Art of Forgiveness

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Art of Forgiveness Page 21

by Monique Orgeron

  Then she tells me to touch her, and fuck if it isn’t one of the best things I’ve ever heard. I needed that permission to love her the way I want. I need her to understand how beautiful she is and how much she needs to be treasured. So, I make love to her body without being inside her. I slowly kiss every inch so she will feel how perfect she is to me. When I feel how wet she becomes, well, hell, I’m a man; there’s no more being patient. I take my woman like I want and give her all of me. I beg her to stop me, but when she doesn’t, I give in to my desires.

  When we finish, I hold her in my arms. I didn’t think I could fall in love with her anymore, but I did. Holding her is the best part. Until, of course, she decides to go down on me, she gives me the best blowjob I have ever had in my life. Oh, the things she did with her mouth. When I finish, she gets so excited that she was actually able to do it. I didn’t truly understand it until she starts talking about how they forced her. I know why she needs me now. I understand she needs something to replace everything they did. I’ll give it all to her. I decide right now I will do anything to replace every bad memory and experience she has.

  Laying here I become so torn between my love for her and her need for me. I’m in a cross between heaven and hell. Heaven because she’s in my arms, but hell because I know what brought her to me. The sadness in her voice when she starts to ask me about other men seeing her as a victim. I become pissed. Fuck other men, she’s mine for as long as she’ll have me. I have to make her understand that. I flip us over and talk her through another orgasm. I make sure to let her know I am not willing to discuss other men or be compared to them. When she cums this time, she cums harder than ever. I want her to experience everything with me first and only. Just like it was always supposed to be. I’ll make it to where no other man will ever be what she wants or needs. She has to quit hating me, sooner or later.

  Later she falls asleep in my arms. My mind starts racing, fuck, I don’t know what I want anymore. What am I doing? I’m going crazy I love her so much; do I try to keep her? Or do I still do what I know is best for her and let her go? All I know right now is I’m going to enjoy her while I have her. We will play it by ear and see where it goes. The rest, I’ll just forget about. Avery’s in my arms sleeping, and nothing else matters.

  We both wake up early, I kiss her again, but I don’t want to push the issue of having sex again. I need her to come to me for a while. Right now, I just want to show her my love. So, I take her hand and lead her to the bathroom. I run the water, waiting for it to get warm. I collect the towels we’ll need, then I take a still silent Avery into the shower with me. My shower is large, capable of giving us room without touching, but that’s not what I want. So, I begin to wash her. I start with her hair. After wetting it, I grab the shampoo and start massaging it into her hair. She lets out a small moan of appreciation. Conditioner follows, then I start to wash her body. Now I let out a moan in appreciation. I follow all her small curves down. When I come back up, she grabs my face and kisses me.

  “I need you, Liam.”


  “Inside me.”

  Oh, my girl is getting more brazen. She backs up against the wall and puts one leg on the bench in my shower. An invitation I can’t refuse. I go to her and kiss her hard, then lower to her neck. Her breathing picks up, and I lower myself to her breasts, sucking each one and taking them into my mouth.

  “Your breasts are perfect.”

  “They’re too small.”

  “No, Avery, not to me. They’re perfect.”

  I pinch her nipple hard, and she moans out. Oh, I learned something new. She likes that, so I do it again.

  Her eyes open, and she says, “Now, Liam, I need you now.”

  I don’t have to be told twice. I lift her up and make her wrap her long legs around me. I push into her hard, and she moans out louder. Damn, she’s going to be a hellcat of a lover when she frees herself from her insecurities. I don’t slow down; I keep pounding her against the wall. Fuck, it feels so good. I watch her face to see if she’s enjoying it. She is, so I go faster and harder, pounding her with everything I have. I can’t keep doing this for much longer, she hugs my cock perfectly, so I bend my head and suck her nipple into my mouth, and I even bite down. She starts to get louder. I cover her mouth with mine to keep her voice from traveling as I slide my hand over her clit. I rub it hard, then pinch. She cums all over my cock, and I explode, yelling her name, “Avery.”

  I slide her down, and we continue to wash each other, neither one of us saying much. I dry her off, and she slips her robe back on and kisses me one last time before she leaves my room. I fall back onto my bed and holler, “Fuck.” It kills me seeing her sneaking out of my room. This is where she fucking belongs, in my room with me. I shake my head and begin to dress for work.

  Once downstairs, I hear a bunch of people, so I follow the sounds. I find them setting things up in the living room. I see food, all kinds including meats, hell, even a large turkey. I see fruit and vegetables, too. There’s also apples, like, a hundred apples. And greenery, lots of vines and plants.

  “What the hell is going on?” I ask my mother.

  “Oh, hey angel, I forgot to tell you. We are doing a photo shoot for the new restaurant.”


  “Yes, Liam, here.”

  She kisses my cheek and tells me I can have breakfast in the kitchen this morning.

  I kiss her back but decide to leave and go straight to work.

  I notice Gabriel’s car is gone, too, so I guess he had the same idea.



  Today is the day for the shoot for the restaurant. Bridgette and her crew come in and make me look beautiful. They make my hair larger than normal, but it’s gorgeous and they even added some extensions. It makes me kind of miss my long hair. When they finish, I was asked to put nude panties on and nothing else but a robe. My wardrobe must be downstairs.

  Bridgette and I follow the sounds of chatter. I find Catherine and Fallon there, along with some other people who are all introduced to me as the photographer and her crew.

  I take in all my surroundings and become confused. I see a table set up with all kinds of food, then I see plants, then apples, lots and lots of apples. I don’t know what’s going on, but then I feel Fallon to my side.

  She’s wearing a big smile. “Where were you last night?”

  She takes me by surprise. “What?”

  “You heard me, Avery. I went to your room looking for you. I couldn’t sleep. I thought if you were up, we could talk, but you weren’t there. So again, where were you?”

  I look at her, and she knows, so to hell with it. “You know very well where I was, Fallon.”

  She laughs. “I sure in the hell do. I was pretty sure that was you screaming out last night, lucky bitch.”

  I slap her arm as we both laugh.

  Catherine turns and asks, “What’s going on?”

  We both answer at the same time, “Nothing!”

  She looks at us, waiting for more of an answer. When she sees we’re not going to give her one, she turns back, talking to the photographer.

  “Choo, choo,” Fallon laughs out while making the sound of a train.

  I bend down to talk to my godson. “Your mother is being very bad. You should kick her hard or something.”

  “Oh Avery, you leave my son out of this.”

  Catherine walks to us and says they’re ready for me. Then she takes a second look at me and says, “Bridgette did a wonderful job. You look radiant; your skin’s almost glowing.”

  I hear Fallon whisper under her breath, “That wasn’t Bridgette’s doing.”

  I turn my attention to her and give her a look to shut up. She simply smiles back at me.

  Ugh. “Okay, I’m ready. What are we doing?”

  Catherine wraps her arm around mine, and we walk as she starts to explain. “The restaurant is called Sin, so we’d like to do different kinds of temptation scenes. One
will be with you lying on the table with nothing on, covered in different foods.”

  “What? Catherine, I can’t do that.”

  “You won’t be exposed. You’re wearing your panties; the rest will just be a temptation to the viewer. You will be completely covered, with only subtle hints of skin showing. This will be gluttony.”

  She then walks me to the apples. “In one scene, you will be covered by apples, like from the garden of Eden. This will be a scene that describes being covered in sins.”

  We walk to the next area. “In this scene, you will look like Eve herself. We will use extra hairpieces to cover your breasts. You will be luring the audience into the restaurant, tempting them with one single apple in your hand.”

  I had no clue this is what she wanted. It sounds like a great idea and concept, but not with me as the model. I guess I should’ve asked the name of the restaurant first.

  Catherine sees my resistance and says, “Avery, look around. I made sure to get an all-woman crew here. All the men have left or are outside, none will be able to see what’s going on.”

  “But they’ll see the posters. Everyone who walks into the casino will see me like that.”

  “Yes, Avery, that’s the point. You are a beautiful, tempting woman. Look, I need you to know, I would never make you do this if I didn’t think you could.”

  I look around, and she’s right, there are no men. Even the photographer is a woman. I guess I can try. This would surely get me out of my comfort zone. I trust Catherine; she has never been wrong yet.

  “Okay, Catherine, let’s do this.”

  I bravely slip my robe off, and they start by putting me in the tub of apples. As the camera starts to snap, my nerves start rising. But then I settle into a routine. The photographer and Catherine are giving me such high praises. I start to enjoy it all. There’s even music in the background to help put me in the mood for a long day of shooting.

  Next, I’m transformed into Eve. My hair covers my breast and goes down to my inner thighs, covering my privates. Then the last scene. They lay me on the table full of food. First on my stomach, and then on my back.

  At the end of the shoot, the photographer even shows me a few of the shots from her camera. They are unbelievable. I know it’s me, but that woman in the pictures looks confident and self-assured. I know that’s how I want to feel, and I believe I slowly am. The shoot helped a lot with my confidence. Halfway through, I even quit covering myself. I became exposed to all of them in the room and didn’t care.

  Catherine says, “You see Avery how we see you. Look how strong that woman is and how beautiful she is. That’s you, Avery.”

  I feel tears running down my face, Catherine hugs me and even rocks me back and forth.

  “You’ve come a long way, Avery. I’m so proud of you.”

  She kisses my forehead then walks away.



  At work, I find Gabriel at his desk. “Hey, you left early this morning.”

  “I sure did, asshole. I figured you were busy.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Gabriel leans back in his chair and says, “I heard you in the shower, Liam.”

  “Oh shit, sorry.”

  “Yeah, well, I figured I better leave before you get me in more trouble.”

  “Okay, Gabriel, now I really don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “I woke up to Fallon throwing a pillow at my head last night. She said she couldn’t sleep and went looking for Avery. Do you know what she found? Nothing, Liam. She said Avery wasn’t in her room. Then she said she heard Avery screaming out, from your room.”

  “How the hell did that get you in trouble?”

  “Because, Liam, she wants to scream like that, too. What the hell were you doing to her anyway?”

  I laugh because shit, it’s just funny. “Obviously, what you’re not doing to your woman.”

  “Shut the hell up, Liam. It’s not like that. It’s just that she’s almost ready to have the baby, and I’m man enough to admit, I’m a little scared to hurt the baby. You know what I mean? I’m kind of large.”

  “You’re telling me? We do have the same parents and build, Gabriel.”

  “So, you see.”

  “I don’t know anything about pregnant women, Gabriel. What I do know is if you’re worried, imagine the poor women who fuck Zander.”

  “No shit!” Gabriel says, and we both start laughing. Right on cue, Zander enters Gabriel’s office.

  “Hey, what are you two laughing about?” Zander asks.

  I answer him, “We were just talking about your monster dick.”

  Zander sits down and says, “Good, I love talking about my dick. Let’s have it, how jealous are the both of you? Give it to me.”

  “Fuck off. We were just saying how Gabriel is scared now that Fallon’s ready to pop that his big dick is going to hurt the baby or her. I then made a comment about how I feel sorry for the women you fuck.”

  He looks at Gabriel and says, “You do know you won’t hurt the baby, right? I don’t think even my size would. Women are made for that kind of stuff. So, what is it, she doesn’t turn you on being pregnant?”

  Gabriel growls, “Fuck you, Zander. Of course she turns me on. I love her pregnant. I don’t know. I enjoy my wife’s body very much and I especially love it now. It’s hard to not touch her like I want. It’s my first baby, you’ll see one day what I mean. I guess I’m nervous, is all. She doesn’t want me going gentle, and I’m scared to go too hard. It just started. I love her too much to hurt her. If something went wrong, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”

  Zander then says, “So, I guess the screaming and shit wasn’t from you and Fallon then?”

  Gabriel shakes his head no and points to me. “Damn it, could everyone hear?”

  Zander slams his hand on my back and says, “I’m proud of you, little brother, but just be glad Mom’s downstairs and on the other side of the house.”

  Gabriel shouts out, “All I know is you better keep that shit down, or Fallon’s going to kill me!” Then he changes the subject. “Why did Mom switch rooms? Why does she want to be downstairs on the back side of the house?”

  I answer, “I figured it’s so she can sneak in her lover.”

  Gabriel and Zander both say, “Her what?”

  I laugh and say, “Come on, assholes. Have you seen our mother? She’s gorgeous even at her age. Don’t you see how men look at her and throw themselves at her? Neither one of you can possibly think Mom is celibate.” I go on to say, “I have a strong feeling that –”

  Gabriel shuts me up. “Stop, ugh.”

  Zander stands and says, “You can keep your fucking feelings to yourself. Mom wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t bring just any man into our house.”

  I shrug my shoulders and say, “Okay, boys, whatever you two want to believe.”

  Gabriel waves his hands and says, “I don’t want to talk about it. Now get out. I have work to do and a wife to love when I get home.”

  We leave, and I think about telling them about my suspicions. I’ve been having these feelings for a while. I think she has someone. I’m just scared of the possibility of who I think it could be. Zander will never allow that to happen.



  The rest of the week goes by fast. Avery and I have been enjoying ourselves often. Sometimes I go to her, and sometimes she comes to me.

  I’m starting to feel stronger about her. I don’t know if I can let her go anymore. All I want is for things to stay the way they are, where we have each other, and she doesn’t know the other side of our lives, but that’s a pipe dream. I can’t keep her in the dark forever.

  In the middle of the following week, she starts to feel distant, and I don’t know why. That is, until we make love, and I ask, regretting it immediately, “What’s wrong, baby? What are you thinking about?”

  “Liam, we need to slow down. My friend Phil is coming to vis
it tomorrow, and I don’t want him finding out about us. I mean, not us, but that we’ve been sleeping together.”

  What does she mean, not us? Then I realize she’s been hiding me from everyone, or at least she thinks she has. But I didn’t think she was still going to have this Phil guy come over here trying to win her heart.

  “Who is he to you, Avery?”

  “He’s just a friend, Liam. But I like him a lot, and I don’t want him to know anything about what I’ve been going through or anything about you. He might not have been what I was looking for, but I think he could be what I need.”

  “I thought you needed me?”

  “I did, Liam, but you and I both know I’m over the hump about being touched. Now I need a real life of my choosing.”

  “So, that’s it. You’re done with me. What the hell does this guy have that I don’t?”

  “My future, Liam. You had my past, and now it’s time for me to move on, to see if he’s the right one.”

  I stupidly ask without thinking it through, “You never thought about us, Avery?”

  “What do you mean, us?”

  “I don’t know, maybe we could try again. Maybe this time, out in the open.”

  She doesn’t quite laugh, but almost as she says, “Is that what you really want, Liam?”

  I don’t say anything, because yes, I do want her, all of her, but I know my life is not for her.

  Now, she really laughs. “That’s what I thought, Liam. You don’t want me, you never did. Oh, you talk a good game, but when push comes to shove, you would only break my heart again. I can’t do this anymore, Liam, none of it. So, yeah, Liam, this is what I want, a future with someone else. It was never you.”


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