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Gods Save the Princess (Grace of Gods Book 2)

Page 9

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  I smiled, but blushed at the same time at the intimacy of it. They had made up, I’m glad. Though I was sure it wouldn’t be the last time they fought and broke up, they were Zeus and Hera after all.

  “I’m not… Interrupting am I?” I felt bad for doing so, but I wanted to make sure everyone was okay.

  “No, not at all. We were just celebrating our survival, Jailbait.” I rolled my eyes at the silly nickname as Aidan helped Savannah sit up.

  “I told you not to call me that.”

  “How’d you manage with the dog?” He asked as he slowly stood up, holding Savannah tightly to his side. My stomach knotted slightly, I hoped one day I would have someone who cared that much about me as he did her. I wondered what it felt like. I looked over my shoulder at the darkness, thinking about the dog roaming my apartment and then back at the couple.

  “Fine. He seemed to like me. Don’t know why, then again I have always had a thing for three headed dogs.” I smiled as I stepped closer to Savannah, “are you okay Savannah? When you didn’t come back and Charlotte made that awful scene in the throne room I knew something was wrong. I just didn’t know what to do. Thank goodness Aidan was looking for you too. I don't know if I could've made it here without him. I hope that’s okay.”

  She smiled, “of course it is. I think if it wasn’t for you a lot of things would have ended differently today.” I smiled, pleased that things had more or less worked out for the best. Even if I wasn’t entirely sure what had happened. I wanted to ask but then Savannah might not want to relive it just yet.

  “Good, I’m glad. Who was that?”

  “Lincoln, well, that wasn’t really Lincoln. I don’t think Lincoln has been around for a while… Sadly I think his God overpowered him. Cronos, however, is gone, for good. I hope.”

  “Oh…” His God overpowered him? Was that possible? Was that why my Goddess was trying to stay away? Was she trying to protect me? I wish I knew... What did Princess mean...

  “It doesn’t matter now. It’s over and that’s the important thing. We should just focus on getting out of here because it stinks and it’s cold.”

  I chuckled softly as I watched the couple hobble for the door, Aidan tossing over his shoulder, “c’mon Jailbait” with a smirk.

  I ignored his comment as I caught up to them, “Savannah, I hope you don’t mind me asking but what are you going to do about Charlotte? She’s made quite an… exile of you.”

  “That won’t be a problem.” Aidan said firmly, glancing over his shoulder at me as he paused to let me catch up. “I should have stood up against her the moment she did it. But if she hasn’t vacated your throne by the time we get back then I’ll remove her myself. With flourish.”

  “That’s good… But I mean the things she said about Savannah, the poison she’s spread with her lies.” Every story people had told me about the Charlotte and Savannah feud had included in some way or another some lie that Charlotte had told about Savannah and her mortal past, a past she had supposedly carried over to here.

  Savannah reached out and drew me into a one-armed hug; “don’t worry about what she said about me, none of it’s true so none of it matters. Thank you for coming to my rescue Valentina, it means a lot to me. I’m sure Aidan couldn’t do it without you.”

  “Yeah, thanks Jailbait for dog-sitting.”

  “Savannah’s my friend, I needed to help.”

  “Here.” Aidan said as he stopped short in front of the door I had used to get the dog back to my apartment. I went through first, thinking about the party assuming we’d head back there. I reentered the room and everything stopped to turn to me like I had some answer to a question no one had asked. Thankfully the door reopened behind me and in stepped Aidan and Savannah taking the heat off me. I wasn't equipped to deal with their questions or dole out reassurance about the situation. What did I know besides a newly discovered affinity for three-headed dogs?

  I stepped away from them, letting the rest of the room have them for questioning. I was no longer important, not that I minded all that much. I didn’t know exactly what had happened, whatever it had been it was bad enough to scare Aidan into confessing his love.

  My eyes met Griffin and he raised his eyebrows in a silent question, wondering if I was okay. I smiled slightly and nodded my head before looking away as Aidan spoke. Everyone in the room was riveted by the story, even me. Cronos had used his host to try and take the throne from Aidan? My eyes flicked to Charlotte, sounded like what she was doing to Savannah without the evil genius part.

  The whole story without embellishments was so dramatic and unbelievable. But that was what our lives had become now: soap operas. Knowing what Lincoln had been up to relieved me that everything worked out for the best. But I was still baffled about what he had said in the hallway to me.

  Torn from my thoughts by Charlotte's vile voice, I couldn’t stop myself as I turned to her sharply, “yes that was exactly what he was trying to do. He wanted to use Savannah as bait for Aidan. He tried to use his love for her against him by taking her and holding her captive in the caves." I didn't breathe as the words came flowing out, "he left a three-headed dog to watch over her in hopes that the dog would tear Aidan apart for him and save him the trouble of killing our King himself. But I was able to calm the dog down while Aidan fought Lincoln: killing him!”

  Everyone in the room stood in shocked silence for no more than a few seconds before the room erupted with questions and panic. I didn't like being in the spotlight, no less so the target of everyone's questioning assault. Backing away from them, I turned to Aidan desperate for him to take over. I hoped I hadn’t crossed a line with the dramatic flair.

  “Enough! Lincoln has been taken care of. As will anyone who threatens my position as King of the Heavens or has the nerve to threaten Savannah. Lincoln was corrupted with power, his body and mind seized by his God’s lust for control. Cronos was unforgiving when he took over his host as would any God be if we give them the power to do it. Let Lincoln’s death serve as an example to everyone. We’ve given our Gods a second chance but with an opportunity they’ve never possessed. Atlas chose us for the vessels of our respective Gods because of the influence our mortal lives give us. We cannot abuse this gift because if we forget where we come from, if we forget what it is to be mortal, than all of us will succumb to the fate of Lincoln. All of us will be consumed and lost forever.”

  I swallowed hard, suppressing my large grin as Aidan spoke. That was true love right there. My eyes flicked to Griffin again, he looked uncomfortable with the whole affair but when he looked up and saw me, he smiled slightly. I nodded my head back at him before turning as Aidan and Savannah made their way over to the thrones. Obediently I followed while keeping a respectful distance before waiting at the bottom of the steps.

  Once they had settled I did the first thing I could think of to show my loyalty to them: I bowed. It was awkward, especially in my dress, but I managed to do it carefully while maintaining my balance. After a moment or two, counting appropriately in my head, I rose again and readjusted my skirt. Savannah was smiling at me. I could see the gratitude in her eyes, she thought the people’s acceptance of her as the Queen was because of me. I thought it was because it was only right she be the Queen, it was her inheritance after all.

  Royce came up beside me and I shrunk back, giving them space as I turned and moved through the now excited crowd. Jed approached me quickly with a huge grin on his face.

  “Exciting night huh?” He raised his eyebrows, “and here I thought you were going to be one of those boring homebodies.” I laughed and shook my head.

  “Speaking of home, I’m exhausted... And I have a three headed dog I have to go and check on now.” He raised his eyebrow at me like he was waiting for me to say something. “What?”

  He smirked knowingly and shook his head, “nothing. I’m sure it’ll come to you soon.” I frowned, unsure what his vague statement meant as I looked around the room.

  “I think I’m go
ing to go now and call it a night, adventure takes a lot out of you.”

  “You’ll want to get used to it, Princess.” I frowned more; did he know who I was?

  “Jed-“ He was already gone, arm wrapping around Posie from behind and I shook my head. Did everyone know but me? What tome could I have possibly missed?

  I made my way to the door slowly when I felt someone new slip up beside me, “can I walk you back?” I turned quickly, surprised to find Griffin standing there. He ran his hand over the back of his neck and offered me a sheepish smile.

  I wondered what it was about me that made him so nervous. I had done everything I could think of to show him I wanted to be friends, hoping he would eventually get the message. But he was still so dodgy around me, hot and cold, unable to pick which way he wanted to go with this friendship.

  “Sure.” I finally said, pressing a smile to my face as I turned back to the door and started out of the throne room.

  We were silent for a while as we both walked; I sensed Griffin was trying to work up the courage to say something.

  I turned to glance at him again, “thanks fo-“

  “Listen, I’m so-“

  “You go.”

  “No you,” he nodded at me, almost seeming grateful that I’d cut him off.

  “I was just going to thank you for standing up for Savannah. I was starting to feel uncomfortable with all the attention.” He shrugged, tucking both of his hands in his jean pockets to stop himself from using them nervously. “Did you enjoy the party?”

  “Not really, but I wasn’t surprised by that. No one around here seems to really like me.”

  I glanced at him again, this time surprised by the admission. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see the sadness pulling on his lips. His eyes were enclosed by the deep, dark circles of someone whose sleep was haunted by something far darker than simple nightmares. The sad boy I had once identified with was now transfigured into something far darker than even I knew.

  “Because of Hades?” I asked softly, frowning just a touch.

  “Yes, and what he does.” There was no use hiding my confusion on my face, which only served to confuse Griffin as well. “Did Savannah not tell you then? I assumed she would’ve... You girls looked friendly.”

  I shrugged, encouraging him to go on at this point out of curiosity but also because his vagueness left me no idea what he might mean.

  “A few days ago there was a party at the club, Hades... he sort of... took over. He attacked Savannah, he tried to-“ His voice got tense and I stopped walking, turning to look at him. Griffin couldn’t even look at me, staring instead at the pale tiles beneath our feet like they were the cause of existence.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I finally asked, the question making him look me in the eye. The world paused for a moment as I read his eyes, seeing the pain and fear sitting there. Thanks to tonight’s events, with Lincoln and Cronos, he was worried Hades was going to do the same. He needed someone to help him, like I’d helped before.

  Taking a deep breath I held it in my lungs as I stepped forward and tentatively hugged him. Griffin stood there; arms limp at his sides, as I held him tightly between my own. Ever so slowly he began to relax, his posture changing as he moved his hands just enough to set them in the curve between my hips and ribs.

  I finally stepped back and smiled slightly at him, hoping the gesture was one of comfort.

  “I don’t know what it’s like to battle for control with your God, so I can’t give you advice about that... But Griffin, you and Hades dwell in the same body for a reason. You wouldn’t have been picked if in some way you weren’t the right human for Hades. I’m not saying deep down inside you’re a rapist, I’m saying deep down inside of Hades there is a part of him that is struggling with those feelings you’re feeling right now. If you’re capable of feeling that remorse then so is he. He just needs you to be strong and fight for that person before both of you lose yourself. If anything of what I’ve read about him is true then he was just as misunderstood as maybe Hera was, or Hephaestus or any of the other Gods who have less than likeable histories. You’re not a bad person for losing control to him; even someone like Aidan or Savannah has lost control to his or her God one time or another. It will probably happen again, as it will to everyone here. None of us know what to expect or what to do so you can’t grieve over something you had no control over. It wasn’t your fault, what you are at fault for is not trying to make things better now that you have a grip of your faculties. Find Savannah and apologise, or if you can’t do that then find a way to show her you’re sorry. Do something for her and Aidan to make up for it... Don’t succumb to more self-hatred, that’s only fuelling Hades’ fire.”

  I took a deep breath as I finished, dragging my teeth over my lip before trying to smile again. Griffin, however, said nothing as he stared at me unflinching.

  In fact, nothing happened for quite some time. We simply both stood there, almost in a stalemate as – I hoped – Griffin mulled over my words.

  Then finally, when I thought that he wasn’t going to say anything else, he spoke, “you’re right Val, I do hate myself. I have hated myself long before I even knew Hades was inside of me. Then coming here, meeting these people who were so much better off than me, people who everyone loved instantly and who were so fast to cast me aside because I’m not perky or popular like them... It didn’t make it better. It made it worse. It festered and grew, following me like a shadow while I just tried to get on with this, ignoring everyone and him. But that didn’t work; he sensed my hatred and fed on it. He used those thoughts against me, he agrees with them. It’s one thing to have that voice in your head that spews negativity at you but it’s entirely another for there to be a second voice that agrees with the first. Maybe they’re right; maybe they’re both right. I’m worthless, I’m a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to live...”

  “Griffin,” my voice was higher pitched, startled by the sudden turn of conversation.

  “No, it’s true. It’s all true. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you couldn’t fix me, that you can’t fix me. I’m sorry I’m not something you can just stitch up and leave to heal... I’m sorry that I pushed you away when what I really needed was your friendship. It wasn’t fair to you, making you think it was something you did. It’s all me, it’s always been me. You want me to try and make it better, but I don’t think I can.”

  “You can Griffin!” I cut him off suddenly, so desperate to make him see my point, “you can. I’ll help you, please let me help you.” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly, pulling him back to me before he let himself drown entirely in his wallowing self-pity.

  He blinked and stared at me for a long time before he nodded, “I knew, I knew about Lincoln. He asked me about Savannah, fishing for details. I think it was from me that he got the idea to use Savannah against Aidan. I didn’t mean to, it sounds lame, but I thought he was trying to be my friend.”

  “I get it.” I squeezed his hand again and nodded, “it’s not your fault.”

  “When I saw that he was gone, that she was gone and then you left with Aidan, I knew... I was worried he might do something to you too.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “I know, but if he had...” He stared at me, one hand half lifted upwards like he was intended to stretch it out to my face before thinking better of it. He stepped back, pulling both hands away from me, letting them flop back to his side. “I’m sorry. Can I make it up to you?”

  I felt uneasy with the sudden change but smiled nonetheless and nodded, “of course. I’d like that.” Griffin nodded, mostly to himself, and seemed lost for a moment in his own thoughts.

  “Okay... okay.” He repeated wistfully, not even looking at me anymore. “I’ll find you then, later, and make it up to you. To everyone.”

  I nodded my head and smiled, “sounds wonderful.” I tried to keep my tone upbeat while I worried about him. There was something awfully strange about that sad and curious boy. I
wanted to help him, but how much of that baggage could I really help carry before it burdened me too?

  “Later then.” He said absently, turning in thought and walking away.

  My eyebrows lifted into my hairline for a moment before I nodded vaguely, “later then...” I mumbled only to myself before turning and wandering back to my apartment in confusion.

  Chapter Ten

  Sleep came easily to me that night, with my new dog curled up on the bottom of my bed. I still had to come up with a name for him, or several names perhaps, but before I could do that, the next morning, someone knocked on my door. Not bothering to abandon my toothbrush mid-wash I walked to the door, pulling it open and blinked in surprise to find Griffin standing there expectantly.

  “Morning.” I tried to say, but mostly it just sounded like gibberish making Griffin grin as he entered the apartment.

  “I figured out what we could do together.” Oh right, “making it up to me” for whatever he felt he needed to repent for.

  “Shoot.” Again, it was nothing but gibberish. I held up one finger asking for a moment before hurrying back to my bathroom and spitting out the toothpaste. In the time that it took me to go back and clear my mouth out, the three-headed dog had ventured out of the bedroom and wandered into the main room to see who was there. From experience I knew he wasn’t good with other people but I was surprised to find Griffin standing there petting – or trying to – his heads.

  “Cute... dog?” He said, looking up at me with a grin as I came up beside both of them.

  “Fruits of my labor yesterday, I couldn’t stomach the idea of someone else using him as a monster when he is pretty much just a gentle giant. Right buddy?” The dog woofed in response, nudging his head against my leg happily and I ran my fingers into his scruff gently before nodding to the bedroom. Obediently he left us and I turned back to Griffin. “I definitely had you pinned as a sleep until four in the afternoon kind of guy.”


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