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Kiss of the Dragon

Page 38

by Christina James

  “I have no fear that you could ever harm a man as great as the Black Dragon of Normandy, Prince Evgenii. But I would warn you that you had better grow eyes in the back of your head if you attempt such a thing. And when you fail and end up running for your cowardly life, my Lord Draco will come for you. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after, but he will find you and he will kill you.” Bianca looked fierce for all of one moment and then she smiled smugly.

  Evgenii was stunned. Her challenge was clear. He took an unconscious step back, thankful for the dimness of the cave. It would have proved most embarrassing if this small slip of a woman knew how much her statement bothered him. If it was a bluff on her part, it was a good one, but a bluff assuredly.

  He stared at the lovely face of Bianca de Neige and understood why so many men scrabbled for her favor. Then Evgenii mentally shook himself and took several deep breaths. He could not afford to let this woman’s beauty sway him or her brave words rattle him. It was time that he put the fear of God into her. Yea, perhaps a heavy-handed threat to show her how powerful he was was what Bianca de Neige needed. He raised his fingers to stroke his trimmed beard and spoke in a mild manner, his words nothing less than a veiled threat.

  “The Dragon is far from here. It all comes down to you and me, my beauty.”

  “You filthy beast,” Bianca spoke in a too-quiet voice. The lack of affliction in her tone disturbed Evgenii more than he cared to admit. Looking closely at her, he tried to decide if she was conceding to his demand or getting ready to strike again.

  Verily, Bianca was much too furious to even think clearly. If she had been, she surely would never have been so bold as to taunt this man. He was twice her size and would think nothing of using all his strength to beat her down, to force her to submit. But the fear faded in that moment and in its place grew a slow, burning hatred fueled by desperation and self-preservation.

  “I may look like a sweet young maiden, a prize catch on the marriage market, but in truth, I am a spoiled daughter of a duke and, as such, I was instructed in the art of self-defense. I am well able to protect myself.”

  Evgenii looked at her standing in front of him in a filthy, ripped, soaking wet gown and threw back his head and laughed long and hard. His reaction to her words was not what Bianca had expected and she let down her guard as she watched him. That was a mistake. His burst of laughter cut off so fast, taking her unaware. His face twisted into a vicious snarl.

  “I am sure that there are a few things I can teach you that were left out of your education thus far.” Evgenii advanced on her, his hands moving to unfasten the jade and gold brooch that held his black wool tunic together at the neck.

  Bianca did not wait a breath longer as she edged around him, Evgenii following her every step, slowly stalking her. Even as she moved, he crowded her until she found her back against the opposite wall. She watched with growing horror as he loosened his leather belt and dropped it to the ground, all the while advancing on her like a predator going in for the kill.

  There was only one way out of the cave and Bianca knew that Evgenii would never let her get that far. A noise coming from the entrance reminded her that even if she made it past him, his men would be waiting to intercept her.

  Bianca glanced around frantically and realized she had only two choices. She could make a dash past Evgenii hoping that he could not catch her and face whatever lay outside the cave, or she could flee in the opposite direction into the darkness at the back of the cave and hope to find sanctuary there. It was not much of a choice but she had no intention of letting Evgenii beat and rape her without doing her utmost to save herself.

  Then Bianca saw the large stone lying on the cave floor just a little to her left. She glanced at Evgenii to see if he too had noticed it, thinking that if she could get to it, she could use it for a weapon. But Evgenii must have noticed her furtive glances. He smiled, as if knowing exactly what she had in mind.

  Aware that she had but a split second to react, Bianca lunged for the stone. She was small and therefore more agile and determined that she had a good chance of reaching it than he did. But she had not taken into account that Evgenii would kick out his long leg and catch her in the knees. Bianca cried out as she landed on the rocky floor, bruising her hands as well as her legs.

  “Whatever were you thinking, sweetheart?” Evgenii laughed cruelly. “You should be more careful. It would be unfortunate if you were to injure yourself in such a clumsy manner. We have yet to consummate our alliance. Please take more care of my… property.”

  Bianca scrambled quickly to her feet and took him completely by surprise by dashing toward the back of the cave, disappearing into the darkness. Evgenii’s laughter followed her sending chills down her spine as she stumbled and fell over an outcrop of rock in the dark. But she did not let that stop her. Frantically she felt around carefully with her hands and feet as she crawled away as fast as she could.

  “Do not flee, my beauty. Who knows what you might find lurking in the dark.”

  Bianca remained quiet as she listened for the sound of pursuit behind her. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before he came after her, but for now, she tried to convince herself that his voice sounded fainter. The acoustics of the cave were strange and noise, even faint noises, seemed distorted.

  Bianca crawled until she found a large boulder in her way and she felt her way around it. She squatted behind the barrier, hoping the size would offer her some protection when he came after her. She sat there nearly immobilized by the fear that coursed through her veins. Her heart thundered in her chest and she gasped for air.

  Bianca was trapped in this nightmare and as far as she could tell, there was no way out. Over the years, she had made up numerous fairy tales and stories and many times she tried to imagine what Hell would be like. But nothing could possibly compare to this real Hell in which she found herself. Sitting in the black dampness, her nostrils filled with the smell of her own fear, a madman out to capture her and wreak his own havoc on her, was much more than her writer’s mind could have conjured up. It was all much too much to be real, but there was no denying what was happening to her.

  Sitting there in the dark, her body shaking from the shock of her situation, Bianca nearly gave up all hope. She dropped her forehead to her knees and cradled her drawn-up legs with her arms for warmth and comfort. Bianca stayed that way for several moments, sending up every prayer she could think of as she bargained, pleaded and promised everything she could think of as her lips moved in silent prayer.

  Whether it was the result of her prayers or the influence of her self-preservation, Bianca felt a sense of warmth spread through her cold body, giving her the strength she needed to make one last effort.

  With scraped and bleeding hands, she searched the ground around her. She needed something large enough to do some damage when she faced Evgenii again. But her search proved fruitless. She found only useless pebbles and other bits and pieces of debris much too small to inflict any amount of damage.

  “Bianca, come out here. You cannot escape me. Come out before I lose what patience I have left.”

  Bianca refused to be drawn out to answer him as he wanted. She gritted her teeth to keep them from clattering as she fought the cold fear that gripped her. She caught a sob of frustration as she heard foot falls echoing off the walls of the cave. It would only be a matter of moments before he found her hiding place. Bianca silently cursed when she saw the splash of light brightening the dark recesses of the cave as he came closer.

  Bianca crawled as far back as she could go, stumbling into a small crevice in the floor that offered some concealment. She watched helplessly as Evgenii came ever nearer, rounding the corner with a torch, filling the back of the cave with dim light. Then he was on her and the look of triumph in his eyes made her physically ill. Desperate to keep out of his reach, Bianca crawled out of the hole and began to edge around the cold, damp walls of the cave.

  She half walked, half crawled as she eased along
the wall, never taking her eyes off the monster stalking her. At the hungry look in Evgenii’s eyes, Bianca remembered that the front of her torn gown gaped open giving him a good view of her soft white breasts and belly.

  Evgenii dropped the torch to the ground and quickly discarded his tunic. He then began undoing the laces of his breeches with fingers that visibly shook in anticipation.

  “My Beauty. Come now. I have had enough of your games.”

  Bianca froze much like a doe cornered by a hunter, paralyzed with fear. She tried to see beyond him to determine if she should make one last attempt to dash past Evgenii, thinking that she would rather take her chances with all his men than let him get his hands on her.

  Evgenii seemed to read her thoughts as if she had spoken aloud. “Do not anger me further, my sweet. You would not like to feel the extent of my rage.”

  But even as he warned Bianca against running, her hand came in contact with a sharp, jagged edge in the wall behind her. She wriggled it slightly and found that it was loose. She worked it free, nearly shouted with joy that she now at least had a weapon with which to defend herself. As fate would have it, at the same moment, Evgenii turned his head away to look behind him. It gave Bianca the opening she needed and she took her chance. She flew across the cave at him and with as much force as she could muster, she struck out.

  Evgenii was momentarily surprised by her attack, but managed to step aside and duck back. It was enough to divert the blow that had been intended for his heart. What he had not counted on was her quick reflexes when she changed the angle of her attack and the long, ragged stone pierced him at the base of his neck atop his shoulder. The stones ragged edge dug deep into his flesh ripping a gaping hole in the most vulnerable part of his neck.

  “Ahggaaa!! You little bitch! You will pay for this!”

  Evgenii’s bellow was a mixture of pain and outrage as he felt hot blood pouring down over his bare shoulder and chest. The amount of his own lifeblood as it poured hotly down his body was alarming.

  “God Almighty, what have you done?!”

  His furious words had Bianca taking several steps back. She stared at him, stunned that she had managed to do so much damage. The rock dagger slipped unheeded from her now lifeless fingers as she watched in horror as blood covered his body.

  Evgenii looked at her in shocked rage as Bianca dropped the makeshift dagger and she feared he would kill her then and there. It was when he staggered slightly that she came to life and bolted around him. But his arm shot out making a grab for her and she stumbled away from his grasp only to end up sprawled on the cold damp ground.

  It was his hands on her that had her screaming in terror. But the only sound that passed her lips was a pitiful croak as she was lifted off the ground and thrown brutally against the cave wall. The pain of his large fist connecting with her face left Bianca feeling as if her head had exploded into a million tiny pieces. She would have slid to the floor had Evgenii not fisted his bloodied hand into her hair and yanked her up.

  On the verge of a black abyss of unconsciousness, Bianca was unable to do anything to protect herself from the next blows. She made a weak effort to raise her arms to fend him off, but it was of no use. Her arms seemed to be useless as her mind faded in and out of a black haze.

  Evgenii was also weakening. Still, he had the strength to throw her from him, sending her sprawling toward the back of the cave. He would see her dead for the trouble she had caused him, this he vowed.

  Bianca, covered in blood and the bruises and scratches that he had inflicted on her, rose unsteadily to her knees and then, with great effort, to her feet using the cave wall to help her stand.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God!”

  Bianca struggled to stay on her feet. She took one painful step after the other to put as much distance as she could between her and the monster trying to kill her. She did not realize that she prayed as she moved. She anticipated a final blow that was sure to come at any moment but when none came, she turned to look behind her. What she saw left her swaying on her feet.

  In the light of a lantern being held high, she could make out Evgenii who lay on the ground, eyes wide open, in a pool of his own blood. The hand that held up the lantern belonged to a great avenging angel who stood over him.

  Draco, his sword bloodied and dripping, stood over the corpse of the faux Russian prince peering into the blackness at the back of the cave. The lantern he held high illuminated his harsh features making him look fiercer than she had ever seen him. The sight sent shivers down Bianca’s spine but she was too weak to do more than sink to the ground and sob piteously.

  She had known that her Dragon would come for her. She had known that he would come and slay the monster that sought her ruin and then her death. Bianca sobbed louder as she watched Draco move toward her as she sat on the hard, cold ground. She loved this man with her whole heart and soul, and she would trust him with her very life. She opened her mouth to call to him and then she knew no more as the blackness overtook her.

  Blissfully unconscious, Bianca was unaware of the roar of fury that echoed throughout the cave and beyond. An enraged Black Dragon had found his lady and the sight of her battered and bloodied body wrenched the bellow of savagery from his very soul as he rushed to her side. She was unaware of the gentle, tender hands that moved over her form to determine her injuries. Nor did she witness the tears that poured from his eyes, wetting his cheeks as he wrapped her in his great cloak. Teardrops fell on the woolen fabric as he gathered her close in his arms and carried her out into the moonlight.

  She did not hear the cheer that rose from the Dragon’s men as their leader appeared with his lady. Nor was she aware that when he mounted Inferno he had no intention of returning her to Castle Neige. Instead he led his company of soldiers past the beautiful Castle Neige, heading north to the shores of Normandy and his Castle of the Sun.

  * * * * *

  Happily Ever After…

  At last from his lips came the words the Fair Maid longed for,

  With his declaration of love he offered her so much more.

  His pledge wrung tears from ever eye of those around,

  Her Knight held her close and kissed her most sound.

  She told her true love he was her hearts burning fire,

  And Truelove replied that she was his one and only desire.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  At the Castle of the Sun, the marriage between Lord Draco d’Ensoleille and Lady Bianca de Neige was a small, but elegant affair. It took place on the Cliffside Pavilion overlooking the blue-gray sea just as the golden orb of the evening sun set into the distant mysterious depths of the sea. Bianca and Draco stood side by side and pledged their love for each other in the company of both family and friends who had made the long journey to see the joyous union.

  Lady Modesta and Lord Charles, along with Cynric and the rest of the Black Dragon’s men who had been left behind, arrived first, practically on the heels of the happy couple. It was not long after that Bianca’s father arrived bringing with him Sir Galen, Leia and Theron who had healed enough to make the journey.

  The great hall of the Castle of the Sun filled with a never-ending parade of friends, family and servants who insisted on coming to see their own Beauty wed her Knight in Shining Armor. The tale of her kidnapping and rescue had become a favorite story to be told and retold throughout the household. When Bianca heard it embellished with added details, she smiled in wry amusement. It was truly a better tale than the reality had been, she had to admit.

  But it was the arrival of Jabulani alive and well that left Bianca speechless, tears filling her eyes. She ran across the great hall and threw herself into his arms to weep all over his chest she was so overjoyed. Draco followed Bianca across the room and stood by, watching his wife weep all over her giant bodyguard. His eyes met Jabulani’s and he nodded his understanding. After a few moments, Jabulani extracted himself from Bianca’s embrace and set her from him.

  “I have somethi
ng to tell you, Beauty.” He reached for a young woman standing at his back and pulled her around and into his arms. “I would introduce my wife, Lina.” At the surprised look on Bianca’s face, he explained. “We have only been wed a short time, but I will be staying with her people.” A sad expression crossed his face. “You no longer need me, Beauty. You have the Dragon to keep you safe. Live your life well.” And then he motioned for Draco to come take his wife. Bianca turned into Draco’s arms and hid her face as she wept for the loss of such a great friend.

  “He will always be your friend, sweetling.” And he kissed the top of her head before leading her away to the privacy of their chambers where they spent the evening and night making love.

  The arrival of her friends and family left Bianca living in a world of joy and love but something was missing. One morning as she sat in the rose garden taking in the early morning sun she looked up and saw an old woman walking toward her out of the swirling mist of the nearby woods. She recognized her grandmother at once and, with a cry of pleasure, jumped to her feet and ran to meet her. As the two women hugged and kissed each other, Draco appeared at their side his sword in hand. He heard Bianca’s cries and had come to her aid, only to witness the happy reunion between them.

  Veryalda had made the long, tedious journey to bless the couple with her own very odd ways. The old ways, she explained.

  The only family member who was obviously absent from this special gathering was her father’s wife, Heloise. Galen explained to Bianca that the duchess had disappeared the same night that Bianca had been kidnapped. It was rumored she had been behind the plotting because she had been so jealous of her stepdaughter and she had not been seen or heard from since.


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