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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

Page 27

by Jayden Hunter

  Smith walked up to Dale and started laughing.

  “What are you laughing about?”

  “Long night?”

  Dale blushed. “What?”

  “You look like shit.”

  “Thanks…” Dale ran his fingers through his messy hair. “I guess I could have showered first, but I needed caffeine.”

  “You can have it delivered to your pod in about three minutes.” Smith was, apparently, wanting to be a ball buster this morning.

  “I know, but you messaged me, I felt like getting out. Tell me about the quest.”

  “Let me get a coffee first.” Smith came back a minute later with a large mug and stared at Dale. “Well?”

  “Well, what?”

  “You know.”

  “I’m not a gossip,” Dale said.

  “Still. This is man talk. Don’t be selfish with the details.” Smith looked at him with a serious stare.

  “Maybe later. Not here. Tell me about the quest.”

  “Okay. I’m going to hold you to that. The quest is to collect as many rare animals as we can in the Valley of the Dragon Scale. We’ll have to buy a couple of basic horse mounts in the market because it’s kind of far, but I have a map. It looks like something with a good earning potential. At least it’ll be something to do.”

  “Sounds good.”


  Dale and Smith each bought mounts in the marketplace. They got the largest horses they could find, and even at that, they weren’t anything special. Dale knew they probably overpaid, too. Well, soon enough, they’d have a better idea of the local economy and more gold, and once they ventured into Irkalla, they’d have many more options.

  Smith had emailed Dale an attachment that contained the map supplied from the Nojus guild. Dale had uploaded the map to Erin.

  Can you keep a small map icon in my upper left vision?

  Oh, you’re speaking to me again?

  Um. You’re jealous?

  No, of course not. I don’t have feelings.

  Doesn’t sound that way.

  Just my programming, handsome. Lucky.

  Stop. Just give me the map. And warm me if anything looks dangerous.

  You got it, tiger.



  When they reached the valley, they dismounted, and began hiking. Earlier travelers had uploaded a few maps to the guild, but much of the valley was marked as being unknown territory on their map. The Nojus Guild had also uploaded the beasts that had been captured on Almaach already. It included forty-three reptiles, fourteen birds, six mammals, twenty-seven insects, six fish, and thousands of bacteria and viruses.

  Neither Dale nor Smith was interested in the collection of macrobiotics or viruses, but they understood the importance of collecting them.

  They used the best stealth and camouflage they could manage, which was still on the low side, so their expectations of getting anything super rare was low. But they knew that they had to start somewhere.

  Dale spotted a small lizard with a blue stripe.

  They’ve got that one.

  Thanks, Erin. How about if I see something that’s been collected already, you highlight it in red. If it’s not on the list, highlight it in blue.


  Smith whispered to Dale. “I see a little squirrel looking creature. Careful.”

  “I see it.” It was highlighted in blue.

  They sneaked around the trees, being careful not to step on any branches, or make any noise. Dale held up a large net that was on the end of a pole; Smith had the same ready to go. Their agreement had been to do the best to let each person catch the same amount of animals, if one of them caught a beast, the next beast would be for the other guy, back and forth. But the little brown squirrel was the first attempt, so it was up for grabs.


  Forest Squirrel

  Level 1

  A small mammal. Tasty in a stew.

  Attack style: Biting.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: None

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Dale tip-toed towards the little creature. He felt kind of stupid trying to scoop up a Level 1 harmless little thing, but it was part of a larger quest to collect rare animals. The Nojus Guild had plans to build a zoo, and even a little squirrel was as important, he supposed, as any other animal.

  Smith lifted his index finger to his mouth. “Shhhh.” He pointed to the right and then mimed himself sneaking around and chasing the animal towards Dale.

  Dale gave him the thumbs up.

  The squirrel saw Smith and jumped so fast that Dale almost missed catching it.


  Congratulations, you have caught your first animal in the Nojus Guild Collect Rare Animals Quest.

  Your first reward will be awarded on your tenth capture.

  +10% Sneak Skill.

  Dale put the squirrel into a little cage and then placed it into his space folding backpack. “Well, I struck first, Smith. You’re up.”

  “Alright. But don’t let anything get away. If you can capture something I miss, I’ll make up for it later.”

  They continued and the forest became thicker and darker. They’d been staying on a trail, but Dale suggested they pick a spot and leave the path for uncharted areas.

  “I think we’ll have more chance of capturing a beast if we hunt in undisturbed places.”

  They found a small game trail, while it was harder and slower to follow, but they both felt they’d have a better chance of finding rare creatures.

  Dale saw birds and lizards, but Erin highlighted them in red each time.

  Then Smith tapped him on the shoulder. “Back me up,” he whispered.

  Smith approached a small snake coiled on a rock. It had found the one spot a little ray of sunlight had broken through the canopy of the forest. He motioned for Dale to flank the snake on the right, just in case he missed it.

  Dale looked at the beast.


  Emerald Adder

  Level 3

  A small reptile.

  Attack style: Biting. Venom.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: None

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Smith almost missed the snake, but on his second try he got the noose around the snakes head and pulled the cord. The snake coiled and squirmed, but it was caught. He put it in a cage and then asked Dale if he was ready to take a little break.

  “Sure, I could use a drink.”

  They sat, their backs to trees, and talked about animals and their dreams of helping build the biggest zoo in history.

  “Does Amy love animals too?”

  “I think so. I guess we haven’t really talked about it.”

  “What kind of guild quest did she go on today?”

  “I don’t know. It was a secret. Or she didn’t want to tell me,” Dale said. He was unsure of himself. “She’s really talented.”

  “So, you got it bad.”


  “You know what I mean.” Smith laughed. “Don’t worry about it. I understand. Far from home, on a lonely planet, love blossoms.”


  “So did you?”

  “Hey, I’m not a gossip.”

  “Nobody is going to know but you, me, and the trees. Spill the secrets.” Smith looked at him with friendly eyes.


  “Okay, what?” Smith wasn’t going to let up.

  “We did.”


  “Don’t say anything. God. I never should have said anything.”

  “Guy’s honor, dude. No worries. Nice, she’s super cute.”

  “Yeah, well, find your own girlfriend.”

“She’s your girlfriend now?” Smith asked in an incredulous voice. “You’ve known her, what, about a day?”

  “Well…” Now Dale was embarrassed again. “I guess she’s not my official girlfriend. I mean—I don’t know—could we drop the subject?”

  “Sure. Let’s go find some pets or mounts. Maybe a quest will show up somewhere in the valley, let’s move out.”

  Dale couldn’t start hiking soon enough.


  After another two hours of catching small reptiles and mammals, they approached a small village. An elf met them. He was dressed in light clothing and carried no weapons. He seemed friendly.

  “Hello, travelers,” the elf said.

  “Hello,” Dale said. “We are looking for a quest to find a mount or a pet, can you help us?”

  “I cannot, but I’ll take you to our chief.”

  They followed the elf. Inside the village walls, women and children worked and played. A few old men sat in rocking chairs and smoked long pipes. The leader of the elf village was also an old elf. He had a wrinkly face, which for an elf, meant he’d lived an extremely long time.

  “Greetings, travelers,” the leader said.

  “Thank you for welcoming us to your village,” Smith said.

  “We are seeking a quest to obtain a mount or a pet, or maybe both, if that’s possible,” Dale said. He figured it never hurt to ask for what you want; it had worked pretty well the night before.

  “Yes, my friends, I can offer you a quest,” the old elf said.

  You have been offered a quest: Capture the Lucky Cat.

  Capture and bring the Ji Ba Mao to the village and present the lucky journey cat to our chief.

  You may be given a gift by the lucky cat, in addition to the wildebai mount offered by the chief.

  This quest also has loot drops if you kill the Lamya Snake, the Striped Wolf, or if you can defeat the Leshy, a shape-shifting creature who may appear as a fox, lion, or a bear.

  Accept this quest? Y/N


  Once they accepted the quest, the leader gave them a map, and they set off. The trail required them to leave the forest for a short time, then enter a forested box canyon. They rode their horses to the entrance, dismounted, and snuck into the canyon.

  After a hike up into the canyon, past several waterfalls, and outcroppings of large black rocks, they came upon a small clearing. A rock was in the sun and on the rock were a group of snakes.


  Lamya Snake

  Level 4

  A medium sized reptile.

  Attack style: Biting.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: Minor in venom.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  They each withdrew their swords.

  Smith motioned for Dale to take the right and that he’d take the left.

  Dale moved slowly; he had his longsword in his right hand, and his older, smaller sword in his left hand. He didn’t believe a shield would help him much. Once Smith was on the other side of the rock, Dale moved forward, and brought his sword down.

  The snake split in half and the other snakes went wild, before he knew what was happening, dozens of snakes were slithering out of the hole under the rock.

  They chopped and hacked snakes.

  Dale took a nasty bite to his calf; a snake had circled behind him and he hadn’t seen it in time.

  “Holy crap! That hurt.” He didn’t have the time to try to enchant a healing spell, and besides, he was weak in the healing arts. Smith had a decent amount of skill for healing, but he was too busy killing snakes to take on a support role. Dale hoped the snake nest would run out of snakes before he got bitten again and they ended up being forced to retreat.

  He chopped, hacked, and sliced. Dead snakes piled up, then he heard a low growl.


  Striped Wolf

  Level 5

  A canine scavenger. A wolf-jackal-mutt hybrid.

  Attack style: Biting. Pack hunter, but mostly a scavenger. Dangerous when defending a kill.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: None.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Four wolves approached cautiously, growling, their eyes up. They started eating the dead snakes that were the farthest from Dale and Smith.

  “These snakeskins have trading value, we need to stop the scavengers,” Smith said.

  “We have to finish killing the ones still attacking us,” Dale said. “These things hurt when they bite.”

  “Hurry up then, and stop talking!”

  “You’re the one yakking,” Dale said.

  Smith chopped faster and Dale attempted to keep up.

  Snakes continued to pour into the sunlight and the pile of dead ones reached to the top of their boots.

  “Holy crap! That’s a lot of snakes,” Smith said.

  Finally the onslaught ended and they chopped the last Lamya into pieces. The Striped Wolves consumed the dead snakes from the edge of the pile of corpses, and when the four beasts saw that Smith and Dale had changed their attention from the snakes to them, the hair on their dark manes raised. They growled a warning, displaying their large canine fangs.

  Smith bought out a bow and Dale followed his lead.

  They each drew back and fired arrows.

  Striped Wolf Killed.


  Pelt dropped.

  Both wolves they’d shot died, but the other two lunged forward. They dropped their bows and retrieved swords.

  Dale brought a shield out this time, along with his long sword. The wolf circled him. He followed it’s eyes, the wolf lunged to his right, but then ended up to his left, he barely pushed it away with his shield. The force sent the wolf right into Smith, and it bit his sword arm and wouldn’t let go.

  Smith screamed.

  Dale lunged and brought his sword down as hard as he could. He struck the wolf and split it open; blood splattered everywhere. The second wolf lunged, he hit it with his shield while at the same time, Smith struck it with his sword.

  Both wolves were dead.

  “Shit, sorry about that,” Dale said.

  “Don’t worry,” Smith said. “It was all in the heat of the battle.”

  As they retrieved the pelts and snakeskins a low growl got their attention.



  Level 8

  A shapeshifter. May take the form of a fox, a lion, or a bear.

  Attack style: Biting. Clawing. Lone hunter.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: Medium.

  Tech: Some carry armor.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  “Should we change?”

  “No, we’ll lose too much of the Nojus bonuses if we do,” Dale said. “Plus, you’re one ugly fucker as an ape.”

  “Okay. But, that thing is level eight. I can tank better—”

  “If we take massive damage, go ahead. I can only do a little more magic as a Zuharah anyway. Let’s try it this way first.”

  “You’re the boss.”

  “Look out!”

  The Leshy moved out of the forest trees with incredible speed. It was in the form of a fox, but as it leap towards the pair, it changed into a lion. It roared, landed in front of them, and attacked.

  Dale and Smith moved around it with as much speed as they could, they lashed out with their swords; the beast lashed out with its claws.

  They battled back and forth. Dale was tiring.

  “Smith, move back and get your long bow. Try ranging DPS while I engage with my sword!”

  “I’ll try,” Smith said. He backed away.

  Dale lunged forward to get t
he lion’s attention. It worked too well; the beast lunged, Dale lifted his shield, but the lion fell onto him, knocking him over onto the ground. He screamed as the beast scratched him viciously with its claws, drawing blood on Dale’s abdomen and thighs.

  I really need better armor, Dale thought. Damn!

  Smith fired arrows into the lion, which got it to move off of Dale and run towards Smith.

  Dale leaped to his feet and chased after the lion. It reached Smith before Dale could catch up.

  Smith, who had put his sword away to use his bow, was vulnerable, and he took a brutal swipe. The lion pinned him to the ground and was ripping open his chest when Dale finally got to the lion to attack him instead.

  He moved backward, away from Smith, hoping to give him time to recover. The lion outclassed Dale; a level eight beast was too much for him to fight by himself. He tired, fell to his knees, and struggled to hold his shield up; he was bleeding profusely which made him wonder if the lion would actually eat him when he died.

  A dark blur flashed in front of Dale, and a great ape grabbed the lion. Smith had healed himself and changed into his Sagittalian avatar, they’d lose the Nojus bonuses; but losing those was better than dying. The ape tank wrestled the lion, and they struggled against each other using claws and teeth.

  Dale switched his weapon to a bow. He wasn’t very skilled or magical, but it made sense to change into his Zuharah avatar so he could heal himself and use the little bit of imbuing magic he had available.

  He fired an arrow which hit the lion, who then disengaged from Smith, and lunged at him. He didn’t have time to retrieve his sword, and as he nocked another arrow, the beast changed from a lion into a giant bear.

  “Shit!” Dale fired an arrow, which slowed the bear for only a blink of a moment, just long enough for him to switch to his shield and long sword. The angry bear ran straight into Dale and bit his shield, which splintered into pieces, while Dale brought his sword down onto its head. It had a tough skull and barely any damage was done.

  The beast reared and growled, Dale hit the bear again, while Smith approached from the rear wielding a spear. He lunged and rammed the spear deeply into the bear’s flesh, it fell over onto the spear which caused more damage, and it roared out in pain. Dale took advantage of the opening with a brutal sword assault, he hacked at the bear’s head over and over, while Smith followed suit with a club, and the bear finally succumbed to it’s injuries.


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