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Crucify Thy Demons: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 14

by Grayson, Alivia

  However, I did find a woman to spend my life with, and I did commit to her. I’ve been with no one else since the day Marley came back into my life. I fucking love her, and I’m not ready to let her go just yet.

  I grab a beer out of the fridge. Marley always keeps a couple of cold ones in there for me, in case I decide to stay around to talk. It doesn’t happen often, but I need one right now. I open the bottle and drink the whole thing down in one.

  What the fuck am I doing? Marley doesn’t want me; she wants him. I’m literally tearing my hair out. I can’t make Marley stay with me, I can’t force her to be mine, but I can’t lose her either, I fucking won’t!

  All my life, all my fucking life I’ve put myself last in everything I’ve done. Everyone has always been above me, including Marley, and that’s how it should be. However, just this once I’m going to be selfish, I’m going to put it all out there for Marley. I want her to know just how I feel about her. If she still chooses him after that, then I’ll walk away and never bother her again for anything but contact with my daughter.

  “Stop that you’ll scalp yourself.” Little hands grab mine and pull them away from my hair. I hadn’t realized I was pulling so hard. “What’s going on? Why are you hurting yourself?”

  “I’m not.” I sink into one of the chairs at the table. Marley pulls one up in front of me. “Just tell me already and get it over with.”

  “Well, I didn’t want to tell you like this.”

  Fuck it!

  The chair falls the floor with a bang as I get out of it, hands in my hair again. I storm out of the kitchen. I don’t know what to do. I’m about to explode. I can’t do that; I won’t frighten Marley or Romany, so I take a breath in through my nose and out through my mouth.

  God, I’m losing her, and I don’t know what to do!

  She grabs my arm. “Please wait, Roman. I don’t know what you think is going on here, but you are mistaken. Please let me explain.”

  “Explain what, that you’re going to him? I don’t wanna hear it, Marley, I ain’t ready.”

  “Please!” She’s on her tiptoes, my face in her hands, pulling my head down slightly, forehead against mine. “Please don’t walk away from me. Please listen to me. If you love me, you’ll listen to me.”

  If I love her?

  “You know that I love you.”

  “Then listen to me.”

  Fine. If that’s what she wants.

  She pulls away from me, and I follow her to the den and take a seat on the couch beside her. “This past couple of months, I have been spending time with Marcus, with you. All the time, I was trying to figure out how I felt about the two of you. Marcus and I had been together since I was seventeen. We had our future mapped out before us.”

  I’m trying my hardest to listen to this, to be a good man, who doesn’t snap at the woman he loves, but it hard when I know how this is going to end.

  “It wasn’t until I started meeting up with him that I realized, Marcus wasn’t the man I thought he was.”

  “How do you mean?”

  Marley shrugs. “Marcus was always kinda pushy back then. He used to make comments about my height.” She laughs nervously.

  She’s short, so what? She’s fucking beautiful with it.

  “He’d complain that I didn’t wear enough makeup and that I didn’t try hard enough to dress the way he liked me to. He’d even complain that I made him look like a pervert because I didn’t even look sixteen when I was twenty-one. He’d make fun of my size, and my weight, put me down all the time, and he’d tell me I needed surgery to change my face, and my body.”

  “What?!” The anger is burning in my eyes, my veins! I know it was years ago, but Marley made him out to be fucking God himself and all the while he was nothing but a fucking bully to his woman!

  “I know how you feel about men who mistreat women, but Marcus never hit me, Roman. I don’t know; I guess it was just the way he was.”

  “Marley, tell me that he hasn’t been puttin’ you down each time you’ve met with him.” Because I will fucking kill him in the worst way!

  “He hasn’t.”

  “Has he touched you?” Marley’s eyes are on my mouth, and I can’t stop the smirk creeping across my lips. Even though all I can think about is his filthy hands on my woman, all I want is to take her in my arms, and really make her mine.

  I have no real clue what Marley is trying to tell me, whether it’s that she wants him or me, but I want her. I know right now Marley wants me just as much, I can see it in her eyes. Whatever she thinks she feels for him, it doesn’t hold a candle to what she feels for me.

  “Tell me, baby. Has he touched you?”

  “Not the way you think.” Her voice is low. She’s aroused. I bet if I slid my hand into her panties right now, she’d be soaked.

  Fuck, that makes my dick twitch.

  I know how tonight is ending. No matter what Marley has to tell me, I’m taking her to bed and making her mine one last time. Maybe forever, it all depends on the little lady in front of me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Roman cups my face with his big hand, my eyes close to the touch. God, his hand is bigger than my face. I’m so small compared to this giant of a man, but why do I feel like we belong together? Moreover, why do I like it so much when he touches me?

  He slides his thumb over my lips and my breathing hitches. “Does it feel like this when he touches you, Marley?”

  I shake my head.

  It doesn’t feel like this when Marcus touches me. Not that he’s done more than touch my face and hug me — a kiss my cheek, a peck to my lip, but nothing more.

  Nothing feels like this.


  Roman leans into me, his lips next to my ear, and my pussy is aching. Oh god, I’m not supposed to be turned on like this, but I can’t deny how he makes me feel. No one has ever made me feel the way Roman does.

  It isn’t wrong because I love him. I love him as I have never loved anyone else, and that includes Marcus.

  “Does he make your body ache the way I do?” Oh, shit.

  I shake my head again. It’s all I can do; my mouth is dry, my heart is pounding.

  However, I don’t want Roman thinking that I allowed Marcus to touch me like this. I didn’t. I know I’ve said it once, but it’s as if he didn’t even hear me.

  “He doesn’t touch me, Roman. I’ve never allowed him to touch me.” Roman looks at me, his hand still on my face, and I bite my bottom lip. “Does he kiss these beautiful lips, Marley?” He asks as he tugs my lip from between my teeth with his thumb.

  “He kissed me once, Roman. I know that he wants to again,” I can’t and won’t lie to him. “But I pull away. I feel like I’m cheating on you just talking to him.”

  I feel a tear slip from my eye. I can’t deny that when I’m with Marcus, I think about Roman and I’m uncomfortable just being there. When I’m with Roman, I think of nothing but him. Roman is the one who holds my heart. I know that now, and I love him so much. So fucking much.

  What I had with Marcus is gone. I know that more than anything. I’ll always love him in some way for the times we shared, but that’s gone now, gone and I have to move on. Roman and Romany are my future. I want to be with them.

  “He doesn’t kiss you when he makes love to you?”

  My heart sinks. Does he honestly think I’d sleep with Marcus? God, the thought makes me sick. Not because being with Marcus would make me sick, but because the idea never even entered my head. It honestly didn’t.

  Roman is my man. I’ve known that all along. That’s why I can’t bring myself to let Marcus so much as touch my face without cringing.

  “I haven’t slept with him, Roman. I haven’t since the last time we were together over five years ago. I couldn’t bear the thought of him touching me like that.”

  I take his big hand and lay it over my heart. I can’t stop the tears. What the hell have I done to this man for him to think I’d
do something like that?

  Roman has been so patient with me over these past few weeks. He moved out of our house to give me time to get my head around everything. He’s there when I need him, never pushing me to make a decision, and he always has a smile for me.

  Marcus, on the other hand, can’t wait, won’t wait, wants me to pick him and pick him now. If I needed him, he wouldn’t come to me, especially if he was at work.

  Roman would drop everything to get to me should I need him, no matter where he was, or what he was doing. Nothing is more important to him than Romany and me.

  “Why are you crying, baby? Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Why are you so good to me, Roman? Why aren’t you angry with me? Most men would never allow their woman to...”

  “I’m not most men, Marley.” I nod, I know that much. “I will not force you to be with me. I won’t be the man who makes you so unhappy that you could never truly be mine. I could keep you with me, refuse to give you up, but where would it get me in the end?”

  “Is it any wonder that I love you so much?” I smile at the look on his face.

  This man is perfect. Literally. I don’t feel confused anymore. I haven’t since I spoke to Elie, not really. I’m in love with Roman, and it’s intense love, a rare passion. A love I have never felt before.

  Yes, I loved Marcus, but I have to put the past behind me, it’s gone, not coming back. This man in front of me is everything. I’m happy. So very happy. I’m safe, and my daughter is safe because her daddy will always take care of us. I am never going to leave him. A huge weight has been lifted off my once heavy shoulders.

  I have to speak to Marcus and make him understand that we are done. What we had was good, but now it’s gone.

  I stroke Roman’s face with my fingertips and smile. Nothing hurts right now. Everything inside of me feels light. “I’m in love with you, Roman. I love you, and I want you to come home.”

  “You mean...”

  “Yes,” I nod. “I choose you. God, it’s always been you.” I throw myself at him, straddling his lap, our mouths crashing together, and I moan into his mouth. This is my man, the man I love with all that I am, and I am never going to leave him or let him leave me again.

  His hands snake down my back to my backside, squeezing my ass cheeks and causing me to moan louder. I’m shamelessly rubbing my jean-clad pussy against his obvious erection. I want him so badly right now, there is no doubt in my mind that this is meant to be.

  “Take me to bed, Roman. Make love to me, baby.”

  He growls deep in his throat, grabs me under my ass, and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck, and I’m kissing the shit out of him as he walks me to our bedroom. Our bedroom because Roman is coming home.

  He sets me on my feet next to the bed. I look up at him, nervous that he’s about to see me naked for the first time. How crazy is that? However, I was scared before, scared to show him what I hide beneath my clothes.

  As Roman reaches for the hem of my shirt, I grab his wrist, stopping him. “What is it, baby?”

  I swallow hard, breathing deep through my nose. “My body is...” I don’t know how to say it. I feel a little sick.

  “What, sweetheart?” Roman’s voice is so soothing to my ears, and he makes everything seem better and easy with the way he talks to me.

  “The things Bulldog did to me over the years I was with him,” His breathing alters, it’s deep and angry. I know he’s not angry with me, he’s mad with Bulldog for touching me. However, he’s gone now, never to return. “He scarred my body in so many ways. I’ve been scared to show you in case it turns you off.”

  Roman doesn’t say anything as he lifts my shirt over my head. I close my eyes, lower lip quivering as he touches my scars — stab wounds, bullet wound, whip marks, front, and back. I am covered in them. The ones on my belly got a little worse while I was pregnant with Romany.

  I sense Roman now standing in front of me. I’m so much shorter than him that I don’t even reach the top of his shoulder. I’m five-foot-one to his six-three.

  He takes my chin in his hand and lifts my head. “Open your eyes, baby.” I do it slowly. His beautiful green eyes are looking right through me. I love him so much. “You are beautiful, Marley.” A tear slips from my eye and down my cheek. “I love you. I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. These scars mean nothing. They’re a part of you now, baby girl. Just as mine are a part of me.”

  I nod my head and let Roman pull me into his arms. I cling to him tightly. I have nothing to be ashamed or scared of; Roman loves me just the way I am, scars and all. Marcus would never have touched me had he seen my scars. He would have sent me off somewhere to have them fixed.

  “I love you, Tallon Walker. I really do.”

  “Well, that’s good to know because I had planned on kidnappin’ you and takin’ you somewhere I could ravage you.” I laugh loudly. It’s so good to laugh. “I love you, baby, so fuckin’ much, and I have no intention of ever letting you again.”

  Roman’s lips hit mine as he strips us both until we’re naked on the bed and touching each other all over. His mouth hasn’t left mine yet, and I’m frantic to feel him inside of me after all this time.

  His mouth moves south of my body, and I’m clutching at the sheet below in anticipation. “You’re so beautiful, baby. You take my breath away.”

  Tears fall around my temples at his words because I know he means them. I needed to hear them from the man I love. They wouldn’t mean as much coming from anyone else.

  He kisses my inner thigh, my pubic bone, then his mouth is on me, and I’m falling down a spiral I can’t get off. I slide my hands into Roman’s hair and pull him closer. I need him closer. He licks me from back to front before latching onto my clit, sending me into a frenzy. I’m riding his face, calling out to the heavens, begging him to make me come.

  Roman eats me like I’m his favorite meal. My ass comes off the bed, and I scream, “I’m coming, Roman!” He murmurs his agreement, and I come so hard I see stars behind my closed eyes.

  Roman climbs my body, kissing every inch of me, my stomach, my neck, my lips. I kiss him hungrily, tasting myself for the first time in a way that makes me like it because I want to, not because someone is forcing me to.

  “I want you in my mouth, Roman.” I’ve never wanted anything more.

  Roman smirks at me as he lifts and grabs my hands. Roman pulls me to my knees. His cock is rock hard and pointing right at me. I lick my lips and bend down, taking him in my mouth. However, I’ve only got the tip in when he grabs my hair and throws me back down on the bed.

  I look at him hovering over me, and I giggle. “I can’t take it, baby. I know if you suck my dick I’ll lose it too soon, and I need to be inside you. You’re mine, Marley. I need to make it official.”

  “I will always be yours, Tallon.” He groans at my use of his real name, and he kisses me like his life depends on it. His cock is right at my opening, but he doesn’t put it in, he slides it up to my aching and swollen clit, and back down again. “Please, baby, make love to me, I need you.”

  Roman entwines his fingers with mine and holds our hands beside my head as he enters me. My eyes roll to the back of my head. He’s stretching me to the limit, and it feels so good!

  “Keep your eyes on me, baby girl. It’s just you and me here.”

  You sweet man of mine.

  Roman holds my gaze as he makes love to me. No one has ever been this gentle with me. No one has ever made me feel like the most important person in their lives. However, Roman does, he makes me feel beautiful, makes me feel like I’m truly his.

  We kiss as he moves inside of me. It’s beautiful, magical, and I don’t care who thinks I’m stupid for saying something like that. I know I’m sleeping with a biker, a bad man, but they’re just men too. They need love also.

  Yes, there are bad men out there who do bad things for reasons only they understand, and there are good men who do bad thin
gs for good reasons. My man is a good man who does bad things for good reasons.

  “Roman! Oh, god!” I’m going to come. I’m going to come so fucking hard I can hardly stand it!

  “Come, baby. Come for me. I’m right there, fuck!”

  I grind my pussy against his pubic bone hard and fast. He moves so fast I can’t stop it, I’m coming. I scream his name, my whole body going tight with it.

  “Shit, fuck!” Roman pulls out of me, his fat cock in his hand, jerking himself until he’s spilling his seed all over my pussy, causing me to groan loudly.

  Once he’s done, he sits back on his heels, hands on his thighs, body covered in sweat as he breathes hard and fast. My legs are unashamedly wide open. He’s sitting between them, looking at my cum covered pussy.

  I watch him closely to see if I can gauge his reaction. I smile to myself because I can see the lust in his eyes, and it’s all for me. Roman leans forward. I’m still shaking from my orgasm, yet he shoves two big fingers inside of me. He smirks, mischief dancing in his eyes, licks his lips, then rams me hard and fast. His fingers are moving so fast in an up and down motion that my body can’t handle it.

  “Roman, please! Oh god, what are you...” There’s nothing else I can say. I can’t speak, I can’t breathe, my muscles feel like they’re tearing.

  “You’re gonna squirt for me, Marley. All fuckin’ over me!”

  “Roman! Pull out. Pull out. Oh, god!” He pulls out just in time, and I’m squirting like I’m peeing myself. My body is contorting in ways I didn’t even know it could.

  Roman grabs my legs and forces me down onto my back. He’s covered in my juices, smirking at me, chuckling at the fact my whole body is shaking, and I’m still moaning loudly.

  Roman finally flops down beside me. I can’t even move. Literally. “Okay, baby?”


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