The Pleasure of Pain 3

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The Pleasure of Pain 3 Page 14

by Shameek Speight

  The bullets tore through the henchmen and the meat from their legs and faces ripped off of their bodies. “Oh shit,” Bless shouted and ducked behind the door as ten other Cartel henchmen came running up the hill sending rapid fire through the house. “Uhmm, help,” Bless said to the Zoe Pound killers and watched as they broke open the large front windows and fired back.

  Tess wasted no time and took off up the stairs after Iris.

  “Wait!” Layla said following her and removing her long sniper rifle from the strap on her back.

  Layla tried her best to keep up with Tess, “Layla, don’t worry about me. Stick to the plan!” Tess shouted while running down the hallway making turn after turns as if she was in a maze.

  Layla ignored Tess and continued to try to keep up, 'I can’t let her down. I don’t care what she says. Isis and Ayoyna’s death was my fault,' “Ughh!” Layla’s thoughts were knocked out of her as the door flew open in the hallway hitting her in the face, knocking her and the sniper rifle to the ground.


  Su-Yu stepped out of the room dressed in all black. She had a black 380 handgun gripped tightly in her hand and a sword strapped to her back, “I really expected more from you Teflon Divas,” Su-Yu said pointing the gun at Layla, “I really thought it would be harder taking one of you out. All the rumors of the famous female assassins that kill so smooth and have drug lords shaking in their boots. Ha! All I see is emotional ass women that pretty much destroys themselves.

  I really hope I get the opportunity to fight Tess. I need a good fight because killing you will be like stepping on a bug for me. From what I’ve seen, you’re the weakest link and only good at shooting from miles away. Oh well, after I finish you off, I’ll see who the last one standing between Tess and Iris is. But, don’t you worry. I will kill the winner and I will be known as the woman that killed off the Teflon Divas. I really hate ya’ll bitches,” Su-Yu said and began to squeeze the trigger.

  “That’s the main thing you and everyone else have in common. You always underestimate us,” Layla said as she kicked up like a gymnast and kicked the gun out of Su-Yu’s hand. Layla rolled backwards into a handstand and flipped backwards landing on her feet.

  Su-Yu stood there stunned staring at Layla with a confused look on her face, “But, how did you do that? To move with such grace and have the strength to hold your body weight takes years of training,” Su-Yu said out loud, mostly talking to herself. Su-Yu pulled out her sword that was strapped to her back and swung it at Layla’s head while screaming. Layla used her left foot to kick up the sniper rifle and caught it with her hands holding it sideways blocking Su-Yu’s blow. Su-Yu looked shocked for the second time.

  “See that’s where you’re wrong. I’m not the weakest link. Tess just kept me away from combat and focused on training me to be the best sniper in the world. That’s why I never miss a shot, but that’s not all she taught me. Tess was harder on me than the others. She practiced with me daily on four different kinds of martial arts, but then she changed up on me and made me promise not to use them. Her reason was because she had a fear of losing me. So Su-Yu, you are about to learn not to judge a book by its cover and understand that I am not the weakest link. I am the most deadly Teflon Diva out of them all,” Layla said with a grin on her face and front kicked Su-Yu.

  Su-Yu flew backwards and caught her balance. Her heart raced seeing the sniper rifle in Layla’s hands realizing she was too far back to use her sword. 'By the time I run close enough to her, she would put a bullet between my eyes. I don’t know if that other bullshit she said is true, but I do know that bitch have incredible aim. Damn, I’m fucked,' Su-Yu thought to herself. Her eyes opened wide as she watched Layla toss her rifle to the ground.

  “I want to whip your ass for Vanessa. That was my sister and shooting you would be too easy,” Layla said with her eyes watering up.

  “That was the most foolish and dumbest thing you could have done little girl,” Su-Yu said and charged towards Layla. She leaped in the air and jump kicked Layla. Layla stumbled, but caught her balance.

  “You talked all that shit, but now I’m about to slice your light bright ass into sushi bitch!” Su-Yu shouted then swung her swords at Layla. Layla moved from side to side dodging the sword while back pedaling. “Ahhh!” Su-Yu yelled out of frustration from not hitting her. She swung again and a huge smile spread across her face when she saw Layla use her forearm to block the blow from the sword. “I’m going to chop your fucking arm off then your legs. After that I’m going to put my blade through your heart. Talking all that shit about being the best and hiding it for years, it’s all bullshit! You Teflon bitches are overrated!” Su-Yu stopped talking as she looked down at Layla’s arm noticing that it wasn’t chopped off.

  “The whole body suit is made of Kevlar bulletproof armor, bitch,” Layla said and uppercut Su-Yu in the jaw sending her falling backwards. The punch was so strong a cracking sound could be heard echoing through the hallway.

  “You bitch,” Su-Yu mumbled while holding her jaw. She wanted to scream, but could barely open her mouth. She stared at Layla in amazement, 'I can’t get beat by such a low level bitch. She’s not even a real Teflon Diva, just a damn sniper. A pussy with a gun is what this bitch is. I should be able to kick a mud hole in this bitch,' Su-Yu thought to herself.

  Layla grinned and stood with her hands up in a fighting style waiting for Su-Yu’s next move. Su-Yu charged once more and spin kicked, but Layla blocked it. Su-Yu swung her sword straight down towards the center of her head in hopes of splitting Layla’s body in half down the middle. Layla clapped her hands catching the blade in to the palm of her hands. She twisted her wrist causing Su-Yu to lose grip of the sword then front kicked her in the chest and spin kicked her in the face. “No! I can’t lose to you,” Su-Yu hollered and started sending blow after blow to Layla’s face. Layla caught each blow blocking them with ease. Su-Yu didn’t slow down her attack using combinations of punches and kicks at her.

  “Fuck this, you’re wasting my time. I have things to do," Layla said out loud. She blocked a kick catching Su-Yu’s foot then pressed a button on her left shoulder. A long spiked metal came out of a secret compartment by her elbow like porcupines. She then released Su-Yu’s foot and swung her elbow into the center of her chest. The long metal spikes connected to the suit and went through Su-Yu’s chest and out of her back.

  “Uggh, you bitch,” Su-Yu groaned while coughing up a large amount of thick, red blood.

  Layla pulled her elbow back and by her doing so she also pulled the spikes out of Su-Yu’s chest. She pushed the button on the other side of her suit making the metal spikes pop out on her right elbow, “This is for Vanessa you back stabbing hoe. You killed my sister!” Layla screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks swinging both of her elbows at rapid speed elbowing Su-Yu in the stomach ripping her guts to shreds. Layla jumped up in the air as Su-Yu looked up at her in pain watching Layla’s elbows come flying down at her. The spikes came crashing down the center of her skull all the way through the tongue and the bottom of her jaw ripping the flesh wide open. Layla tried to yank the spikes free, but couldn’t. She twisted her arm with all her might breaking the spikes free from her body armor suit and leaving them stuck in Su-Yu’s head leaving her to drop to her knees. Layla stood back and round house kicked Su-Yu in the face. The blow was so hard Su-Yu’s neck snapped and her body went flying sideways crashing into the banister. Her body fell to the floor twisted up in an awkward position. Layla grabbed her sniper rifle and took off running down the hallway. Her instincts told her to make a left and go after Tess, but she knew that she would only be a distraction. Layla made a right turn and ran some more.

  The hallway seemed like it never ended. She stopped at a huge window that was on the right side of the house facing the backyard. She strapped her sniper rifle across her back, opened the window, and slide back on her gloves with the tiny spikes on them. Layla eased her way out of the window and climbed on the house until she re
ached the roof. Once she made it to the roof, she took her gloves off and placed them back into the holster on her belt. Layla made her way to the front of the house, laid flat, and removed her rifle.

  There was an all out war taking place. The Zoe Pound killers were putting up a good fight, but the Santiago Cartel still outnumbered them. It seemed like the more the Cartel soldiers die then the more of them popped out like roaches. Layla focused her sniper rifle and took out the soldiers that were flooding the hill one by one. She was shocked to see them die so quickly with only one shot. “Damn, these armor piercing bullets are too strong,” Layla said out loud and got comfortable as she set up her aim for the next target.


  Tess had chased Iris down the hallway, but somehow lost sight of her. She heard one of the four bedrooms doors open and shut in the long hallway. Tess checked her submachine gun making sure it was cocked and loaded. She slowly crept to the first door on her left and leaned against the hallway wall. She turned the doorknob and swung the door open. Tess popped in the doorframe ready for anything and breathed at a slow pace to be able to hear any sound or movement other than her owns. She stepped deeper into the room that was designed to be a gym. Weights and weight benches along with three treadmills were in the room and a blue floor mat with mirrors on all of the walls. Flashbacks of Iris massaging her back and kissing down to her butt cheeks played through her mind, “I must push those thoughts out of my head. She is no longer the same person I loved,” Tess said out loud to herself.

  “I’m still the same person baby. I’m just tired of being second place in your life. It’s either love me or die. Better yet, I will just kill everyone that you love until you can only think of me even if your only focus is to kill me. I’ll still be on your mind, baby. Ahh!” Iris said.

  Again, Tess heard Iris's voice and turned around to see if she could tell which room it had come from. She exited the gym and kicked in the next door on her right. It was clear that it was a media room from seeing the huge projector screen that covered the back wall and the four rows of fancy leather chairs. Tess scanned the room squinting her eyes to make sure she didn’t miss anything. She heard a noise behind her and quickly turned around.

  “Aww, you’re really off of your game today, baby. Maybe it’s because of the loss of Ayoyna and Isis because you were much better, mami. I need a challenge.”

  Tess's heart raced as she heard Iris’s voice from behind her. Before she could turn around, Iris's head popped up from the second row of chairs and she squeezed the trigger of the shotgun. Bullets slammed into Tess’s back lifting her off of her feet and pushing her into the hallway. “Uggh!” Tess screamed in pain not from the bullet getting through the armor, but from the impact of the bullet burning her back. Tess quickly turned around while on the floor to see Iris zoom out of the room with the shotgun in her hand. Tess squeezed the trigger of her MP5 submachine gun and bullets sprayed out towards Iris.

  “Oh Shit!” Iris shouted and jumped to the ground, tumble rolled, and popped back up on her feet.

  Tess followed every move she made and swung the gun in her direction. Bullets slammed into Iris’s body armor suit, “Ahh!” she screamed, “Come on, baby, aim for the head. Those bullets are nothing, but love taps to this armor,” Iris said while continuing to run down the hallway.

  Tess popped up off of the floor and took flight after her making turn after turn down the long hallways. Iris stopped at the end of the hall as she noticed the open window and climbed through it. “Bitch don’t run fight me!” Tess shouted.

  “In due time, baby. Right now, I’m still focusing on killing everything you love. Chow,” Iris said.

  Tess sent a burst of automatic fire towards Iris's face. Iris's eyes opened wide and she pulled her head and the rest of her body out of the window causing the bullets to miss her hitting the walls. 'Where the hell do she think she’s going? Is this bitch running for her life or is it a trick,' Tess thought to herself.

  Bless looked up and could see Tess on the second level through the full length banister. He turned his head back around and peeped out of the front door to see more Santiago Cartel soldiers. “Damn, do they ever stop coming?” Bless shouted while sticking his submachine gun out of the door firing wildly without looking. Bullets ripped through the Cartel soldiers, but did little to nothing to stop the rest from appearing.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. I’m strapped up and ready to go,” Bless heard one of the Zoe Pound killers say while strapping C-4 explosives to his chest and the other Zoe Pound killer did the same. They both sniffed bone dust and cocaine off of the back of their hands as Bless looked at them strangely. The cocaine rushed through their system making them feel invisible and numb to pain. “Zoe Pound! Zoe Pound!” the two killers shouted and took off running out of the front door straight into the gun fire. Bullets tore through both their bodies sending chunks of flesh flying everywhere. A bullet slammed into one of the Zoe Pound killer's head as he dropped to his knees looking at his friend. They both simultaneously pressed the red button on the black device in their hands while taking their last breath. A large explosion went off destroying everything within a three mile radius. The explosion shook the foundation of the house and blew out all of the windows.

  “What the fuck?” Bless said as he couldn’t believe his eyes. He grabbed the last Zoe Pound killer, “You better not do that shit,” he said in a demanding tone.

  “Too late, I must be with my brothers,” he said while wiping the residue from the cocaine off of his nose. He took off running outside towards the Santiago Cartel. Once the soldiers saw him coming, they took off and ran the opposite direction down the hill. The Zoe Pound killer chased them and leaped in the air to press the button. When he exploded in the air, the book bag that he had on was filled with thousands of rusted nails exploded with him. The nails flew at an incredible speed in every direction entering every Cartel in sight.

  “Tess, these crazy ass Zoe Pound killers are using themselves as weapons. I have really seen some shit in my time, but never suicide bombing. I don’t who is more scared, me or the damn Cartel. All of the Zoe Pound killers we had are dead. We need backup,” Bless shouted in disbelief. More Santiago Cartel soldiers were coming towards the house helping the wounded men cover in nails screaming in agonizing pain.

  “Just hold them off, Bless. I have to stop Iris. She’s going after Layla,” Tess shouted and headed out of the window, 'This bitch won’t be satisfied until she kills everyone in my life. She took my daughter, my niece, Vanessa, and my mother. She have to go,' Tess thought to herself trying to fight back tears while climbing out of the window.


  Iris grinned as she slowly crept up towards Layla. Layla was lying flat on her stomach with the sniper rifle in front of her taking out every Cartel member that came in her sight. Iris removed her knives from her waist band that had holes in them for her index finger. She used the holes to twirl and spin the knives around with her fingers. 'I’m going to enjoy sawing this little bitch's head off. I never liked her. Tess gave this homeless bitch too much attention. She was probably trying to take my place the whole time. Tess’s pussy belongs to me,' Iris thought to herself as she closed in on Layla. A huge grin spread across her face while she was standing over Layla. Iris came down with all her might aiming for the back of her skull and missed. Her knife slammed into the roof as Layla rolled and swipe kicked Iris knocking her feet right from under her. Iris fell to the ground and popped back up in the same time as Layla did. She wasted no time in continuing her attack swinging her knives from side to side trying to slice open Layla’s neck. Layla blocked all of Iris’ blows using the sleeves of the body armor suit. Layla pressed the button on her left shoulder releasing the long spikes and extended her elbow. She spun in fast circles like Michael Jackson. The long spikes attached to her suit caught Iris off guard and sliced her left cheek open.

  “Ahhhh!” Iris hollered and stepped back to hold her face as blood gushed o
ut, “How dare you cut my face! It seems like I've underestimated you,” Iris said, “You move just like Tess! So, she has been training you on the low, huh? You little fucking hoe. But, you’ll never be as good as me young slut. I’ll teach you!” Iris shouted.

  Layla felt confident, but was not prepared for what happened next. Iris kicked her in the stomach faster than she could react. Iris kicked her in the face from the left then spin kicked her from the right. Layla felt like a kicking bag and began to see stars. She fell backwards on her back with her left eye swollen shut.

  Iris walked over her body, “Tess should have really left you on the streets where she found you."

  Layla heard Iris she screamed and opened her eyes just in time to a blade of the knife coming down on her. “Noo!” Layla screamed and raised her hands to block it. The blade of the knife went straight through the palm of her hand coming out of the other side. The knife was only inches away from her left eye. So Iris pushed her body weight down to force the knife down.

  “Yes bitch, die! I've wanted to kill you for so damn long,” Iris said through her clenched teeth. She could tell Layla was weakening and it would only be a matter of time.

  Tess panicked once she reached the top of the roof seeing Iris on top of Layla with the knife jammed into her hand and Iris close to pushing it through her skull. “Ahhhhhh!” Tess screamed while charging towards Iris scooping her off of Layla like a football player and continued to run.


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