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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Jayden Hunter

  “No point in worrying about what we can’t control,” Dale said. He smiled at Amy, and she returned the smile. His mouth went dry, and he had to ask for a glass of water.

  “So,” Amy said, “have you had time to look at the five bars and how they work?”

  “Sort of,” Dale answered. “I know HP, of course, same as every RPG. What nobody knows, at least from what I understand, is how drastically it goes up or down, I guess we’ll have to find out. The Vigor bar is simply stamina, and it affects how strongly you can hold a bow and aim, or swing a sword, run, or jump. That’s pretty basic. Mana is mana, no mystery there.”

  “Are you used to a Charisma bar?” Amy asked. “I’m not really. I know some situations require interacting with NPCs that might trade or sell or start fights, and good charisma helps. I’m not sure yet about the combination of my race and charisma. I think certain races get buffed if they have a really low charisma score, especially if they are in the thieves or assassins guilds, and intent on doing lots of dark things. I’m still learning. I might have to be a meanie and find Gandhi to provoke him into a thermonuclear war.”

  “Funny. Okay, so I’m obviously going for high charisma. I mostly get it. The last bar, the Favor bar, that’s mostly like luck or favor from gods or something.”

  “Yeah. You can also be a non-religious character and get favor politically, so the Favor bar is important to all races, guilds, and classes. You want it as high as possible, and quickly as possible, too. You never know when you might get a point zero zero one drop and end up with an epic weapon or artifact.”

  “Knock on wood.”

  “What the hell does that even mean?”

  “I have no idea. I learned it from my dad…”

  They talked about their families, their old lives, their old schools. They discussed old movies and games, as well as the most current series they both loved. Dale hadn’t felt time fly by so fast in a long time.

  He also learned a lot. Amy was more knowledgeable of the war mechanics, and she’d explained parts of the trees that Dale hadn’t even looked at yet. Illusions, healing, quests for epic items, scrolls, conjurations, spells, enchantments, potions, fire attacks, ice attacks, as well as all the elemental enchantments for defense and buffs against fire magic like ice fields, ice rain, and ice tornados. Apparently, the towns, cities, and villages were filled with noncombatants, and there were lots of activities besides buying and selling items. There were gambling halls, restaurants, bars, and inns. There were race tracks that featured not only the local horses, but elephants, camels, and lots of other beasts. Apparently, Almaach was a planet whose people loved to gamble.

  “I wonder if they’ll have Texas Hold ‘em,” Dale said.

  “Maybe. If not, we’ll teach them the game and take their gold.”

  “You play?”

  “Of course. You think that just because I’m a girl, I wouldn’t kick your ass on the felt?”

  Dale laughed. “Okay. I’m sorry.”

  “We’ll play sometime.”

  “Sure. But no mercy, I mean, just because you’re…” Dale blushed.

  “What?” she asked.


  “You think that?”

  “Yes,” he said. Then he watched her blush.


  I'm not against the virtual world; it's fascinating, but I don't like the way they try to impose it on us. It's a thing imposed by rich countries.

  ~ Leos Carax

  When I first discovered the virtual world, many years ago, I realized my gender, my skin color, my socio-economic status, and even things like my scar, they no longer mattered. The equality that people had preached about wanting in society, which never came, finally found a way.

  ~ Kim Ayanna


  Bravo Company was the first company to set foot on Almaach after the engineers had set up temporary housing and a basic defense perimeter. The space elevator dropped round pods, shaped like flat-sided doughnuts to the surface. Then the pods would be brought back to the ship, pulled against gravity for half of the trip; then they’d fall to the ship. Dale was amazed at the technology. He was looking up when he stepped into strange animal scat.


  “Yeah, that’s what it is, slick,” said Private Kapralov.

  “Let’s go, move out. Quit shitting around,” Sergeant Dyfrig said.

  “Whatever left that, it’s a carnivore,” Private Ayanna said. “I can smell the rotten meat.”

  Dale looked at Kim Ayanna; she was a Phainopepla, a desert elf, which meant she wasn’t happy being around the Lieutenant or Private Rasulova, who were both Nefyn, woodland elves. Everyone knew there were bigger things at stake, but long-running feuds didn’t end easily. Dale hoped they’d all get along.

  “It’s still so strange, leaving a spacecraft, restaurants, movie theaters, swimming pools, and well, what are we even eating tonight? Squirrels?” Smith said.

  “I’ve got a banana for you ape,” Kapralov said. He made an ape sound.

  Smith ignored him.

  “Kapralov, instead of being an ass, why don’t you fly ahead and see if you can do something useful?” Lieutenant Brinkmann said. “But don’t go too far, we have no idea what kind of wildlife lives on this planet.”

  “Yes, sir,” he said. Tom Kapralov, as a Draenen, was the only person in the platoon with the capacity of flight. He was not heavily armed and relied on dark shaded goggles to keep from being blinded by the sun. If he stayed in sight, then those with enchanting powers could keep an eye on him, and heal him if required. He flew away for several minutes. When he came back down he reported nothing but meadows, fields, and a few patches of trees for miles in all directions except one. In the direction they were marching there was a thick forest, and he hadn’t seen anything except trees and snow-capped mountains in the distance.

  Dale looked at the party as they marched away from the space elevator and the landing headquarters. The platoon was made up of twelve members, Brinkmann and Dyfrig in commanding roles, then himself as the only Corporal. His friends Smith and Amy were next. Then Tom Kapralov, Kim Ayanna, and Sanjay Patel. Even though he didn’t know these three well, at least he’d worked with them before, and they’d performed well.

  The party had another Russian, Galina Rasulova, a Nefyn who specialized in enchantments, but whose class was Magisk, so she already had spell casting abilities. The remainder of the party was made up of Emi Himura, a Japanese woman who had chosen to be Asakku, the demon race. Her professional guild was hidden, Dale had asked about it, and Dyfrig told him that the guild had reciprocal agreements with other guilds and that he shouldn’t get too curious. Dale didn’t ask any more questions and realized later that Amy’s professional guild was also hidden. Maybe if they became closer, she’d let him in on the secret.

  The second to last member was Rikuto Setsu, a Naphil like Captain Redding. Tricky and not to be trusted is what everyone said, but so far, Dale thought he seemed like a nice enough guy. His professional guild was Elidar, the guild that specialized in enchantments. Healing. His personal guild was Druantia, which made him one of the most important members of the platoon because he had a lot more healing potential already, even without leveling up or achieving anything.

  The final of the twelve members was a Chinese girl named Yingtai Tong, who was small, shy, and kept to herself. She was a Mugron, an undead race. Dale assumed she’d be very dangerous, but it turns out her personal guild was also Druantia, so while she wasn’t as powerful of a healer as Rikuto, she was still an important healer in the group.

  As the platoon reached the beginning of the forest, Lieutenant Brinkmann told everyone to take five while he talked to their command back at base camp.


  Dale heard a noise.

  He turned towards the sound but saw nothing.

  “Smith,” he said. “I have a feeling.”

  “Sergeant Dyfrig,
I think we have something coming,” Smith said. He armed himself with his club and shield.

  “Everyone get armed and ready!” Sergeant Dyfrig ordered.

  Each member of the platoon had been given the lowest level weapon available for their class and race; that was how everyone started out. It was up to each person to earn higher level weapons as they fought in battles, found quests, or engaged in player versus player action.

  Dale had a sword and shield similar to what he’d used in the princess and ogre quest. He also wore basic chain mail.

  The members of the platoon spread out into a defense position; the tanks moved forward, the ranged DPS and healers stayed back.

  Dale’s race, Zuharah, was a race of wizards, warlocks, witches, and could be spell makers or enchanters. The problem he had was that because he was balanced and versatile, he was going to have to rely on tech until he obtained higher magic skills and mana. With a sword and shield as his weapons, he was going to be weak as a DPS and he wouldn’t be able to heal anyone until he obtained the skills and leveling required. He planned on staying close to Smith and doing his best.

  He saw the first sign of an enemy, at least it was an NPC, and didn’t appear to be very powerful. It was a wild dog-like creature, smaller than the hyena-wolf dogs he’d fought in his first tutorial.

  Erin, can you auto-display anything that would be helpful when we have contact?




  Level 2

  A medium sized canine mammal, a jackal-dingo hybrid.

  Attack style: Biting. Pack hunter.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: None

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Thanks, Erin.

  De nada, handsome. Now, look out!

  When the company had entered Alpha Deck and been given their starting gear, skills, and levels, Dale had leveled up to Level 4. Only three in the platoon were Level 5, Brinkmann, Dyfrig, and Yingtai Tong, the mysterious Mugron. Four others were Level 4 and three were Level 3.

  The Gouride seemed easy to defeat, being Level 2, but Dale knew not to get too confident in a new environment, especially when the actual number of the nasty mutts coming at them was unknown.

  The first Gouride came directly at the platoon, moving towards the tanks, but it was apparent they were pack animals and not stupid hunters, they’d sent several of their pack around the flanks. Smith began to take the brunt of the initial assault.

  Dale moved to his left and swung his short sword at an isolated Gouride. The mutt jumped, leaping away from the sword. Dale realized they were a lot faster than they seemed.

  As he was moving towards the beast to swing again, he felt a vicious pain in his left calf. Turning, he realized that the first beast had been a decoy.


  He swung his sword and hit the creature in the ribs.


  It let go of his calf, but another two Gouride attacked his right side, biting him multiple times in the legs. Then, as he turned, another beast latched onto his sword arm. Dale kicked and used his shield as a battering weapon.

  The fight went back and forth; he’d hit a beast, and then get bit by another. He felt magic increase his health, at least one of the healers had time for him, glancing towards Smith; he could see at least ten of these jackal-dingo creatures biting and circling the great ape creature. Dale wanted to assist his friend, but he had problems of his own, he’d attracted a fourth dog. As he swung at one, another would bite one of his legs.

  He needed to buy better armor as soon as possible.

  Dale swung with an uppercut swing into the animals throat, and it crumbled.

  Gouride killed.


  Pelt dropped.

  Erin, can you send out a platoon message: The throat is a weak spot.

  Done. You realize you have voice chat capability?


  Obviously, the rest of the platoon knew as he started hearing them.

  Smith: Thanks.

  Amy: Thanks.

  Sanjay: Thank you.

  Dale brought his shield down on the head of another beast, and at the same time, he blindly swept his sword up behind his back, knowing the pattern of attack. He had hoped to score a blind hit, and he did.

  Gouride killed.


  +10 Sword Skill

  +10 Cunning Attack Skill

  Pelt dropped.

  He continued to fight and then noticed something move in the distance between the trees.



  Level 4

  A medium sized canine-feline mammal, a woodland badger-lynx hybrid.

  Attack style: Biting. Scratching. Lone hunter.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: Residual poison from some bites.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Tom: There’s a new beast.

  Kim: Mujina.

  Emi: Try a spell if you can.

  Amy: Dale, behind you!

  Dale spun, but it was too late, he felt two nasty bites. He brought his shield down and blindly swung his sword behind himself. He swung into the air and then felt another bite on his sword arm. He fell to his knees.

  “Ahhhhhhh! Holy Christ Almighty!”


  Dale felt magic. His health increased, but the mutts were still biting him, so the balance of his health was going up and down, then up and down again. He managed to kill another beast, and then another. As he was killing the third in a row, he looked up to see the Mujina rushing him. Shit. Where’s Smith?

  Dale spun and dropped to his knees, holding up his shield to take the brunt of the Mujina’s charge. The beast drove him backward a full meter. Dale stood and brought his sword down onto the top of the badger beast, striking it in the top of the head. The animal screamed a blood thirsty shriek that echoed through the trees.


  Dale lifted his arm to strike again, but the beast had stood on its hind legs and pushed him over onto his back.


  One of the Gouride mutts jumped out and went for Dale’s face. An arrow came out of nowhere and ripped through the animals head, splashing Dale with blood. He didn’t see who had fired the arrow, but he was grateful. The Mujina had not stopped its attack on Dale’s shield, but it was taking arrows and spells from others in his platoon. He was able to get back on his feet, and as he did, another Gouride attacked.

  Dale dropped back to a knee, as if he was hurt or weak. When the mutt moved towards him he stood and swung his sword upwards, scoring a direct hit into the beast’s throat. He quickly spun and brought his sword back around to the Mujina, which was still receiving arrows and magic DPS attacks.

  With one strong blow the beast died.

  Mujina killed.


  Pelt dropped.

  Ruby dropped. 1/2 carat, medium quality.

  Dale looked for Smith. His friend was finishing off two mutts. Dale moved towards him and got a few swings in before the last attacker was finally killed.

  Brinkmann: Anyone see anything new?

  After thirty seconds, when nobody answered, Brinkmann ordered them to regroup.

  “Well, boys and girls, welcome to Almaach,” he said.

  Then Dale looked out across the meadows they’d crossed and saw a massive dragon flying toward their base.


  Even darkness must pass.

  ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

  I never get bored of watching this stuff. Especially tornados. And hurricanes, volcanos, floods… Honestly, it’s all good. Oh, tsunamis, now those are bad ass.

  ~ Jellu



  Level 100

; A massive reptile capable of flight.

  Attack style: Biting. Clawing. Tail Whipping. Fire Breathing. Spelling. Lone hunter.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: Elemental Fire.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  “What the hell? A Level 100 Dragon? How can that be?” Dale watched the dragon fly into their base camp and lay down a flame that caught the tents of their headquarters on fire.

  They were too far away to do anything except watch the destruction. It had taken them over an hour of hiking to reach the forest.

  “I don’t understand,” Lieutenant Brinkmann said.

  The dragon flew in circles. It blew fire and eventually landed.

  It ate people and ponies. It destroyed everything at base camp. Then it took flight again and circled the tether that created the space elevator. The tether was the tie between the ground base and the counterweight at the other end in space. The counterweight was held up by the centrifugal force caused by the spinning of the planet. The dragon flew directly into the tether.

  What happened next surprised everyone. The dragon twisted and turned, like a great game fish on a line. It found itself caught in the line, and it went mad. As it spun and tried to fly away to escape, more of the tether got wound up on its body.

  Eventually, the counterweight in space dropped too low for centrifugal force to hold it up and it dropped like a missile right onto the dragon.

  A massive fiery explosion followed.

  “What the hell!” Dale stood watching. The rest of the base camp burned.

  “I can’t believe that happened,” Sergeant Dyfrig said.

  The fire died down, and smoke rose into the sky.


  “Hey! Replay that!”


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