, he asked.

  “I was researching about the packs that had been in and out of the history, when I came across its name. There wasn’t much information available about the pack. And the fact that the alpha never visited grandpa had me curious.”, I a

  He nodded understandingly.

  “As I said, he is a mystery man. He weighs the importance of a thing before sending his beta either.”, he said.

  “Could you do me a favor? Arrange a car for me. I am going to the Parish pack.”

  Chapter 52

  Alpha Raden

  After lots of arguments with grandpa and refusing the continuous offers from Gabriel to accompany me, I finally left to the Parish pack.

  But before I did, I saw to it that grandpa and I were on good terms. I explained to him the reason for my visit. This alpha and the pack had aroused my curiosity by their mysteriousness. I shall as well face them to get myself satiated.

  I dropped myself off the car, when I came near the pack. From what I have heard, the pack was huge. I hid my scent and went to the border. When I reached there, the guard on duty sized me up before neglecting me.

  Oh no, you didn’t.

  If that was how he behaved, then he might as well be surprised at what I was capable of doing.

  I strode past him, entering the pack. One step inside the pack, I was yanked back to my previous position, with a growl to my face.

  “What do you think you are doing?”, he shouted.

  “Don’t you see? I am going inside.”, I said nonchalantly.

  “That’s what I am asking. Who gave you permission to go inside?”, he asked not toning down a bit.

  If he doesn’t reduce his shouting soon, he won’t like the end of it.

  “A minute ago, you didn’t seem to be bothered by my presence. So why bother now?”, I shot back.

  He was taken aback for a moment, before he composed himself.

  “What is your purpose here?”, he asked putting on a brave façade.

  “I am here to join the pack.”, I said.

  “We don’t recruit anyone. Go away.”, he said.

  “Are you the alpha? I shall leave only if your alpha says so.”, I said standing my ground.

  “I wouldn’t bother my alpha for you. Go away.”, he said slightly pushing me away. But, of course, I didn’t move a bit. He seemed shocked but he didn’t let it out.

  “Either you get me in or I stay here.”, I offered him.

  He refused to answer me for some time.

  After seeing that true to my words, I had been standing there for the past hour, he mind-linked someone.

  After talking he turned to me.

  “I talked with the beta. He says that the alpha refuses to see you. I tried my best, now leave here before I am being punished because of your persistence.”, he said gesturing for me to leave.

  I didn’t make a move to leave. Eventually he left finishing his shift. Before leaving he gestured the next guard about my presence. Soon many people came to see if I was real. It was becoming chaotic, but I couldn’t care less. If this is what shall bring the alpha out, then so be it.

  As expected, the guard, who had talked to me earlier, came to fetch me, with an annoyed look on his face. Maybe he got a nice scolding for not sending me away, serves him right. How dare he underestimate me?

  I didn’t have an ounce of guilt about what might have happened to him.

  He didn’t speak a word all the time while he led me to where the alpha was, I believe. I took my time studying the pack as much as I can. The pack was indeed huge. It was neat and spacious. There was a decent gap between two houses. At the distance, pups seemed to be training. Before I could explore further, a throat cleared in the background. I turned around to look at the guard holding open a door of the building we have stopped at.

  “Go inside.”, he said in a gruff voice.

  I stepped inside, followed by him. He led me up the stairs and into one of the rooms.

  “I have brought her.”, he said, once we entered the room.

  “You can leave”, a voice said from behind the book shelf.

  He bowed and dismissed himself. I looked around the room from my position near the door.

  “Why did you lie?”, the voice asked, but closer this time.

  I turned around to come face to face with a guy who was one head higher than me.

  The guy was a brunette. He had green eyes contrasting his hair. He was good looking, nonetheless, with a built body.

  “Excuse me?”, I asked, not quite grasping his words.

  “I know you were lying about joining here. So what is your purpose here?”, he asked.

  I was shocked at the fact that he knew, but I didn’t let it out.

  “Who told you?”, I asked

  “What do you mean?”, he asked slightly confused.

  “It wasn’t you who found it. So, tell me, who told you?”, I asked with conviction. If there was one thing in me that I believed next to Liza, it was my instincts. And, I knew it had been true the moment I saw his shocked face on hearing my words.

  “What are you talking about? I was the one who found it.”, he said trying to covering up.

  No, you did not. I got the bitter-sweet taste, the moment you trying justifying yourself.

  “I ask you again.”, I asked emphasizing each word.

  “I- ”, he started only to be cut short.

  “I was the one who found it.”


  Chapter 53

  Story of Alpha Raden

  “I was the one who found it.”, I voice came out from behind him.

  I instantly smelled him. Liza howled inside me.

  “MATE”, we said in unison.

  The guy who revealed himself was shocked hearing us. But he didn’t show it out for long.

  “Levi, could you give us both a moment? I will call you when needed.”, he told softly.

  He seemed hesitant but he obliged to the request and left after bowing to him.

  So he is the alpha? I finally got to meet him, something the other alpha’s never could do before. Him, being my mate just added to my joy.

  He was well over six feet, brown haired with streaks of blonde here and there. He had a pair of blue eyes, making him all the more handsome.

  There was a little nagging at the corner of my heart. What if he rejected me?

  “What is your name?”, he said while he went and sat behind the desk.

  “Caroline Dunbar”, I said with conviction. I shall not show him my vulnerable side.

  “Why do I not sense you as my mate?”, he asked curiously.

  “That would be because I had been concealing my scent.”, I said disclosing my scent before taking a seat in front of him.

  His eyes instantly blackened on smelling my scent.

  “MATE”, he growled.

  He controlled his wolf before continuing.

  “I, Raden Lucas Cox, - -”, he started. Before he could proceed on, I cut him short.

  “Are you going to reject me?”, I asked frantically.

  “How about a no?”, he asked, smirking while leaning on the desk balancing himself on his elbows.

  “But, you– what?”, it took me a moment to process his words.

  “Sweetheart, you would have learnt what I was telling if you had waited a minute there. Now will you wait till I finish what I am saying?”, he asked, still smiling at my actions.

  I nodded, embarrassed of my actions.

  “As I was saying, I, Raden Lucas Cox, Alpha of Parish Pack, accept you, Caroline Dunbar, as my mate.”, he finished.

  A sense of relief washed through me while I gaped at him. I finally found my mate and he accepted me.

  “Anything you would like to say, sweetheart?”, he asked smiling. He was totally enjoying the effect he was having on me.

  Well two can play.

  “Of course, babe. I, Caroline Dunbar, accept you as my mate.”, I said finishing with a wink towards him.

  He groaned at that.

  “Sweetheart, you are playing with fire.”

  “I am known for toning it down, babe.”, I shot back, smiling cheekily.

  He narrowed his eyes, playfully at me, before masking himself into hi
s alpha exterior.

  “Now that the matter has been dealt with, let’s focus on the other issue at hand. What is your purpose here?”, he asked through his straight face.

  “I heard about a mysterious alpha, who had instantly piqued my interest by his antics. I thought, why not pay him a visit? And here I am.”, I said copying his posture.

  “Oh, and what is your opinion on him?”, he asked leaning further forward.

  “He seems okay, but he could get some help to pull him out of his comfort zone.”, I said.

  “Oh, and the alpha is ready to cooperate with you.”, he said.

  I gasped.

  “That’s a shocker. I thought you would reject the idea immediately. But now that you have accepted to it, you shall as well tell your comfort zones bye-bye.”, I said happy at his decision.

  “I will try anything for you, sweetheart. But you need to know something before you do anything.”

  I nodded for him to continue.

  “I did not grab the title from the previous alpha like the rumors say. I just took what rightfully was mine. The previous alpha was my uncle. When my dad had still been the alpha, my uncle went behind our backs and betrayed us. He sought help from rogues and bet us to death. My parents died out of impact. I was still lying in my death bed unlike my parents. A kind hearted man saved me and brought me up all those years till I had taken over the pack. I still remain in contact with him. My uncle, thinking that he had killed us, announced to the world that my parents had died and I had gone missing. He took over the pack through sympathy. He tortured my people into doing things and ill-treated them. That was until I came around. I declared war on him anonymously. He accepted to it and when the fateful day came, I killed him and took over the pack. I saw to it that all his accomplices were out of pack and were replaced by my trusted ones before taking up the title. No one in the pack knows that I am the lost heir. As far as the one who saved me -”

  “A vampire saved me giving me his blood, which makes me a half vampire.”


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