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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

Page 36

by Jayden Hunter

  The woman smiled and began to fade away.

  “Wait!” Dale shouted and tried to move closer to the woman, but she was gone.

  Darkness filled the image in his mind’s eye.




  An owl flew towards Dale, its talons were outstretched. It screeched, and as the open talons were about to hit Dale in the face, an arrow flew, and it struck the bird. Dale looked at the dead owl.

  “Your fate, too, if you’re not careful.”

  It was Amy’s voice. However, she was nowhere to be seen.

  Dale’s dream ended, and he did not stir again until morning.


  To be sure, the dog is loyal. But why, on that account, should we take him as an example? He is loyal to man, not to other dogs.

  ~ Karl Kraus

  I serve my King.

  ~ Ambassador Robur


  Dale woke when he heard sounds in the camp. Breakfast sounds.

  “Master Dale,” Robur said. He handed him a hot drink. “The owl has returned. Welcome. The King will—”

  A scream interrupted Robur and then the camp turned into a battlefield. Sigs went scrambling to take cover, arrows flew, people screamed, and Dale ducked behind an overturned table for cover.

  He put on his dragonling armor and brought out his shield and a sword. Dale couldn’t see where the enemy was firing from, but he soon realized they were surrounded. He kept the table to his back and used his shield to prevent himself from being struck by an arrow in the front. He heard more screaming, shouting, but he couldn’t make out whether anyone was giving orders and taking charge or if it was just chaos he was hearing.

  An arrow struck the ground next to him, he recognized the shaft. It was a Declanian arrow, or at the very least, it was the same type of arrow the Declan Faction had been using in his previous encounters with them. The early morning attack made perfect sense, it seemed to be no secret that everyone wanted to get to Princess Talargo first.

  Everyone wanted the jewel.


  “Smith!” Dale couldn’t see his friend. The camp had been filled with tents, and Dale wasn’t even sure which tent his friend had been given to sleep in the night before, he had no idea where Yingtai and Jara were either. He realized he was a lousy commander.

  I never wanted to be in charge, he thought. Shit!

  “Smith!” He yelled louder. “Yingtai! Princess!” Nobody answered him. Screams and shouts continued, and then flaming arrows began to land among the tents, fires broke out, and Dale knew he needed to move to better cover. He sprinted through the chaos and headed to the tree line. An arrow hit him in the leg, but the dragonling armor stopped it from penetrating into his flesh. He found a spot between two big rocks, he tried to assess the situation on the battlefield and locate where the enemy was concentrated.

  He could see the Sigtrygg began to form into a cohesive unit, a formation with shields and axes. They marched in the opposite direction he had run, and took a position inside the trees on the opposite side of the meadow. Tents continued to burn. A group of Declanian soldiers moved into position to attack the Sigs, and Dale could see Robur lead them into a sword battle. They were too far away for him to worry about, so he searched for Smith and the two women in his party, but where ever they’d gone, they were under cover. Or already dead.

  He heard movement behind him and turned.

  A Declanian soldier had discovered his postition.


  Nagintia: Declan Faction

  Level: 6

  Guilds: Unknown or Hidden.

  Weapons: Long Sword in use. Shield in use. Other weapons concealed.

  Magic: Unknown or Hidden.

  Health: 100%


  Dale stood and faced the advancing soldier, a Nagintia, an ugly goblin-like being, sort of like a cross between a deformed Orc and a fairy creature. Dale could smell it approach; it smelt like rotten fruit. Its battle pet attacked Dale first, a falcoon.



  Level 5

  An attacking hybrid between a falcon and raccoon.

  Attack style: Flying. Biting. Clawing.

  Weapons: None

  Magic: None.

  Tech: None

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  “Great,” Dale said. “I have to fight a flying raccoon at the same time as an enemy with a sword.”

  He flung his shield behind the soldier, giving the Nagintia a battle pet to contend with himself. Dale switched his long sword for the assassins rapier and also began working up a Fire Magic spell.

  The falcoon dove toward his face and he struck it with the rapier. It let out a hideous screech as it dropped to the ground and then tried to flank him by running in a circle. Dale reached the point where he was ready to send his torch spell at the little creature when he realized that it might be more beneficial to sacrifice some damage to himself by ignoring the falcoon and attacking the soldier.

  He fired his magic into the back of the Declanian fighter who was engaged with the adder.

  Dale screamed in pain when the falcoon viciously attacked him from the rear, tearing flesh, and ripping open parts of Dale’s exposed flesh.

  Dale fell to his knees, turned over, rolled on his back, and thrust his rapier up and into the falcoon.


  Killed: Battle Pet Falcoon

  Dropped: 1 carat River Emerald, fine quality

  Dale drank a health potion, bringing himself back to 75% health, and he stood.

  His battle pet was in the middle of a flurry of strikes against the soldier that Dale had hit with his Fire Magic spell, so Dale brought out his longbow and tried the new spell he’d learned from the Book of Magic he’d received from the Cobra Boss: Imbue Arrow with Fire.

  The spell had a five second cast time, which was something he’d have to work very hard to shorten. When the spell was ready, he fired the arrow into the soldier, and the Nagintia fell.


  Killed: Enemy Nagintia

  Congratulations: You have reached Level 8

  Dale smiled for a brief second and then assessed the situation. He moved back in between the two rocks and searched again for signs of Smith, Yingtai, or the Princess. He couldn’t see any of them, but he could still hear the sounds of battle, screams, shouting, and death.

  Dale restored his health with a battle meal and restored his mana with a potion. He retrieved his adder shield and moved out towards the next line of trees. He would try to flank the enemy while also seeking his platoon if it still existed.


  Dale brought out Ginkgo, as she would alert him if an enemy approached from the rear. She stayed by his side as they snuck through the trees and brush. Once he had completed a half-circle around the camp, he spotted his friend. Smith’s ape form was hard to miss when it was in the thick of a battle.

  Dale put Ginkgo away for her safety and retrieved his shield and longsword; then he rushed the battlefield to aid Smith.

  Three soldiers were attacking the ape-shaped warrior. The only reason Smith still stood was that Yingtai and Jara were healing him from a distance. His war hammer flew, and one of the enemies was crushed.

  Dale engaged one of the remaining two with his sword.


  Humant: Declan Faction

  Level: 8

  Guilds: Unknown or Hidden.

  Weapons: Longsword in use. Shield in use. Other weapons concealed.

  Magic: Unknown or Hidden.

  Health: 60%


  “Nice for you to join me,” Smith said. “Did you have a good breakfast?”

  “Why, yes,” Dale answered as he swung his sword.
“Thank you for asking.”

  His enemy was the same level, but his health was soon below 50% as Smith had hammered him viciously before Dale had shown up, so he had a head start in their duel. Dale still felt weird fighting a very human-looking soldier, however, and this weighed on his conscience as they fought.

  Their swords met in mid-air and crashed, he used his sword to push his opponent, and then he took a huge risk, he flung his shield behind his opponent. The enemy reacted to Dale, not the shield. Apparently, he had not seen an uncoiling adder shield, so he was unaware of the danger. He lunged with his sword held high. Dale used both hands on his sword to block the blow, and when his adder bit the attacker from behind, he used that opportunity to plunge his sword into the mid-section of his foe.

  The soldier fell to his knees.

  Dale’s pet continued to attack and Dale, using his free hand, brought out the rapier and plunged it into the throat of his enemy.


  Killed: Enemy Humant

  Dale felt the healing power of an enchantment and looked up to see Yingtai and Jara. His health restored, he took a couple of steps towards Smith, but he was not needed. Smith delivered a massive blow with his hammer and the last enemy soldier perished.

  “Come on, Dale,” Smith said. “Let’s regroup and get out of the open.”


  They ran to the tree line and joined Yingtai and Jara.


  “What now, boss?” Smith asked.

  Before Dale could answer, Yingtai spoke. “We need to move out, we’ve been given the King’s blessing. We’ve got to get to the castle; this is not our battle here,” she said.

  “Dale’s in charge,” Smith said. “Why do I have to keep reminding you of that?”

  Yingtai remained silent.

  Dale thought to himself. He wanted to do the right thing, and the right thing was always the mission, but sometimes doing the mission meant completing other tasks and obligations as well.

  They’d been guests of Robur’s camp, and common decency would seem to indicate they should stay and fight alongside their allies. Ultimately they were fighting for the same thing, however, and safely protecting the jewel seemed to be the main priority here.

  And, of course, Amy and Emi could show up any minute, or perhaps worse, they’d already slipped into the Valley and had a head start towards the Pierstone Castle, assuming that was even their objective. It seemed up to this point they’d been single-minded in trying to stop Jara and Yingtai.

  “Why does war have to be so confusing?” Dale asked.

  “You think this is confusing, you should try dating an elf,” Jara said.

  “God… I know it’s your decision, Dale, but remember our mission. Protect the Princess, obtain the jewel,” Yingtai said.

  “Well, technically, we’re to aid the Princess, not necessarily obtain any jewel,” Smith said.

  “Same difference.” Yingtai seemed to pout, but it was hard for Dale to tell, her being an undead vampiric creature whose face always seemed to say I want to kill you and eat you.

  “Okay, I’ve decided,” Dale said. “The mission comes first, but we’ll aid the Sigs as we head towards the bridge. Our main objective is to leave the valley alive and begin our journey towards the castle, but if we can help engage the enemy on the way, we will. We may have no choice anyway. What we can’t do is sit here any longer thinking about it.”

  “Very well,” Yingtai said.

  And then an arrow struck her in the neck. She spit blood and fell to the ground.


  John Blane: There's no way to get hurt in here, just enjoy yourself.

  ~ Westworld (1973)

  Whoever sees things as they are and not as they are not, will never know Zen.

  ~ Emi Himura


  “Move, quickly,” Amy said.

  Emi dashed towards a new hiding spot.

  “Nice shot,” Emi said. “I’m sorry I missed.”

  “Jara’s a sneaky bitch, don’t worry, we’ll get them.”

  Their plan required simultaneous hits; otherwise, the unharmed target would heal the harmed, and they’d be back at square one. Undoubtably, Jara had already healed Yingtai. The assassin duo had tried to escape the mines before day break, but dealing with the cobra boss had taken time, energy, and a lot of mana. Assassination was a game of patience and cunning, best practiced in darkness, but situations sometimes demanded less than optimal actions.

  Amy lead them up a small tree-covered knoll, and they climbed two trees that gave them a vantage point of the ongoing battle. They maintained a line of sight between themselves so that they could give each other hand signals.

  The fighting continued below them; the Declanians had brought a large platoon into the valley. The Sigtrygg force that was positioned here, near the mine entrance, had taken up a defensive position. The enemies traded volleys of arrows, and the occasional sortie. Amy and Emi watched the movements of troops through spy glasses, standard Thuban Guild equipment, giving them eagle-like vision.

  Amy could see Jara, Yingtai, Dale, and Smith move through the trees, they were headed towards the rear of the Declan Faction, trying to flank them, perhaps. They could be simply moving out, heading towards the castle and avoiding the battle. That would be Jara and Yingtai’s aim, but whether Dale had made a different choice would be hard to gauge at this point for Amy, she didn’t know what he was thinking or feeling, but she imagined he was confused and hurt.


  “If we get caught up in the main skirmish then those two assassin bitches will finish us off from behind,” Yingtai argued.

  “I see that,” Dale said.

  “We need to get to the trail. Now.” Yingtai glared at Smith, daring him to say something.

  Smith was quiet; he’d watched Jara pull the assassin’s poisoned arrow from Yingtai’s neck. Her health had dropped under 5% before Jara brought her back. If the second arrow had hit Jara, instead of barely missing, both the women would be dead. Dale and Smith didn’t have the mana or enchanting power to bring someone back from the powerful spells that Amy and Emi were using.

  “They leveled up and received more Magic Books from the cobra boss,” Dale said.

  “You have a firm grasp of the obvious,” Yingtai said. She hissed her words like a pissed off snake and gave Dale a dirty look. “Of course, they are targeting Jara and me first, but if you think you’re going to be spared a third time you’re more foolish than even I had imagined.”

  “Enough,” Smith said. “Infighting isn’t going to help us get out of this situation.”

  Dale was still confused and uncertain. He felt bad when he admitted the realization that Amy was his enemy. She’d used him. She’d betrayed him, pretending to like him, perhaps to get closer to leadership, maybe to use his position in the platoon against the rest of the group. It didn’t matter. He needed to get to the Pierstone Castle and at least attempt to protect the Princess and the jewel. The closer they got to achieving their original mission, the better it would be for leveling, loot, and prestige, even if they failed.

  They continued to skirt along the tree line, avoiding the Declanians, when they ran into a group of creatures.



  Level 6

  A undead dwarf.

  Attack style: Methodical swarm.

  Weapons: Ghost Hammer.

  Magic: Low resistance to spells.

  Tech: Unintelligent use of tech.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops



  Level 9 Boss

  A mutant grizzly bear.

  Attack style: Direct with teeth and claw.

  Weapons: None.

  Magic: Medium resistance to spells.

  Tech: None.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknes
ses Range Drops


  “Just what we need…” Dale fired arrows into the smaller creatures, the Karaelek. There were six of them, and they advanced in front of the boss with slow, but methodical movements. They carried hammers, but no shields.

  “When it rains, it pours,” Smith said. He charged the first creature and began pounding it with his hammer. As they traded blows, Yingtai kept Smith’s health up.

  Dale moved into position with his longsword and shield.

  One of the undead dwarfs advanced towards him and lifted its hammer. Dale ducked, spun, and brought his sword in a slicing movement across the body of the creature, opening up its stomach, spilling intestines and bile.

  “God that stinks!” Jara shouted. “I can smell it from here.” She was ten meters behind Dale, and she sent a bolt of Ice Magic at the enemy. It froze, and Dale took its head off with one quick blow. The head rolled on the ground, its jaws snapped, and bubbling liquid came out of its mouth.


  Killed: Karaelek, Level 6

  Dropped: Herb Potion, 10% increased mana regeneration for 1 hour

  Dropped: 1 carat Ruby, fine quality

  Dale wanted to vomit, but the next beast was swinging its hammer at him. He brought up his shield and blocked the blow.

  He felt the vibrations from the hit rattle through his body. He threw his shield behind the beast after he had received the infusion of Jara’s healing enchantment. He was back up to 100% health and felt he could risk a frontal assault with his shield adder attacking from the rear.

  Dale brought his sword up while the Karaelek brought up his hammer.

  Dale was faster.

  The beast was distracted when the adder bit it, and Dale brought his sword down on top of its head, splitting its skull into two pieces.


  Killed: Karaelek, Level 6

  Dropped: Earth Magic Book

  Dropped: Undead War Hammer

  Dale moved to help Smith; he’d killed three of the creatures, and was about to finish the last one.

  “Hey, let me get a tag in there,” Dale shouted.

  “Hurry up!”


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