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ISO- Beyond the solar system

Page 12

by Travis Sande

  Luke struggled through a few final words for Nik. “Yeah…the best.” Luke smacked Hank in the back of the shoulder, breaking his stoic gaze. The two of them laughed together once more as Hank shoved Luke back.

  “You guys are idiots.” Nik rolled her eyes, smiling at the antics of the other two. “Good luck to whoever faces that duo next.” Nik caught up to Derrick, finally exiting the corridor. “We lost to those two, we will never live that down.” She whispered to Derrick as they both moved into the galley.

  “If you wanted to win, you picked the wrong partner.” Derrick chuckled to himself.

  "Commander?" Kim spoke up, asking Lorn to be her teammate in the next game.

  Derrick stopped at the entrance to the galley. He and Nik turned to see a new game forming as they heard Kim’s voice. Lorn didn’t hesitate to join her. Standing from his chair in the galley, he approached with composed authority. Exuding confidence as he prepared to partner with a teammate literally half his age. "Remember guys, I can approve all schedule changes. Keep that in mind." The thinly veiled attempt to blackmail his way to victory undermined his presence in the room.

  "Oh no commander, you aren't taking the throne that easy." Luke shook his head.

  "Throne? You two aren't developing a complex, are you? Kim, have they been evaluated?" Lorn joked as he gained Kim’s side.

  "I wish it was that simple. Between the two of them they could keep psychologists working for centuries." Kim joined in.

  "They are literally trying to play mind games, Luke. Isn't our lack of sanity supposed to be private, Kim?" Hank acted offended at the concept.

  "It's private until it can interfere with a game of corridor ball, then all bets are off." Kim smiled and gestured to the ball in Hank’s arms. “What are we waiting for?”.

  Derrick left the corridor as he could hear the game begin behind him. He quickly opened his CCD and updated his schedule. Tending to the garden had become a peaceful getaway. Often, he would rework his day around multiple visits to the bio-lab. Constantly requesting permission from Ben or Lorn to spend time in the greenhouse. Frustrated with the tedium of always requiring approval, Derrick put in an official request for permanent access. Under normal circumstances it would have been an easy request to accommodate. With the added stress of the bacterial samples dwelling within, the Triumvirate requested Ben’s presence any time the bio-lab was in use. For now, Derrick would still need to use his CCD to facilitate temporary lifts on his restrictions.

  Derrick’s CCD lit up in response to his reschedule request; Ben had approved him. Derrick was happy to go spend some time alone in the greenhouse. The garden itself had finally started feeling like a worthwhile exercise as the plants were beginning to sprout.

  “I am going to go spend some time up top. Sorry to take off on you right after our game.” Derrick turned to Nik.

  “That’s okay, I hope to taste the results of your work up there.” Nik smiled. “We can talk strategy another time.” Nik leaned in and gave Derrick a hug. “Talk to you soon.”

  Derrick hugged her back. “I shouldn’t be long. You’ll have to let me know who wins this game.”

  Derrick let go and noticed Nik nodding in agreement. “Will do.” She said.

  Derrick moved through the galley at a brisk pace. Seeing the progress of the tiny plants was one of his favourite things to do. It was always amazing to see how much new growth could take place between visits. Optimal conditions and several artificial stimulators accelerated growth substantially. Some of the vegetables would be ready to harvest and begin eating long before the fifteenth week. Nevertheless, it was a mandated experiment to utilize that time frame.

  When he arrived in the bio-lab, Ben greeted him, hard at work as always. The last two weeks had been particularly difficult on him. Derrick was introduced to his more obsessive side. Once he found a problem, Ben could hardly focus on anything else.

  "Hey, Derrick." Ben always managed to be positive when Derrick came to check on the garden.

  "Hello, Ben, any progress?" Derrick's routine had come to include asking Ben the same question every day. After two weeks with little to no progress, it became more of a formality than a genuine curiosity.

  "Yes!" Ben exclaimed.

  "Oh well, wait what?" Derrick had grown so accustomed to Ben's laboured negativity that he was not prepared for Ben's sudden burst of positivity.

  "I unlocked a piece of the puzzle. Our focus has been on attacking the bacteria. Turns out the bacteria will die from our treatment. The thing I have been overlooking, and I assume they are overlooking back home is that the membrane itself is protecting the bacteria. I had Luke run a new diagnostic on the membrane and we discovered a section of the membrane that is different. You guessed it, the infected section. The section seems to have incorporated the DNA of the bacteria into its own. Anytime we try to treat it, the surrounding membrane filters it out before it can be effective.” Ben paused for a second and turned back to the lab table.

  “What does that mean?” Derrick asked, hopeful that a solution was nearing.

  “It’s as if the membrane itself has become an extension of the bacteria. I have never seen anything like it. I sent the data to Eilik on the bridge and he confirmed my results. It's not something they have experienced before on Setu since the strain of bacteria originated on Earth. I still don't have a solution, but I think I am at least on the right track.” Ben seemed optimistic for the first time since the launch of the mission.

  “That’s great, what’s the plan now?” Derrick was cautiously optimistic. Several breakthroughs had gone unrewarded in the past two weeks.

  “I had Eilik relay a messaged to Earth and Setu. The problem we face now is if I find a way to treat the membrane, will it still be functional. The physical installation and removal of membrane components is not something we can properly handle while in transit. The safest bet would be to leave it quarantined and complete our mission without use of the rec area. Once safely docked on Setu we could readdress the issue in a proper environment.” Ben’s excitement overshadowed the terrible implications of his statement. “Sorry, I am ranting, I just feel like I got a second wind today." Ben was talking very fast and Derrick could feel his enthusiasm. The news wasn't necessarily positive, but he was happy to see Ben rejuvenated.

  "You're saying the membrane is sick?" Derrick asked, attempting to clarify the situation.

  "Not quite, the membrane itself is the infection. A more apt analogy would be that the ship, or more specifically, the rec area is sick. It's confusing, I know, but I feel like we have a real chance to treat it. Another thing I am trying to understand is why it isn't spreading to other areas within the membrane. It seems to be entirely self-contained to one specific section. Our quarantine procedure is only capable of preventing contaminants from escaping each section of the ship." Ben stopped, took a deep breath and started again. "Ok, the way it is setup, the ship has closed ventilation systems for each section of the ship, or room as it were. Each section is connected through a standard vent. Under normal operation we can open or close these vents to allow or limit airflow between sections. Or in the case of the rec area, quarantine it entirely. The strange thing here is that the bacteria is free to move around the quarantined rec room but has been isolated to a single section. Do you know what I mean?" Ben's mind was clearly racing, and Derrick was struggling to keep up with him.

  "Yeah, so basically the bacteria are lazy, and you have no idea why." Derrick simplified the explanation to the best of his ability.

  "Yes, exactly." Ben laughed. "There are three questions still floating around in my head. How did the bacteria go undetected, why isn't it propagating throughout the rec area, and how did the membrane incorporate the bacterial DNA? I guess there's four, because I also want to figure out treatment options."

  "That sounds like it should keep you busy for a while. I am going to go check if the green stuff coming out of that dirt over there is bigger than it was yesterday." Derrick chuckled at the rel
ative simplicity of his task as he headed into the greenhouse.

  “It’s looking good in there, great work.” Ben was clearly excited, Derrick was happy to see him so positive.

  “Thanks, it’s coming along.” Derrick said as he turned to enter the greenhouse.

  It was finally starting to resemble a real garden. After two weeks, Derrick only had to make minor adjustments to the setup. Twice he was forced to adjust the irrigation solution and once he applied a new batch of fertilizer. The time he spent in the garden became a welcome distraction. With the rec area off-limits, this was a simple replacement for him. He had never understood gardening as a hobby until being tasked with this job. The responsibility for small, fragile life became a passion.

  He felt guilty at times that he was keeping this activity from the rest of the crew. Time in the greenhouse was always peaceful and quiet. Only the sound of the misting arm would occasionally break the silence. The ability to reach a nearly meditative state while he wandered through the sprouting vegetables was an opportunity he came to cherish.

  Every day since Derrick had begun working in the greenhouse he could count on Ben working outside. His blurred frame hovering over the side table in the main bio-lab always kept him company. Today would be different. After tending to the summer squash, Derrick lifted his head and immediately noticed Ben’s absence. Surprised by it, Derrick decided to end the day early and investigate. The Triumvirate had made it clear that Ben’s presence was required in the bio-lab while it was in use. Maybe Ben had found something, or he was just going to discuss his new idea with Sian. Either way, Derrick wanted to know, and procedure dictated that he vacates the unattended lab.

  On his way out of the greenhouse he checked his CCD for any updated scheduling. There were no updates or changes to the day for him. Determined to find out where Ben went, Derrick left the bio-lab and proceeded down to the main deck. As he came through the doors into the galley he was greeted with emptiness. The afternoon was just starting, and no one was there having a meal. It felt strange, but not something to dwell on. Derrick decided to head down the corridor where the games had taken place earlier.

  Halfway to his quarters, Derrick saw the remnants of the game played earlier. The official shirt-ball was just lying there, hastily abandoned. Derrick decided to take it upon himself to clean up. Picking up the ball, he moved to his room opened the doors and tossed the ball inside.

  When Derrick returned to the corridor, his CCD began buzzing. It was the audio to signify an urgent schedule update. Startled, he quickly looked at it. The commander was calling everyone to the conference room. Hopeful that Ben had found some good news, Derrick turned and moved in that direction.

  The impromptu conference must have been the reason for the empty ship, Derrick thought. He moved swiftly through the quiet vessel. When he reached the conference room, he saw the doors were already open. Inside, Derrick immediately noticed the absence of Eilik and Hank; everyone else was accounted for and seated. The commander sat poised at the end of the table, ready to start. He had a look of concern on his face. Derrick moved inside and took a seat next to Nik. He could hear some talking on the other side of the table as Ben discussed something with Luke. Derrick couldn't make out exactly what the discussion was about and before he could perfect his eavesdropping the commander asked them to be quiet.

  "Ben, I would like to address the entire crew once we have assembled." Lorn announced in a tone that commanded authority.

  "I apologize." Ben replied.

  "What's this about, commander?" Derrick asked after getting comfortable in his seat.

  "Hank will be here shortly and we can get into it." Lorn reiterated his intentions.

  “What about Eilik?” Derrick asked, looking around the room once more.

  “Eilik will remain on the bridge to monitor communications from Earth and Setu.” Lorn’s responses seemed oddly curt. Something was clearly bothering him.

  “Where is Hank anyway?” Yanna asked.

  "All the winning this morning took it out of him. He was going to his quarters to spend his retirement." Luke chuckled as he slurped on a nutrient gel snack.

  "You went undefeated?" Derrick feigned surprise.

  “Of course.” Luke scoffed with exaggerated arrogance. “When you have the Juggernaut on your team, it’s hard to lose.”

  Derrick loved comic books and had never heard them referenced outside of his immediate family. A large collection had been passed down to him that was almost two hundred years old. He couldn’t hold back a smile as he responded. “Being in possession of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak is cheating.”

  “Whoa, Derrick Rich is a comic book fan?” Luke looked shocked as he continued. “You have to tell Hank, Juggernaut is his favourite character. At least you know why we pummeled the opposition.”

  "Hey! Lorn and I came close." Kim passionately interjected.

  "Yeah, Kim was a ringer." Luke leaned back into his chair with surprise on his face. “I had no idea you were so athletic. Honestly, she probably could have taken either of us one on one. I hate to say it, but the commander held you back.” Luke lowered his voice slightly as he finished the sentence.

  "Really?" Derrick asked. "I have never seen you play."

  "I played in university, no big deal.” Kim bragged about her past athletic accolades.

  “You kicked around a ball made of dirty laundry at an official university level?” Luke always jumped at any opportunity to focus on minutiae in search humour.

  “Yeah, except we used a ball and called it soccer.” Kim joked. “He’s right though, the commander was holding me back, isn’t that right, sir?” Kim turned to face commander Lorn at the end of the table.

  The commander was silent and noticeably absent from the conversation. He was reviewing something on his personal interface at the head of the table. They thought it best to leave him uninterrupted. Derrick noticed apprehension crawl onto the faces of his colleagues. Commander Lorn was behaving oddly out of character and everyone was taking notice.

  Their attention didn’t linger on the commander too long as it was suddenly drawn to the door. Sliding open, they revealed Eilik in a full flight suit. The room was eerily silent as the small Vryl hobbled into the room. Seeing him in a flight suit was alarming to say the least. Derrick’s imagination ran wild with speculation as Eilik made his way to the commander's side. Handing Lorn a small data pad, Eilik stood silently as the commander went over it.

  "Get back to the bridge and monitor any communications, report them to me as soon as they are received. I approved an open channel to my CCD." Eilik turned, retreating out of the room. Silence consumed the room once more as the small figure crossed the floor.

  As Eilik exited, he was narrowly avoided by Hank. Clearly thrown together in haste, Hank looked rough. Derrick knew he must have been sleeping when the schedule update was sent out. He dodged to one side and allowed Eilik to pass him into the corridor.

  "Whoa, Sorry, Eilik!" Hank shouted with surprise. Eilik moved by him without response.

  The situation began to feel very tense. It was rare to see everyone so preoccupied with their thoughts. Hank came inside and took the open chair to Derrick’s right. Patting Derrick on the back as he sat down.

  "Sorry for the delay." Hank apologized to the commander and the group.

  "No need, Hank, it was a sudden update. Now that I have you all here we can begin. Ben, you and Sian can take it from here." Derrick's heart raced as the commander left the floor to the medical crew. Whether it was excitement or dread, he wasn't sure yet. It was now obvious that there was a development of some kind regarding the bacteria and the commander didn’t want to waste any time.

  "First thing I want to say is that we are not in any immediate danger. Some of what we are about to address will sound troubling.” Ben paused to allow his warning to sink in. After a moment, he continued. “As you know, we have been researching an infection within the rec area membrane of the ship. To this point we have not be
en able to successfully treat it. This morning I was able to discover a change in the DNA of the membrane. Yes, the membrane itself is living tissue. The section of membrane that we have been treating as infected, has actually been hijacked by the bacteria. Our goal was to treat the bacteria infecting that section of the membrane, but with my discovery this morning it has become clear that the membrane itself is part of the infection. We have no way of distinguishing between the infection and the membrane on a genetic level. In addition, it would appear the membrane is utilizing its filtration system as a defence against our efforts. All of our treatments have simply been filtered out before becoming effective. Harsher treatment is possible, but it would potentially kill the section of membrane. While in transit we do not have the supplies or equipment to properly open and physically diagnose or remove a section of the membrane without damaging the area. I know this isn't news you were all hoping for, but I felt it necessary to update all of you with the new information. We are going to continue to look for solutions." Ben concluded his speech.

  "As it stands now, the rec area is scheduled for servicing on Setu. The area will be off-limits for the remainder of the journey. If a solution is found, we will re-evaluate." Commander Lorn added. "Questions?"

  "Wasn't Derrick infected with this thing, has he been hijacked?" Hank asked. His question could have easily been dismissed as a joke but under the circumstances it held a substantial sincerity.

  "The infection is caused by mycoplasma pneumonia, a strain of bacteria that we have effective treatment for in humans. It is not a serious risk to anyone onboard. Our primary concern is the health of the ship." Sian replied.


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