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Flight of Fancy

Page 10

by Harte, Marie

  “You were always making fun of me. Why should I have liked you?”


  “But that’s not the case now, and you know it.” Gavin scooted closer and kissed Aidan’s mouth, his chin, then his cheeks. “Does this happen on all your assignments?”

  “Hell no.” Aidan took a deep breath and let it slowly release. He returned Gavin’s kiss with a sweetness that brought tears to Gavin’s eyes. “But we can’t let this get complicated. We have to focus on the mission. Jack needs us to concentrate on finding that book.”

  “Success.” Gavin kissed Aidan again, and before he knew it, Aidan had rolled onto his back and pulled Gavin on top of him.

  Gavin laid his head on Aidan’s chest and heard his lover’s heart racing. He smiled to himself.

  “I can feel you grinning. What the hell is so funny?”

  “I’m happy.”

  “Why?” Aidan sounded genuinely puzzled. “I don’t get the joy. I know you feel it. I can hear you laughing like a loon in your mind. But I don’t know why.”

  Gavin snuggled closer. Aidan was like a furnace, all fiery heat and angry denial. “Tell you what. After we make it out of Mendocino in one piece—with the book—I’ll tell you.”

  Aidan sighed. “Sure. Fine. Piece of cake.”

  Gavin drifted off to sleep, but he heard Aidan’s quiet reassurance as the man hugged him tight and kissed the top of his head. “We’ll make good on this together. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  * * * *

  The next day came earlier than he’d wanted. Gavin barely had time for a cup of coffee before he and Aidan packed up and left on a private plane. They touched down in Santa Rosa, and Gavin drove them in a rental the rest of the way. Three hours in the car next to a control freak stretched his nerves to the breaking point.

  He refused to move through the next stoplight. “We’re not in a scene now. I swear, if you tell me one more time how to drive, I’m going to run us off the road and personally strangle you.”

  Aidan just looked at him. Mr. Sexy, all dark and brooding. He wore black jeans, a black silk shirt, and a black leather jacket over the ensemble. His shoulder-length hair looked windblown, and his dark eyes were questioning. “Pitching a fit? You’re so cute when you’re angry.”

  Gavin swore as Aidan laughed.

  “Yeah, those blue eyes are shooting sparks at me. Gets me hard, baby.”

  “Shut up, you big freak.” Gavin tried not to smile.

  “I’m just trying to get your mind off your worries. You look strung out enough to snap. Don’t worry. We’ll play our parts, and this will go off without a hitch. Just remember. Call me Sir, and only speak when spoken to. That way you’ll have less chance of fucking up.”

  “Gee, thanks for the pep talk, Aidan.”

  “No problem, boy.” Aidan grinned when they started driving again.

  Half an hour later, they reached Kerr’s huge estate on the coast. His house overlooked the ocean, a secluded spot half a mile from his neighbors on either side. Gavin and Aidan had fully reconnoitered the area using the aerial photos and blueprints Jack had given them in the files they’d left at home. They didn’t want to chance anyone finding their notes during the party.

  “Just remember. It’s two days of intense play. I pretend to be a high roller who likes to play rough. You do what you’re told, period.” Aidan cleared his throat, and Gavin glanced at him before turning his gaze back to the road. “You look good in that collar. I like it.”

  Gavin fingered the leather collar Aidan had fastened around his throat before he’d gotten into the car. The leather matched the vest he wore beneath his coat. He wore tight leather pants as well, white ones lined with buttons on the sides for easy access. There was no fly either, just that tight leather hugging his naked body. He felt aroused and prickly, with only the leather keeping him from Aidan.

  “This is a lot of leather.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t wait to rip those pants off you.” Aidan’s smile was there in his voice. “And I brought the clamps for your pert little nipples. Next time when you come like a geyser, everyone will be complimenting me on how pretty my sub is.”

  “Shut up.”

  Aidan laughed. “Just keep that irritation fixed on me, and you’ll do fine. We’ll get the book and hotfoot it out of here. No way in hell Kerr will touch you without me breaking off a hand. The more I read about him, the more I realize we need to be in and out ASAP. I plan for us to be gone by Sunday.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not the only one who needs to be careful. What if Kerr decides he doesn’t want me? He wants the blond god I’m with.”

  “‘God.’ I like that.”

  “Don’t be an idiot. You know you’re hot.” Gavin didn’t look at his partner as he clenched his hands around the wheel.

  “I’m glad you think I’m sexy. The only thing my old man ever did for me, I guess. Tall, blond, and good-looking.” He shrugged, sounding less arrogant than simply stating a fact. “But I’m not Kerr’s type. He likes them pretty, not rugged. Soft and vulnerable, not hard and unemotional. He wants a slight boy he can break. He looks at me the wrong way, I’ll snap him in half.”

  “You snap him in half, and we’re not getting in and out without drawing too much attention to ourselves,” Gavin muttered. “Hell. Look at that fence.”

  “The security is tight, but we knew to expect that.” They pulled up next to a gate with a guard.

  Gavin rolled down the window and announced, “Mr. Aidan Castle.”

  The guard looked at him. “ID?”

  Aidan handed Gavin the false license, and Gavin handed it over to the guard.

  The guard studied the picture, then Aidan, and nodded. “Mr. Castle. And your guest?”

  “Gavin Shelton. But he doesn’t have a name this weekend. He’s mine.” Aidan tugged back Gavin’s jacket and showed the guard Gavin’s collar. “Tagged and bagged. We’re here for the party.”

  A Bentley pulled up behind them. The guard noted their vehicle, checked his list again, and nodded. “Shelton’s on the list. Go on in. Someone will meet you at the door for your bags.” The guard stepped back and released the gate, which rolled back to allow them entry.

  Gavin drove them through. “Oh man. This is going to be a long weekend.”

  “No, it won’t. I only need just enough time to look through the fucker’s mind and find that book. Then you check the book over, and we’re gone. Mission accomplished.” Aidan sounded excited, the adrenaline junkie no doubt getting off on the danger.

  To Gavin’s surprise, he wasn’t as thrilled about being on the mission as he’d thought he’d be. Oh, he loved being with Aidan. That he liked far more than all this intrigue. Truth be told, he’d rather be back in the gym, making sure Ian hadn’t screwed with his spreadsheets, and that stunned him.

  “You okay?” Aidan frowned at him.

  “Good. Great. Let’s do this.” Gavin parked the car at the front of the mansion, where a valet waited next to two enormous men armed with automatic weapons.

  In a low voice, Aidan reminded, “Just remember. I lead. You follow. Keep your head down, and say nothing unless I allow you. And keep your mind open to me, Gavin. I’m going to be with you the whole time. It’ll be okay.”

  Gavin felt a measure of safety in Aidan’s words, because Aidan meant them. Suddenly his partner looked as hard and unforgiving as Gavin had always imagined him to be. No longer his lover he couldn’t get enough of, now Aidan reminded him of a Viking gone raiding.

  The hard look on Aidan’s face couldn’t be mistaken for anything but dangerous. “Follow my lead,” he sent telepathically.

  Gavin didn’t respond except to lower his head as he got out of the car. Aidan exited as well and shut the door behind him.

  “Nice digs,” he said to the largest man near him.

  “Mr. Castle.” One of the guards nodded for Aidan to prepare for a weapons check. “Standard security.”

  “No problem
.” Aidan lifted his hands and accepted the thorough pat-down with ease.

  “He’s clean.” The guard motioned for Gavin to join them. “You too.”

  Gavin waited for Aidan to nod before moving. He stood next to Aidan and put his hands in the air.

  The guard gave him the same impersonal search. “They’re good to go.” He nodded to Aidan. “Enjoy your stay, Mr. Castle.”

  Aidan tugged Gavin by the arm. “Thanks. I intend to.”

  They walked to the front door, where a chatty young man welcomed them and led them through the grand mansion. Hardwood floors gave way to marble tile. Antiques and grand paintings lined the cream-colored walls, while overhead, crystal chandeliers and gilded wall sconces provided a dramatic and rich flair to the home.

  “Built back in 1948 for an oil baron,” Chuck, their host, informed them. “Mr. Kerr purchased it a few years ago. It’s his favorite residence.”

  Which was what they were counting on. Aidan’s sources had told him the book would be here and not back in Kerr’s New York penthouse. The job hinged on that book being here.

  “Beautiful,” Aidan murmured.

  Gavin said nothing, following quietly.

  “Well, here’s your room. Get settled in. Your bags will be brought shortly. You can freshen up, but feel free to go downstairs at any time. There’s a minimap on the dresser. The party has already started.”

  Chuck winked at Gavin, who caught the gesture out of the corner of his eyes. “Oh, he’s cute.”

  “I know.” Aidan chuckled.

  “Love that mouth. Collagen?” Chuck asked.

  “Nope. Just pure sin.” Aidan smiled and pulled Gavin closer by the arm. “My boy only speaks when told, and I’m saving his tongue for more enjoyable pursuits later on.”

  Chuck tittered. “Of course, Mr. Castle. We’ll see you downstairs, then.” He turned and opened the door just as another large man stood there holding two bags. “Perfect. Everything you need will be provided for you downstairs. Slaves are to be undressed at all times.”

  “No problem.” Aidan nodded at Gavin to strip.

  Gavin hadn’t realized they’d start right away, but he didn’t falter. He kept his gaze down as he removed his jacket and shirt, then started on his pants.

  Chuck left while the large man put their bags on the bed. He lingered, his stare heavy on Gavin.

  “Pretty, isn’t he?” Aidan said. He moved close and pinched Gavin’s nipple. “And sensitive.”

  The guard chuckled. “Welcome to the fun, Mr. Castle. Mr. Kerr is looking forward to meeting you.” He left without closing the door behind him.

  “All of it, boy. I want to see that pretty cock.” “We’re likely being monitored. Don’t let down your guard.”

  “I won’t.” “Yes, Sir.” Hell. This was going to be a long two days.

  When Aidan grinned and fished a set of clamps and a cock ring from his bag, Gavin inwardly groaned. His entire body flushed with embarrassment as he finished stripping and waited while Aidan put the clamps and cock ring on him.

  “What a pretty pink you are,” Aidan murmured as he stroked Gavin’s cock.

  As usual, Gavin grew stiff from just a whiff of the man. The feel of Aidan’s large hand around him, despite or perhaps because of the thought of being seen by others, enhanced his already large erection.

  Aidan took off his jacket and shirt and donned a leather vest to go with his leather pants. After they both used the bathroom and freshened up following their long trip, Aidan stood and studied Gavin.

  “Hmm. I think you’re missing something important.” He chuckled and fished in his bag. He withdrew something he hadn’t mentioned he’d be bringing. A chain leash.

  “I am not a dog.”

  “You’re whatever the fuck I say you are, boy. Remember that.”

  Gavin took a deep breath and accepted the twist of excitement and fear as Aidan approached. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Damn straight.” Aidan fitted the chain to the loop on Gavin’s collar. “Damn, you look good.”

  This was definitely the weekend from hell.

  Chapter Eight

  Aidan kept his eye and hand on Gavin’s leash. As he’d expected, they weren’t the only Dom and sub in the dungeon, though they were the tamest. And as anticipated, Kerr couldn’t take his lecherous gaze from Gavin’s fine cock.

  “My, what a large boy.”

  The man’s fingers itched to hold that pretty shaft, still tight and hard thanks to Aidan’s petting and Gavin’s cock ring. Aidan played his part, pretending to like showing off his sub to the others in the room. Introductions had been made. He recognized a few names among the scum sitting around. Most had men with them, but a few had women attached to chains, much like Gavin’s.

  Personally, Aidan liked the sight of Gavin in his grip. The collar was hot all by itself, but the leash added to that primitive sense of ownership Aidan had been feeling since Jack had first assigned Gavin to him.

  Gavin played his part well. He looked adorable and innocent around so many predators. His smooth skin, marred only by the bruises on his ass, gleamed with good health. His lips were rosy, and his hands by his sides remained loose, signaling trust in his Master.

  “What does he do?” Kerr asked.

  As if Gavin were a trick pony. “He’s a good little cocksucker. He excels with bondage, and he’s a wonder to watch when he comes. Lots of spunk in this one.”

  Kerr licked his lips while he ignored his own slaves. Three of them sat around him, naked and scarred. All looked glassy-eyed, as if they’d been drugged. They’d been pleasuring various people in the dungeon while Kerr circulated.

  Now that the man had found Aidan, he seemed in no hurry to move on.

  “So you’re the businessman I’ve heard so much about,” Kerr drawled, his accent hard to place.

  “Maybe.” Aidan gave Kerr a cool glance. He had to work hard to get through Kerr’s shields, but he managed. The bastard wanted Gavin—no surprise. He also liked what he saw in Aidan. That whole comparison to Vikings thing worked in Aidan’s favor, because Kerr had a thing for big blond men. Someone named Samson kept circulating through Kerr’s mind. Oh, right, Samson Ruelle, Kerr’s right-hand man.

  The crime lord was smaller than Aidan had thought he’d be, but he resonated with a toughness that suggested their mission wouldn’t be as easy as he’d hoped. Flashes of the book didn’t appear anywhere near the lascivious needs of their host. Aidan would have to look for it, moving things around in Carl’s brain. That would take time and concentration he couldn’t spare, not here surrounded by so many untrustworthy souls. And not when he had Gavin to protect.

  He’d have to bide his time until he could get Kerr alone.

  “So you control western Canada and the waters. I could use a man like you for support.”

  “And I could use a powerful connection like yours to get things into the country easier.” Aidan nodded. “I like your sense of style.”

  Kerr grinned. He was a handsome man empowered with his own sense of infallibility. Half the things Aidan could see in his mind made him want to retch. Killing and hurting others was a huge turn-on for Kerr. Sadism ran rampant through his tastes, and the things he wanted to do to Gavin… Aidan seriously considered killing him after they retrieved the book. He’d been toying with Ian’s idea of getting rid of Kerr, but after seeing what the man did for pleasure, Aidan knew ridding the world of this piece of shit would be doing society a favor.

  “And I like your sense of style as well.” Kerr smiled at Aidan, lingering over the leather vest that exposed his chest and the tight black pants that didn’t allow room to hide much. “Tyler,” he said to the large, quiet man who remained close but not too close. “Fetch Samson, would you?”

  Tyler nodded and left.

  “Please, Aidan, have a seat.” Kerr sat on a leather sofa and waited for Aidan to sit with him.

  Aidan joined him and urged Gavin to sit on his knees on the floor between Aidan’s splayed legs. “Good

  Gavin remained passive, and his thoughts were quiet, for which Aidan was thankful. Keeping his concentration on Kerr was hard enough, made even more difficult by his current position. On the couch against the far wall, they could see most of the activities going on around them. It was a sexual free-for-all while men masturbated their masters, naughty boys were whipped until they bled, and several others engaged in oral sex while they talked, as if getting a shoe shine during business hours. Condoms, lube, and dildos lay on every table, provided for everyone’s amusement. What a considerate host.

  “Eroticism at its best, hmm?” Kerr palmed one of his slaves’ heads. “Jimmy, I want you to suck off your playmate while Billy fucks you.”

  Aidan and Kerr watched while his slaves played with each other, fucking and sucking being a favorite pastime in Kerr’s underground dungeon. A shriek interrupted them, and Aidan glanced to his right to see a heavily muscled, masked man, wearing only a pair of pants, use a whip to bloody a man tied to a freestanding St. Andrew’s cross. Next to them another guy smacked a young man over a spanking bench.

  “I have plenty of games we can play.” Kerr watched as his sexual slaves climbed toward orgasm. But they didn’t come, and he didn’t let them.

  Aidan, for all his fascination with voyeurism and oral sex, had a hard time remaining unaffected by the blatant hedonism surrounding them. Yet he didn’t find Kerr sexually exciting in the least. His boys looked tired and almost scared, and Aidan felt a surprising empathy for them.

  “Ah, there’s Samson. Okay, boys, come.”

  As they made a mess over themselves, a giant of a man, who surprisingly reminded Aidan of himself, approached. He had blond hair and blue eyes that missed nothing. And like Kerr, his thoughts were contained.

  “Samson, this is Aidan Castle, our friend with Canadian ties. Aidan, my number one adviser, Samson Ruelle.”

  Samson nodded, and Aidan caught a flare of interest.

  “Samson. A pleasure.”

  Samson looked down at Gavin. “Pretty pet you have there, Mr. Castle.”


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