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Love Under Two Montanans

Page 15

by Cara Covington

  “Naw, that’s just our twin psychic connection.”

  Dale snorted. “I was reading up on that, and the experts say we have to be identical twins to have that.”

  “What the hell do they know?”

  “What the hell does who know?” Jackson had hung back, and Parker hadn’t noticed. He grinned at his cousin.

  “I was telling Dale we had a twin psychic connection, and he said he read an article by some expert who said we have to be identical twins for that.”

  “What the hell do the experts know?” Jackson asked.


  “So, what did you just have the psychic connection about?”

  Parker looked over at his brother, who nodded.

  What better time to deliver their news than now? Riding and talking was as natural to them as chatting in a coffee shop was to others. “We’ve decided we’d like to stay here in Lusty. We don’t need any more time to know if this’ll work out. We know it will.”

  “About damn time,” Jackson said. His huge grin said it all. Then he called up ahead. “Hey, Cord! I win the bet!”

  They’d only been walking their mounts, so Cord wasn’t all that far ahead. He turned in his saddle and looked from Parker and Dale to his brother.

  “Son of a bitch! I knew I should have picked thirty to thirty-five days!”

  “Ha! Chase is gonna be pissed,” Alan said. “He had thirty-six to forty!”

  “Did y’all bet on how long it would take us to decide to stay?” Parker asked.

  “That y’all sounded pretty damn good,” Duncan said. “Of course, none of us are born Texans. And to answer your question, yes, we all did.”

  Laughter rolled between them.

  “So who bet we wouldn’t decide to stay?” Dale asked.

  “No one.” The others had waited for them to catch up. Cord’s two words didn’t surprise Parker, but they did please him.

  “We all knew that if you gave it a chance, this place would grow on you.”

  “It’s not the place,” Parker said. “It’s the people.”

  “Yeah.” Jackson sighed. “It is the people.”

  They were within sight of the barn when Cord’s cell phone went off. He answered it immediately. Then his grin spread. “We’ll be there shortly, cousin. Thanks for letting us know.”

  He tucked his phone into his pocket. “New plan. That was Chase letting us know that the titans just took Maggie to the clinic. It’s baby time.”

  “Hot damn!” Alan grinned. “Can we stable our horses here and ride in with y’all?”

  “Yup. Let’s get these animals taken care of first, and we can be on our way.”

  “Will they let us in at the clinic? All of us?” Dale asked.

  His brother had beat him to it. Parker figured it had been a reasonable question. After all, he’d seen the clinic, and while he had no doubt it was well equipped and served the needs of the community, it wasn’t very big.

  “This is Lusty,” Cord said. “The place where families come first, which is likely one of the reasons you two have decided to stay. So, what do you think?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Maggie, Rick, Trevor, and Kevin welcomed their daughter at four fifteen in the afternoon. Her own full-bodied wail announcing her arrival was greeted by the cheers of the dozens of people—Benedicts, Kendalls, and Jessops chief among them—crammed into the waiting room at the Lusty Clinic.

  And because Jenny was taking a break and talking to the guys via FaceTime on her cell phone, she got to hear that wail and those cheers, too.

  “Hang on, baby, I’ll turn my phone around so you can see this. We’re both wowed by the crowd.”

  Laci came up to her and looked over her shoulder. “Is Maggie’s baby here?”

  “Yes, ma’am. This is breaking news from the Lusty Clinic, via Dale.”

  She and the guys had been chatting on FaceTime, and Dale’s timing proved to be excellent. He’d said he was going to show her the crowd and instead caught the moment when the door to room one opened and Jillian Jessop stepped out to face the assembled family.

  “On behalf of the parents, I’m pleased to announce the birth of Katherine Abigail Benedict. She weighs eight pounds, three ounces, and is twenty inches long. Mom and baby are doing great. The jury’s still out on the dads.”

  Laughter rippled through the room, along with more cheers and applause.

  Dale turned the phone back around. “Oh hey, Laci! I have a further update. Along with the titans, I believe Aunt Abigail and Grandma Kate are in the room, too.”

  “Do you think you’ll get the chance to take a picture?”

  “We’ll do our best, sweetheart. Or work day is done, so we’re going to be heading over there when we’re finished here. We can show you any pictures we get then.”

  “Good job, guys!” Laci beamed. “I’m going to go tell the rest of the staff.”

  Laci left Jenny to her phone call. “Thanks for calling and letting me be a part of the excitement.”

  “You’re welcome. We’ll see you soon.”

  Jenny closed her phone and slipped it back into her pocket. Since that “war council” a bit more than a week ago, Jenny had been keeping her cell phone with her at work, set on vibrate. She wasn’t used to doing that, but Adam had asked her to be available—until the situation of persons unknown looking for her was resolved.

  Neither Laci nor Angela, who’d returned from her honeymoon, had a problem with that.

  Stepping into the kitchen to grab her apron, she grinned in response to all the smiles she saw. Though she hadn’t thought of it before in just these terms, they were a family. Angela, Laci, Bailey, and herself, even Patrick and Darla, his sous-chef, and JJ, the other chef, were members of this clan—a clan that automatically included their life partners and their extended families.

  Today, their number increased by one.

  Jenny was soon lost in the rhythm of the work. At five, she waved as Laci’s guest from the other day, Nancy Drew, arrived for an appointment with Angela. She stood quietly to the side, but her gaze, Jenny saw, tracked everywhere. There was an attentiveness to her, something in the way she stood that made Jenny believe the woman not only saw everything but was ready for anything.

  Then Nancy looked at her and met her gaze. Jenny mouthed the words “good luck,” and Nancy’s smile held warmth. She knew from working at the restaurant out by the interstate that sometimes there was fierce competition between wait staff. That was one of the reasons she left there once Angela put her on full time.

  This place was a family in the best sense of that word. They helped each other, and in fact, she’d never noticed a moment when there’d been any competition between anyone.

  Angela met Nancy at the waiting area and led her off to her office. Jenny really hoped she got the job.

  Time flew, and though she had her back to the door, she knew when her guys arrived. She could feel them, as if their spirits connected to hers, despite the crowds separating them.

  “Hey, Jenny,” Laci got right into her face, laughter in her eyes. “Patty and Edie are both here, and Tommy will arrive in the next five minutes. Go!”

  Jenny laughed. They’d taken on those three students in May, and they were scheduled through the end of August. All three of them were good—with the guests and with the staff—and she was going to be sorry to see them go. They all three had other career goals, and working at Angel’s was just a way to make money over the summer.

  “Okay, I’m out of here, but I won’t actually be out of here…”

  “Oh, hush, you! I’m almost done myself. I’ll see you at Benedict Central.”

  Jenny made short work of hanging up her apron, closing and logging herself out of the ordering system, and grabbing her purse.

  Then she made her way to the back of the room. A few moments later she was sighing with pleasure as she nestled in between her men, prepared to “ooh” and “ahh” over the pictures of the newest Benedict her guys had m
anaged to take.

  * * * *

  “It blew us both away.”

  Parker opened the passenger door of the truck and offered Jenny his hand. She took it and began to slide her way across the seat, but when she reached the edge, Parker lifted her down. The kiss he gave her as he lowered her to the ground she considered a down payment on what was to come.

  When he lifted his head, she reached up and caressed his face. He took her hand, kissed it, and began to walk with her toward the front door.

  “As we stood there, seeing so many people come out to await news on Maggie’s baby, we realized that, for the people of Lusty, family really does come first. People before profits has nothing on this place. Their first priority is not money, not status, not appearances. It’s people. Amazing.”

  Parker and Dale were both awed by that realization. What they’d witnessed earlier was a phenomenon she’d heard of and actually seen a couple of times first-hand herself. “I happen to know that kind of reaction isn’t just for when babies arrive. There’ve been times when someone would be injured, requiring a trip to the clinic, and the family would just congregate there and await news.”

  “It sure made us know we’d made the right decision, earlier.” Dale used his key to unlock the front door. Then they were all inside, the door closed and locked.

  When they’d told her during that phone call that they’d made their decision to stay in Lusty, to start to put down roots, Jenny wasn’t surprised, but she was thrilled. She felt a connection to this town, and to these people, that defied logic. She’d known, when Angela had offered her a full-time position, that this was where she needed to be.

  How wonderful that the men she loved felt the same way!

  Dale eased close to her, his body flush against her back. Parker moved toward her until he pressed against her front. Their heat immediately became her heat, and the sensation of their erect cocks stirred her always-banked embers of arousal. She rolled her hips, managing to stroke against both men. Together they groaned—and grew.

  “Are you tired, sweetheart?” Parker asked.

  “I was when I started my shift this morning but, strangely, not so much at the moment. Why? Do you have…plans?”

  “Mmm hmm. We have a dynamite plan, sweetheart.” Dale kissed her nose.

  “First we’re going to guide you upstairs to the bedroom. Then we’re going to get you naked.” Parker leaned forward and kissed her lips, a gentle, chaste kiss.

  “Then I’m going to feast on your pussy and have my dessert while Parker watches.”

  “Then I’m going to pull you on top of me and fuck you as you ride me while Dale watches.”

  Dale tilted her head with his hand, a gentle touch that brought his gaze to hers. “Then, Jenny Collins, I want to fuck your ass. Will you let me do that?”

  The words alone were enough to send a dark and delicious shiver down her spine. Their words, spoken in their sexy-seductive voices, was fast becoming a much-anticipated form of foreplay.

  Since that first time in the shower when Dale had played with her ass, she’d known that, when they finally decided she was ready, she was going to love anal sex.

  Every single time they’d stretched her, she’d come so hard.

  “Have I ever told y’all how much I love that you’re the planning sort?”

  “Not in so many words,” Dale said.

  “But since we can feel you trembling and smell your heat, we kind of figured you liked that about us.” Parker’s gaze turned hot.

  In that instant Jenny became supremely conscious there was something else she’d never said. What better time than now? It didn’t even occur to her to be nervous.

  “I love you. I love you both so much.”

  “Now, that is a damn fine thing. Because I love you too.” Parker’s eyes glittered even more hotly. But his kiss was infinitely gentle. Then he looked up, and Dale was there, standing close, touching her, arousing her.

  “I love you, Jenny. Thank you for coming into our lives. For loving us.” Dale kissed her just as sweetly as had his brother.

  She felt the restraint in them. Jenny wasn’t the only one who trembled. “Take me upstairs and deliver on your promises, please.”

  Parker brought her left hand to his lips and kissed it. His smile was sweet and sexy and seductive. Then he turned and led her up the stairs. Dale followed close behind, and they didn’t stop until they were standing beside their huge Benedict-sized bed.

  Parker turned to her, but Jenny didn’t wait. She stepped into him, wound her arms around his neck, and opened her mouth on his.

  Kiss is such an insipid verb. The thought crystalized and then evaporated. Arousal rose, hot, insistent, and Jenny gleefully sank into it. She sank into the man whose lips were mated with her own.

  Parker’s mouth on hers tasted and teased, his tongue stroked and seduced, and all the while his hands caressed her, ass to nape, lighting all her fires until she really was trembling. Then he lifted his lips and turned her so she faced Dale.

  A gloriously naked Dale, with his gloriously naked, erect, and yummy-looking cock standing straight up from his groin. Parker set his hands on her shoulders, holding her in place. Dale pulled her tee shirt out of her jeans. He reached for the button of her jeans, and it took him only a moment to unbutton, unzip, and slide her denim and her lace down. Only seconds passed as he slipped her shoes and socks off her feet.

  She stood naked from the waist down, with Dale on his haunches before her.

  “Arms up.” Parker’s command registered with her body, which complied. Her shirt and then her bra went away. All she cared about was being able to set her hands in Dale’s soft, clean hair and urge him to eat her.

  He set his mouth on her cunt, and she didn’t care about anything else. From zero to one hundred in less than a second, Jenny moaned in response to the hot, wet lapping, the sweet and sexy nuzzling and nipping.

  Her knees buckled, but Dale caught her, his hands on her hips. His chuckle was masculine smugness, but she really couldn’t complain. Lifting her, he laid her on the bed, came down over her, and spread her legs wide. With his hands on her ass, he took one moment to position her in the middle of the mattress, and then he put his mouth on her again.

  He suckled and stroked and nipped. He slid his tongue right into her, a wet and wily invader that delved and drank. Jenny couldn’t hold back her tiny mews of pleasure. Arousal climbed, and she pressed her pussy to his wonderful mouth, wordlessly begging for more. Her knees open and bent, her fingers in Dale’s hair, Jenny arched her back, and her mews changed to whimpers, pants, and pleas.

  Dale chuckled again, only this time the vibrations against her wet folds sent extra shivers rippling through her body. There was no time to think, to try to pace this pleasure or seize control. She could only take. She could only submit. As she did, she became the most powerful woman in existence.

  “So damn good, Jenny. Sweet and tasty and ours.” Dale used his tongue to tease her clit as he inserted two fingers into her. She arched when her found his target, her sweet spot. When he lifted his face, she opened her eyes and met his gaze.

  “Come for us, Jenny.” Then he buried his face in her pussy, giving her an all-encompassing kiss that ended in his sucking her clit into his mouth as his fingers stroked, stroked, stroked.

  Jenny screamed as her orgasm erupted, sharp and hard and deep, lighting up every nerve ending, every fiber so that her entire body shook with the electric pleasure. Sizzling, snapping, her rapture took her, held her, transformed her.

  Before she’d finished shaking, Dale kissed his way up her body then laid his mouth on hers, sharing her essence. The taste, a new and dark craving, kept her embers glowing and her hunger growing.

  Never enough. Always need more.

  She had time only to share a smile, to take a breath, when Dale eased back and met her gaze. His look of satisfaction filled her.

  And then Parker came down on her left, naked, aroused, and reached for her.
/>   Chapter Sixteen

  Parker lifted her and laid her on top of him.

  Jenny opened her legs, wiggled her hips, and grinned when she felt her labia open and partially wrap around his cock. She shivered because the heat of his latex-covered erection resting against her sensitive clit got her horny, instantly.

  She placed her hands on the bed just above his shoulders. She met his grin with her own and then gave him her mouth.

  He wrapped his arms around her and devoured her. His cock flexed, hardened even more, and she knew he loved having that taste of her pussy in her kiss. When she lifted her head, he licked his lips. The wicked gleam in his eyes widened her smile.

  “Ride me, please, sweet Jenny.” He lifted her once more, and she wasted no time granting his request. Grasping his cock, she placed it at the opening of her cunt and then slid down, taking him in.

  “You feel so good inside me, Parker.”

  Parker closed his eyes, a kind of savoring-the-moment kind of gesture. She lifted up then slid down again once, twice, and kept her gaze on him as she used her inner muscles to caress him.

  His eyes popped open, and he flexed his cock inside her. “Do it, baby.”

  He fastened his hands on her breasts, arousing her, and centering her, too. She used her hands, now braced on his chest, so that she could ride him as she needed to, the way he begged her to. She took him deep and took him fast, and he certainly did his part to help. He pinched her nipples, and Jenny actually felt more of her juices seep out of her pussy onto his cock.

  “You liked that.” Satisfaction laced his tone, and smug definitely lined his lips.

  “I think I like every damn thing the two of you do to and with me.” That was only the truth. The smallest caress, the most chaste kiss had given her more pleasure than she’d enjoyed before them.

  The bed dipped, and she felt Dale’s presence, the warmth of his body as he neared her. He ran his hand down her back.

  “Lie down on Parker, sweetheart. Let him take over the driving now.”


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