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Flight of Fancy

Page 14

by Harte, Marie

  “Leave?” His voice grew louder, and he didn’t like Jack’s expression. “What’s so fucking funny?”

  “Nothing.” Jack sighed. “You people give me a headache, you know that? I meant what I said. Gavin wants a place on this team. He earned it. Hell, he’s had it since we got here. Little shit is a genius with our books. But he wants fieldwork to make him happy?” Jack shrugged. “He’s got it. He’s your new detail.”

  “Christ.” Aidan needed to get on the mend, pronto.

  “And just to keep things running smoothly, I’ll have Justin and Kyle Cannon keeping an extra eye on things. The Cannons owe me a favor. They can provide some extra security, since most of the rest of the team is tapped. You and Gavin are taking time off to heal. I assume you’ll be out at your place, in that secluded area near the mountains.”

  “Yeah.” Aidan knew that look. “Hell. You want us to draw them out. We’re bait.”

  Jack didn’t say anything.

  “That’s fucked up, Jack. Gavin could get seriously hurt.”


  “Come on. Say what you want, but Gavin’s not like the rest of us. He needs time to grow. He’s not…” How to say it without insulting Gavin. He didn’t want to ruin Gavin’s dream of being a heavy hitter, but honestly, Gavin was soft and sweet. Just the way Aidan liked him.

  “I know. But he won’t hear it. He did good with you on that op. So use him now and get him up to speed. If he wants fieldwork, it’s his.”

  “I’m telling him the truth.”

  “Tell him whatever you want. The feds are all over Kerr, but they’re not as concerned with Samson Ruelle. I am. I want this Ruelle character dealt with. I don’t like threats close to home.” Jack frowned. “I have to get back to the gym. With Kitty distracted and Avery and Nathan on a break, we’re shorthanded.”

  “Put Ian to work.” The pained look on Jack’s face made Aidan chuckle. “Yeah, I know. But he can be charming when he wants to be. And he’ll occupy Keegan.” Jack’s other nightmare—a huge-ass Texan with a chip on his shoulder when it came to the boss. The pair seemed to be in a constant struggle to prove who was top dog. Keegan didn’t seem to realize Jack would never bow to anyone. Even Aidan had enough sense to know that.

  “Good point.” Jack smiled, and for a moment, the heavy shadows that constantly lingered over him faded away. Good Christ, the man was hot. Not as sexy as Gavin, but still. Then Jack’s lips thinned again. “Now get some rest. Your boy should be back soon.”

  Hot or not, only one man meant the world to him. Aidan forced himself to ignore the flush on his face.

  “Hell. I’m done sending you guys out on ops. Every time a pair goes out, you come back a couple. Or worse, a threesome.” Jack snorted, no doubt referring to Keegan, James, and Rory, his biggest pains. “So the undercover work. You handled it?”

  “Yeah. You want details?” he challenged, more than ready to defend his time with Gavin, especially if his boss thought he could malign Gavin and get away with it.

  “Hell no. Collars and whips aren’t my thing. You just take care of your boy, you hear me?”

  “It was just an op, Jack. Everything’s back to normal now.”

  “Yeah, okay. Well, I have other things to do than pamper your sorry ass. Get up, get dressed, and get the hell out of here.”

  Aidan thought he heard his boss say something about him being a dumb shit as he left the room.

  Then Dr. Cannon walked in. “Aidan, why are you almost out of bed?”

  Busted. “Ah, sorry, Doc. I have orders to go. I really can’t stay here.”

  Gavin entered, looking fresh and innocent. He had a fading bruise on his left cheek, but other than that, he appeared fine.

  Dr. Cannon shook her head. “You people are great for business. You come, I fix you up, and you leave. Bam. Then you’re back again.”

  “You’re leaving?” Gavin scowled. “He’s not healed yet. Look at him.”

  Aidan felt underdressed in his pajama pants. God, he wanted to get home and into his own bed.

  “No, he’s not.” Dr. Cannon shut the door. She was an older woman in her fifties, beautiful, with a grace and dedication to her profession that did her proud. But a look at her eyes told Aidan the underlying truth. The woman had power, a lot of it.

  He felt itchy, ready to leave. “It’s okay, Doc. Gavin’s going to watch out for me while I heal. Jack’s orders,” he said to Gavin.

  He tried to ignore his pleasure when Gavin brightened.

  Gavin nodded. “I passed him on the way. I’ll make sure he gets rest and fluids, Dr. Cannon.”

  “Only the good kind,” Aidan sent him, attaching an image of Gavin’s cock in his mouth.

  “Cut it out.”

  “Okay, you two. Stop talking. I need to concentrate.”

  How the doctor could know they communicated telepathically was a mystery, but Aidan had a bigger problem to worry about. He didn’t like her getting so intense on him. “Really, Doc. I’m good.”

  “Shut up, Aidan. Let her heal you.”

  And then it was too late. Doctor Cannon put her hands over his chest and pushed. Not with her hands, but with her mind. Energy splintered through his rib cage, where most of the damage had been done.

  Aidan sucked in a breath as pure fire washed over his wounds. “Fuck.”

  “Hold on. Just a little more,” she said, breathless, her eyes closed.

  Gavin hovered protectively, but he was no more than a blur as more heat traveled down Aidan’s side to his leg, where that asshole Tyler had belted him.

  Aidan groaned as the pain slowly leached away. “M-much better.”

  “Wow. That was incredible,” Gavin said excitedly. “His bruises and cuts healed while I watched. That’s amazing.”

  “And draining.” Doctor Cannon straightened and cracked her back. “But worth it. You’ll be just about healed all the way in a few days, Aidan. You’ll have some tenderness in your ribs, but the breaks and infection that started are gone. No rough stuff for at least a week. I mean it.”

  Aidan was impressed with her mean voice. “No problem. I owe you, Doc.”

  “No. Your boss paid us in full. I like that man. He’s sweet.”

  Aidan and Gavin just looked at each other; then Aidan turned back to her. “Uh, are you talking about Jack? Jack Keiser?”

  “Of course.” She beamed and patted him on the cheek. “Now you and Gavin can recuperate. And Gavin, remember what I said when we talked earlier. Don’t let him overdo.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She looked back at Aidan. “And if my boys are a problem, you let me know.” She left the room, humming under her breath.

  “Her boys?”

  Aidan eased his way out of bed and stood without pain. “Amazing.”

  “Ahem. Her boys?” Gavin asked again.

  “Oh. Jack is using Justin and Kyle Cannon as added security at my place.”

  “Why?” Gavin looked so cute in his jeans and flannel shirt. Like a young academic ready to go back to school. Hell, he even had reading glasses tucked into his front shirt pocket.

  “Get me my clothes, would you?” Aidan stepped out of his pajama pants and took the sweats from Gavin. He slowly put them on while explaining what Jack had just told him.

  Gavin frowned. “So we’re basically bait for Samson.”

  “Seems like.”

  “Great.” Gavin looked unhappy. “He had a weird way of looking at you, Aidan. It wasn’t me he wanted. It was you.”

  “Good to know.” Aidan still felt sore, but the majority of his pain no longer existed. “That woman is a miracle.” He glanced at Gavin. “You look fine. No other bruises?” He looked pointedly at Gavin’s cheek.

  “None. I had an issue with my midsection, but she lifted it. I’m not sore anywhere.”

  “Nowhere at all?” Aidan pointedly looked at his ass.

  Gavin flushed, and Aidan wanted badly to kiss him.

  So he didn’t. Jack could think all he wanted,
but the mission was basically over. The client had the book. The bad guys had—mostly—been taken care of. There was no reason for Aidan and Gavin to play more sexual games. So they’d hang out, and Aidan would watch Gavin’s back. A good way to ease back into normalcy. For both of them.


  “So we’re good.” He cleared his throat and looked for his shoes.

  “I’ll do it. You need to baby that abdomen.” Gavin knelt by his feet and put his socks and shoes on. Kneeling before him, subservient yet not.

  Aidan couldn’t look away. “So, ah, we’ll be staying at my place. Better security system there, and it’s away from civilians. When Samson makes his move, we’ll be ready. You and me are holing up together. Jack wants this to be our priority.”

  Gavin finished tying his shoe and stood. “Okay.”

  “No problems with that? I know you want to get right back into the field.”

  “The field, right.” Gavin paused. “But even that’s a waiting game. We only have so many cases right now. I think Ian was working on something, and James has been gone for a few days. But that’s it. The gym is still pretty much the majority of our time.”

  “True.” But to guys like Aidan, it was all about training. Sure he helped men and women get fit. But he focused more on making sure his body was honed into a weapon, so that his mind could function as it was meant to. The harder his muscles strained, the easier it was for him to control his telepathy. And that other part of him, the darkness that had seeped out at the mansion…that he could also contain with enough discipline.

  “Let’s go,” Gavin said, waiting.

  Aidan wanted to lean on him and didn’t. He shook his head when Gavin offered an arm. “I’m good. Have to get used to being on my feet again.” He’d been in bed for two days, and he didn’t like lazing about, even if he hadn’t been fully functional.

  “I’ll just get your things, then,” Gavin said quietly. “I brought my car.”

  They left the clinic, and Gavin drove his Outback to his place, where he hurriedly packed a bag. Then they resumed course for Aidan’s home. Once there, Aidan did a thorough check of the house and property. Finding it secure, he reset the house alarms once they were inside. Then he allowed himself to drop.

  “I’m hitting the bed. You can put your stuff in the guest room. I’ll talk to you when my brain’s not so fuzzy.” To his relief, Gavin didn’t seem surprised or upset about them not sharing a room. And on that relief came a hint of annoyance. Shouldn’t his boy have felt something about being denied his Master?

  “Sounds good.” Gavin smiled. “I made sure you were all stocked up on groceries while you were laid up. I’m just going to watch a movie and have some popcorn. It’s late, and you need rest.”

  “Yes, Doctor.” Aidan muttered to himself about undeserving subs as he stomped into the hallway and into his bedroom. Then he slowly stripped off his clothes and slid between the sheets. The last thought he had was of Gavin and how much he missed the little geek lying next to him.

  GAVIN LET OUT the breath he’d been holding when Aidan finally drifted off. He’d been waiting outside his room, ready to help in case Aidan needed it. But just seconds after Aidan’s head hit the pillow, he slept. Dr. Cannon had warned him Aidan would need some recovery time, not just for his body, but his mind as well. She had sons who were telepaths, and her healing often left them mentally drained.

  Good to know. He peeked in and saw Aidan looking all alone in that big bed.

  Well, I called it. The second we’re back in town, he’s relegating me to a platonic partner. All about the job, my ass. Gavin would have been more upset if he hadn’t known what to expect. While Aidan had been in recovery, he’d had a few enlightening conversations with Kitty. Apparently, when Aidan had been in and out of it in the clinic, he’d been frantic to make sure Gavin was okay. And he’d wasted no time in telling Jack just how helpful and terrific Gavin had been.

  While Gavin loved being the hero, he knew he’d been only half of a successful team, and he’d explained the situation to Kitty, who’d passed it on to Jack. Stallbridge was ecstatic to have the book back. A big plus for the PowerUp! team. And that happiness had enabled Gavin’s story of what had really happened in Kerr’s home to remain a secret. Kitty knew he hadn’t told the whole truth, but she respected his wishes to keep it under wraps. For now.

  Gavin needed to talk to Aidan about that seizure thing he’d done to Tyler and Samson. Both men had recovered, but hell. What a weapon for Aidan to have…and not talk about. Keegan could crush cars with his mind. James could incinerate half the town. Other psychics on their team had life-threatening abilities. Taking apart and controlling a man’s mind definitely counted, but Aidan hadn’t, to Gavin’s knowledge, shared that information with anyone else. So Gavin wouldn’t either.

  He left his lover asleep in his bedroom and watched a spy thriller on television. The popcorn tasted like ash on his tongue, so he left the bowl alone. After the movie ended, he wandered Aidan’s home, seeing so many details—and a lack of details—that gave him insight into the man he intended to woo.

  No family pictures. Nothing personal. The home could have belonged to anyone who liked martial-arts movies, nature photography, and modern art. Glass sculptures and contemporary prints decorated much of the house. Understated but rich furnishings added to the classy comfort of Aidan’s environment. Gavin knew Aidan had money, and it appeared he poured much of it into his house. He drove a three-year-old SUV, didn’t have a snowmobile, motorcycle, or boat. No man toys, just financial investments and his home.

  And the man liked good food. Not chips and dip, but gourmet cheeses and crackers, fine wines, and Angus steak. All organic veggies and fruits, which cost a pretty penny, because Gavin had restocked for Aidan using his own money. He’d simply replaced the stuff Aidan normally ordered from a local grocer.

  After looking through the spare room and office for more details on the man’s life, he moved into Aidan’s bedroom and flicked on the lamp on the side table. Aidan slept deeply, so Gavin didn’t worry he’d be found snooping. As he looked around the room, his gaze continued to stray to the bed. It seemed odd to him that he’d only been intimate with Aidan for a few days. Their connection seemed so much deeper.

  For example, he knew exactly how pissed off Aidan would be to catch him looking around. He felt a measure of guilt for doing so, then dismissed it. Gavin wanted a future with the big lout. Anything that would give him additional information on the man would be worth the risk.

  He drew the line at digging through Aidan’s drawers and opening boxes in the closet, though. But anything left out in plain sight, Gavin considered fair game. He broke his own rule not more than ten minutes later, frustrated and determined to find something personal of Aidan’s.

  Smarting over finding nothing, he opened Aidan’s nightstand and saw a few books, some condoms—typical—and behind that, a photograph. Bingo. Gavin pulled it out and studied it. A pretty blonde woman held a baby. Wind blew her long hair, and in the background, he could see the Golden Gate Bridge. The photograph looked old and worn, as though it had been handled a lot. Gavin felt a lump in his throat when he stared at it, seeing the resemblance of the woman’s face in Aidan’s features. Aidan had only spoken of his mother once, when he’d mentioned she’d died before he’d run away from his father.

  The woman in the picture looked so happy grinning at the camera, her baby held snugly in her arms. Gavin tucked the photo back where he’d found it and turned to study Aidan once more.

  He had to handle Aidan just right. Not too pushy, or Mr. Bossy would shut him down and walk away. But not too giving, or Aidan would take what he wanted and still push Gavin away. Gavin had a head for numbers and probabilities. Statistically speaking, he and Aidan were a match made in heaven. Their sexual chemistry was off the charts, and their personalities meshed. But emotionally, they came from opposite ends of the spectrum. Gavin felt confident expressing love. He knew what he wanted and didn
’t want to settle for less. Aidan seemed to have had an unstable childhood. He had commitment issues and didn’t seem to date for more than sexual gratification, from what little Gavin knew of his personal life. And that was a major problem.

  Gavin needed to find a way to get Aidan to trust him. Not leaving Aidan behind on the mission was a great start. Now to convince the blond ball breaker to unbend and allow Gavin another peek at his warm, affectionate soul.

  Aidan murmured in his sleep, and Gavin grinned, making up his mind. After getting naked, he crept into the bed with Aidan, wanting to moan at how warm the man was. Aidan turned and tensed until Gavin murmured, “It’s just me. It’s okay.”

  Then Aidan wrapped an arm around his waist and dragged him back into Aidan’s body, spooning and sighing into the hug. Like his own personal down comforter made of muscle, Gavin thought as he closed his eyes. Tomorrow would be a fight. He knew it. But for tonight, he’d enjoy his lover’s strong arms and be content that no matter what Aidan said, he liked holding Gavin tight. Right next to his heart.

  Chapter Eleven

  Aidan felt so fucking good. He was holding perfection, a slender, toned body that continued to gyrate against him, rubbing his cock with long, lingering strokes.

  “Oh yeah.”

  He didn’t hurt anywhere, those aches and pains he’d been dealing with all but gone, except for the one between his legs.

  “Hmm. Harder, baby. That’s it, boy. Let me feel you.” He sighed as warm lips closed around his nipple, and he humped into a hard cock and firm belly. He gripped himself and his lover, grinding together, seeking the ultimate high.

  Gavin’s mouth turned to his other nipple and teased, nipping and licking. Aidan knew how much Gavin liked it, but he hadn’t considered himself particularly sensitive there. Until Gavin showed him what he’d been missing.

  He groaned and arched into that touch, pumping into his own hand, and then Gavin’s sandwiched between them. Feeling his lover’s slick cock against him only weighed down his need to come. And then Gavin shimmied down his body and took Aidan’s shaft deep into his mouth.


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