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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

Page 30

by Jayden Hunter


  Platoon Quest: Locate Princess Talargo and Protect Her

  You’ve been offered a quest: The King Talargo requests that the 3rd platoon, with Princess Jara as a guide, seek out the location of his daughter, the Princess Talargo.

  Upon locating the Princess: Aide her in protecting the Jewel she is rumored to have in her possession.

  Princess Talargo may offer additional Royal quests.

  Rewards: The King extends friendly status to anyone who successfully completes this quest. The King offers 1000 gold bars, a 3 carat Deep Blue Emerald of fine quality, 3 Magic Books of your choosing, and 1 Royal Mount.

  Additional quests and rewards may present themselves.

  This is a platoon quest and all loot will be shared per spec. 34.d-q with Lieutenant Brinkmann being the arbitrator of record.

  Your party will be given a Letter of Introduction to present to the Court of King Moschatel, which will grant you peace and security within his realm.

  Accept quest? Y/N


  Dale accepted the quest. What alternative was there? He decided that he’d become ruthless and calculating like Yingtai. He didn’t know what he had been thinking getting involved in childish role playing.

  Smith looked at him. “I remember how you felt. Back in the Mount Dog—”

  “I’m over that.”

  “I know,” Smith said. “But Brian was your friend…”

  “My best friend.”

  “And I know, well, he told me…”

  “You mean about her?”


  “That asshole. He had no right.”

  “I think he was just trying to—”

  “Don’t make excuses for his betrayals,” Dale said in anger. “He had no right to tell you about—about her. That was my story to tell if I wanted to tell it in the first place.”

  “Sorry.” Smith put his hand on Dale’s shoulder. “I’m really sorry—”

  Dale knocked his hand away, sat on the ground, and cried bitterly.

  Smith sat next to him.

  Sanjay had the good sense to stay away, and nobody else in the platoon seemed to notice them.

  “Life sucks sometimes,” Smith said.

  Dale wiped his eyes. “I’m fine. I’ve learned my lesson. Fool me once, you know, that’s one thing. Fool me twice? No, I’m not going to be fooled again.”

  “We leave in the morning to search for a castle,” Smith said.

  “Good. I just want to put tonight behind me.” Dale stood, wiped his eyes again, and walked towards Dyfrig and Brinkmann, who were planning with Princess Jara and several of the Kings advisors, which of the mountain routes would most likely lead them to the Princess Talargo.

  The platoon was told to be ready to march at first light the next morning and dismissed.


  Dale went back to the inn and fell into a restless sleep.

  He dreamt.

  “I love you, Dale,” she said.

  “You do?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you really mean that?” Dale couldn’t tell who was talking to him, but he still wanted an answer.

  “Yes, you’re the guy for me.” The voice was female, vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place who it was.

  “I’ve trusted before.” Dale remembered her when he said this; she’d scarred him permanently, even though they were only fifteen at the time.

  “I know, Dale. This time is different.” The voice faded.


  Dale’s world went black.


  The gods do not protect fools. Fools are protected by more capable fools.

  ~ Larry Niven

  Once you kill, those fighting next to you become your brothers and sisters. Siblings birthed in blood and fear.

  ~ Tom Kapralov


  At first light, the platoon left Irkalla.

  Dale rode his wildebai mount, but he didn’t feel like a victorious warrior heading into battle, he felt like shit.

  “Snap out of it,” Smith said.

  “You’re right.” Dale gave his mount a kick and moved up the trail; he wasn’t in the mood for a pep talk. He settled in behind Kim, who faced him, but didn’t smile. Her scar gave her the look of a warrior; it was as if she knew that today was simply another day that could bring rewards, loot, or death. Worrying about the past or the future wasn’t something a warrior could afford, an excellent warrior performed their job each day regardless of circumstances.

  Kim’s mount was a huge black panther that wore light armor with black and red markings, she carried a long spear with with matching colors, and on her back she wore a round shield.

  The platoon was being lead by Sergeant Dyfrig, who rode his favorite mount, the giraffe with battle armor. After him Galina rode a war horse unicorn, a proud beast noble beast that Dale imagined was an extension of the Russian warrior who sat on it.

  Next was the bat creature, Tom Kapralov. Dale thought it was odd that the two Russians didn’t seem to get along, they barely spoke to each other. Tom mostly worked with Kim, as they were both in the Flidais Guild, the hunters. Tom’s mount was a rhinoceros, which was awesome, and Dale had a twinge of jealousy when he saw it. Its long curved horn was capped with a sharp spear tip of iron and its body was covered with heavy war armor.

  Sanjay followed Tom; his mount was a giant lizard, a combination between an iguana and a red racer. The sleek lizard was not so much powerful as it was lighting fast and could climb right up the side of a wall.

  Rikuto Setsu was a Naphil and of all the members of the platoon, this Japanese warrior made Dale the most nervous. He was quiet, kept to himself, and constantly practiced with various throwing weapons: shiruken, knives, darts, and bola, which was comprised of balls connect to a line which could trip both soldiers and mounts if thrown accurately.

  Princess Jara and Yingtai were in the rear, the Lieutenant behind them, being the last soldier in the troop. Jara and Yingtai both rode bears; the mounts appeared to be combinations of panda bears and grizzly bears, perhaps with a touch of canine, like a massive wolf had been added to the mix. Impressive.

  Lieutenant Brinkmann rode an African elephant, by far the most dangerous looking mount, and by far the biggest and strongest. RHIP. Rank Has Its Privileges, Dale thought. He wondered if the Lieutenant had changed his strategy mindset after having died in the dungeon on the first day out in this world.

  Dale shuddered when he thought of death. He would have died the night before if Amy hadn’t yelled and stopped Emi; he wondered why she bothered, her warning had ended both of their lives. He needed to study more about the Thuban, the assassins guild. He had a high-level sword, the rapier that Emi had dropped, and he might as well learn what special uses it had.

  They’d been traveling for several hours before their path entered the forest.

  “Be aware.” Dyfrig warned the group as they gathered for a short break to eat, drink, and to ensure that everyone was ready for contact with enemies. The forest was the place to expect an ambush, and sending Tom up to fly around was worthless, the trees were too dense. When they entered the cover of the trees, the LT ordered them to keep a tighter grouping and for everyone to arm themselves with bows or spears.


  The group had been traveling into the forest for twenty minutes when they came upon enemies. It wasn’t Declan troops they ran into, but a group of mutant humanoids that looked as if they belonged in a post-nuclear-war dystopian world. They were big, ugly, grotesque, and looked to be as stupid as they were strong. The creatures were being commanded by a witch who stayed in the distance to coordinate their attack and work healing magic to protect her warriors.



  Level 5

  A mutant humanoid.

  Attack style: Br
ute attack.

  Weapons: Club. Spear. Shield.

  Magic: None.

  Tech: Low level, nothing with more than one part.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Dale moved towards the first creature after dismounting and firing an arrow. As the Erbi fell back a step from the force of Dale’s arrow, he switched to his longsword and moved towards the beast forcefully and without fear. He felt like a new man: focused, determined, strong, and single-minded. He would kill all that opposed him.

  Dale blocked a blow from the beast’s club, deflecting the strike to the ground. He felt the impact ripple move up his feet from the ground and knew that if that monster hit him squarely he’d crumble into a mess of bloody broken bones. He followed the block with a swing of his sword, but the Erbi lifted his shield, and blocked his strike. The sword stopped dead; it sent a shock wave through Dale’s arm which vibrated all the way to his head. The mutant was not going to be easy to kill.

  They traded blows and blocks, Dale tired, and he realized he needed a strategy besides using brute force. He activated his torch skill, which was a low-level spell, but the only one he had the requirements to use. He knew it was probably too underpowered to cause significant damage to the Erbi, who was not only a level five tank, but was being protected by the witch in the background, but he had to try something.

  He took a couple of steps backward and dodged the beast’s club. The spell had a five second cast time, so he needed to be careful. He would have to work on leveling higher in magic and acquiring more skills; the cool down and warm up times he currently possessed were too long to be of much use against anything with decent skills and magic, but he had to start somewhere.

  Dale started to shout to Amy to back him up, but as he was about to speak, he remembered she was no longer part of the platoon. He turned his head and looked back; Sanjay was working on a spell.

  “Sanjay! Can you follow my torch strike with your spear!?”

  “I’m on it buddy,” Sanjay said. His jaguar form was impressive, he had the atlatl activated, and was working up a spell to imbue the shaft before he flung it. Sanjay was helpful to the group as both a ranged DPS and healer, but he could also be a worthy tank as his Isca avatar was versatile.

  When Dale was ready, he deflected a strike from the Erbi’s club and fired a torch spell into the face of the mutant.

  It screamed and slipped backward.

  Dale flung his adder shield behind the beast; it landed on the ground, uncoiled, and became a battle pet. The snake began a vicious series of biting strikes into the back of the monster.

  Sanjay flung his spear which struck the beast in the chest and it dropped to its knees screaming.


  It flung its club at Dale, which hit him as if a steel beam had been shot out of a cannon.

  Dale brought out the assassin’s rapier; it was a small weapon, but a high-level one designed for close-in kills. He stepped towards the Erbi, plunged the rapier into its fat chin, and drove it straight up into the brain of the mutant. It screamed, dropped its shield, and put both hands on the rapier attempting to pull it out. The adder was still biting it in the back, however, its venomous bite counteracting the healing spells from the witch, so the Erbi weakened and fell to its side.

  Dale kicked the hilt of the rapier, its sharp point burst out of the top of the ugly monster’s skull cap, and it was finished.


  Killed: Erbi Level 5

  +10% Fire Magic Skill

  +10% Vigor in future battles against mutant creatures.

  Book of Fire Magic dropped.

  Dale retrieved his rapier and Sanjay’s spear.

  “Thank you,” Sanjay shouted. “Can you help me with this Houting?”

  Dale moved towards the creature that was attacking his friend.



  Level 6

  A mutant and diseased humanoid.

  Attack style: Brute attack. Toxic breath.

  Weapons: Club. Spear. Shield.

  Magic: None.

  Tech: Low level, nothing with more than one part.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  Dale put away his rapier and shield and armed his bow. He could also range DPS, so he fired on the beast that Sanjay was battling. As its health level dropped, Dale took a quick look around the battlefield to see how there situation was developing.

  Smith was swinging his massive war hammer, and was being healed by both Yingtai and Dyfrig.

  Since nobody was in trouble, Dale put the bow away and quickly read the Fire Magic Book that he’d received as a drop from the Erbi.


  Fire Magic Book

  Find power in the coals of the Pyebwa tree: Burn a fire under the half moon, roast the heart of a razordillo, and sing the blessed chant of Rauha King.



  Erin, can you auto-store these chants under the file of Fire Magic?


  The book dissolved.


  +10% Fire Magic Skill

  +10% increase in mana regeneration after using torch spells

  -10% cast time for torch spells

  Dale warmed up a torch spell and threw fire at the Houting that Sanjay was fighting. The mutant screamed and ran towards Dale. Not having time to get another spell ready, he pulled out his longsword and shield. The Houting brought his club down; Dale lifted his shield and stopped the blow.

  It was a powerful strike and it drove Dale to his knees. He viciously swung his sword at the legs of the beast and hit the monster in the thigh, drawing a gushing flow of blood. The beast screamed. It lifted its club up, preparing to strike Dale, but it didn’t get that far, Sanjay ran a long, hand-held spear through the beast. The spear poked out of its chest, Dale followed with his sword, cleaving its head in half, and it died.


  Killed: Houting Level 6

  +10% Fire Magic Skills

  Dropped: 2 Carat Yellow Emerald

  Dale and Sanjay helped the platoon kill several more beasts before the boss attacked.



  Level 9

  A witch boss.

  Attack style: Magic. Uses battle pet: Da Fei Ji.

  Weapons: Spells. Long Bow.

  Magic: Ice Magic.

  Tech: Low tech, bow, swords, knives.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  The Louhi had two forms of attack.

  Her first used her Ice Magic skills; spells that fell under the Snow Ball and Hail trees.

  Dale fought back with his Fire Magic, but it wasn’t much against her higher level skills, but he was at least adding something to the rest of the team’s various powers and skills.

  Smith, Sanjay, and Sergeant Dyfrig moved into the front position and became the tanks of the attack.

  Galina, Kim, Tom, joined Dale with ranged DPS, while Princess Jara and Yingtai used enchantment to heal the tanks.

  The Louhi boss began a new threat; it conjured up a flock of attacking birds.


  Da Fei Ji

  Level 4

  An swan-like bird with a poisonous bite.

  Attack style: Flying. Biting.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: None.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  The fight went back and forth; the platoon would get in a series of good strikes, but then the Da Fei Ji would create such a diversion that the witch would get her health back up.

  “We need to stop her from healing herself,” Tom said. “I’ll divert these fucki
ng bird things.” He jumped into the air, flew above the birds, and harassed them in order to keep them from damaging the ranged DPS soldiers.

  The tanks slammed the Louhi witch, and Dale used Fire Magic spells as fast as he could. He still felt inadequate, but he was doing the best he could, and the combined attack did have the witch in a defensive posture.

  Then she threw a powerful spell.


  Ice Spell

  Tork-Buzlaq: A glacier spell that causes enemies to slow to half speed for 5 seconds.


  The spell caused Tom, unable to move his wings, to drop to the ground; he was swarmed with Da Fei Ji.

  “Help!” he screamed, his health near zero.

  Dale was working on a Fire Magic spell that would damage the attacking birds, but wouldn’t help Tom, as a healer Dale was nearly worthless.

  “Yingtai!” Dale yelled to the healers. “Jara! Tom is down!”

  The healers either ignored him, or didn’t hear him, although he could see that they were keeping the tanks alive in the midst of the spell that had slowed them to half speed, those few seconds brought enormous damage.

  Tom died.

  Dale fired his torch spell at the birds.

  Killed: Da Fei Ji

  +10% Fire Magic Skill

  Torch provides a one-hit kill to Da Fei Ji

  Dale began to warm up another torch spell, being able to one-hit kill the birds was massively helpful.

  The Ice Magic spell ended and this platoon returned to their assault on the boss.

  The witch conjured another round of battle pets, but Dale killed them instantly, so she didn’t form more birds, instead she began another Ice Spell.

  “This is our one chance!” Dyfrig turned towards the ranged DPS soldiers and gave them an order. “Get everything ready to attack her right before she unleashes her magic.”

  “Healers!” the Lieutenant shouted. “Don’t heal for the next round! Attack with everything!”

  That order resulted in his death.

  The entire rear team assaulted the witch, the tanks struck with everything they had, but she still managed to send off a spell that killed the Lieutenant, then she died.


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