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The Heavier The Chains...

Page 9

by M. E. Clayton

  Alex nodded her head, not even bothering to take her eyes off the ring. “And he’s all yours, Kenzlee, if you’d quit being so goddamn stubborn,” she pointed out.

  But I wasn’t being stubborn.

  This wasn’t about Talon; not really.

  I’ve lost everything I’ve ever known, including what I thought my future was going to be like. I really didn’t have time for…Talon and all the ways he would change my life.

  I had to find a job, find a way to support myself once I graduated, and see what my parents were going to be able to figure out. I needed to know if anything was salvageable. I needed to plan for my future that was only months away. How could I juggle that, school, and the overwhelming relationship I knew Talon would be?

  The answer was that I couldn’t.

  Something had to give, and I had a bad feeling it wouldn’t be Talon Draven.



  I saw her the second my feet hit the mat.

  Kenzlee was here, and if I was frustrated and pissed off earlier, that was nothing compared to what I was feeling now.

  She didn’t belong here.

  Kenzlee was too good to be in a crowd of hustlers and the desperate trying to make some money. So, the sooner I knocked this motherfucker out, the sooner I could get her out of here.

  I wasn’t really surprised she had shown up, though. I mean, everyone who’s anyone shows up to these things. I think Edie was the only exception. I just didn’t like her…exposed.

  I looked over to where Lars and Hunter were and, jerking my head towards where Kenzlee and Alexandria were standing, I knew they’d get the message. I might be stuck up here until the fight ended, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t make sure Kenzlee and Alex were safe in the meantime.

  Turning my attention back to my opponent, a guy named Gary Simmons aka Night, because, supposedly, one punch makes his opponents go to sleep, I realized I was going to have to put him down faster than I had originally intended. Lars and Hunter had convinced me to extend the match a little, and really exorcise my frustrations, but seeing Kenzlee here changed all that.

  Gary-or Night, I suppose, wasn’t going to know what hit him.

  The problem with the guys who signed up to fight me is that they study the recordings of the fights. They study me and, sooner or later, convince themselves that they have my technique figured out and can win.

  The thing is, I don’t have a technique. I have gut instinct, and that’s how I win my fights. Sure, I had fighting skills that were sharp and lethal, but I won my fights mostly on perception. I had this weird ability where I could anticipate someone’s move before they made it. It was little movements; little ticks. It was almost like a professional poker player taking note of other players’ tells.

  Like, right now. Gary was bouncing back and forth on his feet, doing that whole pumping up thing, but I noticed how he put more weight on his right leg than his left. This meant he was lefthanded, and he was probably going to try to surprise me with that. It also told me that if I had to sweep his leg, go with this right since it was weaker.

  Of course, it wasn’t going to come to that.

  I was going to knock him out with one punch.

  The volunteer ring girl made her way around the outside base of the ring, and the second she stopped in front of the bettors’ table, the bell rang.

  We walked towards each other, and meeting up in the center of the ring, we hit fists as the ref told us not to kill one another. That’s all he was really here for, anyway. His sole purpose was to make sure no one was killed because there weren’t any real rules. We fought until someone conceded or was knocked out and couldn’t continue.

  We each took one step back, fists raised, and I waited. I waited patiently for him to make his move and I didn’t care how boring my fight was going to be. I didn’t care that there’d be no workup to some huge climax of blood and broken teeth. I was here to win for Edie and my Mom, and that was it.

  Everyone knew I was never the first one to swing, so Gary swung with his right, trying to distract me so he could come back with his left, but I was able to duck before my left hit the underside of his ribs and my right hit a direct shot to his chin. He didn’t fall though, and that had me infuriated. I didn’t have time for this shit. I needed to get to Kenzlee.

  Gary got one good shot into my ribs before my right hit his chin again, and my left followed up to the temple, and the motherfucker went down this time.

  The roar was deafening, but it always was. It didn’t matter who was fighting, this was a bloodthirsty crowd. A few people rushed the ring as the ref held my arm over my head and announced me as the official winner. I didn’t pay attention to anything else because, as soon as my name and win went into the books, I exited that ring and headed straight for Kenzlee, and it was a good thing I did. I was approaching just as some stuck-up looking rich kids walked up to her.

  I stepped next to Kenzlee and Alexandria as Lars and Hunter each gave me a congratulations pat on my back. Alex was standing next to Lars.

  The guy with the blue button-up and goddamn penny loafers had a surprised look on his face as he said, “Kenzlee, what are you doing here?”

  I watched Kenzlee scan his little entourage of another guy and two girls. “What…what are you guys doing here?” she countered. “Lakeside’s a long way from Madison Prep.”

  People were slapping my back and offering casual congratulations, but I was too busy eavesdropping on Kenzlee’s conversation. She was from fucking Madison Prep. That explained the fucking diamonds in her ears.

  “We…we heard about some fights, and Jimmy thought it’d be fun to check it out,” he answered. “You…uh, you look great.”

  And that was my cue. I stepped up until Kenzlee had to look at him on her tiptoes over my shoulder. “And who the fuck are you?”

  His eyes widened because, unless they just showed up, he already knew who the hell I was. “Uh, I’m…uh, Cameron,” he stuttered.

  “And how the hell do you know Kenzlee?” I figured they probably all went to Madison Prep together, but I wanted to make sure.

  “We…uh, she used to go to Madison Prep with us,” he answered. And then the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when he cast her a quick glance behind my shoulder and added, “And we used to date. We dated for a couple of years.”

  Lars and Hunter were standing in front of me, pushing their little group back before I had a chance to knock his head clean off his fucking neck. “Oh, hey,” Lars said chuckling. “If I were you guys, I’d probably take your party somewhere else.”

  “Yeah, Kenzlee isn’t your business anymore,” Hunter added.

  “Kenzlee, maybe we should leave,” I heard Alex say behind me, and I finally couldn’t stand it any longer.

  The adrenaline from the fight, the frustrations from this week, the uncertainty where Kenzlee was concerned, and now being faced with the type of dude she was used to dating…yeah, I was not in a good head space for this.

  I turned my back on Madison Prep, and grabbing Kenzlee by the hand, I drug her behind me through the crowd, but not before shouting to Lars and Hunter to take care of Alexandria. She didn’t know it yet, but by being Kenzlee’s cousin, she fell under the same type of protection Edie and Kenzlee did.

  Exiting the barn, I dragged Kenzlee behind me until we found ourselves in a cluster of trees on the opposite side of the clearing. We had enough privacy for me to make my point.

  Because I was tired of waiting for her.

  Chapter 12

  The instinct we feel to self-protect.


  I had Kenzlee press up against a huge oak with my arms on either side of her, caging her in. I loomed over her, pissed that she had given that tool two years of her life. “Is it true?”

  “Is what true?” she asked grinding her teeth.

  “Were you really dating that asshole?”

  “You don’t even know him,” she said, defending him. “How can you poss
ibly know if he’s an asshole or not?”

  “Because I know one when I see one,” I snapped.

  Her lip curled. “Takes one to know one, is that it?” she retorted.

  My hand grabbed hold of her chin, and I squeezed. “Don’t fuck with me, White,” I growled. “Did you date that fucking tool?”

  “What does it matter?” she spat. “My life before now is none of your business.”

  I didn’t comment on how she let it slip that her life before now was none of my business, but I couldn’t stop the pang in my chest from her words. “Everything about you is my business,” I argued. “Including if you were fucking that asshole or not.”

  Her face was beautiful, perfect outrage. “I was not fucking him!” she yelled. “He was my boyfriend for two years! We…we…”

  I could feel rage unlike anything I’ve ever experienced course through my body. I wasn’t pissed that she wasn’t a virgin, because I was not about to be a hypocrite. My rage was a direct result of not knowing what that jackass meant to her. “You guys, what? Made love? Was he your first and only?”

  Her light brown eyes narrowed furiously. “Yes! He was my first, and it was…it wasn’t sleazy!”

  He might have been her first, but I was going to be her last. “Do you still love him?”

  Kenzlee’s head reared back, and her disgusted expression was genuine, and that went a long way to calming me down. “Of course, not,” she frowned. “We broke up over a year ago.”

  And because I was done letting Kenzlee adjust, I said, “I don’t want to see you ever talking to him again.”

  She smirked and my hand on her chin tightened as she huffed, “So, as long as you’re not seeing it, then I can talk to him all I want?”

  That was it.




  My mouth slammed down on hers and it was everything I was certain would drive me out of my mind; or, more so, than I already was.

  Kenzlee’s hands latched onto the waistband of my shorts and I could feel her fingers curl and dig into the fabric. My hand slid from her chin across her jaw until I had it fisted in her hair. My left hand was digging into her hip much like her hands were digging into mine.

  I was already fucked, but the second she opened her mouth to let my tongue in, I knew I was never going to let this girl go.

  Not fucking ever.

  This was our first real kiss, and my body was on fire for it. That buzz I always felt when I touched her had exploded into a full-on electrical storm. The sensation was like catching lightening in a bottle and drinking from it. Kenzlee’s hot breath tasted sweet and addictive.

  I broke off the kiss long enough to tell her, “No one ever touches you again, White. You’re mine.”

  My knees almost gave out when she whispered, “Talon…”

  My lips took her again, but this time my hand left hand joined in on the action. I don’t know how horrible or how spectacular her sex life was with that asshole before me, but I was going to do everything I could to make her forget there was ever anyone but me. For a split second, I wished I had taken the time to un-tape my hands, but my fingers were bare and that would work.

  Pressing my body up against hers, I ran my left hand down the outside of her thigh until it met skin. Kenzlee let out a small moan, and that was all the encouragement I needed. I slid my hand inside and upward until it was finally nestled where my face dreamed to be. And, The Saints be praised, her panties were already soaking wet.

  “Fuck, baby,” I breathed against her lips. “You’re already so wet for me.”

  She groaned, and I wasn’t sure if it was from pleasure or mortification, but I didn’t care. As long as she wasn’t pushing me off her or telling me to stop, I didn’t care. “Oh, God…”

  I nestled my face in the crook of her neck and started marking the fuck out of her as my fingers slid past the fabric of her wet panties and were finally making contact with her slick, wet pussy lips.

  Kenzlee Mitchell was going to drive me out of my fucking mind.

  There wasn’t enough patience in the world for me to work this softly. The second the sounds of her wetness around my fingers hit my ears, I plunged two fingers into her tight, wet warmth. “Oh, God…Talon,” she moaned, and I knew our first time together was going to be quick and dirty up against this tree.

  I worked my fingers in and out of her tight cunt as I finished another marking on her neck. I leaned back so I could look at her, and it was like being fucking born again. Kenzlee’s head was thrown back with her eyes closed as she rode my hand.

  She looked fucking phenomenal.

  With each thrust, I curled my fingers inside her, and I knew I was hitting that sweet spot of hers. Her breathing was becoming erratic and the noises she was making were becoming desperate. “Cum all over my fingers, baby,” I panted against her lips. “Cum on my fingers so I can fuck your tight pussy.”

  Kenzlee’s hips started grinding against my hand so hard, I knew she was close. “Talon…more…” she begged, and that’s when I knew it.

  I’d won.

  I had her.

  With that newfound knowledge, I added a third finger and split her open as much as I could. Kenzlee’s pussy was tight as fuck, so that led credence to her statement earlier about breaking up with that fucker over a year ago. “Is that what you need?” I taunted. “Tell me how many fingers you need, baby? Or do you need my cock?” She whimpered, and it was like music to my ears. “Is that what you need? You need my cock?”


  The spasms and cream dripping down my hand was all the answer I needed.



  I’d dated and loved a boy for two years, giving him my virginity, and I never once felt with him what Talon’s made me feel every time he’s been near me.

  But now?

  Now, all I could see was my entire life going down in flames because I didn’t know how I was going to give this up. Suddenly, all those articles about powerful men risking everything they had for sex made sense. I never could comprehend what made a person lose all sense of their selves just for sex, but I understood it now. If they felt even a fraction of what Talon was making me feel, well…I get it, people.

  My body was trembling, and my blood was an uncontrollable wave of lust and need all throughout my body. I wanted Talon and, in this moment, I’d do anything to have him.

  Talon rested his forehead against mine and in a voice that should scare me into running away, he said, “Tell me now if you want me to stop, Kenzlee,” he ordered, his voice a deep desperate rumbled. “You need to stop me now, or else I won’t. I won’t stop until you’re cumming all over my cock.”


  That’s the first word that came to mind.

  I was weak.

  I was weak because, while that word was the first to pop into my mind, the word that came out of my mouth was, “Please…”

  “Motherfucker,” he hissed right before he ripped my panties right off my body, grabbed both my hips, and lifted me, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. And as soon as the tree was taking the brunt of my weight, Talon reached down, freed his dick, in one hard, miraculous, devastating thrust he was inside me and I was screaming for mercy.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” he chanted with every stab into my body. “Holy fuck, your pussy’s so tight it’s strangling my cock, baby.”

  I didn’t have a response to his words, and even if I did, I wasn’t sure I could voice them. Talon was tearing me apart with every thrust and the pain and pleasure were blinding me to everything around me, including his words.

  I felt him everywhere, and the sensations were mind-blowing. The pleasure was so unworldly, all I could do was beg him for more. “Please, Talon…”

  “Please, what?” he groaned, his hands digging into my hips and he slammed into me over, and over again.

  “More,” I whimpered shamelessly. “More…”

  He didn’t say anythi
ng more, but his thrusts became harder, faster and more painful. I truly never imagined we’d end up like this tonight. I didn’t think our first kiss would result in being unable to stop, but I’ll regret it in the morning. Right now, I just wanted Talon. I wanted what he was doing to me. And, if I’m being completely honest with myself, I wanted him to keep doing it.

  With thoughts of Talon taking me a million different ways, my body started responding to all my dirtiest fantasies, and the desire was crippling. “Talon, I’m…”

  “That’s it, baby,” he growled. “Cum for me again. Fuck, Kenzlee, don’t stop cumming for me.”

  “Make me cum,” I challenged.

  “My pleasure,” he chuckled, and all too soon, or not soon enough, my body was tightening around his and tremors began to wrack my body.

  “Oh, God…I’m cumming,” I moaned between screams.

  But I should have known it’d be too good to be true.

  I should have known.

  “I’ve never had pussy this good, baby,” he praised as I came all around him. “I never knew pussy could be this good.”

  “Talon…” I whimpered, my body still riding the wave of ecstasy.

  “But then, I’ve never fucked a girl without a condom before,” he panted. “I hope you’re on birth control, baby.”

  My eyes snapped open and Talon’s unrealistic blue gaze was latched onto my brown one as he came and emptied his body inside of mine. The pressure of his release had me closing my eyes and throwing my head back again.


  There was that word again.

  After a couple of life altering minutes, Talon’s dick started to soften, and he slid out of my body. I unwrapped my legs from around his waist and he held me firm as I found my footing and was finally steady on my feet.

  My head bent, I began smoothing my skirt down as Talon tucked his dick back into his shorts. It wasn’t until I looked up at him that I remembered where we were. I darted my head all around making sure no one was around Talon said, “Relax, Kenzlee. It’s just us here.”


  “So, are you?” he asked, interrupting me. “Are you on birth control?”


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