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Luna: the predator of revenge

Page 16

by Rasi K

  Tah and Kira squealed like the teenagers they were, before engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.

  Mother came and gave me soothing hug before leaving me to my mate.

  The day just couldn’t get any better. If I thought that it was the best day, then the day I confirmed that I was pregnant, was out of world.

  The moment I told him about it, he spun me around shouting in happiness.

  He called and informed everyone, including Asher. It was a day of bliss. Everyone came and wished me, except for Tah and Kira and their mates, as they both were pregnant too and the protective alphas they were, wouldn’t leave them out of the house.

  Raden was equally protective since then, seeing he was an alpha too. He assigned people to help me around. They were given strict orders as to not allow me to move anywhere out of my room. He turned one of the rooms that were near to ours, into to a nursery in just a day after I told him about it. He made it in such a way that it can suit for both girl and boy.

  It’s been five months since then. Tah gave birth to her twin boys last month while Kira gave birth to her baby princess last week. They were cutie pies. Of course, I hadn’t seen them yet. I knew they were cute from the descriptions mother and others had told.

  I gazed around the room dazedly while I waited for my maid to bring me my food. The door opened, and in came Raden with my plate of food in his hands. Of course, I should have known it was his doing that my meal hadn’t arrived for the past twenty minutes.

  He smiled cheekily at me before placing the tray next to me. He sat near my foot while I took the tray of fruits and bread.

  I popped a fruit into my mouth while looking at him. The second time, I missed and it fell. I turned a bit and stretched towards it when the pain shot through me.

  I turned slowly towards Raden who looked curiously at me.

  “Raden…It’s time.”, I said trying to keep my calm.

  He nodded before realization hit him.

  He rushed to me before picking me up in bridal style and dashing to the hospital.

  After two hours of struggle, finally our little baby princess made her presence.

  She was born on the tenth of January at 09:20 hours.

  “Alpha, Luna, what are going to name her?”, the doctor asked.

  We looked at each other smiling before speaking at the same time.

  “Amelia Luna Cox”

  Bonus Chapter


  Third Person’s POV

  Everyone bustled around in the pack, taking stuff in and out of the house. Everyone was trying to do their best to impress the twins. The twins were celebrating their twelfth birthday that day.

  The whole pack loved the twins along with Amelia Luna Cox and Hana Isabella Jones. Those four were inseparable all through the years. Growing up, the four of them spent most of their days in Harath pack. For the girls, it was their second home.

  Being the aunt and godmother of both the girls, Tahliya loved to have their company in any time of the year. For her, they were the daughters she never had.

  Tahliya was like a second mother to Hana and Amelia. They loved her like their own. Just like their mothers all the four were tight knitted. The boys stood as the bodyguards of the girls. None of the parents had the need to worry about the safety of their children, for they were smart kids and alpha bloods at that.

  Matthew Sharp had died due to old age and the effects of the experiments on his body, two years after the birth of the children. Even though they had known it was coming, none of them were ready to face it. He had been put in sick bed for a whole year before he did die. It took a toll on Melaine, who was still getting used to being around her uncle. Caroline, Tahliya and Daniel were affected to a great extent too. Others, even though were sad of his death couldn’t connect with what the four of them felt.

  Richard Dunbar and Orion Jones trained the kids every weekend at the Harath pack. The kids too, loved training with their granddads. They were so cool that there were times when the kids preferred them over their parents.

  Melaine took the kids on picnic once in a while, so that the children had a break from all the training their grand fathers put them through.

  Raden and Caroline were of course the couple goals among the group. Tahliya and Daniel were the crazy pair while Kira and Noah were the formal pair. They were not having any problem between them but they were not exactly fun people.

  Elias and Elijah, the twin boys of Tahliya and Daniel, inherited their looks from their dad. Whilst Elias took after his parents in his character, Elijah, the eldest of the twins, was a bit reserved out of the two. They both had brownish blonde hair, with piercing blue eyes. They had the exact looks, for the lady killers they were. Even though, they were good looking boys, Tahliya never missed a chance to complain about how they hadn’t inherited anything from her, despite the fact that it had been her, who carried them for five months.

  Amelia, daughter of Raden and Caroline took after her mother in her looks. She was a fun lover just like her aunt. She enjoyed everything to the maximum. She loved her friends too much. If anything were to happen to one of her friends, she will be the first one to knock off the person responsible for it. Just like her father, she did not easily accept strangers into her circle. She had wavy, brownish blonde hair and grayish blue eyes. She shared similar looks with the twins, having people mistake her as the triplet of the twins.

  Hana, daughter of Noah and Kira, had the looks of both her dad and mom. She was the most reserved among her group. Even though Amelia tried talking her out of it, she didn’t have it in her to change. She had brownish red hair with hazel eyes.

  One of the many things that the quad shared was their similar looks.

  “Elijah! Elias!”, Tahliya hollered.

  “Yes mom!”, shouted back two voices, from behind the trees.

  “Hana!”, Kira shouted.

  “Yes mom!”, replied back the little voice from the same place as the twins.

  “Kids come here!”, Caroline called, not bothering to ask for Amelia.

  If the three voices had come from the same place, it was a given that the fourth would also be there.

  As expected all the four kids ran towards where all the family members stood along with the pack members.

  “Twins, it’s time to cut the cake.”, Kira told once the kids came to a stop before them.

  The kids stood around the cake stand with everyone surrounding them while wishing them a happy birthday.

  The cake was cut and distributed, while the kids continued to play.

  The trio friends stood in the corner gossiping while studying their children.

  “Guess who has a crush on my twin boy?”

  Behind the scenes - I

  Elias Hyde

  - Chapter 25

  Elias Hyde was the gamma of the Red Moon pack. He had recently returned back from his training and had taken up his position along with his friends Richard and Orion, who took their positions alongside their mates. He still hadn’t found his mate, but he couldn’t care less in finding one. His true love was the girl he had met during his training. He loved her so much so, he considered her as his mate. They had both decided to reject their mates, when they do find them. Two months into his work as the gamma, he had to go to attend to a pack affair, to another pack, representing his alpha and friend, Orion. That was the day he found his mate. One look at her, he rejected her without any ounce of hesitation. It was his first step at defying his wolf instincts. His mate, nonetheless to say, was shocked. Within moments, the pent up tears came out and she ran away crying. To add on to it, he didn’t feel guilty about it. Later that day, when he was returning back, he felt his mate die through their bond. That was when his wolf stopped his communication with him. Later when his friends found out about the same, saying they were not a bit happy about it, would be an understatement. Orion, being the alpha, banished him from the pack. He was shocked to say the least. His only comfort was that his lover was still with h
im. He had been living as a rogue for a few weeks by then, when he finally met her. He told her about how he had met his mate and how he was banished for rejecting her, ending him as a rogue. She gave him her fake sympathy, which he blindly believed were true. He was also kept in the dark about the fact that she had known all these even before she had met him that day. Apart from that she had also found her mate, whom, unlike him, she hadn’t rejected. Her visits after that were getting less frequent. Deciding on surprising her, he went to meet her at her pack. When he did go there, he got the shock of his life. There she was, walking around in the arms of another man. She was smiling up at the man, like she had done with him. Heartbroken, he returned to the place, he called home then. As usual, when she came to visit him, after weeks, with reasons for her delay, he confronted her. She laughed at his face saying, he was her mate who was a respectable warrior of his pack, unlike him, who was a rogue. The truth slapped him on the face. She said that, now that he knew the truth, it saved her from the unnecessary visit she had to pay him in the future. Before leaving, she also added that, he had been a fool to have rejected his mate. Fool he was.

  Behind the scenes - II

  Alpha Cain

  - Chapter 37

  Cain Evans, alpha of black moon pack, had persistently requested for an alliance with the Red Moon pack, through letters and in person. Each time, he was downright rejected. One day he called for his friend, who happened to be a witch, to come by his pack to help him with a few things. He was hoping to make changes that might influence Alpha Orion to have him up on his offer. When she finally did come, she was in a hurry to leave. When he asked him what it was about, she told him that she was needed at the Red Moon pack, to attend to an important issue. Hearing the pack name triggered a lot of things inside his mind. He suggested for her to leave immediately. She thanked him and left. That night he contacted her to ask about the emergency. She filled him on how the girl, who happened to be the beta’s daughter, was possessed by a vampire. Everyone who knew about the pack knew about the friendship between the alpha and beta. She also told him that she had suppressed the vampire for the time being. Not wanting to seem suspicious, he changed the topic, asking her when she would be returning to his pack. When she came the next day, he asked her about how the girl was doing, trying his level best to not look like a dubious man, he was. When she told him that her life was potentially in danger, he asked her if there was any way to help her. Of course, in her eyes he looked like a kindhearted man, he never was. She told him about how she can be put out of his control if she killed him. She also added that it will add higher danger to her life. Hearing that, he was satisfied and a plan already started forming in his mind. He successfully persuaded her to tell them about the solution minus the danger. Though reluctant, she informed the girl’s family, the same. When the war ended, as expected, the girl fell in coma. He took his chance and declared a fight on the pack. If he could not have it by softer means, he might as well have it by force, he thought. He thought he outwitted them by taking his chance when they had their guards down. But little did he know, it wouldn’t end well for him in any ways. Conflicting to his expectations, he lost the fight along with his life. The reason Alpha Orion rejected his request, was because of the rumors he had heard about his deceitful nature. Deceitful he was.

  Behind the scenes - III


  - Chapter 29

  Emma, friend of Cain Evans, had always been there for him whenever he needed her. Just like the other times, she was on her way to visit Cain. On the way there, she got a call from Zach, asking her for a favor. Zach had once saved her life from the blood sucking vampires. Since then, she owed him a favor. He never had asked her before then, so she was surprised when the favor was not for him. Either way, she accepted to help him and asked him for the details. Once she reached the Black Moon pack, she went straight to the alpha office. People in there, already knew that she was acquaintances with their alpha, so no one questioned her presence. Once she was inside, she rushed Cain to tell her what he needed her for. Startled by her haste, he motioned for her to take a seat for a minute. He questioned her about her hurry. When she told him about the emergency, he let her go almost immediately. After dealing with the girl, she returned back to Cain’s pack. When he asked her, she told him the only solution available, something she hadn’t told anyone. At first, he seemed sincere, but within minutes he revealed his true colors. He asked her to tell them the same, minus the risk in it. First when she refused, he pleaded her. But when she continued not to be convinced, he thrust her against the wall choking her. He threatened her life, if she didn’t tell them. Dreading the loss of her life, she informed them, like how he had told. Once she did what she was told, he made her promise not to tell anyone about it. He also warned her, if she was to help the Red Moon pack in any way, her life would be ended right away. Being true to her words, she remained in the dark from then on, till she heard about Cain’s demise. Even though, he had been her friend in the past, she felt no grief in his death. He had been dead to her ever since he asked for the death of the poor girl. Knowing that no one is there to hunt her down, she came out of her hide. She asked around about how Caroline was doing. When she came to know about her state, she went to contact her leader. When she explained to her about what had transpired, her leader wasn’t in the least bit happy about it. Her leader told her that there was only one way, but that could cost her life. She agreed to it nonetheless. The following day, she started with her task, seeking the death god. The moment she exchanged her life for that of the girl, her lifeless body fell while Caroline sucked her first open mouthed breath in a while. She might have been many things, but insensitive was not one of them. Selfless she was.

  Behind the scenes - IV


  Tahliya had always been a good friend of Caroline. She had always waited eagerly for her mate, all through her life. So, the day she found her mate, she was put in misery at the fact that she could not be with him. It was the day when her dad, Orion and uncle, Richard had brought home Caroline, after her kidnap. The moment she stepped in, Noah had started shouting at Caroline. Hearing all the shouting at the living room, she had gone down to check on it. Before she reached the lower step, she was smart enough to hide her scent, because she knew she wasn’t welcome there, at the moment. While she was eavesdropping on their conversation, she felt a new presence. That was when she smelt it, a mixture of peppermint and cedar. Before a growl could rip through me, she dashed to her room. He was her best friend’s brother. She might be his mate, but his sister needed him at the moment. She decided on keeping her scent to the minimum, so that no one would find the fact that she was trying to hide it. When a few days passed, she was happy with her ability at hiding. What she didn’t expect was for someone to approach her about it, much less her best friend, amidst her own problems. Lying to her was hard, but she couldn’t tell her that she was doing it for her. She was too good a person, to live off from someone’s sacrifice. For the two months, when Caroline was put into coma, she had cried many a times, telling her how she wished for him to be there for her. The day Caroline had returned back home, she accidentally disclosed her scent. She hadn’t noticed it until her mate mentioned about it. They immediately left to have the inevitable talk. To say, he was furious, would be an understatement. But he waited for her to explain, nonetheless. Once she did, even though reluctant, he accepted to stay with the reason she had told his sister, months ago. After loads of coercing, he finally forgave her. It took lots persistence from her side, as she had to do anything and everything to satisfy him. She would do anything for her family, especially her best friend. Even, if it was to cost her, her life. For her, Caroline was the sister she never had. Crazy like that, she was.


  ✓ Caroline Dunbar

  ✓ Tahliya Jones

  ✓ Richard Dunbar

  ✓ Hana Dunbar

  ✓ Daniel Dunbar

  ✓ Orion Jones

nbsp; ✓ Melaine Jones

  ✓ Noah Jones

  ✓ Asher King

  ✓ Vampire King

  ✓ Kira Miller

  ✓ Ethan Miller

  ✓ Michael Miller

  ✓ Raden Cox

  ✓ Matthew Sharp

  ✓ Amelia Sharp

  ✓ Elijah Harper

  ✓ Olivia Harper

  ✓ Carter Lynch

  ✓ Gabriel Dawson

  ✓ Sophia Edward

  ✓ Elias Hyde

  ✓ Cain Evans

  ✓ Levi Frank

  ✓ Zachery Pierce

  ✓ Amelia Cox

  ✓ Elijah Dunbar

  ✓ Elias Dunbar

  ✓ Hana Jones




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