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Hostile Vengeance

Page 14

by Tamala Callaway

  “Yes, but—”

  “Don't tell me. You don't have to. It was just a dream, and I'm not insecure anymore. I know that you only love me, and you're stressed right now,” she assured him, but wasn't as sure as she let on. She leaned in to kiss him, then noticed how tired his eyes were.

  “Did you sleep any last night?”

  “A couple of hours. It was almost daylight when I finally drifted off,” he yawned, giving in to his exhaustion.

  Symóne stood to her feet, then stepped in front of him. Her face serious, “Trevor, I need—no, we need for you to be on your 'A' game. Now, I want you to get yourself in the bed and go to sleep,” she demanded, pointing to his side of the bed.

  “But babe…”

  “No buts, Mister! Right now!” she continued to point him in the right direction.

  “I can't Symóne. Something might happen—” he was interrupted again.

  “Okay, well at least go take a shower, and let me bring you breakfast. You're not going to do anything or go anywhere until you get some rest,” she stated with finality, then waited for him to go start the shower before heading downstairs for one of his quick muscle man breakfast meals.

  While in the shower, Symóne had a talk with Julia, explaining her plans for Trevor, and explained that she and Drew could go about their day as usual, only being sure to check with the head of security on duty before leaving the house.

  After making Trevor's breakfast, she headed back upstairs with it, sitting it on the bistro table in their bedroom, then checking on him in the bathroom.

  He was drying off slowly, filled with fatigue. Most of it was due to worry, stress, and the unknown. His family, new and old, were at risk, and he wanted it to all be over with.

  “Good job, babe. Now come eat, and lets talk. Then I'm going to give you a sleeping pill,” she smirked with a raised brow, her hands on her hips and a pose that meant perilous business.

  His mouth turned up at the corners, a light chuckle escaping his throat. He reached for her and pulled her to him. His body was naked and the only thing between them was a very thin t-shirt like teddy.

  He was displaying an interest in her just that quick, and she looked him up and down, concentrating on one particular part of him, then he cleared his throat.

  “Oh, um…well, you want to eat first don't you?” she smiled guiltily.

  “Not really.”

  She drug him to the bedroom, stopping by the door, locking it in a hurry. Although his mother would wait for an invitation after knocking, Drew was another story. He would knock after opening the door first.

  Symóne crawled onto the bed, where Trevor waited, his arm behind his head, then she stopped at his legs. He reached for her, but she smacked his hand away. She kissed his stomach, then raised up to kiss his lips. She whispered to him, “You're going to sleep. I'll make sure of it if its the last thing I do.”

  Before he could respond, she had backed down and began licking all over his very aware nature. First lubing him up and down with the moisture from her mouth. Trevor's eyes closed as Symóne began to gently tug at him, wrapping her hand around the bottom of his shaft, squeezing with gentle pulsating type motions.

  He moaned and she moaned as she pleasured him as only she could. He was tensing with every jerk, his toes curling tightly as he reached for a pillow and held it tightly over his face, muffling his howls. His voice pitched as he growled into the pillow, shivering vehemently, then wheezed breathlessly, as his body was completely drained.

  Once he stopped trembling, Symóne reached up and took the pillow from him. He seemed to already be drifting off, barely able to keep his eyes open.

  “I guess you can eat later,” she giggled and pulled the covers over him, then leaned in to kiss his forehead.

  “You don't play fair,” he complained. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “No need. Mission accomplished,” she smiled, then got up and went to freshen up. She got dressed in the closet, then snorted quietly at the soft snores coming from Trevor.

  She headed downstairs with his food and put the plate in the microwave, then called to check in with Faye at the store.

  Chapter 16

  “Here we go,” she breathed. “Backpack—check! Tranquilizers—check! Gun and bullets—check! Cell phone, water, snacks, and binoculars—check! Money—double check!” Lori chimed as she drew invisible check marks in the air while tossing all the items into a durable backpack purchased from a small outlet store last night.

  She used the prepaid cell phone she'd gotten when she reached Texas and called a taxi to pick her up from the small motel where she'd slept. When it arrived, she gave him directions as they went, then asked him to drop her off at the third house from the entrance of Trevor and Symóne's subdivision. She paid the driver and tipped him well, then sent him on his way.

  Trevor's house was more than midway through the neighborhood, the fourth street on the left. Almost close to the end, not quite at the cul-de-sac, but edged it.

  She took her time, careful not to be seen by security. She took a street prior to theirs and headed off toward the end of it.

  The sun was blazing high in the sky, as it was almost noon and most of the residents were either at work and school, or inside their air conditioned homes.

  Lori darted through one of the yards that wasn't fenced in and continued through until she came upon a thick patch of trees full of prickly foliage. She'd made it. All the way to Trevor's back yard. Where no one could see her. At least not without looking past the pool, the gazebo, and a horde of topiary type trimmed bushes. She ducked behind one of the taller bushes and made herself comfortable. Not only was she shaded by the overhead of trees behind her, but the neighbors on the left, had a huge Jacaranda tree, cornering their yard as well as Trevor's.


  Julia had reached for Drew's phone, which he seemed to be willingly showing something to his mom. She appeared excited, calling out to someone. Trevor, Lori thought.

  But it wasn't Trevor. Symóne had come into view, her back arched and her hand palming her belly, now the size of a basketball. Lori sighed as nasty thoughts flooded her mind, until something else caught her eye.

  Julia stiffened. Her eyes seemed stressed. She began to look around herself cautiously. She then handed Drew his phone back, then looked as though she was sending Symóne back upstairs. Symóne looked toward the front door, but Julia demanded her attention quickly and nodded her head toward the stairs.

  Symóne started up the stairs, seemingly in a rush, then Julia called Drew and went to the kitchen. Shadows were casting off the cabinets, but there was really no clear view of either of them.

  “What the hell is going on in there?” Lori asked herself.

  She continued to watch, but everyone seemed to be off in different areas of the house. After waiting a few minutes for someone to come into view again with no luck, something caught her eye. She glanced up at the second floor and saw Trevor standing in the window, looking out over the yard.

  It didn't worry her, as she was very well hidden and shaded. Her clothes were dark, and she was practically between the very large row of thick, fairly tall hedges.

  Lori longed for Trevor, seeing him standing in the window with only a white undershirt on and a pair of blue jeans. He seemed to be lost in thought, until a pair of hands moved from behind him and trailed along his waist until they met in the middle. His hands went down and rested on top of hers, then he turned around and the curtains fell closed.

  “Soon…very soon, that will be me,” she muttered quietly. “Enjoy him while you can Symóne, because after tonight, your time is up!” she snarled through her teeth.

  A creaking noise followed by a low clang of metal, caught Lori's attention. A man in black cargo pants and a black polo style shirt had come through the gate. He moved with cautious steps, but there didn't seem to be a feel of urgency in his motions.

  Lori shrunk down, making herself as small as she possibly could, careful
not to make a sound. The man continued to walk the perimeters of the yard, looking down into the pool, stepping up into the gazebo, then looking out beyond the trees through the neighbor's back yard that connected to the Harrison's. He stood for a few minutes, only eleven feet away from Lori, and gazed around all the yards that connected to Trevor's and Symóne's. He finally took a couple of steps back and turned to head toward the house when Lori stifled a sneeze. She had pinched her nose shut and practically buried her head in the garden bed. It was quiet, but not completely silent and the man paused his step.

  Suddenly, a motor roared to life. The pool filtration equipment had kicked on and hummed quietly. The man had looked over at the system and chuckled to himself, then continued up to the patio.

  He took a seat in one of the chairs and faced the back yard and continued to watch.

  “Really?” Lori griped to herself.

  She was stuck. No motion or sound was allowed at the moment and she really hoped he would leave soon. Being crouched the way she was, was going to end up being a bit uncomfortable in the very near future.

  Twenty minutes had gone by, and her calves and thighs were screaming in protest at her squatting position. She had already slowly eased her weight down by resting on her knees, cautiously keeping her eyes on the man, to make sure he didn't see her movements.

  Luck was in her favor now. The sun was moving over the horizon, and the shade from the house was disappearing. The man would surely move to a more cooler spot to watch and give Lori a chance to re-position herself for more comfort. She was waiting, biding her time for the perfect opportunity to execute her plan.

  He did move, but ended up closer to her, taking a seat in the gazebo. Lori almost whimpered at her muscles protesting her current position. If she moved now, he would hear her and it will all be over for one of them.

  The back door opened, revealing Trevor, signaling for the security guy to come to the house. He got up quickly, and while his back was turned, Lori quickly switched up to a more comfortable position. She let out a silent sigh, then waited to see if she could hear Trevor's instructions.

  “I need you to accompany Mrs. Harrison to the store. Please do not leave her side, and be alert of your surroundings at all times. Call me when you leave the store,” Trevor ordered.

  “I wonder which Mrs. Harrison he meant? His mom, or his wife?” Lori asked herself.

  She continued to stay in her position, while the security headed around to the side of the house to meet the vehicle coming out of the garage.

  It was Trevor's Range Rover, with darkly tinted windows. “Damn it! I can't tell who's in there. I hope its all three of them. Maybe I can get him alone, sooner than planned,” she muttered to herself.

  The man got in the driver's seat and drove off, headed toward the entrance of the neighborhood. Lori put the binoculars up to her eyes and stared into the house, waiting to see any source of movement. It was ten minutes later when she saw Trevor come into the great room and turn on the television with the remote, then took a seat on the sofa, alone. He leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees and his fingers intertwined with each other.

  She realized he was watching the baseball game when he yelled out, “Come on Braves, let's do this!”

  Although he lived in Texas, he was from Georgia, just north of Atlanta, and was a die-hard Braves fan. This much she knew for sure.

  No one seemed to be in the house with him, and maybe she was right. They all went out to the store together, leaving Trevor to his baseball game in peace.

  “I think I'll get a little closer while everyone is gone,” said Lori.

  She placed the binoculars on the ground next to her backpack, then slowly began to crawl toward the far end of the yard, out of view of the patio door. Lori reached a pair of hedges that had a little more space between them and figured this was discreet enough to creep through. She was still behind the garden area beside the gazebo where she leaned forward, suddenly afraid of the vast openness. It was too bright outside, and one wrong move could blow her cover. She had come too far and planned for weeks to get to this point. “I can't risk it. It's too early and too daylight.”

  She backed up and sat back on her heels, sighing with frustration. Lori thought that this would be an easy wait, the wait for the light to turn into darkness making her invisible to the human eye from a distance.

  It wasn't until her stomach gurgled, that she realized she was hungry. Glancing back toward the house, she saw nothing unusual and turned to head back to her watch station. On her way there, she spotted a squirrel, raiding her backpack. Lori picked up her pace and tried to shoo it from her spoils, but it continued to dig. As she got closer, it hissed at her, then scurried off.

  Not that she was afraid of the squirrel, but Lori was somewhat frustrated that it had infiltrated her snack stash. She was hot, achy, and hungry. She pulled out a zipper storage bag that had trail mix in it. Earlier, before leaving the motel, she had emptied all of her snacks into a quieter source of containment as to not be heard when she opened anything.

  She slid the little plastic zipper back and began to munch, only eating one third of one of the bags, then opened a bottle of water and practically guzzled it down in one deep swig.

  “Whoo,” she breathed. “The weatherman must have lied about today's temperature. It has to be hotter than seventy-six degrees out here,” she exhaled, then looked through her pack for something to use as a makeshift fan. There wasn't anything but a couple of stacks of bills; her stolen stash of cash.

  She pulled out one of the stacks and began fanning herself. She stretched out on the bed of soil lining the topiary hedges, looking up through the shade trees at the dancing leaves blowing in the wind, allowing small segments of sunlight to glimmer through.

  Suddenly a clicking noise caught Lori's attention and she turned on her side, looking toward where the sound was coming from. The patio door was opening and she silently became excited. Trevor stepped out in his swim trunks, but her delight came to a halt when Symóne stepped out behind him. He was towing her by the hand, smiling and laughing. They both were.

  The deafening sound of her own heartbeat pounding throughout her body joined by the sounds of deeply inhaled breaths, overtook Lori. She was paralyzed with an emotion she hadn't prepared herself for. Actually seeing Trevor and Symóne, interacting so nauseatingly in love, gave her a pain in her heart that was indescribable.

  Lori worked to slow her breathing as she observed their behavior. It was nothing like what she and Trevor had experienced. With Symóne, his touches were gentle and kind. He looked at her with a love for her mind, body, and soul. When she and Trevor were together in high school, he seemed to only notice her body. He touched her with sexual gestures, more like groped her, but she didn't mind. It was mutual.

  Trevor had taken Symóne's skirt wrap from around her and lay it across one of the lounge chairs. He then pulled her to him, resting the back of his fingers on her cheek, then let it glide behind her neck under her hair where he then leaned in for a kiss.

  She giggled, then took his hand and pulled him toward the steps of the pool and they both walked down into the water. Not one moment they were together, did Trevor's hands not connect to Symóne. His back was always to Lori and he kept Symóne in front of him, as though he were shielding her.

  Lori's stomach lurched and she held her hand up to her mouth quickly to hopefully muffle any sounds that escaped her stomach and throat.

  She finally got her stomach under control and made herself comfortable.

  She exhaled silently, “Just until tonight. You can do this, Lori,” she gave herself a pep talk. Was she really ready to force Trevor into a life with her—and kill Symóne to get her way?


  Chapter 17

  While Symóne was thoroughly enjoying all the extra attention from Trevor, she had to work hard not to show worry on her face. He continuously gave her reassuring kisses and touches, almost cradling her body within his fra

  “Are you sure this is going to work?” Symóne whispered her question.

  “If she's watching, and I believe she is, she will either react, give up, or change her mind. Either way, we have a plan for anything she may be considering,” he assured her.

  “Okay,” Symóne sighed.

  Then she began massaging his shoulders, playing into his seduction, all the while her body naturally began to crave his. She knew that even with the danger at hand, it wouldn't take long to crave him completely. Her hormones were in full effect, and her body was reacting to his body being so close. She began to kiss him the way she would when they were alone.

  “You seem like you really want some of this?” he smiled, his face directly in front of hers.

  Symóne's eyes raised to meet his, the smolder, the desire, the heat radiating from her body, was all the answer he needed. He couldn't reject her—he wouldn't.

  Things began to happen, his nature growing, pressing against her body. When she felt it, the sensation of thirst increased magnificently.

  Without much noticeable motion, Trevor was pulling himself out of his shorts, raising Symóne's legs around his waist, walking her toward the wall of the pool, backing her up to it. He then reached under her, pulling her bikini bottom to the side, while simultaneously finding connection between her and himself. She was welcoming and he pulled her down until he was completely inside of her. Symóne's eyes closed as her head fell limp, and she draped her arms over his shoulders.

  He tried desperately not to make too much motion, but his excitement got the best of him. One of his arms was around her waist, and the other cupped the back of her neck. Each thrust caused waves in the water that were proof that there was something else going on between them.

  Symóne stifled her moans, biting her bottom lip as she worked to keep her face hidden by his. By habit, her hands cupped his shoulder blades, dragging her nails down his wet skin. A small whimper escaped her as the thrill of danger combined with Trevor's ability to hit her spots, even under water. She then rested her head on his shoulder.


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