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Missez (Wild Irish Silence Book 4)

Page 12

by Sherryl Hancock

  “I know,” she replied, doing the same.

  It was fully three and a half months before they got a chance to see each other. Jerith waited very impatiently for her at the end of the gangway, aware of but unheeding the paparazzi just behind him. All he cared about right now was seeing her. When Nicolette came down the gangway, he held his breath, and she literally ran into his arms. He picked her up, hugging her fiercely as the paparazzi snapped away with their cameras. Jerith held her just slightly away from him. “I have missed you so much,” he said.

  “Enough to kiss me hello?” she said, grinning up at him.

  “And so much more.” He leaned down to kiss her deeply as he set her on her feet. Then, taking her hand, he walked her toward the baggage claim, his smile absolutely beaming at having her by his side again. “So, just how long do I have you for?”

  “I have four days.”

  Jerith nodded. “Okay.”

  Later, after wading through a slew of photographers, Jerith took her to his car. This time it was a midnight blue Maserati sedan. Nicolette was impressed.

  “This one’s nice,” she said, grinning over at him.

  Jerith grinned back. “Thanks.”

  “And by the way, that back there was a lot of fun,” she said, her tone indicating it had been anything but.

  Jerith looked chagrined. “Yeah, I know. Sorry about that. They’re kind of hard to get away from.”

  “Is that how it is for you all the time?” she asked, surprised by this side of his life.

  “That was mild. If they really want to get a story, you’d be shocked and appalled at what they would do.”

  “Great.” Nicolette shook her head. “How often has that been?” She looked over at him, still astounded every time she saw him that she was actually there with him.

  “Often enough,” Jerith said, sounding frustrated enough to indicate he meant it. “But never mind that. Tell me how you’re doing, and what I’ve been missing. Did Ryan make the varsity team?”

  Nicolette nodded. “Yes, he made it alright. It seems like he’s been at practice since then—I hardly see him anymore, anyway, and when I do, he’s on his way to practice, or out to see his new girlfriend.”

  “New girl?”

  “Oh yes, I’ve met her a couple of times.” Nicolette sighed. “She seems nice enough, and fairly innocent as well.”

  “Oh yeah?” Jerith glanced over at her. “How innocent?”

  “Like a virgin innocent.”

  “Wow…” Jerith looked surprised.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Nicolette asked, grinning at him.

  “I just… Well, I thought… Never mind.” He waved his words away. “How have you been? And when did John finally leave?”

  “Smooth segue, Mr. Michaels. John left about a week after you did, and before you ask, no, I didn’t see him privately again.”

  “Good,” Jerith said with a self-satisfied grin.

  The drive to Malibu took forty-five minutes. They caught up on the way. She told him about the cases she was working on, and he told her about the slow progress of the album.

  “How does this whole process work anyway?” Nicolette asked.

  “Well, usually during our time on the road, we come up with little bits of songs, and by the time we get back to the studio all we do is start putting things together. Usually by now we’ve got the songs worked out—it’s just a matter of perfecting them…”

  “But it’s not going that way?” Nicolette said, detecting the note of frustration in his voice.

  “Not even close,” he said, his tone belying his irritation at their lack of progress. “Billy’s an unorganized, uncommitted, irritating mess. And now she’s extra ticked because Skyler refuses to come down here to see her.”

  “Oh, great.” Nicolette felt sorry for what Jerith was going through. “Is she using again?” she asked after a few moments, realizing that her drug problem would complicate things further.

  Jerith didn’t answer for a long moment, then shrugged. “She says she’s not, and so far she’s seemed pretty straight… but I don’t know. She’s taken up with Alan Rothe, our manager, I guess to get back at Skyler somehow. BJ Sparks is not happy about our lack of progress on the album, so things aren’t going real well all the way around.”

  “I’m sorry,” Nicolette said, putting her hand on his arm.

  Jerith looked over at her and smiled. “Thanks.” He felt overwhelmingly happy again that she was there with him.

  When they reached his house, Nicolette was awed by the sight of it. It looked like a mansion to her, even though he had claimed it wasn’t. The garage he pulled into was large and Nicolette saw his other cars parked there. She got out of the car and walked over to the Chevy Nomad, running her hand gently along the side. It was classic fire-engine red, with white fins. She looked up to see that Jerith was watching her with a prideful grin on his face.

  “This is a beautiful car,” she said. Then she walked over to look at the others in his collection. He followed her, as if she were appraising his children.

  She was very awed by his cars, and she was further impressed when he took her upstairs into his house. It was a beautiful home, very open and airy. The living room had ceiling-to-floor French doors that opened out onto a redwood deck. Walking outside, Nicolette could see for miles. The ocean was shades of blue and green down below. She walked back inside and followed Jerith around as he showed her the rest of his home. Nicolette was astounded at the casual elegance of his house; she realized that it fit Jerith’s personality to a tee. His bedroom, on the upper level, was large and simple in its class and style. It held simple but somehow elegant furniture, and was decorated in creams and blues. Again, it seemed to fit him perfectly. His room, too, had large French doors that led onto a balcony; they were open when they walked in. The breeze from the ocean stirred the sheer cream panels that were draped to either side.

  Nicolette walked around his room, looking at pictures and paintings on the walls. When she turned around, she saw Jerith sitting on his bed, watching her.

  “You have an incredible home, Jerith,” she said as she walked over to him.

  Jerith grinned. “Thanks.” He certainly wasn’t one to gush.

  Later that day he took her out to Spago, and they were again assailed by the paparazzi. They lingered over dinner for almost two hours, talking about anything and everything. On the way back to Jerith’s they drove down Rodeo Drive, and Jerith threatened repeatedly to take her shopping there the next day.

  “I don’t think so, Mr. Michaels,” Nicolette said chidingly.

  “Why not?” He grinned at her. He knew how she hated for him to spend money on her.

  “You know how I feel about that,” she said, her tone still light.

  “Yeah, but that was when you didn’t want me to try and buy you. I have you now, and I want to do things for you. Is that okay?” He sounded more serious this time.

  Nicolette looked at him for a long time. “I just don’t want you spending a lot of money on me. As it is, you paid for the trip down. That’s plenty, okay?”

  “No, it’s not okay. What bothers you so much about me spending money on you?”

  Nicolette didn’t answer for a long moment, then shrugged. “I guess I just don’t want to be the woman you blew a fortune on because she needed so much, you know?”

  Jerith looked over at her, his face showing his confusion. “No, I don’t know, Nick. You know I’m not trying to buy you, and what’s wrong with spending a lot of money on the woman you love? When did that become politically incorrect?”

  Nicolette grinned at his words. “It didn’t, I just… I don’t know.” She shook her head and looked out the car window.

  Jerith watched her for a long time, his eyes narrowing just slightly as a thought occurred to him. “You still think this is a fling for me, don’t you?” It was a statement more than a question.

  Nicolette didn’t answer for a long moment. Then she turned her head
to look at him, and Jerith could see by the look on her face that she did.

  “Jesus H. Christ!” He pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. He reached over and took her hands in his. “What do I have to do to convince you that I am very serious about you?”

  Nicolette stared back at him as if he had gone crazy. “Nothing, Jerith,” she said quietly. When she saw that her words weren’t enough, she continued. “You have to understand something. John’s desertion was very hard on me. I learned how easy it can be for a man to walk away from something, and someone. I can’t just cast aside all that doubt like an old shawl. It’s with me—it’s become part of me. When it comes to men, I’m skeptical anyway, but here you are, larger than life, and you’ve swept me totally away. When I’m with you, I can’t think straight, I can’t think sensibly. I just want to be with you. When I’m away from you, all the doubts and fears come back, and I decide I need to be cautious with you. The fact of the matter is, Jerith, you’re too damned easy to love, and it’s just too incredible for me to believe that you really love me back.”

  “Why?” He was totally taken aback by her words.

  Nicolette sighed. “Do you know how many women would give their right arm to be with you right now? To have you buy them things, and do things for them? You are a lot more famous than I had even realized, and it just seems unfathomable to me that you could care about someone so… average.” She shrugged as she said the last word.

  Jerith stared back at her for a long moment, his eyes searching hers. Then he looked away, blowing his breath out in irritation. He started to shake his head as he looked back at her. This time anger burned in his eyes. “That sonofabitch did a real number on you, didn’t he?” he said furiously, but it wasn’t directed at her. “He knotted you up so bad that I’m probably going to spend the next five years untying you. Bastard!” He spat out the last word, slamming his hand down on the steering wheel. Nicolette looked on in amazement.

  “Jerith…” she started to say, wanting to defend John but not sure why.

  “Don’t even say it, Nicky. Don’t tell me that any of that was your fault, because it wasn’t. The man’s a coward. The responsibility got too heavy, so he split. It wasn’t you—it was him.” His voice was so sure, so strong, that Nicolette couldn’t help but start to believe him.

  “Okay, maybe you’re right on that part. But I still can’t imagine what someone like you sees in me. Setting aside all the other stuff, I’m dull, I’m plain, and you’ve dated movie stars.”

  “Who told you that?” Jerith asked, a grin on his face now.

  Nicolette grinned back. “Didn’t think I’d read up on you, did you?”

  “Damn.” He snapped his fingers. Then his look grew serious. “I want you because you’re not a movie star, because you’re not after me for my money, or my fame. I want you because you care about who I am inside, not just the guitar player for Billy and the Kid.” He touched her under the chin then, bringing her eyes up to meet his. “Furthermore, Ms. Harris, you are anything but plain, average, or dull, and I love you very much. Do you understand?”

  Nicolette nodded. “But…”

  “Don’t start with me, Nick.” Then, to stave off any further “buts,” he kissed her, pulling her as close as the gear shift in his Z4 would allow. “I love you, and I don’t want to hear any more about it. You got it?” he whispered against her lips.

  “You’re crazy, do you know that?” she said, her voice a whisper too, her lips still touching his.

  “I’ve been called worse.” Jerith moved to kiss her on the cheek. “Can we go home now?” he asked, his voice mockingly obstinate. “I’ve been dying to be alone with you all night.”

  Nicolette looked back at him, confused. “Haven’t we been alone all night?”

  “Oh, yeah, just you, me, and about twenty photographers.” He gestured toward the street.

  Nicolette looked out and saw what he meant. There were three men standing just off to the side of the street with cameras clicking away, and/or rolling. Looking around, Nicolette saw two more people at the corner, and a few more off to the left. “Good lord, Jerith. How do you stand it?”

  “It’s the life—great, ain’t it?” He sounded anything but happy about it. He started the car and sped off, leaving the photographers in the dust.

  When they arrived at the house, they walked inside hand in hand. Nicolette felt better about their relationship again. She knew she was being overly cautious with him, but she just couldn’t help but feel she was out of control every time she was with him. The sight of him, or the feel of his kiss, the warmth of his smile, or the tone of his voice, made her want to throw all caution to the wind, and that scared her a little bit. She was afraid to be hurt again. That night, when he took her in his arms, kissing her as he gently unzipped her dress, she gave in to all her desires. Their lovemaking was passionate and, for the first time in Nicolette’s life, uninhibited. They made love for most of the night, rediscovering each other over and over. Nicolette found herself being bold and doing things with Jerith that she would never have dared to do with any other man. In the wee hours of the morning, as she lay on her side with Jerith wrapped around her from behind, she wondered tiredly how embarrassing it would be to face him the next day after all she’d done with him, and said to him, during this lovemaking session. She fell asleep before she had a chance to examine the thought any closer.

  The next morning, they both slept late, tired from the night’s adventures. As usual, Jerith woke first, and Nicolette woke to find him staring up at the ceiling. He still held her with one arm, so he felt her stir. He glanced down at her, and Nicolette realized again what an incredibly good-looking man he was. His blue eyes were the color of the sky at its brightest, his blond mane falling well past his shoulders like smooth silk, even in the morning. His face, too, was incredibly handsome, with well-defined cheek bones and a jawline that was strong but not overly so. He could have easily been a male model, his features were so perfect. His body was a whole other story, long and lean but with a well-defined chest and abdomen. He worked out on a regular basis, but not for bulk muscle, just to keep up his stamina on long tours and the like.

  “What?” he said softly as he looked back at her.

  “I was just thinking about how gorgeous you are,” she said boldly.

  He grinned. “You were, huh?”


  “Well, I’m ahead of you then, because I was thinkin’ the same thing about you about a half hour ago.”

  “You’ve been awake that long?”

  “I told you, I’m an early riser.” He glanced over at the bedside clock. “Although I don’t think nine thirty can be considered early.”

  “Probably not,” Nicolette said, shaking her head.

  Later, when she took her shower, she reflected on their lovemaking the night before. She had indeed been brazen, and had said and done things with him that even now made her blush to think about. But Jerith hadn’t seemed taken aback, nor appalled by her behavior. He had responded with a fervor of his own that had served to fuel her desires. In the bright light of the morning, she felt self-conscious about what she had done. But she found to her relief that during the course of the day, Jerith not only did not make reference to the evening’s exoticism, but also made no overtures about expecting a repeat performance. He was his usual attentive self, but it was obvious to Nicolette that he was sensitive to her timidity in that area. Jerith did not treat her any differently than he always had, and that made her feel that the freedom she had allowed herself hadn’t been strange or obscene. It was a whole new arena for her.

  Nicolette had only been intimate with three men before Jerith, one of which was a one-night stand that had been a complete and utter disaster. She had never been very open when it came to sex. She’d never really enjoyed it a great deal, because she had never felt comfortable enough with a man to loosen up. Even in the seven years she’d been with John, she hadn’t ever really felt the deep ph
ysical attraction that she read about in books or saw in movies. She’d begun to think that it was all made up, and that sex was what it was, and some women just didn’t like it as much as others.

  Jerith Michaels was a whole other story. Jerith made her feel things she’d never even dreamed about. His lips on her neck made her breathless. His kisses made her knees want to give out. The feel of his hands on her skin made her feel like everything in her body had turned to liquid. Even his looks or his voice could make her feel warm and tingly; it happened often when she talked to him on the phone. He would tell her how much he missed her, and that he missed holding her or the smell of her perfume, his voice low and soft, and she’d turn to mush. The sound of his voice could range from a caress to a longing touch, to an absolute heated embrace. When he was tired it sounded like honey over gravel; when he was down it dragged at her heart till she wanted to do anything to make him happy again. But when he was passionate, about anything, it made her passionate too. Jerith was everything that a star should be. He had presence and charisma, he had looks, and he had talent—and all of them in abundance. Nicolette knew he could go very far in the business he was in, but she also knew that going far in the music industry didn’t matter to Jerith. Playing his music his way mattered to him; the rest he could take or leave.

  They spent their second day together just relaxing. They decided to have dinner at the house that night. That meant a quick trip to the grocery store, which was in itself an adventure. People recognized Jerith; some were polite and just smiled, others were absolutely pushy. But Jerith was polite and friendly to everyone, signing things and talking to fans about the upcoming album. One girl was even bold enough to ask who Nicolette was. Jerith had looked over at her, smiling. “She’s my girlfriend,” he told the young girl, who immediately looked devastated. Jerith stepped right up to the plate then. “But I’m sure a pretty girl like you has lots of guys hangin’ around, huh?” he said, smiling down at the girl. She grinned then, thinking she’d tell all her friends that Kid Michaels had said she was pretty, and wouldn’t that just show them! Jerith had come through again, ever the star, but without the star ego.


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