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The Elf King’s Lady: Wildecoast Saga Book 2

Page 24

by Bernadette Rowley

  A commanding voice issued from the sitting room and Kain stifled a groan. “Is this true, Mosard?” King Beniel appeared in the doorway to the bedchamber.

  “Look, Your Majesty,” Mosard said. “Lady Alique has regained her senses and appears to be on the road to recovery.”

  King Beniel smiled at Alique. “Glad I am to see you back with us, Lady Alique.” He glared at the doctor. “Mosard, answer my question! Is what Jazara said true?”

  “I gave Lady Alique the best of my care, allowing none other to touch her. I only did what I thought was best, what I was trained to do. How could a common soldier possibly understand medical matters?” Mosard drew himself up as he spoke, wrapping assurance around him like a cloak.

  The King frowned. “Very well. Wait for me outside, doctor.”

  Mosard, for all his haughtiness, paled several shades before leaving the room.

  King Beniel waited until the door clicked shut then turned to Kain.

  “Jazara, what in hell are you doing here?”

  Kain drew a deep breath, totally unprepared for this impromptu audience. “I’ve developed an attachment for this lady, Your Majesty, and was concerned for her. I admit I disguised myself in order to see her one last time but what I found here disturbed me so much, I secreted myself in her room to look after her.”

  “Extraordinary!” Beniel said. “You mean you’ve been playing nursemaid under the doctor’s nose?”

  “I have, my liege. I could think of no other way to help her.”

  “And you say Mosard’s care was suspect?”

  “I believe it was, Your Majesty,” Kain said.

  The King stepped further into the room toward Alique. “And what do you say to all this, my lady?”

  “I was thirsty, Your Majesty, but what I really missed was Kain’s voice. I believe I had given up and it was his care that drew me back. Perhaps Doctor Mosard had lost faith in my recovery as well.” She smiled. “I cannot blame him for that.”

  “You are most forgiving, my lady,” King Beniel said.

  “How can I not forgive when I am so lucky, Your Majesty,” Alique said. “Kain’s love gave me strength when I was injured, and he brought me back from a darkness I thought I would never escape.”

  “This is most irregular,” Beniel said, turning to Kain. “People banished from the castle do not usually sneak back in and hide themselves away. But in this case I find myself glad that you defied me.” He reached out and shook Kain’s hand.

  Beniel stalked from the room, his eyes suspiciously moist.

  Alique smiled at Kain. “I think that went rather well,” she said.

  Kain shook his head. “He’ll be back, probably with the guard.”

  “I won’t let them throw the man I love in prison. Whatever it takes, I’ll see you restored if that’s what you want.”

  Kain didn’t care about his career. “You really love me?”

  Alique smiled and gripped his hand. “I love you more than life itself and I have come back from death to save you. I promise to love and protect you all of our days.”

  Kain’s heart did a tumble at her words. Could this really happen? Could he, a disgraced army general, make this magnificent woman happy? Could he be everything she needed? “I love you, Alique, and I’ll spend the rest of my days showing you how much.”

  He pulled her into his arms and despite her frail form, she gripped his body as though she would never let him go.

  “Make love to me, Kain,” Alique said. “I yearn to be one with you.”

  “Not yet, my darling,” Kain said, against her lips, “but soon, very soon.” He crushed her against him, breathing in the scent that was all Alique. From the depths of despair had come this moment of hope and love. Kain vowed to nurture it until death parted them.


  Three months had passed and Alique was happier than she had been her entire life. As her twenty-second birthday approached, she was looking forward to starting a new life with Kain. The first stage of her recuperation had been spent at the castle, but after a week Kain had moved her to the Zorba estate and the care of her parents.

  He had stayed in the city in his temporary digs and had traveled out to the farm every second day to visit with her. His ban on entering the castle had been lifted by the King, but His Majesty was yet to make a decision regarding Kain’s leadership of the army. And so while they reveled in each other’s company, there had been only brief moments of intimacy.

  Today, Alique was accompanying Kain to a farm on the outskirts of Wildecoast, just to the south. Julli had come along as chaperone. The maid was a vital part of Alique’s new life, supporting her when her healing body failed to respond to her many demands. It was frustrating when she couldn’t tie a ribbon or put on her shoes, but Julli was always there to help with a calm voice and an open heart.

  The estate they were traveling to had belonged to a disgraced Earl, and then been passed to Nikolas by the Queen. He, in turn, had gifted the land to Kain. Alique hoped it would enable Kain to begin again, to salvage some pride and take his mind off the kingdom and his elven heritage.

  Gwaethe and Kain rode up front while Alique and Julli traveled in the carriage with Kain’s things. Alique still couldn’t come to terms with Kain’s elven sister, but she had begun the long road to accepting the woman. Gwaethe, in turn, had tried hard to befriend Alique – she had to admit. It did seem that Gwaethe’s people wanted peace within the kingdom, desiring only to unite their people and then live quietly in the northern reaches of Thorius.

  Over the preceding three months, Alique had watched Kain grow closer to his sister. She had learned they could speak to each other over distance with the aid of the amulet and the ring. That made her a little jealous. Alique had also been distressed to discover that trees talked to Kain and had named him a forest mage – an elven magician not known amongst the Lenweri for centuries. It appeared Kain was not walking away from his heritage any time soon. Alique had to admit the future scared her, promising changes she wouldn’t welcome. But with Kain by her side, she would face the changes and forge a life together. It just remained to be seen how that life would look.

  Just then, a wooden gate appeared. They veered off the road and entered a shady lane overhung by willows. The drooping leaves brushed the coach and she laughed with delight. “This is wonderful!”

  “I thought you’d like these trees.” Kain had dropped back beside the coach and wore a huge grin.

  Alique felt she was in a magical fairy tale and anticipation built at what the manor might look like. She didn’t have long to wait. At the end of the lane was a large open space with the house as backdrop. It had two stories and two wings. The family wing lay to the left and the servant wing to the right.

  The white stone walls beckoned her and she dismounted and entered via the golden oak doors. Immediately, she veered to the right entering a broad hallway with spacious rooms to either side. Excitement bubbled inside Alique as she retraced her steps to the entry and took the central staircase to the upper level. The layout was much the same as the lower floor.

  Kain trailed along behind her, watching her reaction. “Is it suitable, darling?” he asked.

  “Suitable?” Alique said. “It’s magnificent! I can see us here, raising our family and serving the kingdom.”

  He frowned. “I can see that too, but I want you to establish a hospital here. I thought the servant wing would be ideal.”

  Alique’s breath caught. My own hospital? She threw her arms around Kain, inhaling his scent and desperate to show him how much she loved his suggestion. Loved him. “I couldn’t think of anything better.”

  Kain took her hand and led her across to the other wing. He opened the first door he came to on the right and they entered a huge chamber with ceiling to floor views of the property. Alique gasped as she took in the rolling hills and the tree-lined banks of a stream. She turned to Kain. “This is your suite?”

  He nodded. “Our suite.”

Alique squeezed his hand. “I love it, and it is so close to the hospital wing.” She raised an eyebrow. “Do you have any other surprises I should know about?”

  Kain’s pupils dilated and Alique smiled at him. “Show me.”

  He led her though the sitting room of their chamber and across to the door into the bedroom. It hosted a huge four-poster bed draped in ivory satin.

  Alique squealed and clutched at Kain, drawing him closer to the bed. “Let us christen it now, beloved. We have waited so long,” she said, pushing him down on the covers and laying herself over the top of him. Kain was ready for her, if that bulge was anything to go by. She kissed him with all the love in her heart. His lips parted and Alique needed no more invitation to enter and explore his mouth. She moved her kisses to his ears and neck and Kain groaned.

  “Not yet, my love,” he said, breathing hard.

  “But we have waited so long, darling,” she said between kisses. “There is no more reason to delay.”

  “There’s one reason,” he said, grasping her shoulders and rolling her to the side.

  “No reason I can think of, love,” she said and reached for his face, intent on dragging him back to her mouth. Then she froze, her heart thudding a dull stony beat. “Unless you’ve had second thoughts?”

  Kain shook his head. “How could you ask that? I love you.”

  Alique heaved a huge sigh. “Then kiss me!”

  Kain broke free and stood up, the bulge in his breeches evidence of his desire. Thank the Goddess. He is behaving most curiously! I believed he would be hot for me after these months of deprivation and still he delays.

  Kain cleared his throat. “I have another surprise for you and after that, perhaps we can return to this moment.”

  Alique shook her head. “I want you now.”

  “Come with me, my darling,” Kain said. “Just one more detail needs addressing and we can start our life together.”

  Despite her mood fast turning cranky, Alique decided to humor him. She rose from the bed, straightened her gown and her hair and allowed Kain to take her hand. He led her out of the chamber and back down the central staircase to the entry. Julli and Gwaethe awaited them, huge smiles on their faces, and with them was a priest.

  Alique let go of Kain’s hand and went to greet the cleric. “Hello, Father, can I help you?”

  The priest bowed. “My Lady, I am Father Edestino and I am here to celebrate your marriage to Kain Jazara.”

  Alique’s hands flew to her mouth and she turned to find Kain with an uncertain smile on his face. “A wedding? Today?” she asked.

  Kain took her hands. “If you’ll have me, Alique. I’d very much like to marry you. I know you’ll want a proper wedding with our family but I hoped that in the meantime this would suffice.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “More certain than I’ve ever been about anything,” Kain said.

  He still looked unsure of her answer. After all they’d been through, all he had done for her, he still doubted his value in her life. Perhaps he always would, but there was one way to show him today how much she loved him. Well, perhaps there would be other ways later.

  Alique smiled up at him. “I love you, Kain, and it would make me happier than you can ever imagine to take you as my husband.” She placed a chaste kiss on his lips, a promise of things to come. She turned back to Father Edestino. “Come along, Father, you will marry us right here, right now, with Julli and Lady Gwaethe to witness.”

  Julli clapped her hands, clearly delighted at the sudden nuptials. Gwaethe stepped closer, giving Alique a bouquet of flowers from the garden and placing a single rose in Kain’s button hole.

  Moments later, Kain and Alique were husband and wife, ready to begin life in their new home. As she looked up at her husband, Alique truly knew it was not possible to be any happier than she was, in this moment, with this man. She couldn’t wait for tomorrow.


  To Louise Cusack for her inspiration and excellent advice over the last nine years.

  To Haylee Nash for seeing the potential of this story.

  To my agent, Clare Forster, for her guidance and advice.

  To Romance Writers Australia (RWA) and Queensland Writers Centre for assisting writers, especially in the regions.

  To my husband, Michael, and my sons for their unending love and belief and for sharing in the disappointments and triumphs of a writing life.

  About Bernadette Rowley

  Bernadette Rowley is an author of fantasy romance who grew up on rural properties on the Sunshine Coast. Her teenage years were spent training her beloved horses, reading the fantasy stories of Tolkien, Brooks and Eddings and dreaming of becoming a vet. She graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science First Class Honours in 1987 and bought her own practice at Bli Bli 2 ½ years later.

  After the sale of the practice, Bernadette, her husband and their three small boys spent an idyllic nine years on a topical fruit farm at Yandina. She rediscovered her need to write 17 years ago after a goal setting workshop, moving through picture books, junior fiction and finally to science fiction and fantasy romance.

  Bernadette works part time as a vet, allowing her five days a week for her passion, writing. She now lives in Townsville with her husband of 27 years, their youngest son and Slippers the cat. Her other interests are reading (fantasy and romance), singing (a capella), cricket and music.

  Also by Bernadette Rowley

  The Lord and the Mermaid: Wildecoast Saga Book 1

  First published by Momentum in 2015

  This edition published in 2015 by Momentum

  Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd

  1 Market Street, Sydney 2000

  Copyright © Bernadette Rowley 2015

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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  A CIP record for this book is available at the National Library of Australia

  The Elf King’s Lady: Wildecoast Saga Book 2

  EPUB format: 9781760301170

  Mobi format: 9781760301187

  Cover design by Danielle Hurps

  Edited by Dianne Blacklock

  Proofread by Paula Grunseit

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