Art of Forgiveness

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Art of Forgiveness Page 22

by Monique Orgeron

  How can she hurt me so bad? And how can she want someone else? Especially some ugly schmuck?

  “Fine, Avery, if that’s what you want and need, I’ll give it to you. I told you I only wanted what’s best for you.”

  “Listen, Liam, I didn’t want to make you mad. I was just being honest. And while I’m being honest, I want to thank you, Liam, for everything. You were there for me when I really needed you. I don’t hate you anymore. I think we were just young, and I think I expected you to really want all those things you said to me. I wanted to be yours so bad back then. So, I believed the fairy tale. I don’t blame you for chickening out. Like I said, we were young.”

  Chickening out? What the hell? She thinks I got cold feet? I loved her more than anything and wanted her to be my wife, and if I’m honest, I still do. I never chickened out. I was protecting her. But I can’t tell her that. I have to let her go. I tried, and she still isn’t having it. She might not hate me anymore, but she won’t allow herself to love me either. I have to do what I was dreading, I have to let her go.

  I kiss her and know it’s for the last time, so I put everything into it I’ve got, then tell her one last time, “I love you, Avery. Always have, and always will. Don’t forget that.”

  I leave, waiting for tomorrow to see what the schmuck looks like. I want to see if he’s worthy of my Avery, because if he’s not, he can go the fuck back into the hole he climbed out of.



  The next morning during breakfast I think about how I told Liam to go and how I felt about Phil possibly being the one. I thought he would put up more of a fight, but he just said he wants me to be happy and left. I should have known. He says he loves me, but he has never loved me enough to keep me. Tomorrow my future could be beginning, and Liam has to remain in my past forever.

  After eating breakfast, I meet Catherine in her office.

  “Hey, you wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, Avery, come in and close the door. So, your friend is coming today?”

  “I hope that’s still all right. He could stay somewhere else.”

  “No, no. I talked to your mother, she said we can all meet tonight at the casino for supper. I made reservations for everyone tonight at eight.”

  “Thank you, Catherine. I’m sure Phil will love the casino. Is that all you wanted?”

  I go to stand, and she says, "No, there is something else. I wanted to see if you were interested in working for me on a trial basis?”

  “I’d love to, Catherine. I would do anything for you. What is it?”

  “I have a side business I operate with Fallon. I would like to bring you into it, but not now. So, I need you not to ask too many questions. Do you think you can do that?”

  “Is it legal?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “No, I guess it doesn’t, Catherine. After all you’ve done for me, I wouldn’t care how illegal it was. I hope you know I’m going to be loyal to you, no matter what.”

  “I hoped you would say that, Avery. I have some investments I would like you to look into. I feel like my man is not putting his all into his work anymore and maybe taking a pinch for himself. I need your education to be put to work and find any discrepancies. I just need you to look at the numbers and not ask questions about the people or where the money comes from.”

  “Not a problem.”

  She smiles and then starts gathering everything I need to begin my work. I think about asking her something that’s been on my mind for a long time.

  “Catherine, can I ask you something personal?”

  “We’ll see if I answer. What is it?”

  “The night I took your gun from your safe, I tried all kinds of combinations. Then I thought about one combination I might know. Liam’s birthday. Why is Liam’s birthday the combination for the lock, and not one of your other sons?” She leans back in her chair and considers whether or not to answer me. I tell her, “Don’t worry about it, Catherine, it’s none of my business.”

  I go to stand, and I hear her say, “Sit down, Avery. I’m going to tell you something that again only one other person alive knows. It’s that serious that you must never repeat it. Do you understand?”

  I nod, and she continues.

  “I told you some of my story, but not all. Later in my marriage, my husband started raping me. It was the only way he could perform anymore with me. He had to have that sick control.”

  “Catherine, you don’t have to tell me. I don’t need to know.”

  “No, I want you to listen. You put your faith and trust in me, so I’m going to trust you. One night he raped me, and I thought about killing him. I was close to doing it, but something wouldn’t let me. I think because he was my children’s father, it was the only reason I kept his sorry ass alive. I then turned on myself. I figured if I couldn’t kill him, I would kill myself. It was the weakest moment in my life. I couldn’t take the abuse anymore, and I needed one of our lives to end. I tried, Avery, I really did, but I couldn’t. That night, I cried and cried.”

  She opens her drawer and pulls out an old rosary.

  “I even prayed God would take me, I begged him to give me the strength to kill myself. But for some reason, God didn’t see fit to answer my prayers. He wouldn’t let me go down like that. Later, I found out why. I was pregnant with Liam; my sweet angel was conceived from that night. That’s why I call him my angel. He’s the reason God didn’t allow me to die that night. He sent me an angel. From the moment I found out I was pregnant with Liam, I knew I was sent here to love my children and I would survive no matter what.”

  We’re both crying now. She begins again.

  “I know Fallon told you the story of her mother and the senator. When I found out Laura was pregnant and told her, she wanted to abort the baby. I knew I couldn’t let her do that; she didn’t know yet how much love that child could bring her. But I did, because of Liam. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have been able to see my children grow up to be the men they are. I wouldn’t be here to see my grandchild. He is my angel. Do you understand? The reason I have him as the combination of that safe is because that gun was purchased for me after he was born. That gun helped me learn how to release some of my pain. Someone taught me just like I taught you.”

  “Yes, Catherine, I understand.”

  “I trust you won’t tell anyone, especially Liam. I don’t want him to know of the pain I suffered the night he was conceived, to know he came from rape. Please don’t ever tell him. I see what it did to him when he found you and saw you that way. He wouldn’t be able to be my angel anymore if he knew Avery. Never tell him.”

  “I won’t, Catherine. I understand what that could do to him, and we might not be together, but I would never let him hurt that way. He couldn’t live with that. I owe him too much to ever hurt him like that.”

  “Thank you, Avery. I hope now you can understand why I pushed you so hard. I never wanted you to be as weak as I was that night. I need you to live. Your nightmare is finished; mine lasted for years. If I could do it, so could you.”

  “I love you, Catherine, I do. You have been more of a mother to me than my own has ever been. Without you, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  I’m crying so hard now, so Catherine gets up and comes around to get me. She holds me close on the sofa and says, “I love you, too, Avery. I will always be here for you. Hush now. We have a wonderful day planned, and we are alive to enjoy it. And that’s what I plan to do.” I slow my crying, and she wipes my face, saying, “You promise me to live it to the fullest?”

  “I promise.”

  “Good. Now go, figure my books out and then get ready. I have something special for you tonight.”

  I gather the files and the hard drive she has for me to go over and leave her. In my room, I start crying again. I understand why now she pushed me so hard, and thank God, she did.



  The rest of the day goes by pretty normal unt
il Gabriel and I decide to go home early to shower and change. On the way out, we walk past the new restaurant Mom decided to open. I walk right past it and then stop.

  “What the hell?”

  Gabriel looks and says, “What’s wrong?”

  I can’t answer him. I just keep staring.

  He comes to stand on my side and then sees what I’m looking at. “Damn, Liam.”

  It’s a picture of Avery in a bathtub of apples, and she’s naked. You can’t see her private areas, but you can tell. Her legs are exposed, and the swell of her breast is on display. I start to hear people talking. We both turn to look at what all the gossip is. We both look up to see a long banner going across the whole entrance of the casino.

  Gabriel says, “Wow, did you know about this?”


  “Mom sure did outdo herself with this one.”

  The banner is huge, and it’s of Avery lying on her stomach, covered in food. All different kinds. The stupid fucking turkey is in it, covering her side breast. She posed with food covering her, but her legs are bent up in the air and she is leaning on her elbows. The turkey is the only thing covering anything. She is on full display. Okay, so it’s a side of her body, but still. For fuck sake, the side of her hip and ass cheek are on show. And she looks sexy as hell.

  I go back into the casino and notice all kinds of posters throughout the casino. All of Avery in various poses and looks. All advertising the name of the restaurant, Sin. One of the posters even has her in nothing. Her long hair is the only thing covering her privates, barely, and she’s holding an apple out, inviting people to take a bite.

  I don’t know if I’m pissed or proud. Both, I guess. I love the way she looks, and I’m proud of her for having the courage to do something like this. But I’m pissed that now everyone can see my woman looking sexy as hell. Suddenly, I become possessive. What the fuck is wrong with me? She’s not mine. She told me she wasn’t, and tonight for sure she’s not; she’s Phil’s. I don’t care how pathetic a man he might be. I hate him right now, and that’s not changing.

  Gabriel wakes me from my thoughts. “Liam, they’re fine. Leave it be, just be proud of her. Stop your fucking jealousy and be happy for her. She accomplished something here.”

  “You’re right. I know you are. I just don’t want anyone else seeing her like this.”

  He laughs. “Well, little brother, you’re a little late. Seems like everyone is noticing how beautiful she is.”

  I look around the casino, and everyone is talking and looking at all the posters.

  “Mom had no right to do this behind our back.”

  Gabriel grins. “Sure she did, she owns the fucking casino. She can do whatever she wants.”

  “Well, she’ll hear about this shit.”

  I walk past Gabriel and speed out to get home to confront her about the pictures.

  Gabriel’s not far behind me. He even tries to call me, but I ignore him. I make it home right before him. I run in and see Vin, Zander, Fallon, and Mom sitting in the living room.

  I point my finger at Mom and tell her, “You will take them down right now!”

  Zander steps in front of me. “Slow the fuck down, Liam.”

  “You hear me, Mom? I want them down!”

  Zander blocks me from getting any closer.

  Mom stands. “That’s enough. You will not come into my home and raise your voice to me demanding I do something I have no intention of doing.”

  “Why, Mom? Why would you do that?”

  “I didn’t do anything, Liam. Avery enjoyed doing the photo shoot, and she was good at it.”

  Zander looks at me and Mom, then he says, “What the hell is going on?”

  I fill him in. “Mom had Avery take her clothes off for some pictures advertising the new restaurant.”

  Zander looks at Mom, but before he can say anything, Fallon stands and says, “Liam, those pictures were tastefully done, and if you let her hear you say anything about them not being, I will make Gabriel beat your ass.”

  “Hey, baby.” Gabriel just walked in on the end. He walks up to Fallon and kisses her passionately. “I love the way you’re using me to threaten someone, even if it’s my brother.”

  Mom moves toward me and says, “I know you feel protective of her, but is it something more? Are you jealous, and maybe feeling a little possessive?”

  How does she know how I’m feeling? Everyone’s looking at me to see how I’m going to get out of this one. Everyone knows but Mom. So, it’s like they’re waiting to see me come clean. Not going to happen.

  “I’m fine. I’m not jealous or feeling possessive, but yes, I am protective. I don’t know if she was ready for something like this.”

  “She is, Liam. I would never do anything to hurt her. I thought you knew that. Tonight is a surprise for her, and I don’t want you to ruin it. Do you hear me, Liam?”

  “Yeah, sure, I understand. I’m going to go take a shower. I will see all of you later.”

  Mom grabs my arm. “Liam, leave Avery alone, she’s a little nervous about her friend coming.”

  I nod and leave the room. As I walk down the hall, I stop in front of Avery’s door and ponder if I should knock. I have my hand lying flat on her door, waiting for her to feel me out here, waiting for her to open the door.

  I finally go to my room to shower and change for the evening.



  Back downstairs, I find everyone still in the living room, and now I see Mrs. Edwards has arrived. She comes over to me and hugs me. “Liam, it’s so good to see you again. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good, Mrs. Edwards.”

  “Please call me Margaret.”

  Before I can respond, the doorbell rings. Jeffery answers the door, and a tall, well-built man walks in. Then I hear Avery scream, “Phil!” She runs into his arms. He picks her up and spins around with her. When he sets her down, he kisses her right there in front of me.

  That’s it. I’m about to storm out the room to get her away from him and kick his ass, when I feel Gabriel’s arm over my chest, “Don’t, Liam. Let it go.”

  I look at him with fury. “I thought you said he was going to be a short, ugly, and a pathetic piece of shit?”

  Gabriel smiles. “Who knew?”

  Zander jumps in and says, “Why didn’t Avery want him? Look at him. That man can get any pussy he wants.”

  I look up at Zander like I’m going to kill him. He chooses to back up real quick, with his arms raised in surrender.

  Avery walks into the room and introduces Phil to all of us. I notice she’s holding his hand. I am going to kill him.


  I’m dressed in a tight-fitted black halter top dress that has no back to it and a slit down the side. It’s sexy and classy. I grab my handbag and hear the doorbell. Halfway down the stairs, I see Phil enter. He looks like classic Phil, tight jeans, T-shirt with a baseball cap and boots to finish his usual look. He looks at me, and God I’ve missed him. I scream his name and practically run into his arms. He lifts me up and spins us around. When he puts me down he grabs my face and gives me a full kiss, which takes me by surprise.

  “Honey, you look beautiful,” Phil says as he ends the kiss.

  When I turn around, my heart almost falls out of my chest. Liam is staring straight at me, with his brothers at his side. "Shit" Phil grabs my hand, I walk with him into the living room to introduce him to everyone and my mother practically attacks him.

  He kisses her hand. “Mrs. Edwards, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I see where Avery gets her beauty.”

  My mother blushes. Phil whispers in my ear, “I told you I was charming.” I giggle, trying to hide my laughter.

  Next, I introduce him to Catherine. Phil kisses her hand and tries to charm her, but Catherine seems to be immune to his charm. But in true Catherine form, she is as polite as always.

  “Mrs. Catherine Stern, ma’am, it is a real pleasure meeting you. My father sa
ys you are the woman who runs New Orleans.”

  Catherine pulls her hand back and says, “Phillip Braun, your father lied. I run more than New Orleans. This is my state. Please inform him of his underestimation.”

  Believe it or not, they both start laughing.

  Phil tells her, “Mrs. Catherine, I do believe we’re going to get along just fine. My father will be pleased to learn about your hospitality.”

  Catherine nods. “I hope to meet your father one day. I’ve heard a lot about him.”

  I gain his attention back and introduce him to the rest of the family. He shakes everyone’s hand and charms Fallon.

  She whispers in my ear, “Damn, girl, you passed him up? You’ve been holding out on me.”

  I pinch her, and she gives me a scorned look.

  I notice when I introduce him to Liam, the handshake is forced and Liam pretty much lets it known he is not happy.

  Phil asks, “Mrs. Catherine, if you don’t mind, I’d like to freshen up and change my clothes before it’s time to leave.”

  She answers, “Jeffery will show you to your room. Your bags have already been brought up.”

  She waves to Jeffery, and Phil follows him out of the room.

  We all have a glass of wine while we wait for Phil. My mother, Catherine, and Fallon are all telling me about how handsome they think he is. I look over to Liam, and he’s staring at me, looking pissed. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but I didn’t expect him to be like this.

  About half an hour later, Phil walks back into the room without me knowing and Fallon pinches me hard. “What was that for?”

  “For that.”

  I look behind me and see Phil standing there, and God, he is gorgeous. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him in anything but jeans. He’s wearing a tailored black suit. With a black shirt and no tie, he has his first three buttons undone, and it’s enough to make every woman in the room gasp.


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