Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1) Page 23

by Jayden Hunter

  Jellu restarted the fiery volcano. He, Yawa, Yagway, and presumably The Holy Mist, watched as lava poured and hot cinder ash covered a large village on an obscure planet in a backwater galaxy that nobody, not even the deities that advertised themselves as gracious and merciful, really cared much about.

  Yagway laughed deeply. “I just love it when they pray to the wrong gods. Oh, Moristiga! Save us! Oh, Moristiga!”

  He deeply enjoyed mocking ignorant fools who believed in the wrong deities; it was almost as fun as condemning atheists to eternal hell to be tortured by Yawa.

  “More slaves for me,” Yawa said. “But kind of backwoods, they’d barely developed metalworking yet.”

  “Still fun to watch them scream,” Jellu said.

  “True. True.” Yawa said. He dipped his roasted chicken into ranch dip.

  “Hey, don’t double dip, asshole,” Jellu said.

  “Children!” Yagway materialized a second bowl of ranch dip. “There. You each have your own.”

  “I didn’t even want any,” Jellu said.

  “Jesus Christ,” Yawa moaned. He dipped another wing and chewed it, bones and all, and then drank from his mug of beer.

  “What’s the status of that Nagant thing?” Yagway asked.

  “Your Order of the Ozias is in place, father,” Jellu said. “We fixed it up good. We’ve created a virus that infects everything, it causes disorder, jealousy, hatred, racism, slavery, murder, and an unnatural desire to breed. Oh, plus a craving to consume fats and sugars. Basically, it’s chaos and, well, it’s just like you like it.”

  “I made a dragon,” Yawa said.

  “You and fucking dragons!” Jellu wiped his bloody wrists on his robe.

  “You and fucking blood!” Yawa spit out a bone.

  “Enough bickering,” Yagway said. “Tell me you didn’t overwhelm them all at once.”

  “Ummmmmm. Sorry,” Jellu said.

  Yawa pretended not to hear, he scratched his horns and looked in the other direction.

  “Medammit! I told you I wanted this to stretch out for a really long time. My schedule is full. Look, work this out with the Nagant Monks. I want chaos and disorder, but it’s not really fun if you don’t give them hope. You gotta let them think they can win, that life will have meaning and joy. You know they all want to evolve into a decent societies. Do you boys think you can fix this?”

  “Sure,” they both said.

  “Good. Just don’t let either faction obtain all the Jewels. When it’s all said and done, I want the Order of Ozias to control the Jewels. But not all at once. Do you really think you two can handle this? Do I need to get The Holy Mist to supervise you?”

  “No…” Jellu pouted.

  “I made a cool dragon,” Yawa said.

  “I put spies and assassins—” Jellu pleaded.

  “Me!” Yagway wasn’t nice when he started using his own name in vain, so Yawa and Jellu watched the rest of the volcano disaster in silence.


  System Message

  Important! Read at once.

  Nagant War Patch:

  The following glitch: Dragon, Level 100, has been corrected.

  All nerfed players and all equipment will be restored (please allow 24 hours).

  All non-world tech*, including chat and message functions, will be unavailable except on orbiting ships off planet.

  All resurrection points must be on orbiting ships off planet.

  All resurrections require a 4-hour cool down.

  *All players will have access to space folding backpacks for gear, loot, pets, and any available items obtained.

  Nagant Wars Notice:

  New faction introduced: The Order of the Ozias.

  The Order of the Ozias may introduce sentient players or NPCs as they desire, into any world or instance.

  The Order of the Ozias may offer quests, which can include bounties, assassinations, burglaries, and hunts.

  The Order of the Ozias also seeks to obtain the Seven Hundred and Seventy-Seven Jewels.

  The consequences of their success are unknown at this time.

  Nagant Wars Notice:

  New faction introduced: The Nikhil.

  The Nikhil are both sentient players and NPCs and exist as noncombatants.

  The Nikhil can, however, PvP, or otherwise harm other factions.

  The Nikhil can also be merchants, traders, and offer quests.


  Dale read through the list again.

  “Shit,” he said.



  Making sure you’re still here.

  Yes, I’m still available, but my capacity is limited. I can provide you with information obtained in guides as of your last update. I cannot communicate with base command or other members of your platoon. No more messaging or chat is allowed between players while they are on the planet. You’ll have to talk to them the old fashioned way.


  I have, however, been upgraded with your space folding backpack. You pretty much have unlimited storage. Any items you gather can fit into it.

  What happens if I die?

  There will be damage to items that you are currently using, however, all other items in your backpack will be available.

  Any ideas about getting mounts or pets in this world?

  No, I can only add things to my knowledge base as you discover them or when someone offers you a quest or something for sale.

  Dale looked out across the plain towards the smoky remains of the dragon and the damage it caused. A large, unrecognizable ship landed. The Nagant Monks, administrators, he assumed, had shown up to fix things.

  “Are we headed back?” he asked.

  “I think—” The Lieutenant started to speak but stopped when a massive herd of beasts came into view and headed across the plain.

  There were thousands of them, maybe tens of thousands. They appeared to be like a wildebeest, but they had big manes similar to American buffalos and long, dangerous looking horns. Dale concentrated on one of the larger bulls.



  Level 4

  A large grazing mammal, a gnu-buffalo hybrid.

  Attack style: Horns. Charging. Peaceful if avoided.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: None

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  “We aren’t heading back anytime soon. Besides, we probably have twenty-four hours before the base is up and we can get an assignment. I suggest we move out as a team into the forest and try to pick up a quest or find a dungeon. That’s not an order, as of right now, there are no orders. So everyone is free to explore as a loner if they feel crazy, or we can team up and try to find some loot together. In any case, we’ll meet back at base camp tomorrow about this time,” Lieutenant Brinkmann said.

  Tom and Kim, both hunters, announced they were going off to hunt together. The two Japanese soldiers, Emi and Rikuto, also paired up and left on their own.

  That left eight members, and they decided to head straight into the forest and see what they happened to come across.


  The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.

  ~ John Muir

  What is most beautiful is also the most dangerous. True for oceans, mountains, woods, and females.

  ~ Captain Redding


  Dale walked alongside Amy and they talked about how beautiful and mysterious the forest around them was with its massive trees, dense branches, and the occasional patch of flowers, herbs, and mushrooms.

  “I hope we can learn herb skills soon,” Amy said. “There is so much here, but we need to know what is dangerous and what is helpful.”

  “Agreed,” Dale said. He was feeling more at ease with her as each day went by. After they�
��d gone to dinner that first night on the ship, they’d spent at least some time, and usually, a meal together, every day since. She had a fascinating history of growing up in Seoul and then moving to San Francisco for college, two cities that Dale had only dreamt of visiting. Now, here he was, on another planet, walking through a forest with her. Life and serendipity were very strange.

  He noticed a clearing in the woods ahead of them, and he asked the LT if they should check it out.

  “Yeah, let’s see what’s there,” Lieutenant Brinkmann said.

  As they approached Dale saw two old men with staffs standing by an outcropping of stone.


  Muschi Kuningas Dungeon Guard

  Level 25


  Attack style: Friendly to the worthy.

  Weapons: Various.

  Magic: Fire. Ice. Wind.

  Tech: Long Sword. Staff.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  They approached the guards who were posted on each side of a great stone, which had the light outline of a door, and a scorpion symbol etched in dark red in its center.

  Hello, travelers.

  We offer you a quest, as we see you are worthy.

  The forest offers many medicinal plants and herbs. Potions, both spells and charms, rely on the correct mixing of ingredients.

  Upon successful clearing of this dungeon, you may find spell and enchantment books, caches of herbs, and possibly a Lore Book, gold, or gems.

  It is rumored that the boss of this dungeon offers an epic prize to very few, we bless you with luck from our Master, Lord Noita, should you accept this dangerous mission.

  Accept Muschi Kuningas Dungeon Quest: Y/N?

  Dale looked at the team and then spoke first. “I’m in if everyone else is ready for a quest. I’ve been hungry for loot since we landed.”

  “Let’s do it,” Amy said.

  “I’m in,” Smith added.

  The rest of the eight soldiers all accepted the quest and the etched door began to vibrate. The edges glowed with a yellow light; the door separated from the stone and the guard to their right reached out and opened it.

  Enter, travelers, and may Lord Noita bless your efforts.

  Dale went through the doorway and descended the stone stairway. There were torches mounted on the walls, and as they approached each torch, it grew brighter and lit more of the path. The stairs were covered in moss which was watered by drips from the ceiling. After what seemed like a hundred steps, they reached a vestibule that held an altar with a bronze statue of a bizarre looking deity.

  Dale approached the altar and said, “I wonder if we can get a blessing from this god if we offer it food?” He was joking, but Amy and Sanjay approached the altar, they’d thought of doing the same thing, except not as a joke.

  “Well?” Dale looked at Amy.

  “Yes, it worked. I received a 10% buff on HP and a 10% increase on DPS.”

  Dale looked into his inventory and found an apple. He placed it upon the altar.

  Your gift has been accepted, traveler, however your lack of faith has been offensive.

  Plus 7% to your DPS.

  A 5% penalty, however, has been added to magical attacks against you.

  Faith is its own reward.

  Dale took what he could get. Next time, he thought, he’d be more careful about being cynical.

  The rest of the party offered the god various food items; fruit and herbs provided the highest bonuses, while an offering of meat from the Lieutenant offended the god and cost him a slight loss in DPS during the quest.

  “Shit,” the Lieutenant said. “I shouldn’t have tried to be different.”

  “It is a plant and herb god,” Sergeant Dyfrig said. “You should have known better, but it’s good you tried. Now we can add it to our knowledge base. Consider yourself our first laboratory mouse.”


  “Look, a new door,” Yingtai said. “Let’s go.”

  The short Chinese woman went through the doorway first. Because she was a Mugron, she could see in the dark. She had also started with a high degree of healing; so if she was surprised by anything, she would have the best chance to get back to 100% health before the main attack happened. As it was, they walked down a long hallway without incident. When they reached the end of the hall, they entered into a grand chamber. The room was lit by torches. The walls glowed in an eerie green color from the phosphorescent moss that grew there and it pulsed as if it were alive with magic.

  The attack started when worm-like snakes dropped on them from the ceiling.



  Level 2

  A small snake that lives in trees and moss.

  Attack style: Drops from heights. Tries to attack and blind its victims. Attacks in groups.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: Mild poison from individual bites, but effects are cumulative.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Dale heard a woman scream, although he wasn’t sure who it was.

  “I hate snakes,” she cried out.

  It must have been Galina, the Russian who had been quiet so far. She was a Nefyn, and her professional guild was Elidar, not Kartikeya like the bulk of the platoon, so she had spell casting abilities already. She began shooting fire from her hands, the balls of fire burst into the snakes, and they turned to ash.

  “Try to round them into the center of the room,” she said.

  Dale was busy swatting at them with his shield and sword. A few made it past his efforts as there were so many of them.




  They gave a small painful bite, but the damage would only be harmful if a mass of them attacked without healing, each bite seemed to increase the damage the next bite caused. Amy and Sanjay had no problems healing the group, and Galina continued to burn the worm snakes as they dropped from the ceiling.

  Then Dale heard a loud buzzing noise, and he looked up to see a swarm of bee-like birds entering the chamber in a swarm.



  Level 3

  An insect-bird hybrid.

  Attack style: Flying Swarm. Stingers.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: Poison from individual bites. Accumulative stings can make allies attack their own.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Dale was still fighting off the worm snakes when the bees attacked. The Shtriga were like hummingbirds, except their long beaks didn’t look like they were designed for sucking up nectar, they looked like stingers. He lifted his shield and felt a barrage of thumps as the swarm flew into it. He flung the shield down, throwing half a dozen of the flying attackers to the ground. He stomped on them.



  He felt a painful sting on his left thigh, he looked down and saw the bee-like bird jabbing its stinger into his flesh; it burnt like being touched with a hot coal. He slapped the creature with the broad side of his sword, and it popped onto his leg, oozing out a greenish slime.

  I need better armor.

  He felt a surge of magic as one of the healers brought him back up to 100% health.

  The swarm had split up, and several bees were attacking each soldier. Dale swung his shield around and swatted as many of them to the ground as he could, stomping them into little blobs of green slime. There were still a few snake worms dropping as well, so he had several bites on the face which annoyed him and got him moving faster. He danced around swinging his shield and sword and stomping the ground.

  “Dale, look out!” Amy shouted.

  He looked to his left.

r />   Fezela

  Level 5

  An insect: Armored scorpion.

  Attack style: Stinger. Claws.

  Weapons: Plate armor with razor spikes.

  Magic: Poison from its sting.

  Tech: Armor.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  The scorpion was a Level 5 creature, so Dale had to back up and plan a defensive tactic, he wasn’t ready to die this early in their day. He moved back in time to miss being hit with the scorpion’s long stinger which it whipped above itself and slammed into the ground in front of him.

  A second scorpion followed the first and then a third one moved into the chamber.

  It was eight against three, but they also had to deal with a few snake worms that continued to drop from the ceiling while another swarm of hummingbird bees flew into the room.

  Yingtai accessed her fire power magic and slammed fireballs into the scorpions. Their armor seemed to give them protection against flames, so the damage to the creatures was minimal.

  Smith swung a club, and he also used a low-level DPS spell. The healers were concentrating on him because he was the main tank in the room, and two scorpions attacked him at once.

  Dyfrig had a herb healing enchantment that was working; it seemed apparent that earth magic was more powerful in this dungeon than fire magic.

  Dale moved towards the lone scorpion and swung his sword at the beast.

  It reached out with one of its claws and grabbed Dale’s sword. They began a tug-of-war for the sword. Dale didn’t want to lose his only offensive weapon, and he hadn’t learned a single DPS spell yet. His shield had a small level of attack ability; but it was weak and only worth using on lower-level creatures like the bees and worm snakes.

  Galina moved behind Dale to mid-range DPS and she began firing arrows from her long bow into the scorpion.

  “Keep it occupied on your sword, Dale,” she said.

  Dale moved around to his left, he tugged on his sword, but didn’t try to pull it completely loose, by moving the beast around; he’d exposed its flank, and Galina’s arrows were doing real damage.


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