Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1) Page 24

by Jayden Hunter

  “It’s got a weak point on its side, down low,” Galina shouted to the group.

  “Got it,” Brinkmann said. He moved towards Smith and attacked.

  Dale stayed concentrated on the scorpion he was fighting.

  The beast tried to twist the sword from Dale’s hand. He held fast.

  Then in a blink of an eye, the scorpion fired its stinger at Dale, who was barely able to get his shield up. Bam! The stinger penetrated the shield and stuck; Dale had his sword in the beast’s claw and his shield held the stinger stuck through it. He was being pushed around in a circle.

  Galina moved behind the scorpion. “Keep it busy,” she shouted.

  Dale twisted his shield and held his feet fast.

  He saw Galina fire a series of arrows into the rear of the beast. As the fifth arrow hit, the monster dissolved. Greenish brown fluid spread on the floor.

  “They are weakest if you hit them in the rear, under the stinger,” Galina said to Brinkmann.

  The LT was attacking the two scorpions that Smith was keeping busy as a tank.

  The healers worked together to keep Smith’s health from dropping too low.

  Galina moved next to Brinkmann and between the two of them attacking; both scorpions were killed. They dissolved into a thick puddle of muck and left a nasty smelling stain on the floor.

  There was loot, but before Dale could see what he’d gained, he heard a loud, evil laugh. He looked up.



  Level 5

  A humanoid creature, a goblin-troll hybrid.

  Attack style: Reckless. Semi-intelligent.

  Weapons: Rapiers. Bow. Daggers. Spears.

  Magic: Low-level earth.

  Tech: Low-level, various.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  The laughing creatures were short and dressed in green and brown tunics with low-level armor. There were six of them, so the situation had become much more dangerous. At Level 5, they were one level higher than Dale, but luckily Yingtai and the LT were both level 5. It was a challenging fight.

  Dale watched as Sanjay threw an unusual spear using a wooden handle that the spear rested in before it was flung.

  “What’s that?” Dale asked.

  “An atlatl spear thrower,” he said. “I just leveled up, and it became unlocked.”

  The spear flew through the air and struck the first Hiisi. It screamed and fell to the ground, a one hit kill.

  “Awesome!” Dale shouted. “Do it again!”

  “One minute cool down, look out!” Sanjay stood next to Dale and lifted his shield, a series of arrows flew through the air.

  Dale dropped to a knee and held up his shield next to Patel’s shield, and together they formed a barrier. Dale looked to his left and watched as Smith jumped up and came down with a massive stomp, the room shook, and the Hiisi took damage.

  Galina let arrows fly.



  Display my stats; I’m wondering why everyone is leveling, but I’m still—”

  You’re 2% away, just hit something.

  He circled around Smith and Brinkmann so that he could flank the goblin creatures. He was spotted by one, and it moved towards him with its rapier.

  Dale met it with his shield up and his short sword flying in response.

  He landed a hit.

  You’ve leveled up, but keep paying attention to that damn ugly creature.


  You’re doing great, by the way, stud.


  He swung again, but his sword flew through the air, the Hiisi had jumped out of the way and scored a strike into Dale’s side. He fell to the ground in pain. The creature jumped on top of him and raised a long curved dagger. Dale used his shield to slam the beast in the head and the creature flew off. He felt a healing enchantment hit him; his health went back to 100%. Because he had gone up to Level 5, he had a stronger sword available. He had started the day with only two swords, sort of a tease, he had thought, but maybe he could sell the short sword later if they found a village. He used the longer, more sturdy sword, to viciously attack the Hiisi. He killed the beast after a minute of fierce fighting.

  Hiisi killed.


  Emerald dropped. 1 Carat, fine quality.

  Rapier dropped, medium quality.

  Dale glanced around; there was nothing close enough for him to attack. He heard a buzz; one hummingbird bee flew around his head. He swung his shield, and it popped into a burst of green ooze. The other Hiisi in the room were nearly all dead. Dale watched as his platoon squashed the last of the bees, killed the remaining Hiisi, and stomped the last few worm snakes that were still wiggling around on the floor.

  They regrouped in the center of the room. The healers got everyone’s health back up to 100%.

  “Anyone have equipment that needs repairing?” Dyfrig asked.

  “Mine isn’t so bad, Sergeant,” Dale said.

  Everyone else said they were good to go.

  The rear wall of the room started to shake, a door opened and a beast entered. It appeared to be a dinosaur type bird, and it let out a loud screech.



  Level 9

  A reptilian creature with feathers and a bird’s beak and claws, a velociraptor-vulture hybrid.

  Attack style: Cunning. Intelligent.

  Weapons: Claws. Teeth. Whipping tail.

  Magic: Medium level earth.

  Tech: None.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  This was the highest level creature they’d faced. It was about two meters tall, had black and dark brown feathers, and a long sharp beak. It also had vicious-looking claws. It screeched again, then charged them.

  The group scattered.

  The creature ran through and past them, screeching and turning its head to the left and right, sizing up its prey. It stopped and spun around. Its head rocked back and forth, its dark eyes seemingly intelligent and calculating.

  “What’s the plan?” Dale asked.

  “Don’t die,” Brinkmann said.

  He became the first victim. Apparently, the dino-bird had excellent hearing because as the word die left the Lieutenants lips the beast ran and leaped on top of him.

  Smith swung his club.

  Dale swung his sword.

  Galina fired arrows.

  “There’s more Hiisi coming,” Sanjay shouted.

  Dale turned to look, sure enough, four Hiisi had followed the bird-beast into the room and now approached. The room went into a crazy wild battle.






  Dale took and dished out hits. He killed another Hiisi which dropped a two carat diamond. He kept fighting. The team had been spread out by the attackers. Sanjay and Smith attacked the Vulturaptor. Dale joined them.

  It was too late for the Lieutenant. He’d been overcome and had died.

  Dale didn’t have time to worry about losses now.

  He felt healing enchantments hit him, keeping his health up. He did his best to strike at the monster, but his sword wasn’t much help.

  Yingtai surprised him again; she had upgraded her bow to a more powerful long bow, and she fired enchanted arrows into the dino-bird, hitting it with arrow after arrow. Dale assumed that spell casters could use certain kinds of healing power to imbue arrows to do damage to beasts.

  He realized he had a lot to learn. He hoped he’d have time to gain more experience and knowledge before he ended up like the LT, dead on the floor, waiting to be resurrected back on the Jabez.

  Dale continued to fight the best he could.

  The beast was concentrating on Smith and Dyfrig.

  Dale didn’t have a bow, nor any magic, so he couldn’t l
ong range DPS nor heal. He felt useless, but he kept swinging his sword, getting in a few strikes here and there.



  At least he was helping.

  The beast leaped away from the tanks and charged Galina, who had been firing spell arrows, the opposite of Yingtai, who continued to fire enchantments. The monster cornered her and with a huge swipe of its massive claws, and it tore her open. Her intestines poured onto the floor, and Dale nearly vomited, feeling an overwhelming sickness as he, Smith, and Sanjay circled the beast and attacked.

  Dale heard Amy at his side.

  She whispered, “Keep it occupied. I’ve been charging the most powerful enchantment I have. I didn’t realize it would work until I saw Yingtai use enchanting for good effect. Ten more seconds. Keep it busy.”

  Dale moved to the rear of the animal while Smith and Dyfrig attacked from the front. The beast was taking damage but it seemed too strong to defeat using the methods they had tried so far.

  It swung its tail faster than Dale could manage to jump, and his legs were knocked out from under him. He shouted out.

  The beast turned towards his voice and he knew he was about to meet death. The thought of Galina’s guts pouring out on the floor flashed into his mind, and he felt another wave of nausea hit. He lifted his shield up and prepared for the worst.

  A loud electrical buzzing sound filled the room. A bolt of blue flew over his head. An arrow.

  Amy had fired her enchanted arrow, and it struck the beast in the chest. It screamed and shook its head.

  Dale stood up, and swung his sword, causing the dino-bird to duck; in doing so, its head moved right into the path of Smith’s club.

  Dyfrig jammed a spear into the beast.

  Dale swung his sword and removed the beast’s head from its body.

  Boss Vulturaptor killed.


  1 Herb Magic Book dropped.

  1 Water Magic Book dropped.

  1 Heavy Broad Sword dropped.

  1 3 Carat Diamond dropped.

  Dale breathed a deep breath. “Wow, I’m glad that’s over.”


  Most of us, most of the time, have a low tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty. We want to reduce the cognitive dissonance of not knowing by filling the gaps with answers. Traditionally, religious myths have served that role, but today — the age of science — science fiction is our mythology.

  ~ Michael Shermer

  It’s just a job.

  ~ Phil, Monk of the Order of Ozias


  Dale was both tired and happy when they exited the dungeon and were outside in the forest again. When they’d left the instance, the door automatically closed behind them, and the two guards returned to stone. They regrouped, sat, and everyone ate to refresh their vigor.

  They shared crafting enchantments to bring all their equipment back up to 100%.

  Dale looked at his loot; he’d reached Level 5, and felt good about the how the dungeon quest worked out, although he did feel bad for the LT and Galina.

  He had received two gems, a three carat diamond of excellent quality, and a one carat emerald of fine quality. He hoped they’d make it to a village or town soon so he could upgrade his equipment and purchase armor.

  The Heavy Broad Sword he’d received was much better than his previous swords; he would sell the rapier he’d captured off the goblin creature unless he came up with a good reason to keep it. Everything was so new; he wasn’t sure what items would end up being the best later on as they journeyed and quested. They were also in a war, he reminded himself, they hadn’t seen a sign of the actual enemy yet, the Declan Faction. And The Order of Ozias was a new element, too.

  He needed to continue to level and learn new skills.

  Next Dale opened his Herb Magic Book.

  Congratulations on opening your very first Book of Magic.

  Congratulations on opening your first Book of Herb Magic.

  This achievement allows you to take the first step towards becoming a Champion Wizard.

  Magic is now open to you for spelling and enchanting.

  Your guilds and class offer no additional bonuses.

  Being a Zuharah grants you additional buffs and increased vigor and favor.

  +10% vigor on all strengthening herb potions

  +10% effect on all herb healing enchantments

  +10% favor when dealing with other magical races or purchasing from magical shops or guilds

  +10% ability in finding herbs and mushrooms

  +10% increase in mana regeneration

  Dale was happy about his gains. He opened the Water Magic Book.

  Congratulations on opening your first Water Magic Book.

  Your guilds and class offer no additional bonuses.

  Being Zuharah grants you additional buffs and increased vigor and charisma.

  +10% vigor on all damaging water spells.

  +10% effect on all water healing enchantments.

  +3% ability in water spells

  +3% increase in mana regeneration

  +10% protection in water enchantments against fire or earth spells


  “I think I did well,” he said to Amy.

  “I did too,” she said.

  “What about you, Smith?” Dale looked at his friend.

  Smith changed into his humant form. “I did good. I need to take a break from being a giant gorilla; it was reminding me too much of watching the LT and Galina die.”

  Dale followed suit.

  “Okay, I’ll join you guys,” Amy said. She changed from a hairy wolf creature back into a beautiful woman.

  The rest of the group followed suit, except for Dyfrig, who was always a lizard, it seemed.

  “Hey, where’s Yingtai?” Dale asked.

  “I don’t see her,” Sanjay said. “I haven’t seen her since we left the dungeon, and headed up the stairwell.”

  “She never came outside?” Dyfrig asked.

  Nobody answered.

  “Ying—” Dale shouted, but Amy hit him in the arm. Rather hard.

  “Are you crazy?” She looked at him. “We are in a strange forest. The beasts that live here have good hearing.”

  “Sorry, you’re right.”

  They heard a sound and saw a figure approach.

  Dale stood and prepared to fight. He felt that he should lead the attack since he’d been the one to bring attention to their presence.


  The Order Of Ozias Monk

  Level 27

  A humanoid spirit being.

  Attack style: Unknown. Peaceful if not provoked.

  Weapons: Unknown.

  Magic: Extremely high.

  Tech: Unknown.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  The monk approached. He was not carrying a weapon, and he spread his hands, a sign of peace.

  “I come with a quest.”

  Dale approached him.

  A Quest: Humants Only Know They are Important But Not Why

  Throughout the Kingdom of the House of Talargo there are hidden seventy-seven The Order of the Ozias Lore Books

  Collect all seventy-seven books and be rewarded with knowledge and increased vigor, mana, charisma, and favor.

  Accept Quest? Y/N

  Dale accepted without hesitation. Such quests could be important, and there was no reason not to take advantage of them, in spite of the whatever dangers one could expect to find. After he had accepted the quest, another one presented itself.

  A Quest: Fire Burns

  Throughout the Kingdom of the House of Talargo, there are hidden seventeen Fiery Red Garnets.

  Collect all seventeen Fiery Red Garnets and be rewarded with Fire Magic skills.

  Each skill has these requirements:

  The Torch: Level 5-20, plus 2 garnets collected, plus
1 Fire Magic Books collected.

  Fireball: Level 21-40, plus 4 garnets collected, plus 8 Fire Magic Books collected.

  Dragon’s Breath: Level 41-60, plus 6 garnets collected, plus 14 Fire Magic Books collected.

  Dwarf Smelter: Level 61-80, plus 8 garnets collected, plus 1 Fiery Red Diamond collected.

  Rain of Fire: Level 81:100, plus 17 garnets collected, plus 1 Master of Fire Magic book collected.

  Dale accepted this quest, developing fire magic powers would be an awesome advancement. Having these powers would make him a more important part of the team, he’d level faster, and get more and better loot.

  Each member of the platoon interacted with the monk, although Dale did not see what each person had received as a quest. He wondered if sharing quests was a good idea, a bad idea, or neutral. He decided he would talk to Amy about it later in private, as well as Smith, both people he’d grown to trust.

  Dale was about to ask Amy a question when she changed back into a wolf-woman.

  “What’s wr—”

  “Shhhhh…” Her ears were upright, and she appeared to be concentrating. “Everyone, a large group is approaching. Quickly, into the woods, away from the dungeon entrance.”


  There is no end

  To what a living world

  Will demand of you.

  ~ Octavia E. Butler

  Humans take death far too seriously.

  ~ Sergeant Dyfrig


  The remainder of the 3rd platoon, now only five strong, quietly moved into the forest. The found a place to lie in concealment, and they watched the entrance of the dungeon.

  Dale the Zuharah, Dyfrig the Ningishzida, Amy the Sidheagin, Smith the Sagittalian, and Sanjay the Isca, all waited in complete silence. A wizard, a lizard, a wolf-woman, an ape-man, and a jaguar-man all under the brush, not moving a muscle, waiting to see what Amy had heard approaching, They knew that whatever was coming, it was coming in a group that out numbered them.

  The group that approached the dungeon was made up of various races, much like their own party. They numbered ten soldiers, and Dale concentrated on the lead, a Naphil.



  Level 5


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