The Pleasure of Pain 3

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The Pleasure of Pain 3 Page 13

by Shameek Speight

  The guard pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and dialed a number. Someone answered on the other end and the guard began to speak in Creole. Tess paid close attention to everything he said.

  “Let’s go!” he said hanging up the phone and opening up the wooden barricade. Tess followed him leaving the other three guards still screaming in pain and Bless smirked while walking passed them.

  The Zoe’s, or better known as the Zoe Pound, was one of the most ruthless and feared gangs in the world. They were known for doing voodoo on people and using bones, that were shaved down to a powdery substance to sniff with their cocaine. The Zoe Pound feared no man. They controlled Haiti and a large part of Miami which they used to ship guns and drugs. They made a great income, but the only thing that slowed them down was the Santiago Cartel who had more connections and more henchmen. The most ironic part of the Zoe Pound was that their leader was a woman. Her name was Queen Atabei, named from a Haitian legend meaning mother of the sky.

  As they walked through the small town, Tess felt all eyes on them. Everyone in the town was born Zoe Pounds and never hesitated to kill anyone who tried to disrespect them. Tess, Bless, and Layla were lead to an old hotel with the Zoe’s watching them closely keeping their guns on them. They entered the hotel and was caught by surprise from the way interior's appearance. The inside of the old hotel was pure luxury. It had marble floors and white walls with gold trim. Tess studied the nice lobby looking for an escape route, just in case. She counted thirty men surrounding her as if they wanted to rip her head off if they had the chance. Toward the end of the lobby, there was a throne made of gold and a woman in her late thirties sitting in it. The woman had a beautiful chocolate complexion with long brown dreads that were dyed blonde at the ends, “Hmmm, the infamous Tess of the Teflon Divas. You’re even more beautiful than I have imagined. What do I owe the pleasure?” Queen Atabei asked.

  Tess looked around while listening to her keeping her eyes on the three main exit doors that had guards guarding them and the ten men that surrounded Queen Atabei. Tess smirked, “Just because a person has a gun, doesn’t mean that they’re a killer. An army of untrained people can fall to one fully trained person instantly,” Tess mumbled to herself before speaking. “We both know that beauty is dangerous, but intelligence is lethal. I came to make a deal with you and get rid of your Santiago problem,” Tess said.

  Queen Atabei giggled, “You! You’re going to help me with my problem? It seems to me that you’re the one that needs help as I see it. Most of your team is gone,” Queen Atabei replied.

  “You out of all people should know what the eyes see isn’t always true. I can wipe out the whole Santiago Cartel, but need fifty of your men to be a distraction for who I really want. I also need to buy some weapons and equipment from you. We should talk in private,” Tess stated.

  The whole time she talked, Bless and Layla made sure to stay close to her and ready for anything to happen. “Baby, I’m getting a bad vibe. Maybe we shouldn’t have come here and it’s time for us to go!” Bless said while looking around ready to pull his guns out.

  “Shhh, I got this love,” Tess replied.

  “A queen never steps off her throne to address a peasant. I don’t care who you are. I am Queen Atabei and I can almost see the price tag around your neck. The Santiago Cartel has a three million dollar contract out on you and that’s dead or alive. It was higher, but your little friend has been slowly destroying your team. Even with my differences with them, they would gladly pay me for your head,” Queen Atabei said and nodded her head at two men to rush Tess.

  Tess smirked and did a spinning round house kick. “Ugh!” the man hollered in pain as he flew sideways landing on the marble floor with a broken jawbone. Tess jumped up and kneed the other man in the chin sending him flying backwards. Bless and Layla quickly grabbed the soldiers and put them in a one arm headlock using them as shields while aiming the AK-47s they took from the other soldiers that stood in front of them. Tess leaped up in the air stepping on heads and shoulders of the soldiers guarding the queen. Queen Atabei couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched Tess run towards her using her men as steps. Before she could react, Tess front flipped and was now standing in front of her. Tess grabbed her by the dreads yanking her head sideways, “Bitch!” Tess said as she put her in the headlock using her body as a shield. The Zoe Pound soldiers went crazy screaming and cursing in Creole while pointing their guns.

  Tess pressed the barrel of her 9mm to Queen Atabei’s temple, “Tell them to calm the fuck down and remember I speak different languages to bitch!” Tess shouted.

  “What are going to do, shoot me? You’ll never get out of here alive,” Queen Atabei stated while struggling to break free.

  “I don’t want to kill you, but I will. So plan A, I’ll wire five million dollars into your account for fifty of your men and weapons. The ones that make it back will be rich and the ones that don’t their families will be well taking care of. USA currency is tripled over here so trust me, no one will have any worries. Now, you can take that or we can go with plan B. I'll kill you by shooting your fucking smart ass mouth and brains out! By me doing so your weak ass men will try to hunt me down. In the process of them doing so, I’ll lead them straight to the Santiago Cartel’s main house and a war will break out and I’ll still get what I want. So, bitch choose and do it quickly!” Tess said to her through her clenched teeth.

  “The money is tempting, but what is stopping me from taking your money, crossing you, and have the Cartel give me another three million?" Queen Atabei asked.

  Tess pressed the barrel harder into her temple, “Because, I have nothing to lose. I will kill Iris, every leader in the Santiago Cartel family, and still have time to wipe your small army. Do you really want to play around with a woman who has to bury her child? Children are supposed to bury us!” Tess shouted as tears began flowing down her face, “Bitch, if you decide to cross me after you take my money, I promise I will save you for last and kill you very slowly!"

  Queen Atabei was stuck on Tess’s words. Her mind played back as she thought of her four year old son’s face. Her son was killed in crossfire of a war between the Santiago Cartel and the Zoe Pound. Since that has happened, she kept her other two children in hiding far away from her. Queen Atabei began to cry understanding Tess’s pain. “I will help you, Tess. I will give you the weapons and army you need for your war. Just promise me one thing," Queen Atabei said as she felt her tears on her own cheeks.

  “And what is that?” Tess asked.

  “Promise to kill them all!”

  “Oh, I definitely promise that,” Tess replied while removing the gun from Queen Atabei’s temple. Queen Atabei spoke in Haitian Creole telling her men to stand down. Bless and Layla stared at Tess as she nodded her head. They let go of the men that they were holding and followed Tess to the lobby door.

  “The five million is already in your account,” Tess said just before she reached the exit.

  “Wait, wait! It’s already there? But, how did you know for sure I would agree to your terms?” Queen Atabei asked.

  “Because hell hath no fury, like a woman’s scorn,” Tess replied then walked out.


  Su-Yu kissed Iris slowly and grabbed her ass cheeks. “Who do you love?" Iris asked.

  “I love you,” Su-Yu replied meaning it, but also knowing not loving Iris fully could be her life.

  Iris smiled while staring at Su-Yu’s ivory skin complexion. She spread her legs wide and moved her to the edge of the couch. Iris grabbed Su-Yu’s small breast and let her tongue travel around her perky nipples. “Mmm baby, I like that,” Su-Yu moaned in pleasure as Iris sucked and licked taking her whole breast in her mouth.

  Boom! A loud explosion could be heard. Iris quickly stood up as five Santiago Cartel henchmen entered the house, “Boss, boss Amador! We’re under an attack!” one of the henchmen said. Then all of them stood stuck while looking up to see Amador hanging from the banister with his
dick chopped off dripping blood into a puddle on the floor.

  Iris stood there as naked as the day she was born. The five men looked over at her lusting for her body, but the look in their eyes and fear consumed them. “I’m in charge now. I am the new boss. Now, go tell the men and get everyone ready for war,” Iris ordered.

  “Si' señora,” the henchmen replied in Spanish.

  Zoe Pound soldiers ran up to the front gate firing wildly sending bullets crashing in the Santiago Cartel henchmen bodies. They knew they were outnumbered and hoped Queen Atabei didn’t send them on a death mission and that Tess’s plan would actually work. An all out war broke loose in a matter of seconds. “Ahhh!” one of the Santiago henchmen screamed while sending a spray of automatic fire into the Zoe Pound's direction. Bullets ripped through them tearing their bodies in to pieces sending blood and guts everywhere. Fearless, the rest of the Zoe Pound soldiers fought their way through the gate. They knew that they wouldn’t make it ten miles up the hill to the main house because there were over a hundred Cartel henchmen and only fifty of them. They were dropping fast, but it didn’t stop them. Two more Zoe Pound soldiers heads exploded as bullets crashed into their skulls. “Fuck this! They’re not just going to kill us off and think it’s easy,” a slim Zoe Pound killer said. He had a voice like Djimon Hounsou from the movie Amistad. He had small dreads on his head that looked like small worms and an evil look on his face that seemed to be permanent.

  “Kato, what the hell are you doing?” another soldier by the name of Sagon asked him.

  “I’m going to teach these damn fools what it means to go against Zoe Pound!” Kato replied. He ripped off his shirt while ducking low in the green jeep. He strapped a black device around his chest and grabbed a remote control with a red button on it. Kato pulled out a small Ziploc bag with bone dust and cocaine in it and poured some on the back of his hand then sniffed it up his left nostril, “Oww!” he screamed as the substances rushed through his brain, “I’ll see you in the next life brother,” Kato said and tossed the Ziploc bag to Sagon. He hopped out of the jeep and ran towards where most of the chaos was taking place, “Move! Move brothers! Run far away from me!” Kato shouted as he ran passed the Zoe Pound killers who was ducking low and hiding behind trees. He ran up the dirt hill road towards the Santiago Cartel that was killing off the Zoe Pound left and right. They noticed him running up and road and stopped shooting looking at each other confused. They started to fire at him, “Ughh!” Kato groaned in pain as bullets tore through his body, “That’s the best you can do? I barely felt anything!” he shouted while still running up the hill towards them.

  “This man is crazy! He wants to die!” one of the Santiago Cartel henchmen yelled.

  The cocaine had Kato’s body numb to the point that he barely felt anything. He finally reached a point that satisfied him and he dropped to his knees. His body was filled with over thirty holes and blood leaked out of him like a running faucet. Kato fell face first.

  “Did you see that crazy motherfucker? He just continued to run towards us with no weapon,” one of the Santiago Cartel henchmen said. Seven of them walked towards Kato’s body and flipped him over and put some more holes in his body. Kato smiled showing off his gold teeth, “Zoe Pound motherfuckers!” he screamed and pressed the red button in his hand. Boom! A large explosion went off as the C-4 exploded on his chest killing everything in a two mile radius. Sagon followed suit as he sniffed the cocaine mixed with bone dust and strapped a C-4 device to his chest. He grabbed a remote and quickly ran up the hill.

  “These fucking pendejos are crazy! They’re suicidal! Hell no!” one of the Santiago henchmen yelled and about twenty of them took off running up the hill with Sagon right on their asses. They turned back and tried to pick up speed, but it was no use. Sagon leaped up in the air locking his arms around one of the henchmen, “Zoe Pound!” Sagon shouted and pressed the button on the remote causing the explosion killing over twenty of the Santiago Cartel henchmen.

  Tess drove the speedboat as close to the cliff as possible. Bless stared at her in her dark blue, bulletproof body suit and became aroused. He grabbed Tess and turned her around to palm her ass squeezing it. Bless pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers. Tess could feel moisture between her legs and they broke their embrace from the sound of the explosion.

  “I guess that’s our signal,” Bless stated and Tess shook her head up and down then stared at him, “I know, I know, I get turned on at the weirdest times, but you look so damn sexy when you’re about to fuck someone up,”

  “Boy, let’s go. We have no time for this mess,” Tess said becoming frustrated.

  Layla and Bless, along with four Zoe Pound killers, put on black gloves with thick metal spikes on the palms and fingers. They inched towards the cliff and stepped off the boat. They slapped the cliff so hard with each hand hooking the blades inside of it that the sounds echoed through the ocean as they used their body weight to pull themselves up, scaling the cliff with ease. “I don’t why we just couldn’t fight our way through the gate like the rest of them,” one of the Zoe Pound killers said as he climbed up behind Tess sweating profusely.

  “Because we wouldn’t have gotten close to the mansion. There are over a hundred men on this property. Right now, they are all down the hill trying to make sure no one lives to see another day. No one would expect us to climb up a cliff. Tess is a genius. Trust us,” Layla said while climbing up beside him.

  Fifteen minutes later, they all reached the top of the cliff and were now standing in the huge, immaculate back yard. They stood behind large rose bushes lined up like fences blocking anyone’s view from the pool area as if they needed any blocking. The mansion sat on twenty acres of land and there were no neighbors for miles on down the road. “Ahhh! Get back! Get back!” a guard came out of the back door of the mansion screaming.

  He had his AK-47 pointed at Tess and running towards her. She patiently waited for him to get in arms reach and the moment he did, Tess swung. Slapping him in the face with the spiked glove. The spikes were jammed in to his cheek bone, "Ahh," before he could let out a full scream, Tess slapped him in the throat with her left hand. Spikes in the glove dug deep into his esophagus ripping through his Adams apple. “Uggh,” he let out a gagging sound.

  Tess showed no emotion while slipping her hands out of the gloves leaving them jammed in his face and throat. The guard dropped backwards and his body shook for a while as blood poured out of him. The Zoe Pound killer raised his left eyebrow, Damn, 'I would hate to really piss her off,' he thought to himself while removing his gloves, dropping them, and followed Tess to the back door of the mansion.

  “Ok, let’s do the plan as we discussed. Bless, I need you and the four Zoe Pound to kill anyone if they are inside then guard the front door. Make sure no Cartel henchmen gets in and remember the cliff is our escape. Just buy me enough time to kill Amador and Mateo then deal with Su-Yu and Iris. Trust me, it won’t take long,” Tess said.

  “I got you,” Bless replied and unstrapped his chrome MP5-submachine from his back.

  “Layla, I made sure that you have nothing but armor piercing bullets that'll be strong enough to even get through our Kevlar body suits. I want you to go to the roof and help Bless. If Iris somehow kill me or make it passed me, take her out. Don’t let me down!” Tess stated.

  “I won’t let you down again,” Layla said trying to fight back her tears.

  Tess stopped and turned around to look back at Layla, “I don’t blame you for the loss of Ayoyna and Isis. It was my fault. I trained you, but never forced you to do many hand-to-hand combats because of my own fears of losing you. I love you. Ayoyna was my second daughter, my flesh, and my blood, but you are my first. I raised you as my own and loved you as my own as well. Now, I’m going to need you to be strong and not let me down,” Tess said then kissed her on the forehead and hugged her tightly, “I love you my child,” Tess mumbled.

  “I love you, too,” Layla replied and could no longer ho
ld back her tears.

  Tess broke the embrace and wiped the tears off of Layla’s face, “Now, let’s show these motherfuckers not to mess with the Teflon Divas.”

  “I’m with you on that!” Layla shouted.

  “I’m no diva, but I’ll kick some ass with you,” Bless said.

  “Yeah, what he said,” a Zoe Pound killer said causeing Layla and Tess to laugh.

  “Okay, let’s stop wasting time,” Tess said and cautiously walked into the mansion removing her twin 9mm hecklers from her holster. The sound of men screaming in agonizing pain and gun fire could be heard. Tess looked around the mansion and signaled to Bless and the Zoe Pound killers to run for the front door. They passed an elegant den with paintings on the wall and nice statues of eagles everywhere. Tess slowly entered the living room where she saw the Zoe Pound killers frozen looking up towards the stairs. Tess looked up to see Amador hanging from the banister like a chandelier with his dick and balls completely chopped off. “Iris’s work,” Tess mumbled.

  The sound of a gun went off shooting one of the Zoe Pound killers in the chest blowing a huge hole into it. “Baby, I've missed you. It’s so nice to see that you’re finally here,” Iris said from the top of the banister with a pump shotgun in her hand.

  “Ahhh!” Tess screamed like an insane woman pulling the trigger of her gun. Iris leaped to the ground just as the bullets flew past her. “Go! I’m going to handle her. Layla, quit following me and get to the damn roof!” Tess shouted.

  “Oh, you can handle me now, baby. I've always thought it was me that handled you. All those nights you had cum all over my fingers and mouth. It was me in that ass, Tess.” Tess could hear Iris’s voice, but couldn’t see her.

  Bless nodded his head cautiously and left the living room. He walked towards the front door with the three Zoe Pound killers by his side. They opened the front door to see the Cartel henchmen running towards the house to investigate the gun shots. Bless kneeled down on one knee squeezing the trigger of his MP5 sub machine gun. When the gun went off, it sounded like claps of thunder.


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