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Love Under Two Montanans

Page 11

by Cara Covington

  “What?” She looked at him over her shoulder, and he quickly gave her a brief kiss.

  “Condoms and lube.”

  “Oh my…looks like Jackson was a busy little bee this afternoon, doesn’t it?”

  Dale thought her blush looked adorable. “Looks like. Sweetheart, I want to fuck you while you suck Parker off. Why don’t you show him what a sexy mouth you have?”

  “In here?”

  “Mmm hmm, that’s what water sports are.” Since her nipples peaked once more, he figured she was all in with that one.

  “Yeah, why don’t I just do that little thing?”

  He stepped back to give her room. Their woman didn’t hesitate. She moved back from Parker just a little, bent over, fisted Parker’s cock, and then sucked it right into her mouth.

  Dale’s arousal shot up to the point he wondered if he’d come right then and there. “Damn, that is hot to watch.” He’d been worried that being with his brother, naked, while they both loved on their woman would turn him off. This is so not a turn-off. Dale had never been so stoked in his life. This wasn’t about him or about Parker. It was about them, loving on Jennifer Collins, joining their efforts, and their hearts, to pleasure her.

  Sweet Jenny, as Parker called her. Their woman.

  Dale kept his eyes fastened on Jenny, watching the way she sucked his brother’s cock into her mouth, and felt again how she’d lavished that same attention earlier on his.

  It took only a moment for him to suit up. He took the time to uncap the lubricant and laid it back on the shelf where it was within easy reach. And then he put his hands on her.

  He stroked one hand down her back, marveling at how soft, yet strong she felt under his touch. The heat of her, the fragrance of her skin, and the scent of her nectar mixed with the steam of the shower and perfumed the air.

  He inhaled the combined aroma of woman and needy pussy, and his cock trembled.

  Dale reached around and caressed her breasts. He pinched her nipples, recalling how hot she’d become earlier with that. His right hand stayed on her breasts, alternating between them, but with his left, he petted her, heading southward until his fingers brushed the hot, swollen and very wet lips of her pussy.

  He pulled and pinched her nipples with one hand and then delved with the fingers of the other. Jenny moaned and gifted him with even more of her honeyed nectar. She was wet and ready for him.

  Dale took his cock in hand and positioned it at the center of her wet heat. He bent over, kissed her shoulder, and thrust his hips forward. In one smooth move, he sank balls deep into her hot, wet sheath.


  “Holy fuck.”

  “I hear you, brother.” Dale grinned as Parker reacted to the sound vibration from Jenny’s moan on his dick and cupped Jenny’s head. I know exactly how he feels. His woman’s scream around his cock had yanked his cum right out of him. The excitement continues. Dale was so fucking horny his eyes crossed. It was all he could do not to rut in Jenny’s sweet pussy. He knew he was close, and looking at the way Parker seemed to be shaking, he was close, too.

  It was his delightful duty to get Jenny on that exact same plane of being with them. Let’s all get on the platform and jump off together.

  Dale kept his thrusts slow and measured and kept one hand on his woman’s hip while he used the other to reach up and grasp the tube of lube.

  He aimed and squeezed and grinned when the long stream of gel landed right between the cheeks of her amazing ass.

  Jenny jerked, clearly startled. She released Parker’s cock and looked over her shoulder at him. He grinned, raised his eyebrows twice, quickly, then nodded toward Parker. “Put that mouth back on his cock, sweetheart. I’m about to make you fly. We’ll all fly, together.”

  As soon as Jenny turned back to Parker, Dale resumed thrusting, and this time, he used the fingers of his right hand to smooth the lube over her anus. She shivered as he worked. Her pussy drenched him with more of her juices, and he did a little shivering himself.

  “You feel so good, sweetheart. Hot. Wet. Ours.” As his rhythm increased, he used one index finger to press against Jenny’s anus while he slid his left hand around to her pussy so his fingers teased her clit. She began to bounce back against him, and the sound of her whimpers felt as if she’d stroked them right down his own cock. Her tiny rosebud began to stretch.

  “Now! Yes, here it comes.” Parker’s words sounded terse, and Dale could no longer hold back his own climax.

  He drew his left arm tighter as his finger and thumb pinched her clit at the same time he pushed his other finger past her sphincter and deep into her rectum.

  Beneath him, Jenny screamed in time to his ejaculation. Her cunt grabbed, spasmed, and bathed his cock in her sweet release. Dale came so hard he wondered if the thrill, the beauty, and the force of coming would make him pass out.

  * * * *

  Jenny sighed then jerked, coming awake in an explosive flash that made her feel disoriented. Sitting up in bed, she tried to clear her head. She’d been warm, snuggled, and very happy lying naked between Parker and Dale, and then she was…what? Something had awakened her, and she didn’t know what it was.

  “It’s okay, sweet Jenny. Laci gave you an extra day off, remember?”

  She let herself flop back onto the pillow. That was it. My internal alarm clock just went off.

  “I didn’t remember that, but I do, now.” She sighed. “Sorry I woke you.”

  “You didn’t wake me,” Parker said. “I was just lying here, enjoying the moment. Still am.”

  “What he said.” Dale’s voice didn’t sound sleepy at all.

  Both men turned onto their sides, propped up their heads, and looked down at her. “How are you feeling, baby?” Parker’s eyes held such tenderness Jenny felt her throat go tight.

  “Warm, rested, and very content.”

  “Are you sore, sweetheart?”

  Jenny turned her head just enough to meet Dale’s gaze. She nearly tossed off the question but took a moment, instead, to think about it. “Tender. I’m not used to…” What do I call it?

  She sensed a waiting, so she forged ahead and prayed she wasn’t making a huge mistake. “I’m not used to making love like that.”

  “Like how?” Parker asked.

  Emboldened now, she pressed forward. “Like I really mean it.”

  Both men grinned at her as if she’d given them the exact right answer.

  “Do you know what we’d like to do right now?” Dale’s question, asked with that trace of devilry, made her own smile blossom.

  “No, what?”

  He blushed and then looked over at his brother. Parker nodded then grinned down at her. “Let’s go downstairs and work together on making ourselves supper. We missed lunch, and we’re not going anywhere until tomorrow. Are we?”

  “I don’t want to leave this house until I absolutely have to,” Jenny said.

  “Good. We’ve never lived with a woman, either of us. And making supper together…” Dale leaned down and kissed her lightly. “Making supper, the three of us, will be another kind of intimacy. Not sexual, but definitely sensual.”

  “Emotional intimacy,” Jenny said. She hadn’t dated extensively but knew from listening to various friends and coworkers over the years that emotional anything wasn’t what a lot of men wanted to talk about with the women they were dating, let alone display it.

  Her heart felt full to bursting. Parker laid his grin on hers, and then he sighed. “Exactly. We’ve made sexual magic in the bedroom. Let’s go make gastronomic magic in the kitchen.”

  “As long as one of you gives me one of your tee shirts to wear.” Clearly, her guys had an image in their minds of things they’d like to do with her that they’ve never done before. She was all for that and had a few ideas of her own.

  They got out of bed, and Parker tossed her his tee shirt, the one he’d taken off earlier. She snagged it mid-air and made quick work of putting it on. It came down to mid thigh on he
r and was like a sexy mini-dress. Very sexy, since she didn’t bother to put any panties on beneath it.

  Dale patted her on the ass lightly and treated her to a mock leer. She laughed and realized she hadn’t felt this good, ever. The guys just threw on their jeans, also going commando. They all three headed for the stairs.

  “We didn’t check the cupboards, fridge, or freezer,” Parker said. “But I have a feeling if the families were able to outfit us with house, furnishings, the whole nine yards, they wouldn’t have skipped the vittles.”

  “I think you’re probably right.” Jenny entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. “There’s a whole chicken in here!”

  “Not alive, I hope,” Dale said.

  Jenny giggled. “No. Good thing, too, because I have never butchered, nor have I plucked, my own supper.”

  “We have,” Parker said. “So, we could do it if we had to because that was part of our education, growing up on the ranch. We didn’t only have cattle. We had chickens, a few hogs, and we grew our own food for the animals, too.”

  “I can pick food out at the supermarket. Somehow, I don’t think that’s as impressive a skill as what y’all can boast.”

  “Well, if you feel like you’ve missed out, sweetheart, we would be happy to teach you everything we know.” And then Dale raised his eyebrows twice in rapid succession, that mock leer of his making the look complete.

  “We can revisit that offer.” Jenny had a hard time keeping her laughter light.

  “So, decision time: whole bird roasted? Or do we want dissected and mutilated bird parts, fried?”

  “Whole bird, roasted,” Jenny said. “We can toss some veggies into a casserole dish with butter and a few herbs, and they should both be done in about the same time.”

  They worked together well. While she scrubbed and peeled, Parker rinsed and poked and rubbed butter and salt into the bird.

  Dale found the makings for a green salad and set to work on that. Then it was time to simply wait for supper to cook.

  A bottle of Chablis had been chilling in the fridge, so Parker opened it, Dale brought over wine glasses, and they made themselves comfortable at the kitchen table.

  They talked of inconsequential things. Movies and music, weather and the day’s headlines. They never wanted for conversation, and often, like this time, there would be long stretches of silence interspersed. It felt companionable, and right.

  “I almost can’t believe that we’re here.” Jenny looked down at her glass then up at her two lovers.

  I have two lovers, and I’m falling in love with them. Who was she kidding? She wouldn’t have given herself or taken them if she wasn’t already in love with them. She had no idea where this love would lead, but she looked forward to finding out.

  “Personally, I’m happy as hell about our current circumstances. But”—Parker exhaled heavily then put his hand over hers—“we all three were more or less just pushed to this point by, well, by practically everyone we know here. How do you feel, really? This is a huge step. I know you’ve never lived with a man before either, let alone two. Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  “What about you? Neither of you have lived with a woman before. So it’s not just me who’s going to be adjusting.”

  “Yeah, but we’re men. Y-chromosome-laden, knuckle-dragging men.” Dale grinned at her as she laughed.

  “And because we’re men, and our testosterone keeps us on the physical side of things more heavily than on the emotional or intellectual side, we’re happy as hell.”

  “I’m happy, too. The truth is—and maybe I’m being naïve in confessing this to y’all—I’m glad they pushed us and that we are, now, living here, together. Because I really wanted this, but I was afraid, more than a little afraid, to just reach out and take what I wanted.”

  “From now on, the number one rule between us is this, sweetheart,” Dale said. “If there is anything, anything at all, you want to try or need to have, you tell us. This is a sacred place for us.”

  “And by sacred place, we mean this relationship we have, the three of us. In this thing…” Parker made a circling, inclusive motion with his hand. “In this thing between us, there has to be communication and honesty. I honestly believe that’s the only way it works. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect.” Jenny grinned and then kissed each of her men.

  The timer went off, so they got busy setting the table and then putting the finishing touches on the supper. Within a few minutes, with the scent of roasted chicken and veggies in the air, they sat to enjoy their first meal together in their new home.

  For long moments, they simply ate because Parker had been right, and they hadn’t eaten any lunch. Once she’d sated her immediate inner foodie, she reached for her glass and took a sip of her wine. “You know, in all that happened so quickly today, there are a couple of things I don’t quite understand.”

  Parker nodded. “For me, it’s one thing. You go first, and we’ll see if one of your two matches my one.”

  Jenny took a moment to order her thoughts. “Did you know that y’all waited only a few moments after my folks left to come to the inn? To have that ‘war council’?”

  “I knew that Grandma Kate was in the truck with us and that she wanted us to wait until Jackson gave the signal to head out. I was wondering about that, myself.”

  “Yeah, that part seems strange. We could see Jackson on his cell phone, and then he started to drive.”

  “So, clearly, they didn’t want to say what they had to say with my folks there.”

  “Maybe they didn’t want them to get upset because we’re now living together,” Parker said. “Will they be?”

  “No. They accept that I’m adult. They knew I was really interested in the two of you, and they never said a word against it. But that isn’t what’s really got me wondering. Or, rather, it’s not all that’s got me wondering.”

  “What, then?”

  “They—Grandma Kate, Jake, and Adam—didn’t seem to be worried about the fact someone was looking for me, the same someone that mom and dad had heard about. My folks were worried, but they weren’t. It was the fact that there was a second party searching for me that seemed to have them all upset.”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” Parker huffed out a breath. “We have to wonder. What didn’t they tell us?”

  Jenny was asking herself that same question. And she didn’t know if she really wanted an answer to that question, or not.

  Chapter Eleven

  The only thing she didn’t like about heading to work on this particular Monday was that it meant she had to be separated from Parker and Dale. For a woman who’d never lived with a lover—let alone two—it sure hadn’t taken her long to get used to being with them all day, and all night, too.

  Jenny had wondered if she would be teased when she went back to work. After all, the last time her coworkers had seen her, she’d been a “single” woman, living on her own in her nice comfy apartment in Lusty and was considering trying a couple of Montanans on for size. Now, just a few days later, she was in a committed ménage and sharing a house with her two lovers, just inside the small town.

  No one teased her, exactly. However, Brittany and Laci did both offer her sly smiles and covert winks. She didn’t feel teased. She felt as if she’d just gained entry into a very exclusive club.

  It didn’t take Jenny long to fall into the rhythm of Monday. It was busy today, starting with the lunch crowd. The guests ranged from people she knew to people she’d never seen before. That wasn’t unusual here at the roadhouse. There was a sign just out on the state highway that drew folks in for lunch. She’d discovered that to be especially true in the summer months. A lot of people vacationed in Texas. The management and staff of Angela’s Roadhouse was always happy when some of them stopped in to eat.

  As usual for a Monday, the tables filled quickly. Folks who came in on their own tended to sit at the bar. In the time she’d been working there, Jenny had met folks from Ca
nada and Mexico, England and Europe, and even a few from Australia.

  Of course, she’d also met people from nearly all of the fifty states, including Hawaii. Oh, I can count Alaska, too, because Sean and Noah Kendall had lived there for a couple of years.

  Jenny had discovered early on, talking to Bailey, that she and her coworker had a similar approach to their work. Rhythm. Bailey confessed she’d used that very system working as an accounting clerk, too, before she’d come to Lusty.

  Jenny considered it one of the laws of the universe that when faced with repetitive work, the secret was to find its beat. The music that played on the roadhouse’s sound system helped—that gave her a rhythm to sync to. But it wasn’t necessary. She could make her own rhythm based on what she was doing, just as Bailey did.

  They met at the clearing station midway between the back of the restaurant and the bar. They were both kind of bouncing to the music softly playing and moving efficiently.

  “Do you think we should co-author a book?” Bailey asked. “We could call it The Rhythm Method.”

  Jenny burst out laughing. Bailey had developed a very quirky sense of humor since she’d married her two accountants.

  “I don’t know. I think that title might already be taken.”

  “Probably. The good news is, titles aren’t subject to copyright law. Better news, it might get filed in the ‘sex aid’ section of the book store or on Amazon. It could be a best seller!” Bailey grinned, picked up a damp, clean rag, and headed over to clean the table she’d just cleared.

  Jenny walked into the kitchen and looked at the lunches waiting to be delivered. One was a plate of puffy tacos with a side of queso, destined for a guest sitting at the bar. She knew Laci had just taken a tray of drinks to deliver to various tables, so Jenny scooped up the plate. The orders she was waiting for would be up very shortly.

  Jenny approached the person in seat 8—a woman with short black hair, cut in a chic style, dressed in jeans and a tee and wearing cowboy boots. She figured this guest for a native Texan. “Puffy tacos and queso?”


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