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The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid

Page 21

by Peter Green

  Erhombu was way too fast for the chasing marauders. He had learned enough! Eiru had done her work and the hordes are travelling south. But she looks for MacCuill. Surely the deception will eventually be uncovered... Amergin could be in imminent danger! The ambush must work!

  The ambush had been set in the dense Oak grove of Bendigedig. Beyond that the long track to the high mountain fortress of Sliebh Mis…


  …High, high above the Woodlands of Derwydd and high above the encroaching storm front, Eiru soared revelling in the freedom of her avian form. Riding the air currents and covering vast distances searching for MacCuill. She recognised the features and tracts of land... she had been here before... she knew the significance of the Portal of Machlleth! Eiru circled higher and higher.No sign yet!

  Far, far to the west she could see a glimmer of intense, pure light. The light travelled along a lay line dotted with Bluestone standing stones. Eiru stalled and then stooped at break neck speed! Wings feathering hard, she swooped over the still dark and quiet Portal of Machlleth. She gathered height again and flew westward into the lightening sky. She saw the light being channelled towards Machlleth. Machlleth was the epicentre, the place where the veil was the closest to the mortal realm. This was where MacCuill was to be found and the place where Amergin travelled to!

  Amergin is on a mission to re-open Machlleth and save MacCuill, then to connect all the portals of the Western Province, bringing the Guardians of Light through the veil!

  Eiru was the slave of the dark one completely now... she must return to tell him all! She flew high again on the late evening thermals, soon meeting the turbulence of the encroaching storm front. Here she descended, back now in the all too familiar damp, dense mist pervading the Woodlands of Derwydd…


  MacGreinne chased Erhombu into the depths of Derwydd. Like chasing a phantom, only when the clinging particles of mist outlined Erhombu, could he be seen. MacGreinne relied on his trackers, but Erhombu was far, far quicker than his hunters. The hunters were in fact the prey. They fell directly into the ambush set in the dense grove of Bendigedig. Here the creatures of Derwydd waited...

  The first sign of MacGreinne arriving was the cool, dense mist sweeping through the grove. Then the trackers arrived falling head long in to a deep pit. MacGreinne and his hordes were stopped dead in their tracks. They were surrounded by spirits of the Woodlands, creatures of every shape and form. The hordes were pelted by sticks and stones. Poison darts tipped with a ground up paste extracted from bella donna, caused instant paralysis. MacGreinne’s marauders were routed. But they were merely the advance party. MacCuacht, the Witches and the army of lost souls were expected to follow... but they did not...


  Eiru had arrived back in the Woodlands, transforming from the eagle back to the raven haired witch in a maelstrom of photonic particles. Her dark beauty could still reach the core of the malevolent MacCuacht, “Tell me what news of MacCuill!?” Eiru related her story of Machlleth, the lay lines,the Guardians of Light and the coming of the destined one Amergin, “You have been tricked my lord, the great Portal of Machlleth is the key, not here, not Derwydd! You must not go any further south! Erhombu the Guardian of the Woodlands of Derwydd waits to ambush you!”

  MacCuacht grimaced, “MacGreinne! He must be warned!” He knew as he said this, that it was too late. The hunting party had been lost!”

  Eiru continued, “Once the Portal of Machlleth is re-opened, the Guardians of Light will pour forth. The Woodlands of Derwydd will be revitalised and the power of the enlightened ones will strengthen!” With this MacCuacht snarled into the thickening mist... the army of lost souls and the demons and denizens of the dark now marched to Machlleth...


  Amergin knelt before the great Portal of Machlleth. He sensed that the veil between the spirit world and the mortal realm was closer and thinner than ever, and more vulnerable to intrusion by the dark Sidhe than ever. The rolling, brewing storm front and the coming of the army of lost souls had forced Machlleth to be closed. MacCuill, Thiorn and the elite guard were caught in limbo, beyond the veil, in the spirit world.Now MacCuacht comes again to Machlleth! Amergin must hurry!

  He has the power to re-open Machlleth. He is one of the enlightened beings, he can position the purest of Bluestone keystones to ensure that a true connection is made. Should he fail, then MacCuacht will tear through the veil and MacCuill and Thiorn will be taken and the dark Sidhe will pour forth.

  Amergin gave thanks to the Great Spirit that Eiru’s deception had worked! They had been given time by her martyrdom. He was sure that MacCuacht was aware of the deception now, and was on his way! He had seen a White-tailed Eagle soaring high above the Woodlands of Derwydd…

  He knew that this time Eiru was under the influence of MacCuacht and he would be here soon!

  Amergin conversed withTerese, “All the elements have to be aligned... I have to be at one with the Promised Land, only then can I go beyond the veil and re-open the portal!” He held the pure Bluestone, praying before the dark and mysterious portal. He soon found himself being enveloped in a rich amber radiance. He was transported, his spirit left his mortal body and he journeyed deep in to the spirit world... his body was being caressed in to a state of blissful ecstacy. This was the place of his destiny... he travelled deeper and deeper in an amber vortex... he was joined by Sceine, “I am with you my love! Come to me!” His spirit joined with Sceine’s. His love was unbounded... he saw a shimmering vision beside him... She spoke softly, “You have the blessing of the Guardians of Light, you can journey beyond the veil with me... I will help you to open the Portal of Machlleth!” the beautiful, divine being continued, “Beware! MacCuacht arrives. We will guide you!”

  Amergin stared in to the amber cosmos of her eyes. He was soon drawn hypnotically to the dark fleck in her eye. “I am yours Sceine. I will be with you soon!” He fell deeper and deeper. In a wakeful moment he had returned to the entrance of Machlleth. He was being guided now. He picked up the Bluestone key. He noticed the quartzite veins in the shape of a palm. One by one he placed his fingertips in position. A charge pulsed through his nervous system, consciousness and awareness raised to new heights visions of Sceine flashed through his mind. The veil thinned, the Guardians of Light reached out to him...

  Suddenly! From nowhere, a bolt of earthing lightning rooted him to the ground! He could not move!

  In his peripheral vision he saw dark rolling clouds. It was as if MacCuacht controlled them, sending storm squalls tearing at the veil. The dark Sidhe tried to distract him. One wrong move, one indiscretion and they would pierce the veil.

  Amergin focussed, closed his mind... one last connection... he tried to exclude the storm. He thought pure thoughts... a vision of Sceine... she was guiding him... his heart raced... his mind opened... his body released... the final placement complete...

  From within the still dark, mysterious portal came Light. A fine tendril at first... reaching, flowing and finding a way through the veil. A faint glow from within the giant gatestones illuminated the dark, then a pulse of plasma travelling through the veil. A strange and wondrous light bathed the Western Province and the Guardians of Light poured forth. The great Portal of Machlleth was open once more. The Woodlands of Derwydd began to green again. The rolling cold mist that stultified the growth in Derwydd began to vaporise.

  Through the portal came MacCuill, trapped in limbo and now released, soon to be followed by Thiorn and the elite guardsmen. A constant source of Divine Light poured forth, the threat of intrusion by the dark Sidhe allayed... for the moment at least...


  Deep within the Woodlands of Derwydd, MacCuacht and his army of lost souls were being driven back by Erhombu and the spirits of the Woodlands. Creatures of all species and transformations pestered and harried the demons and denizens of the dark. The grip of the life extinguishing mist was loosened and every organic thing turned against the malevolent intruders.

Cuacht, the three raven haired Witches and the much depleted army of lost souls retreated Eastwards, they made for the Pass of Brachlan, en route to the high mountain fortress of Hawardden where they regathered and licked their wounds and considered the consequences of this ignominious defeat. MacCuacht cursed his sister Sceine, and his deceased father, the High King Antiem! The Western Province yet again proving to be a thorn in his ever darkening side! He was enraged and vowed to avenge this defeat. His sister will pay dearly! Once Sceine is slain, MacCuacht will be ruler of the Western Province. The island of Destiny and the mortal realm will be his!

  He summoned the three Witches. His brothers had failed him. MacCuill had betrayed him, and the foolhardy MacGreinne had been captured... “We have failed to take the Portal of Machlleth. The Sea Druid Amergin has foiled us! We have failed to take Hushinish, the Princess Sceine denied us! They are the culmination of the prophecy that says they will rule over this land together. It seems simple to me... so clear... We kill Sceine and all will be ours!”

  The Witches nodded in agreement. The mountain fortress of Sliebh Mis in the Iveare mountain range came in to their vision. Sceine was their target! They walked with MacCuacht to a ridge overlooking the Woodlands of Derwydd. Further to the South and West, the distant peak of Corran Tuathail, and beyond that Sliebh Mis. Eiru pointed to the mountain peaks famous as the home of wild White-tailed Eagles. “I will go tomorrow to join them, to survey the high mountains and find our best route. We must not be seen! Sceine is waiting for her destined one. She will not move until he arrives!”

  MacCuacht agreed, “We will send our strongest warriors from all the Provinces to battle Amergin. I will return to the fortress of Hawardden. The message will be sent throughout the land for them to gather there. From there I will lead them to the Temple of Xhara. We will take the temple and with the help of the priesthood of Xhara, drive the Milesian mariner in to the ocean!” his horribly distorted features twisted in a semblance of a smile, “You, my raven haired beauties will go to Sliebh Mis and kill Sceine!”

  They all agreed that this was an irresistible deadly pincer movement! Sceine will succumb to the witches! Even the great portals of the Western Province will be no match for them, once the priesthood of Xhara fall under the influence of the dark Sidhe! MacCuacht confirmed, “Xhara Is key to the fall of the great portals! The death of Sceine is paramount to thwart the prophecy! With these combined strategies, the balance will soon truly be shifted!”


  The following morning in the shadow of the mountains and the still rolling and brewing storm front, MacCuacht took the army of lost souls to Hawardden. Eiru, once more, took flight in an explosion of photons. She flew to the mountains and the kingdom of the eagles. Banba and Fodha waited for her return... The final dice is being thrown...


  The intertwined roots and branches of the Woodlands of Derwydd spread the news, “MacCuacht is leaving for Hawardden!” The woodland grapevine sending word as fast as sap could flow. Erhombu transformed in to the magnificent red deer stag and bounded over mountains, streams and rivers and through woodlands and forest to get to Machlleth, to be the bearer of the good news. A days journeying later he arrived at the portal. His heart stopped as he witnessed the pure radiant Light channelling along the lay line towards the Quarry of Izion and way over the horizon towards the Temple of the Sun. Heartened by this and the rejuvenation of the Woodlands, he fell to his knees,bowing his mighty antlered head and giving thanks to the Great Spirit. A tear glistened in the radiant Light and fell to the ground…

  Erhombu transformed to spirit form and was greeted by Amergin, “The Guardian of the Woodlands of Derwydd I presume!”

  “I am, and you must be the Sea Druid Amergin!” replied the proud leader of the wood spirits. Smiling appreciatively, no need for words, as they both were aware of what they had achieved. They studied one another... Amergin, the athletic, princely Milesian, tall and proud, a shock of sea bleached, golden brown hair falling over powerful broad shoulders. Erhombu, a tall, slender, willowy stature, a complexion ash coloured, with sharp angular elphine facial features. They embraced each other. “My lord, the Sea Druid Amergin, I am honoured to be in your presence! I come with the news that the dark one MacCuacht is driven from Derwydd, and at this moment returns to the high mountain fortress of Hawardden!”

  “This is the best news you have brought, Erhombu!” He introduced him to the gathered throng, “We are all one in the eyes of the Guardian of Light! They are with us always. The Western Province is the last bastion of the enlightened ones!”

  There was one who Amergin had not introduced him too…MacCuill, standing next to one of the giant Bluestones. Amergin sensed Erhombu’s nervousness. He seemed to recognise MacCuill... “Forgive me Erhombu! I did not introduce you to MacCuill. Do you know him? Do not be afeared!”

  MacCuill stepped forward. Amergin held both of them by an arm and formally brought them together. “It seems you have met MacCuill’s siblings, and see the resemblance! MacCuill has seen the Light, he is with us!” Erhombu was relieved to hear this. Amergin continued, “MacCuill deserted his brothers MacCuacht and MacGreinne. He defended the Portal of Machlleth and was forced to go deep into the limbo of the spirit world when Machlleth closed. The portal is open once more and he, Thiorn and the elite guard are released!”

  Erhombu spoke directly to MacCuill, “I have your brother MacGreinne captive! He was paralysed and put in to a deep coma in an ambush in the sacred Oak grove of Bendigedig. I believe your dark brother MacCuacht, thinks him dead!” MacCuill held Erhombu’s hand, he was still nervous... “You have my assurance that I am with you. You must watch MacGreinne carefully! Once conscious he will have the ability to commune with MacCuacht and the Witches of Hawardden! Your position will be given away and he will send demons and denizens to find you!”

  Erhombu reassured him, “He will remain in a deep coma until the antidote is given! Only the Physicians of Myddfai can administer the antidote.”

  “Be careful Erhombu!” warned MacCuill, “The infection of the dark can take the most pure and the most honest of beings!” A shudder ran down Erhombu’s willowy spine, reminding him of the foe they were up against. Even the Light from the Portal of Machlleth could not comfort him. He realised that this was only the start of the long war against the dark Sidhe. A war led by MacCuacht in the mortal realm.

  Amergin realised that Erhombu had been at the vanguard in the battle with MacCuacht. Many of the spirits of the Woodlands of Derwydd had fallen in its defence. Many had been taken and were now one of the legions of lost souls. Amergin too, felt that same shiver running down his spine...

  Amergin broke this moment of reverie, “We are in the ascendant my brothers and sisters! We must rejoice and give thanks for that!” Amergin gave the orders for a ceremony to take place. To give thanks to the Great Spirit.To welcome the Guardians of Light to the mortal realm and to remember the fallen.

  That evening in the light of a red, crimson dusk, and the radiant light pouring through the veil from the great Portal of Machlleth, they all gathered to give their thanks and their prayers to the Great Spirit. Communally they prayed for the fallen and for the lost souls. They prayed for their eternal peace …

  Later that evening Amergin conferred with Terese of the Xantha. He needed to find out from Terese her version of events, as one of the faithful Milesians who had confronted the dark one MacCuacht.

  “Give me your thoughts Terese. You are one of the most valiant of Milesian warriors. You have seen the darkness that we confront. I need your perspective to help us keep the Island of Destiny pure.”

  Terese nodded, she knows Amergin well. She knows his powers, his bravery, his honesty and his integrity. However the attritious confrontations with the dark Sidhe have tested him, worn him down. She will try to guide him, “My Lord Amergin, you must not lose sight of your destiny, the Prophecy must be fulfilled! You have brought our nation here. Milesian destiny is here! You have won many battles, lo
st many souls. Still we are with you! You lead us! Your way is our way! You must trust your judgement, trust your heart and trust the love and guidance of the one you are destined to meet. We must head south to meet the High Priestess Sceine.”

  Amergin was in awe of the beauteous Amazonian warrior, statuesque, powerfully athletic, all with elegance and style, and blessed with magical, clairvoyant powers. Terese had given him the reality check he needed. The destined meeting with Sceine, as given in the pronouncements of the ancients, is the true path... The unabating confrontation with the dark Sidhe has clouded his judgement. The truth is that he must go to find Sceine. Meanwhile he feels the connection with Scota and Milidh, who wait for his sign offshore, and his Milesian mariners who wait for him at the Temple of the Sun.

  The great Portal of Machlleth is safe for the moment. The Guardians of Light have journeyed through the veil and are in the mortal realm. The Light of the Divine radiates through the Woodlands of Derwydd. The lay line connecting the Bluestones of the Western Province is energised. Faith is restored, for the moment at least...

  Amergin thanked Terese. She has grounded him. He looks at the amazonian beauty, trained by his mother, Queen Scota, in the arts of war and of the mind. Months of travelling and endurance and lonely nights... if he was not betrothed to Sceine...They parted, he kissed her delicately on the forehead...

  That night his sleep was in a constant dream state. Lying so close to the portal, the connectivity charged his synapses, thoughts, impulses, emotions surged through him... Sceine journeyed through the veil... she was with him... just a touch and they came together. Amergin kissed her for seemingly hours, their bodies entwined, wrapped and inseparable.Dream or reality? They were in rapture. Time was meaningless. They journeyed together beyond the veil. Visions of her beauty and the Western Province raced through his mind.Visions of offshore islands, pinnacle spires and the Milesian fleet. All the great portals aligned and they travelled back in time... dream or reality?... the connectivity so intense... Sceine overwhelmed him. Her beauty, her touch... their bodies in rapture once more... they came together... they travelled back to the present... he journeyed alone back through the veil... and just as quickly, the dream was over…


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