The Pleasure of Pain 3

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The Pleasure of Pain 3 Page 12

by Shameek Speight

  “Don’t do what?” Yanil ask with a confused look on her face looking back and forth from Iris and her husband.”

  “You’ll see soon enough. See, we’re two different people. You want to beat the bitch's ass for fucking your man. Me, I destroy everything of that person that breaks my heart," Iris said with an attitude.

  Yanil's mind raced trying to figure out what Iris meant.


  Iris walked into the children’s room of Yanil and Amador. Even with their room door wide open, they didn’t hear what had taken place in the hallway. Amador and Yanil’s nine year old son had the 60 inch flat screen TV volume up high while playing his video games. He never saw Iris walk up behind him as he laid flat on his stomach with his little body stretched out and the game controller in his hand. Iris bent over him. Jacob felt a pair of hands grab his chin and forehead. Before he could shake free of Iris’s grip, she twisted fast and hard snapping Jacob's little neck. His body lied lifeless on the floor.

  “AHHH!” Yanil yelled and tried to run in the room, but Su-Yu stopped her by grabbing her in to a headlock then pulled her small sword out and placed it against Yanil’s stomach.

  Amador and Yanil’s eleven years old daughter, Marisol seen everything and hopped up off the floor screaming. She picked up her laptop that she was using to video chat with her friend and tossed the laptop with all her might.

  Iris raised her hand and blocked it just in time before it slammed in her face, “Uhmm, very good. You got more fight in you than your mother, young lady,” Iris said while continuing to walk towards her.

  Marisol back pedaled in fear. Her heart raced. She looked behind Iris wondering if she could get passed her and escape, but that thought quickly left her mind from seeing her mother in the hallway with tears streaming down her cheeks and Su-Yu with a knife pressed against her. Marisol turned around and looked at the huge double window and took off running. Iris looked at her puzzled and followed suit. Marisol jumped up in the air and with all her body weight crashed through the window shattering the glass. “Ahhhhhh!” she screamed while falling from the second floor landing face first on the grass. The fall knocked the wind out of her, but other than that, she was fine.

  Iris stuck her head out of the broken window and could see the little girl squirming around, “I really like this little bitch. She reminds me of myself or my ex-girls, the Teflon Divas. We would do anything to survive. I’m kind of shocked she’s related to you. She put up a better fight than you both,” Iris said while turning around looking at Yanil, “Now, should I let her live or not, hmmm?” Iris said while touching her lip with her index finger. “I like her spirit. She’s a fighter. Nope, I got to kill her for that same reason. That little bitch will come back and try to kill me in forty years. Now, we can’t have that now could we?” Iris picked up a piece of broken glass about the size of someone's forearm.

  Marisol was having trouble shaking off the dizziness feeling from the fall. Her head was pounding and spinning. Before she could get up, Iris aimed and dropped the large piece of glass on to her slamming into her back and piercing through her stomach. Blood soaked the grass and she cried tears of pain. Iris dropped two more pieces of glass. The first piece landed on her wrist shredding her hand off. “Ahhahh!” she hollered in excruciating pain just before the second piece of glass came through her back and pierced her heart.

  “NOOOO! NOOOOOOO! You bitch! You bitch!” Yanil shouted and struggled to break free of Su-Yu’s grip then felt the sharp sword enter her rib cage and come out her back. Su-Yu pulled the sword out of her back just as quickly she jammed it deep inside her. Yanil dropped to her knees and coughed up thick, red blood. A single tear traveled down her cheek on to her trembling lips.

  Iris walked over to her with a huge smile showing her pearly white teeth, “Oh no, bitch, you can’t die so fast. You caused this all on yourself," Iris said while picking Yanil up by her hair.

  Yanil groaned in pain while Iris dragged her into the room. When they reached a good place, Iris released her as if she was tossing out the trash. Yanil's eyes opened wide and she wanted to scream, but was unable. Her heart raced as her life flashed before her eyes, 'Why the fuck I just didn’t take my children and stay at my cousin's house like my instincts told me to?' Yanil thought to herself as her body went out the broken window. “Ahhhhhh,” she was able to let out a weak scream before landing on top of her daughter. The three places of long glass that were poking out though her daughter’s back now entered her body ripping through her inner organs. Blood poured on the grass like a huge bottle of red wine. Yanil’s body shocked Iris as she let out her last breath exhaling for the final time, dying with her eyes open.

  Iris and Su-Yu looked down through the broken window and laughed, “Hahaha!" Their laughter turned into giggles as they kissed deeply in lust letting out moaning sounds while they roamed each other bodies. Iris broke their embrace and stared into Su-Yu’s eyes, “You love me right and only me?” she asked.

  “Yes baby, I love you with all my heart. I love your twisted, sick mind. I even love you more than I love money, baby, and we both know I love money a lot,” Su-Yu replied while squeezing her ass cheeks. Their lips met once again and they became moist with each touch. The sound of Amador coughing mixed with him crying caught their attention. Iris walked down the hallway and looked down at him.

  “You bitch! You killed my children, psycho hoe!” Amador groaned as his tears soaked the carpet while he laid there tied up.

  “You should have known better than to cross me and give my dick away. You out of all people should have known better, period. I confided in you and thought you understood my heart. Now, it’s too late for you and too late for us. I’ll take control of your men, your home, and business. This will be my empire now dick face,” Iris said through clenched teeth. She bent down and pulled out her pocket knife. She swung twice and in a blink of an eye she chopped off his dick and balls.

  “Ahhh!” Amador hollered in pain.

  Iris dropped his dick and ball sack on the floor and moved quickly using the sheet she used as a rope, tied it into a knot, and put it around Amador’s neck. She then tied the end of it to the wooden rails on the stair case in the hallway. Su-Yu helped her push Amador and tossed him over the rail.

  “The good part about this, Amador, is that you will choke instead of bleeding to death from having no dick,” was the last words Amador had heard as his neck snapped from his body weight killing him instantaneously. “Just one more jerk to finish off,” Iris said out loud.

  She walked down the staircase, passed the living room, and walked through the patio door to the back yard. She inhaled deeply and looked up at the blue sky and fluffy clouds, “It’s a beautiful day for people to die,” she said out loud to herself.

  She walked past the pool through the yard. It seemed like the property went on forever. She sniffed the air following the smell of Cuban cigar smoke in the air. She followed the smell to her next victim. Mateo stood on the edge of the cliff smoking and looking abroad at the clean blue ocean. He squinted his eyes and could've swore he could see a few sharks swimming in the ocean. Mateo inhaled smoke from the cigar and took in all of scenery and beauty the mansion had to offer.

  The backyard on the cliff was the best for Mateo because of its view of the water that actually helped clear his mind, “How the hell do I convince Amador that trusting that bitch is bad for business and not a good idea to have her so close to the men. It’s crazy enough that they fear her more than us. And to have that bitch in the house around our family is twice as bad. Amador’s judgment is clouded by pussy. It’s up to me to handle this. Tonight while that bitch is asleep, I’ll shoot her in the head and explain to Amador why it had to be done, fuck that,” Mateo said out loud to himself then felt as if he was choking on his own blood.

  Iris had slowly creeped up behind him and stuck her knife deep into his rib cage piercing his lungs. She stepped up closer to him while doing so pressing the blade deeper inside of
him. She used her left arm to wrap around his neck squeezing her bicep choking him even more.

  'How? How did I allow myself to be caught slipping knowing a snake was in our grass?' Mateo thought to himself as he could feel Iris's hot breath on his neck while she was breathing.

  “Seems like I beat you to the punch,” Iris said and pushed the knife deeper into Mateo’s body. He trembled as her warm tongue slowly traveled up and down his neck. Anger rose up in his body from knowing he was about to die and yet his penis was rising inch by inch in his pants. “You was right on some things, Mateo, about trusting me and you killing me first. But, you were wrong about one thing,” Iris said.

  “And what was that you psycho bitch,” Mateo said with spit flying out of his mouth.

  “You said I tried to kill my own child. Wrong….that little bitch is as dead as you and so is the rest of your family,” Iris said and pulled the knife out of his rib cage and quickly sliced his neck. Iris used her right foot and kicked him in the center of his back sending Mateo hurling over the cliff. Mateo held his neck as blood gushed out of his neck. His heart pounded like someone was banging on his chest with a sledge hammer from inside of him. His heart raced uncontrollably causing Mateo to have a heart attack before even hitting the ocean.

  “Men are so weak. I swear the only thing they are good for is giving dick and half of them aren’t good for that either,” Iris said and started walking back towards the house.


  “I guess the best weapon against an enemy is another enemy,” Tess stated staring at her daughter’s body on the cold steel table in the morgue. She slowly turned her head to Isis on the other table, “My daughter and niece will not be buried in a foreign country. So make sure their bodies get shipped to Brooklyn, New York,” Tess said to a brown skinned, middle aged man.

  “Yes,” he said in fear watching Tess leave the morgue. Tess hopped into the S550 Mercedes-Benz.

  Layla sat in the back afraid to speak, 'Tess hasn’t said a word to me since all of this went down, but why should she? I failed her. She should kill me for letting her down. There is no way Iris should have been able to get that close to the babies. I should have put up a better fight or died trying. I let down the only person that truly loved and cared for me. I let down the only woman I have ever known,' Layla thought to herself as tears streamed down her face. The faster she tried to wipe them away; the faster they fell.

  Bless sat in the passenger seat not knowing how to feel. His world was crashing in and his mind ran wild, 'It all seemed so much better when I was in a coma. I woke up to find out that I have not one, but two daughters. And as soon as I got a chance to meet them, they were taken away from me. If that wasn’t bad enough, I find out that it was my closest friend that tried to kill me. Tess isn’t even the same woman I knew five years ago. She has become so strong, but less affectionate. And claims love is her weakness when love is what made us so strong. The world is nothing like I thought it would be, but I’m going to fight to make things right and fix our lives. I swear,' Bless thought to himself and turned to look at Tess while she drove. He could see the pain all in her face that she did her best to try to hide. Bless placed his hand onto her thigh for her to yank away. He didn’t know how to react, “Baby, don’t pull away from me. I know how you feel. I feel your pain,” Bless stated sincerely.

  “You feel my pain! You really think you feel my pain? I lost my best friend today. Better yet, I lost a sister. After that, I walk into a room to see my child, my sweet precious child, lying motionless, dead!” as Tess words came out of her mouth her face twisted up to sadness and despair. The tears that she tried so hard to fight began to flow, pouring down like a terrible rainstorm. “My child, my precious little girl is gone. How the fuck can you feel my pain? Did you go through eight hours of labor and push her out? Were you there when she spoke her first words or took her first step? Tell me, if you ever read her a bedtime story and hug her when she was scared. Matter of fact, let me answer those questions for you. No, you fucking didn’t! You don’t come close to feeling my pain. She depended on me to protect her and I let her down by allowing my so called best friend to kill her, the only person that loved me unconditionally!” Tess shouted and pulled the car over. She cried hysterically and the tears blocked her vision.

  The sight of seeing Tess cry broke Layla down. Tears flowed down her face knowing she’d never have the right words to ease her pain. Anger grew through Bless’s body as he unbuckled his seatbelt, turned towards her, and swung real fast smacking Tess in the face. Tess reacted before he even put his hand down punching him twice in the nose then she grabbed the same wrist of the hand he slapped her went and bent it. In the process of attacking, she pulled out her heckler 9mm out of her holster and pressed the barrel to his forehead.

  “No Tess!” Layla screamed with tears rolling down her face.

  Tess didn’t even turn her head. She just cut her eyes over to her. Layla could see the pain and rage in them even through the tears, “Don’t you dare speak to me. After all I’ve done for you, loving you like my own child, you allowed that bitch to come and kill my child and my niece. Don’t you say another fucking word to me!” Tess shouted at her causing Layla to hold her head down. Tess cut her eyes back to Bless.

  “Since you have this gun to my head, you might as well pull the fucking trigger or break my wrist because the moment you let go I’m gone slap the shit out of you again. You must have lost your damn mind to think you were the only one to lose a lot in the past few days. I lost not one, but two daughters today. Daughters that I just met! Yes, I've never seen them through their first steps, first words, or read to them, but did your forgetful ass forget I was in a motherfucking coma! Being away from ya’ll for five years in a coma was worse than even being dead just knowing I have life in my body, but couldn’t be with my family. That enough made me wish to this very day that I had died. I promised you a new future with new memories and I couldn’t keep it. Vanessa was my sister, too. And Iris was also my best friend. Five years may have past and life continued with ya’ll making you colder, better fighters, and killers, but for me, it’s like being stuck in the past. I feel like I only slept for a second and my whole life has passed. Go ahead, kill me Tess. If you don’t believe I loved my daughters, Vanessa, and my love isn’t still running through my veins for you, kill me! Go ahead, baby! Do it!” Bless shouted as tears streamed down his chocolate, handsome face.

  There were only a few times that Tess had ever seen him cry. He was the strongest man she knew and revealed his sensitive side to her. Now, she felt triple the pain knowing that she was wrong to ever question what he was going through emotionally. She released his wrist and lowered her gun crying hysterically. Bless looked passed the tears and slapped her again. He hit her so hard this time that her head flew back into the head rest. Tess dropped her gun and placed both of her small hands on her face crying into them knowing she had deserved just what he gave her. Bless took her hands off of her face and pulled her into his arms hugging her. She rested her head in his chest while she cried even harder with drool coming out of her mouth.

  “I love you, Tess. We must stay strong,” Bless said while kissing her on the top of her head.

  “There’s no more strength left in me. I’ve lost everything. My daughter was my strength. I have been strong for so many years that I just can’t do this anymore,” Tess said while crying uncontrollably.

  “Tess, you are the strongest woman I know. Don’t let this break you, baby, use it. Use it and come up with a plan like you always do. If you lead baby, I will follow. So, tell me my queen. What’s our next move?” he asked.

  Tess unburied herself from his chest and strong grip that was the only thing that made her feel safe. She used the back of her hands to wipe the tears away, “We’re going to kill them. Kill them all,” Tess said in a steady tone.

  “How? They have that crazy bitch, Iris, that knows your every move,” Bless replied.

  “I’m counting on tha
t bitch to think she knows my every move because she won’t see what’s coming next. I’m going to listen to Vanessa like I should have done the first time. We’re going to the Zoe Pound,” Tess said then pulled off in the Mercedes-Benz.


  An hour later, Tess pulled up to a road block guarded by four Haitian men armed with AK-47s. They pointed the gun at the car and Bless stepped out followed by Layla and Tess. The guards began to speak in Haitian Creole, “Kanpe desann, nete men ou moute!” telling them to stand down and hold their hands up.

  Tess replied back in Haitian Creole, “I want to see the Queen. Tell her it’s Tess, head of the Teflon Divas.”

  “No one see’s the queen and you’re armed. You can’t even get into our town like that or we’ll kill you and grind your bones!” one of the guards said speaking in English with a deep Haitian accent.

  Tess grabbed her blade whip and swung before they knew what was happening. She knocked all four guns out of their hands and one guard charged at her screaming, “Mwen pral touye ou!”

  Tess spun around and kicked him in the throat causing him to choke on his own spit. “Shut the fuck up!” she yelled. The other two guards rushed her. She swipe kicked one and grabbed the arm of the third one twisting it, breaking his arm. His bones breaking echoed in the air. “Ahhhh!” he hollered in pain. The last guard stood with his hands up. “I don’t have time for this shit. Call the queen and tell her I’m here. And remember I understand everything you say,” Tess said to him.


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